• NewtonCity BBS - New Newton Files

    From NewtonCity Admin@VERT/NEWTONCT to ALL on Tue Oct 30 02:17:28 2018
    /$$ /$$ /$$
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    | $$$$| $$ /$$$$$$ /$$ /$$ /$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$
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    | $$$$$$/| $$ | $$$$/| $$$$$$$ | $$$$$$$/| $$$$$$$/| $$$$$$/
    \______/ |__/ \___/ \____ $$ |_______/ |_______/ \______/
    /$$ | $$
    | $$$$$$/

    ========================================================================== Host: BBS.NewtonCity.xyz Port: 23 Website: https://BBS.NewtonaCity.xyz ==========================================================================

    unna.7z.torrent.zip - Arc|unna.001.zip | in "TORRENTS" (23 KB)
    hive of the UNNA Newton w|
    ebsite tree |
    mirrors.7z.torrent.zip - |mirro001.zip | in "TORRENTS" (26 KB)
    Archive of the Newton mir|
    rors | ==========================================================================
    * We also support https://SynchronetBBS.org !
    * Join our Slack team at: http://newtoncity.org:3000/
    * https://BBSList.SynchronetBBS.org - Live BBS list for all BBS types
    � Synchronet � Sent from the Newton BBS
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to NewtonCity Admin on Mon Oct 29 22:23:55 2018
    Re: NewtonCity BBS - New Newton Files
    By: NewtonCity Admin to ALL on Tue Oct 30 2018 02:17 am

    Host: BBS.NewtonCity.xyz Port: 23 Website: https://BBS.NewtonaCity.xyz
    both down

    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Marisag@VERT/NEWTONCT to MRO on Tue Oct 30 05:50:52 2018
    Re: NewtonCity BBS - New Newton Files
    By: MRO to NewtonCity Admin on Mon Oct 29 2018 10:23 pm

    Just saw that 10 minutes ago LOL. Was only binding to localhost for some reason. The actual IP was not connected. All done now :)


    � Synchronet � Sent from the Newton BBS
  • From NewtonCity Admin@VERT/NEWTONCT to ALL on Wed Oct 31 22:52:13 2018
    /$$ /$$ /$$
    | $$$ | $$ | $$
    | $$$$| $$ /$$$$$$ /$$ /$$ /$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$
    | $$ $$ $$ /$$__ $$| $$ | $$ | $$|_ $$_/ /$$__ $$| $$__ $$
    | $$ $$$$| $$$$$$$$| $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ \ $$| $$ \ $$
    | $$\ $$$| $$_____/| $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ /$$| $$ | $$| $$ | $$
    | $$ \ $$| $$$$$$$| $$$$$/$$$$/ | $$$$/| $$$$$$/| $$ | $$
    |__/ \__/ \_______/ \_____/\___/ \___/ \______/ |__/ |__/

    /$$$$$$ /$$ /$$ /$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$
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    | $$ | $$|_ $$_/ | $$ | $$ | $$$$$$$ | $$$$$$$ | $$$$$$
    | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$__ $$| $$__ $$ \____ $$
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    | $$$$$$/| $$ | $$$$/| $$$$$$$ | $$$$$$$/| $$$$$$$/| $$$$$$/
    \______/ |__/ \___/ \____ $$ |_______/ |_______/ \______/
    /$$ | $$
    | $$$$$$/

    ========================================================================== Host: BBS.NewtonCity.xyz Port: 23 Website: https://BBS.NewtonaCity.xyz ==========================================================================

    einstein.zip - Einstein N|einstein.zip | in "EINSTEIN" (2063 KB)
    ewton emulator built for |
    Linux (tested on Ubuntu 1|
    6.04) | ==========================================================================
    * We also support https://SynchronetBBS.org !
    * Join our Slack team at: http://newtoncity.org:3000/
    * https://BBSList.SynchronetBBS.org - Live BBS list for all BBS types

    � Synchronet � Sent from the Newton BBS