Just found out that Mike (Spitfire BBS) has passed.
https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/west-des-moines-ia/michael-woltz- 110 72625
Thanks Mike for the amazing times in the early 90s on my 14" VGA and even in 2021 when you fixed some bulletin bugs and sent me updated spitfire.exe and spitfire.ovr files.
It was an exciting day when this showed up: http://x-bit.org/info/sf_woltz.jpg
Blessings to the Woltz family.
Just found out that Mike (Spitfire BBS) has passed.
https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/west-des-moines-ia/michael-woltz- 110 72625
Thanks Mike for the amazing times in the early 90s on my 14" VGA and even in 2021 when you fixed some bulletin bugs and sent me updated spitfire.exe and
Just found out that Mike (Spitfire BBS) has passed.
https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/west-des-moines-ia/michael-wolt z-110 72625
Just found out that Mike (Spitfire BBS) has passed.
There are not a lot of 70 year olds monking with anything IT based. :(
There are not a lot of 70 year olds monking with anything IT based. :(
There are where I work. Maybe not quite 70, but they are getting close if they are not already.
I do not plan to be one of them, mind you. :)
MRO wrote to Dumas Walker <=-
you must be the only guy working with old guys in IT.
i never heard of such a thing.
MRO wrote to Dumas Walker <=-
you must be the only guy working with old guys in IT.
i never heard of such a thing.
You must not work in a shop that still uses COBOL and/or a mainframe. ;)
Re: Re: Sad news: Mike Woltz
By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Sat Apr 15 2023 05:46 pm
MRO wrote to Dumas Walker <=-
you must be the only guy working with old guys in IT.
i never heard of such a thing.
You must not work in a shop that still uses COBOL and/or a mainframe. ;)
govt and banks and other industries still use cobol.
internet says it's still a high demand. i dont think it's just fossils that know cobol now.
if people want a job working with cobol they have to learn it.
� Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
I remember a recent Linux Magazine column in which they mentioned some big techcompany had just spent a lot of megabucks creating a new COBOL compiler. A friend of mine who works at an HP division told me once some of their customersare very big on COBOL. It might not be popular, but if corps are creating
compilers for it from scratch and investing tonnes of money in it it must be because other corps are willing to buy it.
There are not a lot of 70 year olds monking with anything IT based. :(
There are where I work. Maybe not quite 70, but they are getting close if they are not already.
I do not plan to be one of them, mind you. :)
I do not plan to be one of them, mind you. :)
govt and banks and other industries still use cobol.
internet says it's still a high demand. i dont think it's just fossils that know cobol now.
if people want a job working with cobol they have to learn it.
that know cobol now.
if people want a job working with cobol they have to learn it.
Unless they have started doing it again recently, most schools no longer teach it. When I was in college (1988-93), they only were teaching COBOL to engineering students. Those of us in the "not engineering" IT program
could not take it.
Dumas Walker wrote to MRO <=-
Unless they have started doing it again recently, most schools no
longer teach it. When I was in college (1988-93), they only were
teaching COBOL to engineering students. Those of us in the "not engineering" IT program could not take it.
When I started where I work now, in 1997, they would train candidates,
and that is where I learned it. They stopped doing that around 2003
when it was decided that COBOL, and the mainframe, were "going away."
They started hiring JAVA and M$-based developers.
20 years later, all those decision makers are long gone, but we still
have a mainframe, and it still runs mostly COBOL code and handles the
bulk of our processing. Most of those JAVA/etc. developers are also
long gone.
Dumas Walker wrote to MRO <=-
Unless they have started doing it again recently, most schools no longer teach it. When I was in college (1988-93), they only were teaching COBOL to engineering students. Those of us in the "not engineering" IT program could not take it.
I went to school in the mid-80s, and the "hard" CS curriculum didn't include COBOL. The BICS (Business Information Computer Sciences) program included things like PC databases, office apps and programming in COBOL.
i'm pretty sure my state's unemployment system was written in cobol and ituc
ng crashed when covid came around because so many people were out of work.
anyways, i think what happened is they Blamed cobol when it was really people opping the ball
I do not plan to be one of them, mind you. :)
Are you going to toss all your computers at 70? :)
Pretty sure I will still want to be messing around with them at that age.
Unless they have started doing it again recently, most schools no longer teach it. When I was in college (1988-93), they only were teaching COBOL
engineering students. Those of us in the "not engineering" IT program could not take it.
i looked it up online and looks like there's courses you can take.
could not take it.
i looked it up online and looks like there's courses you can take.
That does not surprise me that you can do so now, but how many younger people are doing it, and how many have the experience of a veteran developer?
John Guillory wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
RPG on the AS/400, COBOL
on the VAX/VMS, and BASIC on the PC's.
Unless they have started doing it again recently, most schools no
longer teach it. When I was in college (1988-93), they only were teaching COBOL to engineering students. Those of us in the "not engineering" IT program could not take it.
I went to school in the mid-80s, and the "hard" CS curriculum didn't
include COBOL. The BICS (Business Information Computer Sciences) program included things like PC databases, office apps and programming in COBOL.
I'd venture to guess it wouldn't take long to become proficient enough
in COBOL to tweak existing code; it was meant to be human readable, and people have access to COBOL compilers now on PCs.
i have no idea how many younger people are doing it. if there's money to be
e i imagine they would gravitate to it. we all work for money, right?
I was reading an article just today that implies that younger people are not as likely to be working, or looking for work, at all, so there is that.
i have no idea how many younger people are doing it. if there's money to be
e i imagine they would gravitate to it. we all work for money, right?
I was reading an article just today that implies that younger people are
not as likely to be working, or looking for work, at all, so there is that.
By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Wed Apr 19 2023 03:12 pm
I was reading an article just today that implies that younger people are not as likely to be working, or looking for work, at all, so there is that.
How do they expect to pay their bills & things without an income?
Nightfox wrote to Dumas Walker <=-
I was reading an article just today that implies that younger people are not as likely to be working, or looking for work, at all, so there is that.
How do they expect to pay their bills & things without an income?
By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Wed Apr 19 2023 03:12 pm
I was reading an article just today that implies that younger people ar > DW> not as likely to be working, or looking for work, at all, so there is
How do they expect to pay their bills & things without an income?
� Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
How do they expect to pay their bills & things without an income?
exactly. it's nice to have money. it's very NOT nice to be broke.
How do they expect to pay their bills & things without an income?
Many rely on Mommy and Daddy. Or the gub'mint.
Dumas Walker wrote to POINDEXTER FORTRAN <=-
I'd venture to guess it wouldn't take long to become proficient enough
in COBOL to tweak existing code; it was meant to be human readable, and people have access to COBOL compilers now on PCs.
We have tried that some. I am not sure why people don't seem to want
to learn it (other than, let's face it, we don't pay enough).
Dumas Walker wrote to MRO <=-
I was reading an article just today that implies that younger people
are not as likely to be working, or looking for work, at all, so there
is that.
Nightfox wrote to Dumas Walker <=-
How do they expect to pay their bills & things without an income?
There is a guy who helps me load and unload some truckloads of hay every year. He does not have a stable job, or a job at all. His plan is to produce lots of children in order to get government handouts. He also filled for disability. Hetold me while loding 4 tonnes worth of hay.
By: MRO to Nightfox on Wed Apr 19 2023 10:49 pm
How do they expect to pay their bills & things without an income?
exactly. it's nice to have money. it's very NOT nice to be broke.
It's not just "nice" to have money. You *need* money to pay bills & other expenses.
By: Gamgee to Nightfox on Thu Apr 20 2023 08:17 am
How do they expect to pay their bills & things without an income?
Many rely on Mommy and Daddy. Or the gub'mint.
Neither of those things last forever though..
� Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
By: Arelor to Nightfox on Thu Apr 20 2023 09:37 am
There is a guy who helps me load and unload some truckloads of hay every year. He does not have a stable job, or a job at all. His plan is to prod > > lots of children in order to get government handouts. He also filled for
disability. Hetold me while loding 4 tonnes worth of hay.
was he bailing the hay out? i know there's not much tougher work than that. i don't think all those kids would be worth it.
i told my friend to just use one of those pretty asian girl filters and then > ---
� Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
Nightfox wrote to Gamgee <=-
How do they expect to pay their bills & things without an income?
Many rely on Mommy and Daddy. Or the gub'mint.
Neither of those things last forever though..
I was reading an article just today that implies that younger people are not as likely to be working, or looking for work, at all, so there is that.
How do they expect to pay their bills & things without an income?
hat.I was reading an article just today that implies that younger people are not as likely to be working, or looking for work, at all, so there is
everyone's gotta work.
There was a Big Nerd component to COBOL and RPG programming. I remember working in a department full of older guys (back then, probably 35-40 to
a younger me!) wearing cheap slacks, short sleeve dress shirts, ties
with tie pins, and often times sneakers - one guy could complain about
how far his desk was from the line printer.
How do they expect to pay their bills & things without an income?
Parents basement. Minimum wage job. Quite handy, I suppose, as long as
you don't want a relationship, kids or medical issues requiring
No, but I also hope to be in a situation where they are a hobby and IT is not my job long before then.
everyone's gotta work.
I think that and you think that, but apparently younger people don't necessarily.
Dumas Walker wrote to POINDEXTER FORTRAN <=-
LOL, I never remember anyone complaining about the distance to the printer... well, except one guy who was morbidly obese and I suspect
had COPD... but I do remember some people bringing in their own
printers so they could print stuff in their cubes.
Dumas Walker wrote to POINDEXTER FORTRAN <=-
That was something else that was mentioned... a lot of them (the guys anyway) claim not to be having sex and believing that online porn is an acceptable substitute. So no relationships or kids.
Dumas Walker wrote to NIGHTFOX <=-
It also talked about how a lower percentage of young people know how to drive.
My son and his friends were driven everywhere and didn't have any inclination to learn how to drive themselves. When I was growing up, it was by foot, bike or bus that I got around, and I got my license the day
I turned 16.
