• Soldier (1998)

    From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to All on Sun Mar 14 13:19:46 2021

    Today I wanted to tell you about a movie titled Soldier, starring Kurt Rusell.

    What can I say about this movie?

    First of all, it has a total B-movie vibe, both in the photography, production values, and plot
    consistency. The action is "ok" more than "good", which does not help. Still, I think this movie is
    worth watching, despite the drawbacks.

    The movie is set in the future, in which battles are fought by soldiers who are breed specifically
    for fighting battles. Kids go into brainwashing and training mills and they either emerge as
    inhuman killing machines, or die in training. In this movie, Kurt plays as Sgt. Todd, one of these
    inhuman soldiers, who is replaced by a batch of Next Generation Supersoldiers.

    What makes the movie worth watching is Kurt. He takes more than 3/4 of the screen time but barely
    says a word in the whole movie. He plays as a "thing", not a "human", who knows no emotions and
    knows no life other than following orders... and we see what sort of broken being he turns into
    once kicked out of the army. The few moments in which we can suspect there is a human somewhere
    down there are extremely powerful percisely bwcause you can tell Sgt. Todd is not used to such

    But make no mistake, this film is a B-movie at heart and you may expect lots of senseless action
    and killing, because in the end of the day that is what fans are in for.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to Arelor on Mon Mar 15 10:50:29 2021
    Re: Soldier (1998)
    By: Arelor to All on Sun Mar 14 2021 01:19 pm

    Today I wanted to tell you about a movie titled Soldier, starring Kurt Rusell.

    But make no mistake, this film is a B-movie at heart and you may expect lots of senseless action and killing, because in the end of the day that is what fans are in for.

    So you're saying Kurt Russell is a "B - Movie" actor?

    � Synchronet � Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to Arelor on Mon Mar 15 07:35:00 2021
    Arelor wrote to All <=-

    Today I wanted to tell you about a movie titled Soldier, starring Kurt Rusell.

    What can I say about this movie?

    <poindexter grabs his popcorn and queues up Soldier>
    I Love that movie, for some odd-ball reason. Maybe it's the fact that we
    threw away an AIRCRAFT CARRIER. Maybe it's Connie Nielsen inventing a boho space pioneer vibe?

    First of all, it has a total B-movie vibe, both in the photography, production values, and plot consistency. The action is "ok" more than "good", which does not help. Still, I think this movie is worth
    watching, despite the drawbacks.

    What makes the movie worth watching is Kurt. He takes more than 3/4 of
    the screen time but barely says a word in the whole movie. He plays as
    a "thing", not a "human", who knows no emotions and knows no life other than following orders... and we see what sort of broken being he turns into once kicked out of the army. The few moments in which we can
    suspect there is a human somewhere down there are extremely powerful percisely bwcause you can tell Sgt. Todd is not used to such things.

    Kurt Russell did a good job of emoting with his eyes, you could see scenes where he played Todd's troubled mind well, just with his eyes. Ditto for his squadmates.

    But make no mistake, this film is a B-movie at heart and you may expect lots of senseless action and killing, because in the end of the day
    that is what fans are in for.

    Different genre, same vibe in a lot of ways - Nemesis, starring Olivier Gruner. He plays a cop in 21st century Los Angeles who becomes more
    cybernetic as time went by. Directed by Albert Pyun, full of 90s cyberpunk cliches and exploding everything. But entertaining, nonetheless.

    Olivier Gruner was another one of those martial artists that they tried to position as the Next Action Star. He did some low-budget work, but never really made it big.

    ... Change ambiguities to specifics
    --- MultiMail/DOS v0.52
    � Synchronet � realitycheckBBS -- http://realitycheckBBS.org
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to HusTler on Mon Mar 15 20:46:33 2021
    Re: Soldier (1998)
    By: HusTler to Arelor on Mon Mar 15 2021 10:50 am

    Re: Soldier (1998)
    By: Arelor to All on Sun Mar 14 2021 01:19 pm

    Today I wanted to tell you about a movie titled Soldier, starring Kurt Rusell.

    But make no mistake, this film is a B-movie at heart and you may expect lots of senseless action and killing, because in the end of the day that is what fans are in for.

