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C O N S T R U C T I V E C H A O S � b b s ;�ް����۰������۰���������
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ڳ� `����������������������¿
�� Ŀ �� ���
�� loRD � � 1:226/18@fidonet ��
�� usurper �� local doors � 21:4/141@fsxNet ��
�� tradewars � � 1337:3/150@tqwNet ��
�� yankee trader � � 25:25/21@metronet ��
�� operation overkill � message nets Ĵ 46:10/192@agoranet ��
�� plus 250+ more � � 618:200/50@micronet ��
�� �� �� ��
�� Ŀ �� ��
�� MRC � � shareware, gifs, ��
�� IRC �� inter-bbs chat & doors � let's be honest; ��
�� BBSlink � � the same old crap ��
�� DoorParty � files / cdroms Ĵ everyone else has ��
�� �� �� ��
�� ��
�� ��
https://conchaos.synchro.net ���
telnet://conchaos.synchro.net �� ��
�� ��
��� �{ ConstructiveChaos BBS � All Things Retro � Northeast Ohio USA }� ڳ�
� Synchronet � -=[ conchaos.synchro.net | ConstructiveChaos BBS ]=-