He graduated high school and was accepted to a school 45 minutes away by car. It took lots of goading to get him out and practicing to drive, and us reminding him that it was a 3 1/2 hour round trip by bus that cost
more than gas would.
When I was a kid, rock star was the profession of choice to shoot for. Actor or film/tv star was obviously more out of reach... but you could definitely see yourself not having to work and doing the music thing.
I've known some people these days who aren't interested in driving. I always imagined I'd need to learn to drive, though I didn't get my driver's license until I was almost 22 (and in college at the time). I was lucky that my college at the time was about a 45-minute bus ride away, our house was along one of the streets where that bus went, and it was just one bus from our house to my college and back. I got my driver's license and a car when I was attending that college, so I started driving to college instead of taking the bus. Then I realized that the first week or 2 of a new semester, parking was a bit of a hassle at college, and I missed being able to just get off the bus and not have to spend time finding a parking space..
poindexter FORTRAN wrote to Dumas Walker <=-
It also talked about how a lower percentage of young people know how to drive.
My son and his friends were driven everywhere and didn't have any inclination to learn how to drive themselves. When I was growing
up, it was by foot, bike or bus that I got around, and I got my
license the day I turned 16.
I know of other people who've graduated *college* and still don't
drive, and another who's unwilling to drive but licensed.
To teenaged me, a car was a haven. I could go where I wanted to
go, listen to music (I had that huge box of cassettes in my car)
and not get rained on in the winter time. To this day, I still
love driving in the rain for that very reason - I'm dry...
Nightfox wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
My son and his friends were driven everywhere and didn't have any inclination to learn how to drive themselves. When I was growing up, it was by foot, bike or bus that I got around, and I got my license the day
I turned 16.
I've known some people these days who aren't interested in
driving. I always imagined I'd need to learn to drive, though I
didn't get my driver's license until I was almost 22 (and in
college at the time). I was lucky that my college at the time
was about a 45-minute bus ride away, our house was along one of
the streets where that bus went, and it was just one bus from our
house to my college and back. I got my driver's license and a
car when I was attending that college, so I started driving to
college instead of taking the bus. Then I realized that the
first week or 2 of a new semester, parking was a bit of a hassle
at college, and I missed being able to just get off the bus and
not have to spend time finding a parking space..
That was something else that was mentioned... a lot of them (the guys anyway) claim not to be having sex and believing that online porn is an acceptable substitute. So no relationships or kids.
It's a chilling new world - I read in a survey of 18-25 men that some
number like 18% said they didn't have *any* friends. The replacement of real-world experiences with online social media does exact a price.
To teenaged me, a car was a haven. I could go where I wanted to go,
listen to music (I had that huge box of cassettes in my car) and not get rained on in the winter time. To this day, I still love driving in the
rain for that very reason - I'm dry...
No, but I also hope to be in a situation where they are a hobby and IT is not my job long before then.
As a computer person, it will always be a _little bit_ of a job :)... Unless
hide the fact from everyone else!
"Computer?! You brought 'er!"
I'm amazed at that. Flabbergasted, actually. So different from my
young days... How would you get to the Friday night H.S. football game,
or the after-party? How would you take a date/girlfriend out on a
date??? So many "how"'s..... ;-)
The car in question was a 1977 VW Rabbit Diesel. Great college car. No maintenance except tires, brakes and oil changes. 50+ MPG. Diesel was cheap back then, cheaper than unleaded.
That car became a road-trip vessel. The odometer broke at 150,000, I'd estimate I got 200,000 miles on it before I sold it and bought another Rabbit Diesel from a friend.
driving. I always imagined I'd need to learn to drive, though I
didn't get my driver's license until I was almost 22 (and in
I'm amazed at that. Flabbergasted, actually. So different from my
young days... How would you get to the Friday night H.S. football game, or the after-party? How would you take a date/girlfriend out on a
date??? So many "how"'s..... ;-)
Same. The car was *freedom* to me. A way to get out and do things, a
way to spend some "quality" time with the girlfriend, or a bunch of buddies. A way to *get* somewhere. Simply can't imagine not being able
to drive as a teenager / highschool student.
driving. I always imagined I'd need to learn to drive, though I
didn't get my driver's license until I was almost 22 (and in
I'm amazed at that. Flabbergasted, actually. So different from my
young days... How would you get to the Friday night H.S. football
game, or the after-party? How would you take a date/girlfriend out
on a date??? So many "how"'s..... ;-)
1. I lived about a block from my high school, so I could walk there
2. I wasn't interested in high school football games though, so I never went to those
3. Yeah, that was something I wondered too. But we have a fairly good public transit system - I didn't think I really "needed" a car at the time.
young days... How would you get to the Friday night H.S. football
I don't think they cherrish personal freedom like we did/do. For me, being able to drive as a step in that direction.
I'm with you. I got my license right after I turned 16. It was part of my freedowm from my parents. Also they sort of made me because I was involved in after school events and basically it was "drive yourself". :)
Diamond Dave wrote to Gamgee <=-
I'm amazed at that. Flabbergasted, actually. So different from my
young days... How would you get to the Friday night H.S. football game,
or the after-party? How would you take a date/girlfriend out on a
date??? So many "how"'s..... ;-)
I'm with you. I got my license right after I turned 16. It was
part of my freedowm from my parents. Also they sort of made me
because I was involved in after school events and basically it
was "drive yourself". :)
But these days.. kids are so different. They interact online.
They don't interact in person. They're not interested in dating,
going out to being with freinds, etc. because they can do it from
the comfort of their phones at home. Yes, at home. The pandemic strengthened this, but it started before that. The smartphone and
the Internet changed how people socialize. Between Facebook,
twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, etc. etc., people socialize so much
diferent than Gen X ever did.
Welcome to the 2020s. :)
Nightfox wrote to Gamgee <=-
driving. I always imagined I'd need to learn to drive, though I
didn't get my driver's license until I was almost 22 (and in
I'm amazed at that. Flabbergasted, actually. So different from my
young days... How would you get to the Friday night H.S. football game,
or the after-party? How would you take a date/girlfriend out on a
date??? So many "how"'s..... ;-)
1. I lived about a block from my high school, so I could walk
there 2. I wasn't interested in high school football games
though, so I never went to those 3. Yeah, that was something I
wondered too. But we have a fairly good public transit system -
I didn't think I really "needed" a car at the time.
Nightfox wrote to Gamgee <=-
Same. The car was *freedom* to me. A way to get out and do things, a
way to spend some "quality" time with the girlfriend, or a bunch of buddies. A way to *get* somewhere. Simply can't imagine not being able
to drive as a teenager / highschool student.
If you live in an area that doesn't have any public
transportation system, I can understand that.
Nightfox wrote to Gamgee <=-
young days... How would you get to the Friday night H.S. football
I had a bicycle at the time too. A car isn't the only form of transportation you can use.
Re: Re: Young People
By: Nightfox to Gamgee on Fri Apr 21 2023 03:22 pm
driving. I always imagined I'd need to learn to drive, though I
didn't get my driver's license until I was almost 22 (and in
I'm amazed at that. Flabbergasted, actually. So different from my
young days... How would you get to the Friday night H.S. football
game, or the after-party? How would you take a date/girlfriend out
on a date??? So many "how"'s..... ;-)
1. I lived about a block from my high school, so I could walk there
2. I wasn't interested in high school football games though, so I never went to those
3. Yeah, that was something I wondered too. But we have a fairly good public transit system - I didn't think I really "needed" a car at the time.
I was also going to add that I didn't date in high school, but I imagine there would probably be at least one person on Dove-Net who'd choose that for a verbal attack of some sort.
Re: Re: Young People
By: Dumas Walker to POINDEXTER FORTRAN on Fri Apr 21 2023 02:53 pm
I don't think they cherrish personal freedom like we did/do. For me, being able to drive as a step in that direction.
I notice people pushing public transportation more often these days than I used to. Perhaps there are more people these days who'd rather just take public transportation than own their own car. And depending on how much you need to go places around town, using public transportation might actually be less expensive overall than owning a car.
it's funny to see gamgee talk about dating when he married some asian chick his buddies in a navy probably all took turns with.
So did I. I can still remember the anticipation/excitement of that day.
I did it on a stick-shift car, and had to parallel-park, and nailed it.
The original Scirocco (and the MK2 version in the 80s) was another I liked. And these days, I think it would also be interesting to drive an 80s VW Quantum (which I think was renamed the Passat in later versions).
Today, youtube star seems to be the current dream. Anyone can make youtube v >
It's a chilling new world - I read in a survey of 18-25 men that some
number like 18% said they didn't have *any* friends. The replacement of real-world experiences with online social media does exact a price.
But these days.. kids are so different. They interact online. They don't interact in person. They're not interested in dating, going out to being wit > freinds, etc. because they can do it from the comfort of their phones at hom > Yes, at home. The pandemic strengthened this, but it started before that. Th > smartphone and the Internet changed how people socialize. Between Facebook,
twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, etc. etc., people socialize so much diferent th > Gen X ever did.
Dumas Walker wrote to PHIGAN <=-
I have a relative who still asks me questions about Windows. I have
not run Windows at home since 98SE. We run it at work, but I am not in desktop support so I don't really know a lot about setting it up any
poindexter FORTRAN wrote to Dumas Walker <=-
It's a chilling new world - I read in a survey of 18-25 men that some number like 18% said they didn't have *any* friends. The replacement of real-world experiences with online social media does exact a price.
poindexter FORTRAN wrote to Gamgee <=-
So did I. I can still remember the anticipation/excitement of that day.
I did it on a stick-shift car, and had to parallel-park, and nailed it.
The good news was that I took the driver's test in an automatic.
The bad news was that it was a Buick Electra 225, almost 19 feet
of car.
Parallel parking was a bear, I'm sure I got a pass from the
Nightfox wrote to Dumas Walker <=-
I don't think they cherrish personal freedom like we did/do. For me, being able to drive as a step in that direction.
