• Guitar Center

    From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Sun Nov 22 16:23:10 2020
    WOW! This blew my mind when I read it.

    Guitar Center is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the latest company to go bankrupt during the pandemic that has decimated America's retail sector.


    � Synchronet � Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to HusTler on Sun Nov 22 20:44:45 2020
    Re: Guitar Center
    By: HusTler to All on Sun Nov 22 2020 04:23 pm

    WOW! This blew my mind when I read it.

    Guitar Center is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the latest company to go bankrupt during the pandemic that has decimated America's retail sector.


    lots of places are going out of business. i lost several well established suppliers at my job.

    i dont think people realize that everything is relative and it's not just about restaurants losing their waitresses

    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Hatton@VERT/THRCORN to HusTler on Mon Nov 23 17:51:22 2020
    Re: Guitar Center
    By: HusTler to All on Sun Nov 22 2020 04:23 pm

    Guitar Center is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the latest company to go bankrupt during the pandemic that has decimated America's retail sector.

    I'm of two minds on this one - since one of my friends has his own guitar shop and that's where my son takes lessons it means he might be able to sell more product. On the other hand GC has a wide selection at a relatively decent price.

    Chapter 11 means they are going to try to come back which is good but they may end up screwing over employees and vendors in the process.

    It'll be interesting to see how they come out of it.


    ... Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.

    � Synchronet � Three Corners and Beyond! http://3corners.us
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to MRO on Tue Nov 24 12:07:04 2020
    Re: Guitar Center
    By: MRO to HusTler on Sun Nov 22 2020 08:44 pm

    Guitar Center is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the latest company to go bankrupt during the pandemic that has decimated America's retail sector.


    lots of places are going out of business. i lost several well established suppliers at my job.

    Sorry to hear that MRO. It must be stressful.

    i dont think people realize that everything is relative and it's not just ab restaurants losing their waitresses

    Yea what's up with that? Why is the media so hung up on the resaurants? I guess people with money don't know how to cook for themselves. I can't afford to eat out so I could care less what restaraunt is going under. I want to know how Welding shops and machine shops are doing. Why don't they report that?

    � Synchronet � Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to HusTler on Tue Nov 24 20:50:41 2020
    Re: Guitar Center
    By: HusTler to MRO on Tue Nov 24 2020 12:07 pm

    lots of places are going out of business. i lost several well
    established suppliers at my job.

    Sorry to hear that MRO. It must be stressful.

    i dont think people realize that everything is relative and it's not
    just ab restaurants losing their waitresses

    Yea what's up with that? Why is the media so hung up on the resaurants? I guess people with money don't know how to cook for themselves. I can't afford to eat out so I could care less what restaraunt is going under. I want to know how Welding shops and machine shops are doing. Why don't they report that?

    the restaurant and bar shit is good scare tactics. it makes everyone think 'whoa , this affects me' because they eat out once in a while.

    manufacturing is doing horrible. the only businesses which are taking off are food manufacturers. i'm trying to work at one now. they made twice the amount of money at covid.

    one of those suppliers i talked about was around since the 1940s. they had plenty of customers. they didnt have a damn one since april. we were their last customer before closing the doors. they were a metal plating and polishing company.

    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From BlaZ@VERT/PNLTYBOX to HusTler on Wed Nov 25 01:17:28 2020
    Re: Guitar Center
    By: HusTler to All on Sun Nov 22 2020 04:23 pm

    WOW! This blew my mind when I read it.

    Guitar Center is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the latest company to go bankrupt during the pandemic that has decimated America's retail sector.


    Good old CNN. I didn't know that COVID could infect a retail sector. Maybe it's the lockdowns!


    � Synchronet � The Penalty Box | Peoria, IL | pbox.no-ip.org
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to HusTler on Wed Nov 25 10:27:00 2020
    Re: Guitar Center
    By: HusTler to MRO on Tue Nov 24 2020 12:07 pm

    Yea what's up with that? Why is the media so hung up on the resaurants? I guess people with money don't know how to cook for themselves. I can't afford to eat out so I could care less what restaraunt is going under. I want to know how Welding shops and machine shops are doing. Why don't they report that?

