• Win a Free BBS T-Shirt - Play Our Game of the Month

    From Operations@VERT/SECTONE to All on Tue May 1 12:04:24 2018
    Congratulations to Robot Jockey for winning Section One BBS's Game of the Month, "Future Runner." We didn't technically have anyone wo completed the game, but he managed to get the furthest in the game. His prize of a free Section One BBS T-Shirt is being sent out today.

    You could be our next winner. Our game of the Month for May 2018 is Civil War.
    Is it possible that you could make a difference in the outcome? Could you cause the South to win or might other battles end up differently? You won't know until you try. You can see the free T-Shirt at www.section1bbs.com and also log in to the BBS from there. Or you can Telnet into sectiononebbs.com.

    But you can't win, if you don't play.

    Good Luck Everyone!

    � Synchronet � Section One BBS - www.section1bbs.com