I notice people pushing public transportation more often these days
than I used to. Perhaps there are more people these days who'd rather just take public transportation than own their own car. And depending
on how much you need to go places around town, using public
transportation might actually be less expensive overall than owning a
Nightfox wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
I've known some people these days who aren't interested in driving. I always imagined I'd need to learn to drive, though I didn't get my driver's license until I was almost 22 (and in college at the time). I was lucky that my college at the time was about a 45-minute bus ride
away, our house was along one of the streets where that bus went, and
it was just one bus from our house to my college and back. I got my driver's license and a car when I was attending that college, so I
started driving to college instead of taking the bus. Then I realized that the first week or 2 of a new semester, parking was a bit of a
hassle at college, and I missed being able to just get off the bus and
not have to spend time finding a parking space..
Nightfox wrote to Gamgee@VERT/PALANTIR <=-
I was also going to add that I didn't date in high school, but I
imagine there would probably be at least one person on Dove-Net who'd choose that for a verbal attack of some sort.
Gamgee wrote to Diamond Dave <=-
They don't interact in person. They're not interested in dating,
going out to being with freinds, etc. because they can do it from
the comfort of their phones at home. Yes, at home. The pandemic strengthened this, but it started before that. The smartphone and
the Internet changed how people socialize. Between Facebook,
twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, etc. etc., people socialize so much
diferent than Gen X ever did.
Makes me kinda sad, to be honest.
myI'm with you. I got my license right after I turned 16. It was part of
vedfreedowm from my parents. Also they sort of made me because I was invol
car(s)? Between school and after-schooin after school events and basically it was "drive yourself". :)
So did your parents provide you with a car? Or did they let you drive their
car at that age.
Re: Re: Young People
By: MRO to Nightfox on Fri Apr 21 2023 07:58 pm
it's funny to see gamgee talk about dating when he married some asian chick his buddies in a navy probably all took turns with.
You have a sick sense of humor if that's funny to you. And I'm sure it's not true in the first place, so you're mean as well.
Re: Young People
By: Phigan to Dumas Walker on Fri Apr 21 2023 07:54 am
Today, youtube star seems to be the current dream. Anyone can make youtube v
Anybody can make videos and stream himself playing videogames, but making moneyout of it is not trivial. You may as well play lottery.
I think people is much interested in going out and dating. It is just that relationships have become shallow.
I know a number of people who is actively getting dates via dating applications. They meet a lot of gals and fuck like there is no tomorrow, but then they build nothing from it. It is something similar with friendships. Everybody is friends when it is time to get drunk at random parties but people rather gets together and build anything together. When I was younger, people were more likely to try and start a music band, or a game club, or get to organize things together. Now you throw any such idea in and nobody listnes because nobody wants to get emotionally invested in group activities.
Dumas Walker wrote to PHIGAN <=-
I have a relative who still asks me questions about Windows. I have not run Windows at home since 98SE. We run it at work, but I am not in desktop support so I don't really know a lot about setting it up any more.
They have T-Shirts on etsy that say "No, I will not fix your computer." I usually wear mine when I visit family.
just take public transportation than own their own car. And depending on how much you need to go places around town, using public transportation might actually be less expensive overall than owning a car.
For areas that don't have (good) public transportation, there is always
ride sharing.
Nightfox wrote to Gamgee@VERT/PALANTIR <=-
I was also going to add that I didn't date in high school, but I imagine there would probably be at least one person on Dove-Net who'd choose that for a verbal attack of some sort.
I wanted to. Part of my reason for wanting to drive (that, and my after school/summer jobs). Oddly, I didn't go on what I would call my first real date until graduation night with a girl I'd know for a couple of years.
So did your parents provide you with a car? Or did they let you drive theircar(s)? Between school and after-schoo
car at that age.
They bought a new car and I used their old one. They still owned it, but I had to get a job and pay for the insurance and gas.
Loved the Scirocco, hated the lack of headroom. The Mk1 is such a beautiful design...
Anybody can make videos and stream himself playing videogames, but making > > moneyout of it is not trivial. You may as well play lottery.
for some reason there's people making money out of it. i have no idea how. there's a dude at work who goes around recording himself and he makes decent > ---
i'm not even sure people go on dates now. it's more like they meet through mI am from the Tinder generation. A lot of people born in the 80s and 90s are using dating applications to get dates.
I've only been out on a few of those; I've either met women through work or met women online.
Personally, I don't like dating. Furthermore I've been in long term relationships for most of my adult life and I'm pretty much through with that too. If you are a guy and an individual, being single is GREAT. I highly recommend it.
Cuprum wrote to Gamgee <=-
Re: Re: Young People
By: Gamgee to Nightfox on Fri Apr 21 2023 18:47:00
As a "young person" by the definition of this thread, I feel
attacked :P
re cars and public transport: There are indeed a lot of places
and jobs in this world where public transport is a poor fit.
However, if you're mostly doing things in urban areas, wrestling
with parking every day and maintenance headaches now and then
might not be worth the very few times you actually go to a ranch somewhere?
Personally, I think that the world is changing too fast to make
any concrete long-term plans; they'll all be inapplicable by the
time they are to be followed. The best strategy for now is to
keep the paths forward as open as possible.
= Synchronet = My Brand-New BBS
Dumas Walker wrote to Gamgee <=-
Gamgee wrote to Diamond Dave <=-
They don't interact in person. They're not interested in dating,
going out to being with freinds, etc. because they can do it from
the comfort of their phones at home. Yes, at home. The pandemic strengthened this, but it started before that. The smartphone and
the Internet changed how people socialize. Between Facebook,
twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, etc. etc., people socialize so much
diferent than Gen X ever did.
Makes me kinda sad, to be honest.
I don't know about sad but it does make me wonder if that isn't
part of the problem we have now with young people lashing out in increasingly violent ways. If most of your interaction with
people is via social media, I am not sure you value life the same
moneyout of it is not trivial. You may as well play lottery.
for some reason there's people making money out of it. i have no idea how. there's a dude at work who goes around recording himself and he makes decent
If you can gather a few thousand people in the same place so your sponsors can show them an advertisement, that has a chance of generating some revenue for you.
TBH I suspect some platforms are playing a losing game because they are paying streamers and videomakers more than they can possibly make by selling advertisement space for the sort of audience they generate. In the long run, how many Coca Colas can a streamer actually **sell** via ads? If 1% of the audience buys a Coca Cola as a result of a stream channel advertisement, that means a guy with 4000 followers can sell 40 Coca Colas? That means a channel with a few thousand followers is worth two scores of Coca Colas. The value of streaming channels is so low as to be laughable.
Re: Re: Young People
By: MRO to Arelor on Sat Apr 22 2023 02:18 pm
i'm not even sure people go on dates now. it's more like they meet through mI am from the Tinder generation. A lot of people born in the 80s and 90s are using dating applications to get dates.
Meeting via mutual friends seems to be the top way to establish long-term relationships according to some Internet sociologism gurus, but I am not sure there are real studies and statistics about it (yet).
That was something else that was mentioned... a lot of them (the guys anyway) claim not to be having sex and believing that online porn is an acceptable substitute. So no relationships or kids.
By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Wed Apr 19 2023 03:12 pm
I was reading an article just today that implies that younger people ar not as likely to be working, or looking for work, at all, so there is that.
How do they expect to pay their bills & things without an income?
Dumas Walker wrote to POINDEXTER FORTRAN <=-
LOL, I never remember anyone complaining about the distance to the printer... well, except one guy who was morbidly obese and I suspect had COPD... but I do remember some people bringing in their own printers so they could print stuff in their cubes.
I always had the pain in the ass in Payroll/HR/whichever who claimed
they needed a printer within arm's reach in order to print confidential
work product.
Boy, did they hate it when we implemented badge-in printing and took
their piece-of-shit little printer that they called for support on continually.
... What's behind this door? What door?
To teenaged me, a car was a haven. I could go where I wanted to go,
listen to music (I had that huge box of cassettes in my car) and not get rained on in the winter time. To this day, I still love driving in the rain for that very reason - I'm dry...
I don't think they cherrish personal freedom like we did/do. For me, being able to drive as a step in that direction.
* SLMR 2.1a * "And there she was, like disco superfly..."
Re: Re: Young People
By: Nightfox to Gamgee on Fri Apr 21 2023 03:22 pm
young days... How would you get to the Friday night H.S. football
I had a bicycle at the time too. A car isn't the only form of transportatio
MRO wrote to Dr. What <=-
what sucks is when you fix someone's computer, you are viewed as being eternally responsible for taking care of that computer until its
demise. ---
Arelor wrote to Dumas Walker <=-
See, a lot of people has a narrow set of hobbies and interests. Imagine
a guy whose hobby is tweaking small engines and electronics. The people
he finds interesting are the sort of guys he can talk about small
engines and electronics. Guess what: the subsets of people labeled as "Women" and "Small engine geeks" don't overlap.
Last time I talked to this guy about relationships, his opinion was
that women were boring because there is nothing interesting to talk
about with them. "Theyare good to look at, but you can get that
Arelor wrote to Phigan <=-
Today, youtube star seems to be the current dream. Anyone can make youtube v
Anybody can make videos and stream himself playing videogames, but
making moneyout of it is not trivial. You may as well play lottery.
MRO wrote to Arelor <=-
it looks like they have them in spain. dont go! gross food
MRO wrote to Arelor <=-
well it's been going on for a while and apparently it's working. i have watched amouranth on twitch and i dont get it. she is sort of
attractive and has big boobs. but you dont see it. it's not like
watching porn. you just see her sit around and play videogames or go in
a hot tub.
somehow she makes 100k a month and 18mil plus a year. apprently in dec
she got 70k in cash and a new iphone and a taser and a nubmer for
prepaid bodyguard service because she had problems with her fiance.