    It's because the elites are much less involved in manufacturing or the supply-chain. They tend to work in the service sector: media, finance, law, medicine, consulting, etc... they're only visibly seeing their favourite resturants close down and aren't aware that it's a much wider problem.

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to HusTler on Wed Nov 25 09:41:27 2020
    Re: Guitar Center
    By: HusTler to MRO on Tue Nov 24 2020 12:07 pm

    Re: Guitar Center
    By: MRO to HusTler on Sun Nov 22 2020 08:44 pm

    Guitar Center is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the latest company to go
    bankrupt during the pandemic that has decimated America's retail sector.


    lots of places are going out of business. i lost several well established suppli
    at my job.

    Sorry to hear that MRO. It must be stressful.

    i dont think people realize that everything is relative and it's not just ab
    restaurants losing their waitresses

    Yea what's up with that? Why is the media so hung up on the resaurants? I guess
    people with money don't know how to cook for themselves. I can't afford to eat out
    I could care less what restaraunt is going under. I want to know how Welding shops
    machine shops are doing. Why don't they report that?

    I don't know how it works out of here, but in Spain, restaurants and bars are one of
    the biggest sectors of our economy.

    We have built our country around tourism and so a lot of what our economic engine has
    developed around is sucking drunk englishmen out of their money.

    We have some other industries but, for the most part, they pale in comparison when it
    comes to size. I think only the car exports play in the same league.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From The Lizard Master@VERT/NITEEYES to Arelor on Wed Nov 25 15:23:02 2020
    Re: Guitar Center
    By: Arelor to HusTler on Wed Nov 25 2020 09:41 am

    I don't know how it works out of here, but in Spain, restaurants and bars are one of the biggest sectors of our economy.

    We have built our country around tourism and so a lot of what our economic engine has developed around is sucking drunk englishmen out of their money.

    We have some other industries but, for the most part, they pale in comparison when it comes to size. I think only the car exports play in the same league.

    I live in a tourist area myself. We definitely feel it first with this stuff. That's why you don't load up on coastal regions in BRE when the trouble eventually comes.


    � Synchronet � Nite Eyes BBS - To make people happy about my tagline everywhere...
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to The Lizard Master on Thu Nov 26 05:32:29 2020
    Re: Guitar Center
    By: The Lizard Master to Arelor on Wed Nov 25 2020 03:23 pm

    I live in a tourist area myself. We definitely feel it first with this stuf That's why you don't load up on coastal regions in BRE when the trouble eventually comes.

    What does BRE mean? Basic Regular Expression?

    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to MRO on Thu Nov 26 08:09:42 2020
    Re: Guitar Center
    By: MRO to HusTler on Tue Nov 24 2020 08:50 pm

    Yea what's up with that? Why is the media so hung up on the resaurants?

    the restaurant and bar shit is good scare tactics. it makes everyone think 'whoa , this affects me' because they eat out once in a while.

    one of those suppliers i talked about was around since the 1940s. they had plenty of customers. they didnt have a damn one since april. we were their last customer before closing the doors. they were a metal plating and polishing company.

    I dunno. I think I'd rather die from Covid then die from starvation.

    � Synchronet � Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From The Lizard Master@VERT/NITEEYES to Arelor on Thu Nov 26 10:19:54 2020
    Re: Guitar Center
    By: Arelor to The Lizard Master on Thu Nov 26 2020 05:32 am

    I live in a tourist area myself. We definitely feel it first with this stuf That's why you don't load up on coastal regions in BRE when the trouble eventually comes.

    What does BRE mean? Basic Regular Expression?

    The door game Barren Realms Elite.


    � Synchronet � Nite Eyes BBS - To make people happy about my tagline everywhere...
  • From Bob Roberts@VERT/HOVAL to Arelor on Thu Nov 26 23:23:11 2020
    Re: Guitar Center
    By: Arelor to The Lizard Master on Thu Nov 26 2020 05:32 am

    What does BRE mean? Basic Regular Expression?

