• newest guns and projects

    From JIMMY ANDERSON@VERT/OTHETA to ALL on Sat May 30 04:02:00 2020


    If anyone is interested in talking guns :-)

    Recently I bought a Ruger Wrangler. While I was at the store,
    my wife saw a Ruger AR-556 pistol that she liked. That was a
    Saturday. After we got home she kept talking about it.

    Sunday, she still talked about it, but we had church and then
    Monday we had some stuff to do, so Tuesday we made the drive
    back to the store and brought it home. :-)

    About a month goes by and our youngest son brought his new
    gun out to shoot - a Keltec Sub 2000 9mm Glock version. She
    shot it and looked at me and smiled, so guess what was the
    next thing I started hunting down. LOL

    So we started calling around and hunting one down - hard
    to find! Called a store in Dickson last Saturday and they
    had one, but it was almost closing time and it was black -
    she thought she wanted a Bronze one, but then as the weekend
    went on she decided she'd rather have a black one than have
    to wait - LOL - she's not very patient. :-) Plus she looked
    online at the black versus the bronze and other colors and
    decided she liked the look of the black one anyway, so...

    They were closed Monday for Memorial Day, so Tuesday FIRST
    THING I called and the owner answered. "No, no SUB 2000
    right now - haven't had on in a while" so he took my
    number. Five minutes later he called back. Turns out they
    DID have one in the system - that's what the guy was going
    by Saturday - but it wasn't on the shelf. They found it in
    the back, still in the box. Been there since March and they
    agreed to hold it for us.

    Wife took her mom to the doctor, then we made the two hour
    ONE WAY drive to get it. :-) Next day, she shot it and
    likes it, but the charging handle is WAY heavy and hard for
    her to pull! I started doing some looking around online and
    found that MCARBO makes a TWO FINGER one, as well as a trigger
    kit and other things. I ordred the two finger charging pull
    for her and did some other looking around on their site...

    We both have S&W M&P Shield .40's for our carry guns. MCARBO
    makes a 'trigger kit' for the SUB 2000, but it's over $100.
    I'm sure it's worth it, but my wife is not concerned about
    the trigger pull on the rifle, and that's a lot to spend on
    a brand new gun that's not even broken in <g> but the
    trigger kit for the Shield is only $20!

    They have a polishing kit for less than $15 that has three
    Dremel polishing bits, their 'compound,' a pair of gloves
    and a microfiber cloth. I need to finish polishing my
    Browning Belgium SA-22's feed ramp, but I'll get into
    that below...

    Anyway, the trigger kit for the Shield comes with a little
    silicon carbide sandpaper to help clean stuff, and I bought
    a 10 pack of those for .99. When it's all said and done I
    will have new springs for the trigger and the material and
    such to polish all the internal parts! The places where the
    springs touch and the trigger transfer bar, the sear, etc.
    Supposedly polishing it all will help get and leftover
    burrs, etc. from the machining process and help things move

    There are a few reasons I decided to do this... First, it
    can't hurt. :-) I feel like it's similar to blueprinting
    an engine. That is, taking it apart and making sure everything
    is clean and goes back together with the correct torque and
    tolarences, etc. I think when I do this and put it back together
    that it will everything in its place and make sure all is well!

    The third reason? Cause I like to learn how things work so
    tearing it down all the way will give me a chance to see how
    it all goes together and how it works. :-) And I'll not only
    POLISH but I'll also get it all cleaned better than it has
    been so far. :-)

    I have been working on my Browning rifle, and I think having
    the compound, the silicon carbide paper and the polishing
    bits will help me with that too...

    I have had it since I was seven years old - a gift from
    my dad. It was stolen and recovered and the barrel was
    pitted and it was in not so good shape when I got it back.
    Made me sick to look at it and I had planned to re-blue
    it at some point - even bought a bluing kit from Wal-Mart,
    but again it made me sick to look at it so I just never
    got around to messing with it.

    For Christmas, my wonderful wife had it cerakoted! WOW! Not
    only is there no more pitting, but now I don't have to worry
    about it either! Great finish - very smooth - very clean
    looking! I LOVE IT!

    With all the shooting we've done recently, I've really been
    enjoying it! But now it's having trouble feeding. I took it
    apart and talked to my son that had his 1911 cerakoted and
    he said he had the same issue. There's always some over spray,
    and once that starts to 'wear' and 'burn off' it can groove,
    which makes it not feed smooth. He said he had to use some
    VERY fine steel wool on it and work with it and it was better,
    so I started doing that on my rifle.

    Made a HUGE difference, but still not 'fixed.' Of course it's
    a slow go, cause I don't want to take off any material, but
    once I saw that polishing kit and watched the video on it...
    Well... Let's just say I put the rifle up until all that stuff
    comes in. Not only will I be doing some 'work' on the feed ramp,
    but I'll also polish the chamber block and such. Hopefully that
    will make it all better. :-)

    Well, that's it! I started to break this up into multiple posts
    so if there's some part you want to reply to, feel free to break
    out just that of course. :-)

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