I think I have mentioned it ten times already, but people
has become incrediblyselfish as of late so it is hard to
find people you can depend on. Most people nowadays want to
be your friend only if they can get something for free out
of you, but they never want to give anything back. The
notion that relationships are something that needs effort
to maintain is gone. If you pay the drinks one day you
can't count on the others paying for the next round
tomorrow. If you inviste somebody to your wedding you
cannot count on him inviting you to his wedding.
End result is you end up having a social circle consisting
in people you don't invest emotionally in because you won't
be getting much back either. I know a number of people and
I have fun with a number of people, but if I had to tell
how many actual friends I have, the number would be
..Everybody is friends when it is time to get drunk at
random parties but people rather gets together and build
anything together. When I was younger, people were more
likely to try and start a music band, or a game club, or
get to organize things together. Now you throw any such
idea in and nobody listnes because nobody wants to get
emotionally invested in group activities.
Personally, I think that the world is changing too fast to
make any concrete long-term plans; they'll all be
inapplicable by the time they are to be followed. The best
strategy for now is to keep the paths forward as open as
MRO wrote to Arelor <=-
it looks like they have them in spain. dont go! gross food
We used to have a couple of people at work that were big fans of BWW and, back when we used to have pot lucks, they would always bring those in.
I was not really much of a fan, either.
I had a bicycle at the time too. A car isn't the only form of
A 20 mile ride to or from school by bike takes forever in good weather. Pray it
doesn't rain or in high winds.
re cars and public transport: There are indeed a lot of places
and jobs in this world where public transport is a poor fit.
However, if you're mostly doing things in urban areas, wrestling
with parking every day and maintenance headaches now and then
might not be worth the very few times you actually go to a ranch
Understood, and I agree. I guess I just have a hard time understanding
why anyone would choose to do such a thing. :-)
To make that kind of dough on the internet, you have to be a female and at least attractive enough to get a lot of guys watching you. There are plenty that do it. She may have an onlyfans site where she shows off more, too.
But that's no different than work.
"SystemX is broken. Who touched it last?"
"Fred did."
"OK, Fred. Go fix it."
It makes no difference whether Fred last touched it 6 days or 16 years ago. Fred owns it since he last touched it.
somehow she makes 100k a month and 18mil plus a year. apprently in dec she got 70k in cash and a new iphone and a taser and a nubmer for prepaid bodyguard service because she had problems with her fiance.
To make that kind of dough on the internet, you have to be a female and at least attractive enough to get a lot of guys watching you. There are
plenty that do it. She may have an onlyfans site where she shows off more, too.
There are probably plenty of younger guys out there who find it close
enough to porn and are willing to send her money, or gifts.
The key is to not worry about what you might get back. Just be
kind, and altruistic, yet establish boundaries like not
succuming to pleas for car rides if you happen to own a
vehicle. Give, yet don't factor in reciprocation as a
From what I recall, you already have game groups going.
Nurture the relationships in those. Don't worry about people
you can't motivate.
You mentiond a band.. so, do you play an instrument?
Moondog wrote to Nightfox <=-
I was reading an article just today that implies that younger people ar not as likely to be working, or looking for work, at all, so there is that.
How do they expect to pay their bills & things without an income?
When your indigenous workforce is stagnant, you rely more on
migrant workers who will do the work.
Pray it
doesn't rain or in high winds.
Schools normally have school busses to transport kids to/from school though..?
well it's been going on for a while and apparently it's working. i have watched amouranth on twitch and i dont get it. she is sort of attractive and has big boobs. but you dont see it. it's not like watching porn. you just see her sit around and play videogames or go in a hot tub.
somehow she makes 100k a month and 18mil plus a year. apprently in dec she got 70k in cash and a new iphone and a taser and a nubmer for prepaid bodyguard service because she had problems with her fiance.
Nightfox wrote to Moondog <=-
A 20 mile ride to or from school by bike takes forever in good weather. Pray it doesn't rain or in high winds.
Schools normally have school busses to transport kids to/from
school though..?
somehow she makes 100k a month and 18mil plus a year. apprently in dec she got 70k in cash and a new iphone and a taser and a nubmer for prepaid bodyguard service because she had problems with her fiance.
I'd never heard of her, so I looked her up. She's hot enough, but $18M a year? I doubt that.
Where I grew up, we rode school busses for elementary (grades 1-8) school. But for high school (9-12), there were no busses. It was on
the student/parents to get the student to school.
Arelor wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
I think I have mentioned it ten times already, but people has become incrediblyselfish as of late so it is hard to find people you can
depend on.
back. The notion that relationships are something that needs effort to maintain is gone. If you pay the drinks one day you can't count on the others paying for the next round tomorrow.
Gamgee wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
Parallel parking was a bear, I'm sure I got a pass from the
It seems that it's becoming a lost art; I think maybe they don't even require it on a driving test any more, at least in some states.
Arelor wrote to Phigan <=-
Anybody can make videos and stream himself playing videogames, but
making moneyout of it is not trivial. You may as well play lottery.
Dr. What wrote to Dumas Walker <=-
They have T-Shirts on etsy that say "No, I will not fix your computer."
I usually wear mine when I visit family.
Dumas Walker wrote to Gamgee <=-
I don't know about sad but it does make me wonder if that isn't part of the problem we have now with young people lashing out in increasingly violent ways. If most of your interaction with people is via social media, I am not sure you value life the same way.
Diamond Dave wrote to Nightfox <=-
They bought a new car and I used their old one. They still owned it,
but I had to get a job and pay for the insurance and gas.
MRO wrote to Arelor <=-
i'm not even sure people go on dates now. it's more like they meet
through mutual friends and associate that way. when i think of dating i think of 2 people that don't know eachother going out and getting to acquainted.
MRO wrote to Diamond Dave <=-
white privilege!
Arelor wrote to MRO <=-
Coca Colas? That means a channel with a few thousand followers is worth two scores of Coca Colas. The value of streaming channels is so low as
to be laughable.
rained on in the winter time. To this day, I still love driving in the
rain for that very reason - I'm dry...
MRO wrote to Dr. What <=-
what sucks is when you fix someone's computer, you are viewed as being eternally responsible for taking care of that computer until its demise. ---
But that's no different than work.
"SystemX is broken. Who touched it last?"
"Fred did."
"OK, Fred. Go fix it."
It makes no difference whether Fred last touched it 6 days or 16 years ago. Fred owns it since he last touched it.
... Honesty pays, but not enough for some.
Arelor wrote to Dumas Walker <=-
See, a lot of people has a narrow set of hobbies and interests. Imagine a guy whose hobby is tweaking small engines and electronics. The people he finds interesting are the sort of guys he can talk about small engines and electronics. Guess what: the subsets of people labeled as "Women" and "Small engine geeks" don't overlap.
Last time I talked to this guy about relationships, his opinion was that women were boring because there is nothing interesting to talk about with them. "Theyare good to look at, but you can get that online".
I can sometimes relate to that. :) I don't find them so much boring as it is sometimes the other way round.
... Spelling is a sober man's game
MRO wrote to Arelor <=-
well it's been going on for a while and apparently it's working. i have watched amouranth on twitch and i dont get it. she is sort of attractive and has big boobs. but you dont see it. it's not like watching porn. you just see her sit around and play videogames or go in a hot tub.
somehow she makes 100k a month and 18mil plus a year. apprently in dec she got 70k in cash and a new iphone and a taser and a nubmer for prepaid bodyguard service because she had problems with her fiance.
To make that kind of dough on the internet, you have to be a female and at least attractive enough to get a lot of guys watching you. There are
plenty that do it. She may have an onlyfans site where she shows off more, too.
There are probably plenty of younger guys out there who find it close
enough to porn and are willing to send her money, or gifts.
... Tell me, is something eluding you, Sunshine?
Hello Arelor!
I think I have mentioned it ten times already, but people
has become incrediblyselfish as of late so it is hard to
find people you can depend on. Most people nowadays want to
be your friend only if they can get something for free out
of you, but they never want to give anything back. The
notion that relationships are something that needs effort
to maintain is gone. If you pay the drinks one day you
can't count on the others paying for the next round
tomorrow. If you inviste somebody to your wedding you
cannot count on him inviting you to his wedding.
The key is to not worry about what you might get back. Just be
kind, and altruistic, yet establish boundaries like not
succuming to pleas for car rides if you happen to own a
vehicle. Give, yet don't factor in reciprocation as a
End result is you end up having a social circle consisting
in people you don't invest emotionally in because you won't
be getting much back either. I know a number of people and
I have fun with a number of people, but if I had to tell
how many actual friends I have, the number would be
Ah.. the emotional investment.. that can be tricky. But, how
many friends is a minimum? Don't worry about it. Just nurture
the few that you have.
Re: Re: Young People
By: Moondog to Nightfox on Sun Apr 23 2023 09:00 am
I had a bicycle at the time too. A car isn't the only form of
A 20 mile ride to or from school by bike takes forever in good weather. Pray it
doesn't rain or in high winds.
Schools normally have school busses to transport kids to/from school though.
Re: Re: Young People
By: Gamgee to Cuprum on Sat Apr 22 2023 06:02 pm
re cars and public transport: There are indeed a lot of places
and jobs in this world where public transport is a poor fit.
However, if you're mostly doing things in urban areas, wrestling
with parking every day and maintenance headaches now and then
might not be worth the very few times you actually go to a ranch
Understood, and I agree. I guess I just have a hard time understanding why anyone would choose to do such a thing. :-)
If you can go where you need to go on public transit, you can avoid the cost
Re: Re: Young People
By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Sun Apr 23 2023 09:27 am
To make that kind of dough on the internet, you have to be a female and least attractive enough to get a lot of guys watching you. There are plenty that do it. She may have an onlyfans site where she shows off mo too.
It seems to me people who make money online aren't all doing porn or similar ews) also makes revenue similarly. There's also Doug DeMuro, who does his c
Moondog wrote to Nightfox <=-
I was reading an article just today that implies that younger people not as likely to be working, or looking for work, at all, so there i that.
