From KK4QBN@VERT/KK4QBN to All on Sun Jan 7 10:00:00 2018
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    NorthWest GA, USA . kk4qbn.com . 24/7/365

    SysOp: KK4QBN

    -----------------------[ Connect VIA Internet ]-----------------------------

    Visit the KK4QBN BBS Amateur Radio Resources Page:



    WEB (using the newsest ECWEB v4): http://www.kk4qbn.com 80
    Telnet: kk4qbn.com 23
    SSH: kk4qbn.com 22
    FTP: kk4qbn.com 21
    All other Services: kk4qbn.com

    kk4qbn.synchro.net can be used as a backup

    Our main focus at KK4QBN is Amateur Radio (HAM),
    We have TONS of ham related utilities, softwares,textfiles,
    testing materials, message areas, and more added daily.

    We also love Radio Control (RC) ANYTHING!
    I'm talking fixed wing, multirotors, fpv, planes, trains,
    automobiles,robotics, flight controllers, arduino, multiwii,
    naze (not nazi), GPS, ANYTHING, that has ANYTHING to do with RC..

    And since I'm getting older, and it just goes with all these hobbies,
    I love talking about weather, and so does the BBS..


    FILES!!!!! I have a crap load of them,

    Have a whole CD full of Amateur Radio utilites (lots of it with source code)

    *****(SOME CDs are presently OFFLINE, WOrking on getting them back up)*****

    NightOwl 9
    NightOwl 10
    NightOwl 11
    NIghtOwl 12
    NightOwl 13
    NightOwl 20
    NightOwl, The Best Of
    MegaRom 1
    MegaRom 2
    Shareware Overload
    Sharware Studio
    Shareware Tiger
    So Much Shareware 1
    PDI 14
    PowerDOS 1995

    These are just the Shareware CDS I have online right not, Not to mention files for "VERIFIED USERS" ROMS, etc.

    [Others] --> Mainboard Files:

    MISC, ANSI, BBS, BBS Crack, TEOS and LORD IGMS, BBSDoors, BBS Doorkits, COMMS, EMU/SNES, EMU/NES, EMU/N64, EKU/Genesis, SBBS, TEXT/SHTF, TEXT/SCI-FI, Qbasic League10 Games.

    29 File areas Devoted to Amateur radio ONLY. A veritible Knowledge BASE

    Message Areas:



    MusicalNet.Radio/Weather Network


    In External Menus, Keep updated on LOCAL and National weather, Play your favorite DOOR Games, Study for the amateur radio test. Keep updated on
    the IMPORTANT Ham bulletins.

    Local - SRE, BRE, Planets, The Clans all registered Plus many many more.

    League 10 Games - BRE, and the Clans, with more to come!

    BBSLink Games - LORD, Planets, Operation Overkill, MZKLord, Freshwater Fishing, Bordello
    ..Arcadian Legend, Falcons Eye, Falcons Honor, Assassins, Lemonade Stand, ..LORD II, Megaslots, Netrunner, Usurper. and More!

    I have much more to advertise, Not enough room. REMEMBER!:

    http://www.kk4qbn.com or telnet to kk4qbn.com .. ENJOY!


    ---Finally, Its Over... ---

    * Synchronet * KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.com - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth GA USA
  • From weezy@VERT/KK4QBN to All on Wed Jan 10 10:18:14 2018
    Re: KK4QBN BBS
    By: KK4QBN to All on Fri Sep 15 2017 08:30:01

    ......................................................................... . ... ...... ... ........... ...... .. .... .................... .
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    . ...... ...... ............. ... .. ......... ... ..... .. .... .
    . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .... . . . . . . . ......................................................................... NorthWest GA, USA . kk4qbn.synchro.net . (706)-422-9538 . 24/7/365

    SysOp: KK4QBN CoSysOp: DEAVMI

    -----------------------[ Connect VIA Internet ]-----------------------------

    Don't call me Biased, Bit I Highly Recommend this BBS.. !