    So you're saying Kurt Russell is a "B - Movie" actor?

    he has been

    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to HusTler on Tue Mar 16 04:18:23 2021
    Re: Soldier (1998)
    By: HusTler to Arelor on Mon Mar 15 2021 10:50 am

    Re: Soldier (1998)
    By: Arelor to All on Sun Mar 14 2021 01:19 pm

    Today I wanted to tell you about a movie titled Soldier, starring Kurt Rusell.

    But make no mistake, this film is a B-movie at heart and you may expect lots of senseless action and killing, because i
    the end of the day that is what fans are in for.

    So you're saying Kurt Russell is a "B - Movie" actor?

    What I am saying is this movie has B - Movie production values, nothing more, nothing less.

    Kurt is the best thing in the whole film. Some of the secondaries are actually quite good too.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to poindexter FORTRAN on Tue Mar 16 04:21:29 2021
    Re: Re: Soldier (1998)
    By: poindexter FORTRAN to Arelor on Mon Mar 15 2021 07:35 am

    Different genre, same vibe in a lot of ways - Nemesis, starring Olivier Gruner. He plays a cop in 21st century Los Angeles
    becomes more
    cybernetic as time went by. Directed by Albert Pyun, full of 90s cyberpunk cliches and exploding everything. But entertaini

    I am not a big fan of cyberpunk, but sometimes the genre creates something worthwhile, so I will note that film down and try to
    find it.

    I think the only cyberpunk film I have really liked is the first Robocop film.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Arelor on Tue Mar 16 08:21:40 2021
    Re: Soldier (1998)
    By: Arelor to All on Sun Mar 14 2021 01:19 pm

    Today I wanted to tell you about a movie titled Soldier, starring Kurt Rusell.

    I saw that movie in the theater when it came out. I liked it overall. I don't think I've seen it since then (has it really been 23 years since it came out??). Maybe I should watch it again.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Arelor on Tue Mar 16 08:22:53 2021
    Re: Re: Soldier (1998)
    By: Arelor to poindexter FORTRAN on Tue Mar 16 2021 04:21 am

    I think the only cyberpunk film I have really liked is the first Robocop film.

    I never really thought of Robocop as cyberpunk. I thought cyberpunk movies had more of a dark/noire look (along the lines of Blade Runner, The Matrix, etc.).


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Nightfox on Tue Mar 16 12:20:23 2021
    Re: Re: Soldier (1998)
    By: Nightfox to Arelor on Tue Mar 16 2021 08:22 am

    Re: Re: Soldier (1998)
    By: Arelor to poindexter FORTRAN on Tue Mar 16 2021 04:21 am

    I think the only cyberpunk film I have really liked is the first Robocop film.

    I never really thought of Robocop as cyberpunk. I thought cyberpunk movies had more of a
    dark/noire look (along the lines of Blade Runner, The Matrix, etc.).


    Everytime the conversation is brought up here, Robocop is considered cyberpunk. Light cyberunk
    but cyberpunk.

    It has all the core points:

    * Corrupt corporations
    * Technological advances taking humanity from people
    * Cities taken over by gangs and shady entities

    Robocop is extra dark. It is darker than the heart of a tax collector. Just because it does not
    have a purple filter does not mean it isn't dark :-) Heck they take a guy and put computer tech
    in him in order to turn him into a killing machine for some corporation, if that is not bleak
    then I dunno what is.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Arelor on Tue Mar 16 13:04:06 2021
    Re: Re: Soldier (1998)
    By: Arelor to Nightfox on Tue Mar 16 2021 12:20 pm

    Robocop is extra dark. It is darker than the heart of a tax collector. Just because it does not have a purple filter does not mean it isn't dark :-) Heck they take a guy and put computer tech in him in order to turn him into a killing machine for some corporation, if that is not bleak then I dunno what is.

    That's true. :)


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Lupine Furmen@VERT/FURFOL to Arelor on Tue Mar 16 14:45:23 2021
    Re: Soldier (1998)
    By: Arelor to All on Sun Mar 14 2021 13:19:46

    I Actually enjoyed it. But then I've always been big on low budget and 'B' movies.

    One that I've been trying to find (have a button that I got at a SF Convention years ago) and that is "Brats of the lost Nebula".