How do they expect to pay their bills & things without an income?
When your indigenous workforce is stagnant, you rely more on
migrant workers who will do the work.
While that may be true, it's got nothing to do with the question that
was asked.
... "42? 7 and a half million years and all you can come up with is 42?!"
Re: Young People
By: MRO to Arelor on Sat Apr 22 2023 08:44 pm
well it's been going on for a while and apparently it's working. i have watched amouranth on twitch and i dont get it. she is sort of attractive and has big boobs. but you dont see it. it's not like watching porn. you just see her sit around and play videogames or go in a hot tub.
somehow she makes 100k a month and 18mil plus a year. apprently in dec sh got 70k in cash and a new iphone and a taser and a nubmer for prepaid bodyguard service because she had problems with her fiance.
I'd never heard of her, so I looked her up. She's hot enough, but $18M a yea --
digital man (rob)
Synchronet/BBS Terminology Definition #13:
CBM = Commodore Business Machines
Norco, CA WX: 69.6�F, 63.0% humidity, 12 mph E wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
We used to have a couple of people at work that were big fans of BWW and, back when we used to have pot lucks, they would always bring those in.
I was not really much of a fan, either.
people would bring bww food into a pot luck? that's like stopping at acdonal
to bring in food.
their food is mediocre and expensive. the wings are okay.
Coca Colas? That means a channel with a few thousand followers is worth > Ar> two scores of Coca Colas. The value of streaming channels is so low as
to be laughable.
It's the value of the personal information of the watchers that counts.
You're shopping in the wrong place for conversation/ relationship. As y'll have gleaned from reading, I'm a bit of a firearm enthusiast. I feell more
Moondog wrote to Gamgee <=-
I was reading an article just today that implies that younger people not as likely to be working, or looking for work, at all, so there i that.
How do they expect to pay their bills & things without an income?
When your indigenous workforce is stagnant, you rely more on
migrant workers who will do the work.
While that may be true, it's got nothing to do with the question that
was asked.
It is relevent because if the younger generation was all we
relied on to get simple or entry jobs done, we'd be screwed. In
my area the orchard and vineyard work is done by migrant
employees. Maybe over 50 years ago it would've been teenagers
and college kids who didn't have an internship. Even
landscaping, yard work, and construction are no longer jobs you
see younger pe ople do.
Arelor wrote to Moondog <=-
You're shopping in the wrong place for conversation/ relationship. As y'll have gleaned from reading, I'm a bit of a firearm enthusiast. I feell more
The only woman I have seen at the shooting ranges of my province
since I got mytarget shooting sporting card (years ago) is an old
lady who happens to be married.
You mentiond a band.. so, do you play an instrument?
If you gently knock a horse nose, it sounds like a drum. I suppose that counts.
"Don't worry about people you can't motivate" is exactly
what everybody is doing and exactly the reason why social
circles are shrinking so sharply.
Of course you don't waste time with people you cant do
anything interesting with. That means the number of people
worth spending time with is so tiny that youcan count it
with the fingers of a horse (horses have 4 fingers; one per
That only takes you so far. If you are helping somebody out
everytime he needs but he fails to help you out the two
times you really need the help, that relationship just
cannot last because the other party just does not give a
fuckbout you.
I'd never heard of her, so I looked her up. She's hot enough, but $18M a year? I doubt that. --
well it's been going on for a while and apparently it's
working. i have watched amouranth on twitch and i dont get
it. she is sort of attractive and has big boobs. but you
dont see it. it's not like watching porn. you just see her
sit around and play videogames or go in a hot tub.
somehow she makes 100k a month and 18mil plus a year.
apprently in dec she got 70k in cash and a new iphone and a
taser and a nubmer for prepaid bodyguard service because
she had problems with her fiance.
Hello Digital Man!
** On Sunday 23.04.23 - 18:13, Digital Man wrote to MRO:
I'd never heard of her, so I looked her up. She's hot enough, but $18M a year? I doubt that. --
Me neither. So she writhes around and people pay for that? Sad
to think that people have become a society of voyeurs.
Hello MRO!
** On Saturday 22.04.23 - 20:44, MRO wrote to Arelor:
well it's been going on for a while and apparently it's
working. i have watched amouranth on twitch and i dont get
it. she is sort of attractive and has big boobs. but you
dont see it. it's not like watching porn. you just see her
sit around and play videogames or go in a hot tub.
Maybe her "claims" are lies just to make people think she is
successful. That strategy worked for the OneCoin CryptoQueen
for 4$B (yes, billion) in just 2 years.
somehow she makes 100k a month and 18mil plus a year.
apprently in dec she got 70k in cash and a new iphone and a
taser and a nubmer for prepaid bodyguard service because
she had problems with her fiance.
Are you taking her word for it?
Arelor wrote to Dr. What <=-
It makes no difference whether Fred last touched it 6 days or 16 years ago. Fred owns it since he last touched it.
If you are getting paid by the hour, it is on the boss.
Moondog wrote to Dr. What <=-
Fred probably knows the most about the operation of the system, or
knows more about it than anyone else. Some people wish for that type
of attention. Others are cursed by it.
Sounds like you are shooting for quantity over quality. Just
focus on quality.
Hello Arelor!
** On Sunday 23.04.23 - 17:45, Arelor wrote to Ogg:
That only takes you so far. If you are helping somebody out
everytime he needs but he fails to help you out the two
times you really need the help, that relationship just
cannot last because the other party just does not give a
fuckbout you.
Eg. I don't worry about reciprocation from people that are
stranded and are desparate for a ride. I just provide the
ride. I may never see that person ever again. Doesn't matter.
Eg. I don't worry about reciprocation from people that need me
to call a taxi. I make the call.
Eg. I don't worry about reciprocation from people that need
their devices charged a bit so that they can regain use of
Eg. I don't worry about families that need to use my shop
bathroom (it is NOT a public toilet) and they have kids holding
it in desperation. Most of the time they might buy something.
--- OpenXP 5.0.57I don't think the cases are comparable.
* Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
� Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTT
Hello Digital Man!You have seen nothing yet.
** On Sunday 23.04.23 - 18:13, Digital Man wrote to MRO:
I'd never heard of her, so I looked her up. She's hot enough, but $18M > DM> year? I doubt that. --
Me neither. So she writhes around and people pay for that? Sad
to think that people have become a society of voyeurs.
--- OpenXP 5.0.57
* Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
� Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTT
Re: Young People
By: Digital Man to MRO on Sun Apr 23 2023 06:13 pm
Re: Young People
By: MRO to Arelor on Sat Apr 22 2023 08:44 pm
well it's been going on for a while and apparently it's working. i have watched amouranth on twitch and i dont get it. she is sort of attractive and has big boobs. but you dont see it. it's not like watching porn. you just see her sit around and play videogames or go in a hot tub.
somehow she makes 100k a month and 18mil plus a year. apprently in dec sh got 70k in cash and a new iphone and a taser and a nubmer for prepaid bodyguard service because she had problems with her fiance.
I'd never heard of her, so I looked her up. She's hot enough, but $18M a yea --
Kim Kardashian makes $20k a year off of posting pictures on Instagram
Arelor wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
A pregnant's woman profile, which is said to be the most valuable to advertisers (because they go in a shopping spree for baby related
products thatis very intense) used to be worth... two bucks?
Phigan wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
100% with you on this. Also, the jankier the car, the cooler it feels.
Moondog wrote to Dumas Walker <=-
y'll have gleaned from reading, I'm a bit of a firearm enthusiast. I feell more comfortable at a shooting range or gun shop than a party.
Moondog wrote to Dumas Walker <=-
This reminds me of an Outdoor Channel series called "For love or
likes." The contestants are "insta-famous" girls who get monetized for posting picutres of them selves in camoflage
Moondog wrote to Nightfox <=-
During school hours, yes. If there's practice or a game or club event going on, you need an alternate form of transportation if it's not
during school hours. Even when an activity is held after class is out
of session, you'll need a ride home or someone to pick you up.
Re: Re: Young People
By: Moondog to Dumas Walker on Mon Apr 24 2023 09:49 am
You're shopping in the wrong place for conversation/ relationship. As y' have gleaned from reading, I'm a bit of a firearm enthusiast. I feell mo
The only woman I have seen at the shooting ranges of my province since I got married.
Moondog wrote to Gamgee <=-
I was reading an article just today that implies that younger peo not as likely to be working, or looking for work, at all, so ther that.
How do they expect to pay their bills & things without an income?
When your indigenous workforce is stagnant, you rely more on
migrant workers who will do the work.
While that may be true, it's got nothing to do with the question that
was asked.
It is relevent because if the younger generation was all we
relied on to get simple or entry jobs done, we'd be screwed. In
Again, I agree with your statement right there. But AGAIN, it has
nothing to do with the question that was asked, which was: "How do they expect to pay their bills & things without an income?".
Do you see? Not sure how it can be explained any more clearly. Yes,
the younger generation doesn't want to do entry level jobs. So.... HOW
Your answer just reinforces the idea that they won't be able to pay
their bills, but it doesn't explain HOW they WILL be able to pay their bills.
my area the orchard and vineyard work is done by migrant
employees. Maybe over 50 years ago it would've been teenagers
and college kids who didn't have an internship. Even
landscaping, yard work, and construction are no longer jobs you
see younger pe ople do.
100% agree! But again..... ;-)
... He does the work of 3 Men...Moe, Larry & Curly
Arelor wrote to Moondog <=-
You're shopping in the wrong place for conversation/ relationship. As y' have gleaned from reading, I'm a bit of a firearm enthusiast. I feell mo
The only woman I have seen at the shooting ranges of my province
since I got mytarget shooting sporting card (years ago) is an old
lady who happens to be married.
This likely is the result of the "gun thinking" difference between Spain
and the USA. At my local range, on a Saturday afternoon, there are
likely to be 30-40 people, and probably 40% of them are women.