    Baron Realms Elite.

    |01bobbobbobbob|09bob|03bob|11bob|03bob|09bob|01bobbobbob |01robrobrobrob|09rob|03rob|11rob|03rob|09rob|01robrobrob

    � Synchronet � Halls of Valhalla =San=Francisco= Happy Thanksgiving
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to Arelor on Sat Nov 28 08:17:22 2020
    Re: Guitar Center
    By: Arelor to The Lizard Master on Thu Nov 26 2020 05:32 am

    I live in a tourist area myself. We definitely feel it first with this stuf That's why you don't load up on coastal regions in BRE when the trouble eventually comes.

    What does BRE mean? Basic Regular Expression?

    BRE stands for the BBS game Barron Realms Elite. ;-)

    � Synchronet � Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From Moondog@VERT/CAVEBBS to HusTler on Sat Nov 28 12:01:00 2020
    Re: Guitar Center
    By: HusTler to MRO on Tue Nov 24 2020 12:07 pm

    Re: Guitar Center
    By: MRO to HusTler on Sun Nov 22 2020 08:44 pm

    Guitar Center is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the latest company t go bankrupt during the pandemic that has decimated America's retail sector.


    lots of places are going out of business. i lost several well established suppliers at my job.

    Sorry to hear that MRO. It must be stressful.

    i dont think people realize that everything is relative and it's not just restaurants losing their waitresses

    Yea what's up with that? Why is the media so hung up on the resaurants? I
    machine shops are doing. Why don't they report that?

    A large percentage of people in my area are in the service industry, or have family in restaurant and hospitality jobs. As good office and manufacturing jobs leave, more and more tourism and hospitality centered businesses are appearing. When these families feel the hurt from lack of funds, it affects the entire community. Many service jobs positions are the gatewway to the working world for younger people.

    � Synchronet � The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - cavebbs.homeip.net
  • From Vlk-451@VERT/INREALM to HusTler on Sun Nov 29 01:27:26 2020
    Re: Guitar Center
    By: HusTler to All on Sun Nov 22 2020 04:23 pm

    Guitar Center is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the latest company to go bankrupt during the pandemic that has decimated America's retail sector.

    I think I got some audio equipment there recently. A Presonus Audio Box thing and a used microphone.
    � Crystal Palace, Orbitsville � ------------------------------------------------
    � Posted via InnerRealmBBS � innerrealmbbs.us

    � Synchronet � Inner Realm BBS - Charlotte, NC - innerrealmbbs.us
  • From Vlk-451@VERT/INREALM to BlaZ on Sun Nov 29 01:32:38 2020
    Re: Guitar Center
    By: BlaZ to HusTler on Wed Nov 25 2020 01:17 am

    Good old CNN. I didn't know that COVID could infect a retail sector. Maybe it's the lockdowns!

    You haven't seen the way it infects people's brains? Of course it can infect an entire financial sector. Abstract concepts are people with rights too.
    � Crystal Palace, Orbitsville � ------------------------------------------------
    � Posted via InnerRealmBBS � innerrealmbbs.us

    � Synchronet � Inner Realm BBS - Charlotte, NC - innerrealmbbs.us
  • From Vlk-451@VERT/INREALM to The Lizard Master on Sun Nov 29 01:34:55 2020
    Re: Guitar Center
    By: The Lizard Master to Arelor on Wed Nov 25 2020 03:23 pm

    That's why you don't load up on coastal regions in BRE when the
    trouble eventually comes.

    � Crystal Palace, Orbitsville � ------------------------------------------------
    � Posted via InnerRealmBBS � innerrealmbbs.us

    � Synchronet � Inner Realm BBS - Charlotte, NC - innerrealmbbs.us
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to Moondog on Sun Nov 29 07:28:18 2020
    Re: Guitar Center
    By: Moondog to HusTler on Sat Nov 28 2020 12:01 pm

    lots of places are going out of business. i lost several well established suppliers at my job.

    i dont think people realize that everything is relative and it's not

    just restaurants losing their waitresses
    Yea what's up with that? Why is the media so hung up on the resaurants?

    A large percentage of people in my area are in the service industry, or have family in restaurant and hospitality jobs. As good office and manufacturing jobs leave, more and more tourism and hospitality centered businesses are appearing. When these families feel the hurt from lack of funds, it affects

    Yea but they are not the only business that are suffering.

    � Synchronet � Havens BBS havens.synchro.net