    Lupine Furmen
    -Dallas Vinson
    Furmens Folly (FIDO 1:123/257) - telnet: furmenservices.net:23
    SSH: furmenservices.net:23222
    Before the Web - telnet: furmenservices.net:23232
    Legends of Yesteryear (FIDO 1:123/256) - telnet: furmenservices.net:23322
    Sound Source ]|[ - telnet: furmenservices.net:2323


    ... For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism.

    � Synchronet � Furmen's Folly - furmenservices.net:23
  • From Lupine Furmen@VERT/FURFOL to Arelor on Tue Mar 16 14:51:47 2021
    Re: Re: Soldier (1998)
    By: Arelor to poindexter FORTRAN on Tue Mar 16 2021 04:21:29

    I think the only cyberpunk film I have really liked is the first Robocop

    Robocop is NOT "Cyberpunk"!

    Lupine Furmen
    -Dallas Vinson
    Furmens Folly (FIDO 1:123/257) - telnet: furmenservices.net:23
    SSH: furmenservices.net:23222
    Before the Web - telnet: furmenservices.net:23232
    Legends of Yesteryear (FIDO 1:123/256) - telnet: furmenservices.net:23322
    Sound Source ]|[ - telnet: furmenservices.net:2323


    ... Why is it a penny for your thoughts, but you have to put your two cents in? Someone is making a penny.

    � Synchronet � Furmen's Folly - furmenservices.net:23
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Arelor on Tue Mar 16 23:44:00 2021
    Hello Arelor!

    ** On Tuesday 16.03.21 - 04:18, Arelor wrote to HusTler:

    But make no mistake, this film is a B-movie at heart and
    you may expect lots of senseless action and killing,
    because i the end of the day that is what fans are in


    What I am saying is this movie has B - Movie production
    values, nothing more, nothing less.

    Kurt is the best thing in the whole film. Some of the
    secondaries are actually quite good too.

    I just finished watching it. I don't think it fit a typical "B
    movie" classification at all.

    It was not unlike many other revenge films like Die Hard, or
    Terminator. Both of those had injections of humour and over-
    acting that seemed to take the edge off some intensity.

    I thought Soldier had excellent production values! The stage
    design had good details. The main character, Todd, was raised
    like a machine, and Russell depicted that rather convincingly.
    The scene where he's outcast, alone and gets emotional was
    overdone - but the fault goes to the editors, because they show
    Todd welling up to cry and then there is the trace of tears. But
    then they cut to another sequence of the same thing in slow
    motion - I thought that was overdone, unnecessary and sappy.

    There was some rather fine casting. You don't put Gary Busey
    and Michael Chiklis in a movie and consider it a "B". Busey was
    cast as a tough but cheeky leader. Chiklis characer was
    basically a clown.

    I think that a B movie is a film that is intended to be serious,
    but fails in many ways - especially in the quality of the
    acting. Soldier was a something else. The beginning of the
    film covers the first 38 years of Todd's life rather well in
    just the first 15 minutes or so. What is going in Todd's head
    when he has to deal with the noises of the party was well
    represented with the flashbacks. I'm glad that they give the
    character too many lines to try and explain things like that -
    the visuals were quite enough and effective.

    Another thing.. you don't put in a song by Loreena McKennit in
    part of the soundtrack and consider it a B movie! I knew the
    voice sounded very familiar when they played the song "Night
    Ride Across The Caucasus". McKennit basically established her
    own company for her own music and owned it all the way. She's
    Canadian, btw.

    You mentioned "lots of senseless killing".. I disagree. The
    killings depicted in the film seemed quite suitable for the
    story line. The story was about how Tod outsmarts the younger
    recruits of his ilk. He had to eliminate them all.

    I enjoyed the film. I remained gripped to the story to see how
    it played out.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.49
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to poindexter FORTRAN on Thu Mar 18 20:32:00 2021
    Hello poindexter!

    ** On Monday 15.03.21 - 07:35, poindexter wrote to Arelor:

    Different genre, same vibe in a lot of ways - Nemesis,
    starring Olivier Gruner. He plays a cop in 21st century Los
    Angeles who becomes more cybernetic as time went by.
    Directed by Albert Pyun, full of 90s cyberpunk cliches and
    exploding everything. But entertaining, nonetheless.

    I queued this one up. There is a LOT, and I mean a LOT, of
    shooting going on. And definitely not for the kiddies due to the
    bare asses and some titties galore. I guess the market was for
    by then more mature Terminator fans? The dudes with the slick
    hair and constantly dark glasses gave it a Matrix appearance -
    but then I guess all bad dudes have to where dark glasses.