... Smith & Wesson: The ORIGINAL point-and-click interface.
Hello Arelor!
You mentiond a band.. so, do you play an instrument?
If you gently knock a horse nose, it sounds like a drum. I suppose that counts.
That's hilarous. I do believe I've played drums on a horse's
muzzle too! Some people find that if you squeeze a cat it will
meow. Imagine a band with animal instruments. Could be good YT
"Don't worry about people you can't motivate" is exactly
what everybody is doing and exactly the reason why social
circles are shrinking so sharply.
Sounds like you are shooting for quantity over quality. Just
focus on quality.
Of course you don't waste time with people you cant do
anything interesting with. That means the number of people
worth spending time with is so tiny that youcan count it
with the fingers of a horse (horses have 4 fingers; one per
Four worthy people is not enough? ;)
Hello Arelor!
** On Sunday 23.04.23 - 17:45, Arelor wrote to Ogg:
That only takes you so far. If you are helping somebody out
everytime he needs but he fails to help you out the two
times you really need the help, that relationship just
cannot last because the other party just does not give a
fuckbout you.
Eg. I don't worry about reciprocation from people that are
stranded and are desparate for a ride. I just provide the
ride. I may never see that person ever again. Doesn't matter.
Eg. I don't worry about reciprocation from people that need me
to call a taxi. I make the call.
Eg. I don't worry about reciprocation from people that need
their devices charged a bit so that they can regain use of
Eg. I don't worry about families that need to use my shop
bathroom (it is NOT a public toilet) and they have kids holding
it in desperation. Most of the time they might buy something.
Moondog wrote to Dr. What <=-
Fred probably knows the most about the operation of the system, or knows more about it than anyone else. Some people wish for that type of attention. Others are cursed by it.
My usual saying is "It feels good to be wanted, but sometimes I feel like my picture is in the Post Office."
... Good girls go to heaven. Bad girls go EVERYwhere.
I'm of Acura/Lexus age, but I want an old VW fastback with the original paint and a roof rack. I'd be scared to death to drive it with
distracted SUV drivers on the roads nowadays.
Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTYou have seen nothing yet.
Twitch is brimming with channels that feature gals sucking microphones as if they were dicks and they have followers in spades.
One of the things that I loved about the old dial-up BBS scene was the locality of it. You could get into a month-long flame war, accuse your opponent of buggering goats, and then meet up over a couple of beers
at one of the gettogethers, continue the conversation and act like humans.
Your online persona wasn't who you were.
This reminds me of an Outdoor Channel series called "For love or likes."
The contestants are "insta-famous" girls who get monetized for posting picutres of them selves in camoflage or in outdoor hunting-type settings. Some of these women have 30k followers! Anyways, the host bring s them out to a private hunting game farm and see who is the real thing by seeing who can harvest the most animals. Funny thing is some have close to none or zero hunting skills, and are posers. One contestant learned how to shoot a bow the week before in order to compete. The grand prize was coming back the next season as a co-host, and benefits were drawing attention to advertisers who hire "influencers" to help sell products.
For some reason, lately I've thought it would be cool to find an 80s VW Quantum in good condition and use it as a daily driver. I like the 80s VW aesthetic (inside and out), and in particular, I think the rarity of the 80s VW Quantum would make it cool to own one.
Re: Young People
By: Moondog to Digital Man on Mon Apr 24 2023 11:03 am
Re: Young People
By: Digital Man to MRO on Sun Apr 23 2023 06:13 pm
Re: Young People
By: MRO to Arelor on Sat Apr 22 2023 08:44 pm
well it's been going on for a while and apparently it's working. i have watched amouranth on twitch and i dont get it. she is sort of attractive and has big boobs. but you dont see it. it's not like watching porn. you just see her sit around and play videogames or g in a hot tub.
somehow she makes 100k a month and 18mil plus a year. apprently in sh got 70k in cash and a new iphone and a taser and a nubmer for prepaid bodyguard service because she had problems with her fiance.
I'd never heard of her, so I looked her up. She's hot enough, but $18M yea --
Kim Kardashian makes $20k a year off of posting pictures on Instagram
I would think she makes a lot more than that (just of Instagram endorsements --
digital man (rob)
Rush quote #66:
He's old enough to know what's right, but young enough not to choose it Norco, CA WX: 57.8�F, 96.0% humidity, 2 mph E wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
Moondog wrote to Dumas Walker <=-
y'll have gleaned from reading, I'm a bit of a firearm enthusiast. I feell more comfortable at a shooting range or gun shop than a party.
So, you're in a place where the pickup line "I want to take you to my
gun range then buy you a STEAK" might actually work!
Moondog wrote to Dumas Walker <=-
This reminds me of an Outdoor Channel series called "For love or likes." The contestants are "insta-famous" girls who get monetized for posting picutres of them selves in camoflage
I followed one of those. I couldn't see her.
My local surplus store (I love shopping to look at the gear, used a
variety of shoulder bags as stealthy camera bags). had a hanger bag with
a picture of a woman in a camouflaged camisole and matching shorts, with
... alnal nathrak uth vaas bethud dothiel dienve
Moondog wrote to Nightfox <=-
During school hours, yes. If there's practice or a game or club event going on, you need an alternate form of transportation if it's not during school hours. Even when an activity is held after class is out of session, you'll need a ride home or someone to pick you up.
That's a shame - the local junior high and high school got out at 3 and
had bus service, but had a late bus at 5:20pm, that the activities, turoting, homework "clubs" and sports planned around.
Both my wife and I work, and where we live it seems like the majority of
the moms are stay-at-home moms. We appreciate having activities for the
kids to do after school on occasion.
Thankfully, I'm working from home now. Rushing from an office to pick up kids was a source of untold stress.
... This will go on your PERMANENT RECORD!
$20k is pretty good for passive income due to the amount of followers she has.
I have no idea how much she posts which is why that number may not be higher. The insta famous types post daily if not several pics a day to keep
The '77 was fun to drive, nimble, despite being underpowered. The build quality and design felt like a logical extension from the Beetle, not overly complex. They had a utilitarian, sparse feel to them without feeling cheap.
The dashboard indicator for the turn signal, for example, had 1 LED. You knew which direction you indicated, so why have a left and right LED?
I'm of Acura/Lexus age, but I want an old VW fastback with the original paint and a roof rack. I'd be scared to death to drive it with
So, you're in a place where the pickup line "I want to take you to my
gun range then buy you a STEAK" might actually work!
I don't think the cases are comparable.
A better analogy would be letting a family who does not
ever buy anything use your bathroom every single day, then
you need to borrow a pencil and they won'tlend you theirs.
People who uses up your time and gives nothing in return at
all is much better out of your life.
You have seen nothing yet.
Twitch is brimming with channels that feature gals sucking
microphones as if they were dicks and they have followers
in spades.
Sounds like you are shooting for quantity over quality.
Just focus on quality.
I think you are trying to help me regarding something I
don't feel bad about.
I am just stating facts.
This reminds me of an Outdoor Channel series called "For love or likes."
The contestants are "insta-famous" girls who get monetized for posting
picutres of them selves in camoflage or in outdoor hunting-type settings.
That actually sounds entertaining. I have met some women who can handle afirearm and that also hunt. In my area that is probably more common
than an hour away "in the city."
Ah. OK. But selfish types are found everywhere. However, I
think MOST people are respectful and reciprocate and are
Moondog wrote to Digital Man <=-
$20k is pretty good for passive income due to the amount of followers
she has.
I have no idea how much she posts which is why that number may not be higher. The insta famous types post daily if not several pics a day to keep followers interested.
Moondog wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
I don't consider the range to be a meet market
Moondog wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
My sister spoiled her kids and dropped them off and picked them up even though the bus ran past their house.
Nightfox wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-
Yep, my dad had a 1980 Scirocco and I remember the single turn signal
LED. And for a while, I had a 1988 VW Fox that I think also had the single turn signal LED.
In some cases people avoiding you because they owe you may
be a good thing. If a deadbeat owes you $20 and avoids you,
that is money well spent. That meas he won't be back soon
to ask for more money.
My high school had one side of the parking lot with old muscle cars, the other side were all imported cars. There were a couple of those old Rabbits with cool stereos, air dams under the front bumper, driving lights, and bigger wheels. The engines were easy to tweak, and those old rabbits had carbueretors which you could swap out.
I drive a beater Fiat 850 Spyder, nowhere near as cool, despite being a convertible. 0-60 was 27 seconds, and top speed was around 70 - and that was pushing it.
903cc 4 cylinder engine. 40 horsepower.
That actually sounds entertaining. I have met some women who can handle afirearm and that also hunt. In my area that is probably more common than an hour away "in the city."
I'm impressed when I see a woman use a chainsaw to trim the
brush around the house or cut up her own firewood.
When I lived in San Francisco, the Marina Blvd. Safeway was known as the "Social Safeway". It had been that way
since the '60s. Simpler times,
underpowered. That reminded me of when I heard the engine in the 1980 Scirocco (and other model years around that year) had something like 90 horsepower, and for what was supposed to be a sporty car, I thought that seemed a little low, even for those model years.
Is that like Swinger Kroger in eastern Cincinnati?
Could be. The San Francisco version was pretty happening in the '70s, or so I'm told.
...How did you find this place?
There's also Disco Kroger in northern Kentucky, but I'm told that's aot-unc
mon name for 24/7 Krogers
There's also Disco Kroger in northern Kentucky, but I'm told that's aot-unc
mon name for 24/7 Krogers
You still have 24/7 Krogers up there? In Central KY, many of the Krogers cut back their hours during the holidays *right before* COVID. They actually had to increase their hour some in order to allow for the early morning "eldery shopping" hour.
For people who were willing to go during off-hours when there are not many people in the store, it was very frustrating.
WalMart is also no longer 24/7 but I think that happened during COVID.
