• Furmen Services expands

    From Lupine Furmen@VERT/FURFOL to All on Sat Feb 29 20:32:20 2020
    I have brought back Furmen Manor MUSH.
    The MUSH is a living environment that is always growing, changing, and evolving.
    There is currently an enter section that is one big puzzle game, as well as being able to get some friends together and play either "Cards Against Humanity" or "Apples to Apples" in the main manor's "Game Room".
    I recommend the use of a program called SimpleMU unless you have one that you personally like better. The big thing is that you need a telnet client that will do a "local echo" since the MUSH server does not echo back what you type.

    Below is the complete list of all the services we are offering here at Clan Furmen.

    Furmen Family Internet Services.

    Furmen's Folly (FIDO 1:123/257) - telnet: furmenservices.net:23
    SSH: furmenservices.net:23222 Before the Web - telnet: furmenservices.net:23232 Legends of Yesteryear (FIDO 1:123/256) - telnet: furmenservices.net:23322
    Sound Source ]|[ - telnet: furmenservices.net:2323

    Other Services:
    IRC: furmenservices.net:6667
    Furmen MUSH: furmenservices.net:5555
    Furmen Family Services WWW: furmenservices.net

    Lupine Furmen
    -Dallas Vinson
    Furmens Folly (FIDO 1:123/257) - telnet: furmenservices.net:23
    SSH: furmenservices.net:23222
    Before the Web - telnet: furmenservices.net:23232
    Legends of Yesteryear (FIDO 1:123/256) - telnet: furmenservices.net:23322
    Sound Source ]|[ - telnet: furmenservices.net:2323


    ... When GOD made women, he was only testing.

    � Synchronet � Furmen's Folly - furmenservices.net:23