    The storyline is intended to be dark and savage, but then there
    is this little 1 minute scene that stood out as a bit of fun.


    Olivier Gruner was another one of those martial artists
    that they tried to position as the Next Action Star. He did
    some low-budget work, but never really made it big.

    Gruner's delivery reminded me of the Kung Fury's lead actor
    spoofing such a character emoting a calm, soft-spoken,

    The film dates the story to take place in 2027.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.49
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From The Millionaire@VERT to Arelor on Thu Mar 18 20:51:35 2021

    Today I wanted to tell you about a movie titled Soldier, starring Kurt Rusell.

    What can I say about this movie?

    First of all, it has a total B-movie vibe, both in the photography, production values, and plot
    consistency. The action is "ok" more than "good", which does not help. Still, I think this movie is
    worth watching, despite the drawbacks.

    The movie is set in the future, in which battles are fought by soldiers who are breed specifically
    for fighting battles. Kids go into brainwashing and training mills and they either emerge as
    inhuman killing machines, or die in training. In this movie, Kurt plays as Sgt. Todd, one of these
    inhuman soldiers, who is replaced by a batch of Next Generation Supersoldiers.

    What makes the movie worth watching is Kurt. He takes more than 3/4 of the screen time but barely
    says a word in the whole movie. He plays as a "thing", not a "human", who knows no emotions and
    knows no life other than following orders... and we see what sort of broken being he turns into
    once kicked out of the army. The few moments in which we can suspect there is a human somewhere
    down there are extremely powerful percisely bwcause you can tell Sgt. Todd is not used to such

    But make no mistake, this film is a B-movie at heart and you may expect lots of senseless action
    and killing, because in the end of the day that is what fans are in for.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL

    I thought Kurt Russell was fantastic in this movie.

    $ The Millionaire $
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Arelor on Thu Mar 18 21:59:00 2021
    Hello Arelor!

    Different genre, same vibe in a lot of ways - Nemesis,
    starring Olivier Gruner. He plays a cop in 21st century Los
    Angeles becomes more cybernetic as time went by. Directed by
    Albert Pyun, full of 90s cyberpunk cliches and exploding
    everything. But entertaini nonetheless.

    I am not a big fan of cyberpunk, but sometimes the genre
    creates something worthwhile, so I will note that film down
    and try to find it.

    I am enjoying Nemesis. I have about 30 more minutes to go.

    It has far more shootouts than Soldier. The scene where they use
    their high-powered guns to "cut" through walls and floors is
    pretty insane and intense. I'd say that the bullet-output
    exceeds Soldier by 10,000%, easy.

    I think the only cyberpunk film I have really liked is the
    first Robocop film.

    I saw that one in the theatre when it came out. It was well
    imagined. I read and hear that the sequels were not so great.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.49
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Ogg on Fri Mar 19 06:45:40 2021
    Re: Nemesis (1992)
    By: Ogg to Arelor on Thu Mar 18 2021 09:59 pm

    I think the only cyberpunk film I have really liked is the
    first Robocop film.

    I saw that one in the theatre when it came out. It was well
    imagined. I read and hear that the sequels were not so great.

    Robocop 2 was just "gangs, drugs and corporations." It was very generic and unmemorable. It lacked all the Machinnery vs
    Humanity theme that the first film had, which probably was for the better: once you have used a concept you cannto reuse it in
    the next movie without looking cheap. This is why making sequels is so hard to pull off.

    Robocop 3 tried to touch the idea once again. "You are a machine, nothing else." They try to make Robocop more politically
    correct by reprogramming it, turning our favorite cyborg into a lousy cop. At least they tried to do somethign with the movie
    even if it wasn't that great of a result.

    The reboot, I could not care less for. I have heard they ditched the idea that Robocop is the first of its kind and had it
    created in a time where the streets were full of mechanoid policecops. I think this alone withdraws a lot of what made the
    first film unique - they were experimenting with new technology, and as such, it escaped their control and decided to be


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From The Millionaire@VERT to Arelor on Sat Jul 17 05:19:50 2021
    Soldier was a great movie. Kurt Russell was fantastic in this movie.

    $ The Millionaire $
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net