MRO wrote to Dumas Walker <=-
i think all walmarts pretty much cut the 24/7 because it's not
MRO wrote to Dumas Walker <=-
i think all walmarts pretty much cut the 24/7 because it's not profitable.
That's what happened up here in Michigan. We have Meijer stores that were open 24/7. But when the scamdemic happened, stopped being 24 hours and haven't changed back.
The friends who I still have at Meijer told me that they had been wanting to stop being 24 hours because of profitability, but didn't want to make the customers angry. The scamdemic gave them the excuse to reduce their hours and they probably won't go back to 24 hours.
MRO wrote to Dumas Walker <=-
i think all walmarts pretty much cut the 24/7 because it's not profitable.
That's what happened up here in Michigan. We have Meijer stores that
were open 24/7. But when the scamdemic happened, stopped being 24 hours and haven't changed back.
MRO wrote to Dumas Walker <=-
i think all walmarts pretty much cut the 24/7 because it's not profitable.
That's what happened up here in Michigan. We have Meijer stores that were o 24/7. But when the scamdemic happened, stopped being 24 hours and haven't changed back.
The friends who I still have at Meijer told me that they had been wanting to stop being 24 hours because of profitability, but didn't want to make the customers angry. The scamdemic gave them the excuse to reduce their hours a they probably won't go back to 24 hours.
... If you can't laugh at yourself ... I'll do it for you.
MRO wrote to Dr. What <=-
I'm in wisconsin and looks like meijer stores here are open 24 hrs.
i don't go there often. i usually hit the kroger down the street or
the walmart. ---
fusion wrote to Dr. What <=-
i think they originally just did it because they were there with the lights on anyways (stock people still work overnight or at least a lot later at most of them)
it does suck being stuck going to the 24 hour walgreens instead
Moondog wrote to Dr. What <=-
I used to work with a dude that liked to shop at Meijers around 2 in
the morning. i imagine he had the store pretty much to himself and
the only other people there were night stockers.
Moondog wrote to Dr. What <=-
The friends who I still have at Meijer told me that they had been wanting to stop being 24 hours because of profitability, but didn't want to make the customers angry. The scamdemic gave them the excuse to reduce their hours a they probably won't go back to 24 hours.
I used to work with a dude that liked to shop at Meijers around
2 in the morning. i imagine he had the store pretty much to
himself and the only other people there were night stockers.
I used to work with a dude that liked to shop at Meijers around 2 in the morning. i imagine he had the store pretty much to himself and the only other people there were night stockers.
You still have 24/7 Krogers up there? In Central KY, many of the Krogers cut back their hours during the holidays *right before* COVID. They actually had to increase their hour some in order to allow for the early morning "eldery shopping" hour.
Moondog wrote to Dr. What <=-
I used to work with a dude that liked to shop at Meijers around 2 in
the morning. i imagine he had the store pretty much to himself and
the only other people there were night stockers.
I used to work with a dude that liked to shop at Meijers around 2 in the morning. i imagine he had the store pretty much to himself and the only other people there were night stockers.
Here, the Krogers that were 24 hours stated their reason for cutting back open hours was so the night stockers could work more efficiently without customers in the store.
Being someone who shops early in the morning, I can tell you that they must not have many/any night stockers because many of the aisles were full of stockers during early business hours.
I think the "efficient night stocking" was an excuse. This was 4-6 months before COVID started.
* SLMR 2.1a * He knows changes aren't permanent - but change is!
Re: Re: Young People
By: Dumas Walker to MARGAERYNNE on Fri Apr 28 2023 03:04 pm
You still have 24/7 Krogers up there? In Central KY, many of the Krogers cut back their hours during the holidays *right before* COVID. They actually had to increase their hour some in order to allow for the early
Probably not, actually. It's been a while since I've checked, but I wouldn'
I imagine stocking shelves is easier with the help of electronic inventory systems. Perishable items will need to be visually checked for expiration dates, however longer term items probably raise a flag in the system if there's less than a certain level on the shelf.
If you can go where you need to go on public transit, you can avoid the cost of owning a car (such as car insurance and maintenance, etc.). Some people might prefer that.
Re: Re: Young People
By: Nightfox to Gamgee on Sun Apr 23 2023 03:30 pm
If you can go where you need to go on public transit, you can avoid
cost of owning a car (such as car insurance and maintenance, etc.). Some people might prefer that.
I know I do. I sold my last car in 2009 and have been without a car
I get rides from friends and family and use public transportation. I used to feel I couldn't live without a car but that is not the way I feel today. The money I save not owning a car I use to go to rock concerts or dinner.
|07 HusTler
Re: Re: Young People
By: Nightfox to Gamgee on Sun Apr 23 2023 03:30 pm
If you can go where you need to go on public transit, you can avoid the of owning a car (such as car insurance and maintenance, etc.). Some peo might prefer that.
I know I do. I sold my last car in 2009 and have been without a car since. I get rides from friends and family and use public
transportation. I used to feel I couldn't live without a car but that is not the way I feel today. The money I save not owning a car I use to go
to rock concerts or dinner.
I have a relative who still asks me questions about Windows. I have not run Windows at home since 98SE. We run it at work, but I am not in
that too. If you are a guy and an individual, being single is GREAT. I highly recommend it.
I am curious; what have you been running since then? I finally ditched Windows last year when I found out I could run Steam on Linux. I keep a
but I've had trouble getting them working properly.
indowsI have a relative who still asks me questions about Windows. I have not run Windows at home since 98SE. We run it at work, but I am not in
I am curious; what have you been running since then? I finally ditched
ast year when I found out I could run Steam on Linux. I keep a Win7 VM around st in case.
but I've had trouble getting them working properly.
There is a beta option you can turn on that will enable to run most games. I think it's called 'Proton'. It allows me to play Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3.
I have a relative who still asks me questions about Windows. I have no run Windows at home since 98SE. We run it at work, but I am not in
I am curious; what have you been running since then? I finally ditched Windo
... Hey Jim, Are we there yet?
There is a beta option you can turn on that will enable to run most
games. I think it's called 'Proton'. It allows me to play Cyberpunk
2077 and The Witcher 3.
Yeah, Proton is what I had tried, and was having problems with at least one game.
I am curious; what have you been running since then? I finally ditched Windows last year when I found out I could run Steam on Linux. I keep a Win7 VM around just in case.Not all games on Linux. The gaming market is owned by microsoft windows.
I am from the Tinder generation. A lot of people born in the 80s and 90s are using dating applications to get dates.
Tinder is the place I met the most toxic ladies in my life, ever...
I am from the Tinder generation. A lot of people born in the 80s and 90 are using dating applications to get dates.
Tinder is the place I met the most toxic ladies in my life, ever...
But anyway I agree online dating is older than Tinder and Tinder is nothing
In this context all I can say is that online dating did cost me two divorces
... Xerox Alto was the thing. Anything after we use is just a mere copy.
Tinder is the place I met the most toxic ladies in my life, ever...
A friend of mine, who used Tinder heavily, once told me "Women in Tinder are inTinder for a reason".
You always hear from the sickening desperate dudes plaguing these apps, but there are also a number of gals who are so freakish they need to use online dating because they can't grab a date otherwise.
But anyway I agree online dating is older than Tinder and Tinder is nothingl
than Hot or Not from early days of Facebook... so the question is not thepp
ut general online experience of meeting people toward serious relationship.
My recollection of Hot or Not was that it was a website independent of
FB. Was HoN a precursor or predecessor to FB?
You always hear from the sickening desperate dudes plaguing these
but there are also a number of gals who are so freakish they need to use online dating because they can't grab a date otherwise.
And, in my experience, everything is above board and people like to meet other people. *shrug*
I get the impression that online and computer dating is more about false impressions for the sake of scoring versus establishing a genuine relationship. In other words, it's about gaming the system. If you're trying to just hook up, fine. Otherwise anyone looking for long term results is attempting to force results.
You always hear from the sickening desperate dudes plaguing these
apps, but there are also a number of gals who are so freakish they
need to use online dating because they can't grab a date otherwise.
And, in my experience, everything is above board and people like to meet other people. *shrug*
than Hot or Not from early days of Facebook... so the question is not
My recollection of Hot or Not was that it was a website independent of FB. Was HoN a precursor or predecessor to FB?
My recollection of Hot or Not was that it was a website independent
of FB. Was HoN a precursor or predecessor to FB?
I can't recall, I remember it as one of the first built-in apps on FB.
None of them are any good. that's good that you had a good experience
but I wouldn't trust any woman that uses those sites. if she really is
a good woman she's less than 1% of the whole.
society is really sad.
My recollection of Hot or Not was that it was a website independent o Was HoN a precursor or predecessor to FB?
That's my recollection as well. I don't think Hot Or Not was related to Facebook at all.
trying to just hook up, fine. Otherwise anyone looking for long term results is attempting to force results.
I think there's a difference between online dating sites vs. hookup
Tindr seems to be probably more of a hookup site than for people actually wanting to meet someone for a genuine relationship.
Re: Re: Young People
By: Dumas Walker to HOLLOWONE on Sun May 21 2023 09:57 am
than Hot or Not from early days of Facebook... so the question is not
My recollection of Hot or Not was that it was a website independent of FB. Was HoN a precursor or predecessor to FB?
That's my recollection as well. I don't think Hot Or Not was related to Facebook at all.
None of them are any good. that's good that you had a good experience but I wouldn't trust any woman that uses those sites. if she really is a good woman she's less than 1% of the whole.
I had multiple great experiences. In various parts of the world. Great dates, fun. Maybe you're going about it the wrong way?
society is really sad.
Lol dude you're the one admitting to a bunch of troll accounts!
My recollection of Hot or Not was that it was a website independent o Was HoN a precursor or predecessor to FB?
That's my recollection as well. I don't think Hot Or Not was related to Facebook at all.
This is correct. Zuckerberg made a sort of "hot or not" lite which just had headshots from women at Harvard at the time. It was a very localized, simple thing.
esc wrote to MRO <=-
None of them are any good. that's good that you had a good experience
but I wouldn't trust any woman that uses those sites. if she really is
a good woman she's less than 1% of the whole.