    * Synchronet * KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.com - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth GA USA
  • From KK4QBN@VERT/KK4QBN to weezy on Wed Jan 10 16:10:41 2018
    Re: KK4QBN BBS
    By: weezy to All on Wed Jan 10 2018 10:18:14

    Don't call me Biased, Bit I Highly Recommend this BBS.. !

    Weezy.. please dont stir up past issues.. this is OVER WITH, and bbslink is great.


    Tim Smith (KK4QBN)

    * Synchronet * KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.com - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth GA USA
  • From Vk3jed@VERT/FREEWAY to KK4QBN on Fri Jan 12 21:30:00 2018
    KK4QBN wrote to weezy <=-

    bbslink is great.

    I must get my system back on bbslink, now that it's back up and running.

    ... Does killing time harm eternity?
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.49
    � Synchronet � Freeway BBS, Bendigo Australia. freeway.apana.org.au
  • From KK4QBN@VERT/KK4QBN to Vk3jed on Tue Jan 16 13:13:18 2018
    Re: Re: KK4QBN BBS
    By: Vk3jed to KK4QBN on Fri Jan 12 2018 21:30:00

    bbslink is great.

    I must get my system back on bbslink, now that it's back up and running.

    When was bbslink ever down?

    now the QWK network I had running for a while to transport scores IS down and will be forever, (even though I still get about 10 sysops polling for mail daily) and that is the main reason the QWK network is down now.. lack of sysop participation.. I would put out a poll, etc asling about features, give a deadline for the answers for that poll to come in (I'm talking like a month here) and then 3 months later would get some pissed off sysop asking why they werent given enough time to voice their opinion..

    BBSLink and the QWK network have always been two seperate entities, I'm a big fan of BBSLink and ran a service kinda like it a long time ago for sysops who ran Linux (that was back before DosEMU was so easy to intergrate into the sbbs build) and the way Mark is running it with all the extra authentication is excellent, so, please don't tell me you left BBSLink because the BBSLink QWK network was shut down.. there were like thousands of reminders both on the network and in the setup packet that they are TWO SEPERATE ENTITIES.

    Mark gave me his belissing to create the QWK network because it seemed like a great idea (1) to pass score files to all the bbs systems and (2) since all the message areas were private as well as public, players could disuss strategy.

    but it was hard enough to get sysop participation much less users.. the only participation I was getting from sysops were a couple who were giving me a hard time because I would'nt go as far as to login to their system to get Echickens BullShit (TM) bulletins menu to work with the score files, even though I had it setup in the packet to automatically poll the score files and do it.. all they had to do was follow about 3 steps to actually set the Bullshit program up.. and that is one of the easiest to setup, that why I use it today, and chose to include it with the network setup..

    either way.. there are much easier ways to grab the score files, as Mark showed me they can be downloaded on the fly using JS on demand.. I know my system kinda overcomlicated things.. but it worked.. if one took the time to read instructions.

    (and YES, most instructuctions were/are included in the actual JS files, as they should be.)

    either way.. PLEASE get back into BBSLink.. your missing out on some excellent gaming..


    Tim Smith (KK4QBN)

    * Synchronet * KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.com - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth GA USA
  • From Vk3jed@VERT/FREEWAY to KK4QBN on Wed Jan 17 07:38:00 2018
    KK4QBN wrote to Vk3jed <=-

    Re: Re: KK4QBN BBS
    By: Vk3jed to KK4QBN on Fri Jan 12 2018 21:30:00

    bbslink is great.

    I must get my system back on bbslink, now that it's back up and running.

    When was bbslink ever down?

    Not that I'm aware of, but my board was! That was the "it" I was referring to. :)

    either way.. PLEASE get back into BBSLink.. your missing out on some excellent gaming..

    It's more for any users, I'm not a gamer. :( I just have to find my login details and re-download the JS script. :)

    ... None of you exist; my Sysop types all this in!
    --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.49
    � Synchronet � Freeway BBS, Bendigo Australia. freeway.apana.org.au