I had multiple great experiences. In various parts of the world.
Great dates, fun. Maybe you're going about it the wrong way?
society is really sad.
Lol dude you're the one admitting to a bunch of troll accounts!
Re: Re: Young People
By: Moondog to hollowone on Sat May 20 2023 05:15 pm
I get the impression that online and computer dating is more about fals impressions for the sake of scoring versus establishing a genuine relationship. In other words, it's about gaming the system. If you're trying to just hook up, fine. Otherwise anyone looking for long term results is attempting to force results.
I think there's a difference between online dating sites vs. hookup sites.
This is correct. Zuckerberg made a sort of "hot or not" lite which just headshots from women at Harvard at the time. It was a very localized, s thing.
well atleast he's consistant. he has always been stealing other people's property.
He has blond short cut hair, but his facial hair had a touch of gray. He was considering dying his hair with Just for Men and taking a picture, but he
used an older picture instead. i get the impression that catfishing is pretty common with regards to prfile pics.
This is correct. Zuckerberg made a sort of "hot or not" lite which just headshots from women at Harvard at the time. It was a very localized, s thing.
well atleast he's consistant. he has always been stealing other people's property.
"Talent borrows, genius steals" - Oscar Wilde. I'll happily steal someone else's idea that they can't execute on and make myself a billionaire. :P
hot or not was just a site where you posted your pic and people upvoted
it or not. and then you got a score.
what i dont like is zuckerberg stabbed people in the back.
he's a fucking lizard man.
if you want someone else's idea you should buy them out.
Re: Re: Young People
By: Moondog to Nightfox on Sun May 21 2023 08:14 pm
He has blond short cut hair, but his facial hair had a touch of gray. He was considering dying his hair with Just for Men and taking a picture, bu he
used an older picture instead. i get the impression that catfishing is pretty common with regards to prfile pics.
my beard is going white. like santaclaus white. so i use this touchup shit https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FL94PMM
i heard about it in a youtube video. i have it on for 5 mins or less and lo
i dont have long beard hair though.
if i had to put in any more effort i wouldn't do it.
he used an older picture instead. i get the impression that catfishing is pretty common with regards to prfile pics.
well oscar wilde was a plagarist, right.
if you want someone else's idea you should buy them out.
find a woman in her mid 40's, she would be a divorcee with kids in their late teens/ college age or have young adult kids who are newly married. I also
get the impression several were stay at home moms or had to work little, and are looking for someone to take care of them and their kids financially more than filling their emotional needs.
well oscar wilde was a plagarist, right.
Eh, no?
if you want someone else's idea you should buy them out.
Ideas are cheap! Execution is key. Everyone has ideas. Like his character in the movie said while being deposed, "If these other people invented Facebook, they'd have invented Facebook."
I can assure you this guy is also in Tinder instead of somewhere else for a reason. That does not mean he is wrong.A friend of mine, who used Tinder heavily, once told me "Women in Tinde > Ar> are inTinder for a reason".
Sounds like your friend is looking outward when perhaps your friend should b
MRO wrote to esc <=-
if you want someone else's idea you should buy them out.
Ideas are cheap! Execution is key. Everyone has ideas. Like his character in the movie said while being deposed, "If these other people invented Facebook, they'd have invented Facebook."
other people did invent facebook. they got lucky because myspace
became a cesspool. facebook then took elements from myspace and
also myspace stole from friendster.
it wasn't execution; more like poor execution from competitors in
these cases.
Yup, that's how it is when you get women 35+. they had their fun and want someone to fix their life. ---
Re: Re: Young People
By: MRO to Moondog on Mon May 22 2023 03:46 pm
Yup, that's how it is when you get women 35+. they had their fun and want > > someone to fix their life. ---
You mean they made bad choices and now they want someone to love their kids > much as they do and finace her and her children. I've dated women that gave > their laundry list of expectations after the second date. They would tell me > thier kids came first no matter what. At least the women I dated when I was
younger made the effort to "trap" you first and get you to marry them. Now t > just come right out and tell you what they want and are looking for without
ever earning it!
|07 HusTler
tell me thier kids came first no matter what. At least the women I dated when I was younger made the effort to "trap" you first and get you to marry them. Now they just come right out and tell you what they want and are looking for without ever earning it!
atleast they're being honest.
Now men have to be less naive to think they can change them all but they'd o like to keep corrected tits and mouth for obvious reasons... :>
Re: Re: Young People
By: hollowone to MRO on Wed May 24 2023 02:52 am
Now men have to be less naive to think they can change them all but they' like to keep corrected tits and mouth for obvious reasons... :>
It's the women that believe they can change the man once they are married.
...Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality?
Funny thing is I've seen several guys change their behavior drastically for some trim. They will shit on their best lifelong friends for a
woman. The same dudes that say things like, "bros before hoes" pull a 180 when they're no longer single
Funny thing is I've seen several guys change their behavior drastically for some trim. They will shit on their best lifelong friends for a woman. The same dudes that say things like, "bros before hoes" pull a 180 when they're no longer single
Funny thing is I've seen several guys change their behavior drastically for some trim. They will shit on their best lifelong friends for a woman. The same dudes that say things like, "bros before hoes" pull a 180 when they're no longer single
Funny thing is I've seen several guys change their behavior drastically for some trim. They will shit on their best lifelong friends for a woman. The same dudes that say things like, "bros before hoes" pull a 180 when they're no longer single
Re: Re: Young People
By: Moondog to Hustler on Wed May 24 2023 06:24 pm
Funny thing is I've seen several guys change their behavior drastically f > > some trim. They will shit on their best lifelong friends for a woman. T > > same dudes that say things like, "bros before hoes" pull a 180 when they > > no longer single
This right here. I've known a BUNCH of people like this. Like, what, people >
This right here. I've known a BUNCH of people like this. Like, what, people won't think you're manly if you'd do thinks for your woman? I bet people like that end up with shittier women because of it :).
Funny thing is I've seen several guys change their behavior drastically for some trim. They will shit on their best lifelong friends for a woman. The same dudes that say things like, "bros before hoes" pull a 180 when they're no longer single
That's your perspective, sometimes there is a reason you don't see ;).
As there is a reason for a simple truth told as men's joke in my part of the
Q: Do you know why divorces are so expensive?
A: Because they are worth it!
... Xerox Alto was the thing. Anything after we use is just a mere copy.
Re: Re: Young People
By: Moondog to Hustler on Wed May 24 2023 06:24 pm
Funny thing is I've seen several guys change their behavior drastically f some trim. They will shit on their best lifelong friends for a woman. T same dudes that say things like, "bros before hoes" pull a 180 when they no longer single
but you cant change your behavior for good. i've seen it too.
just dont take them back as friends when it backfires.
Re: Re: Young People
By: Moondog to Hustler on Wed May 24 2023 06:24 pm
Funny thing is I've seen several guys change their behavior drastically f some trim. They will shit on their best lifelong friends for a woman. T same dudes that say things like, "bros before hoes" pull a 180 when they no longer single
This right here. I've known a BUNCH of people like this. Like, what, people
Agreed! I always thought "bros before hoes" is what dudes that can't get girIf they have friends to stick with they are no really loners.
Whatever the reason is I cannot see, it's pretty shitty when a lifelong friend acts like a total stranger when you run into them in public with thei > girlfriend. If you cannot say hi to a friend or acknowledge their
existence, I hope it's worth destroying a friendship.
Whatever the reason is I cannot see, it's pretty shitty when a lifelong friend acts like a total stranger when you run into them in public with their girlfriend. If you cannot say hi to a friend or acknowledge their Mo>
existence, I hope it's worth destroying a friendship.
This right here. I've known a BUNCH of people like this. Like, what, people won't think you're manly if you'd do thinks for your woman? I be people like that end up with shittier women because of it :).
Agreed! I always thought "bros before hoes" is what dudes that can't get gir
be a lasting thing. If you crush a friendship for the sake of a romantic relationship you are destroying something that took a lot of effort to built and had a lot of potential for something that will likely break in the mediu run.
This right here. I've known a BUNCH of people like this. Like, what, people won't think you're manly if you'd do thinks for your woman? I bet people like that end up with shittier women because of it :).
This right here. I've known a BUNCH of people like this. Like, what, people won't think you're manly if you'd do thinks for your woman? I bet people like that end up with shittier women because of it :).
Agreed! I always thought "bros before hoes" is what dudes that can't get girlfriends say to justify their loneliness.
Re: Re: Young People
By: Phigan to Moondog on Thu May 25 2023 07:48 am
Re: Re: Young People
By: Moondog to Hustler on Wed May 24 2023 06:24 pm
Funny thing is I've seen several guys change their behavior drastically f some trim. They will shit on their best lifelong friends for a woman. T same dudes that say things like, "bros before hoes" pull a 180 when they no longer single
This right here. I've known a BUNCH of people like this. Like, what, people
I understand relationships consist of compromises, but if you're being coerced to be someone you're not, maybe that's a relationship you shouldn't be in.
I had one friend I became distant with because after he got married, he was only "allowed" to socialize with other married men, or couples. It
Re: Re: Young People
By: Arelor to Moondog on Fri May 26 2023 01:44 am
be a lasting thing. If you crush a friendship for the sake of a romantic relationship you are destroying something that took a lot of effort to bu > > and had a lot of potential for something that will likely break in the me > > run.
Are you saying don't marry a friend? Don't have sex with your friend? Don't > make friends with someone your not attracted to? WHat?
... 1024x768x256... Sounds like one MEAN woman!
� Synchronet � Do it @ the X: Sync: X-BIT.ORG <-> Spitfire: X-BIT.ORG:2323
I had one friend I became distant with because after he got married, he was only "allowed" to socialize with other married men, or couples. It
like to meet at a bar and have a few drinks, and he would say his wife won't let him. I would go anyways, and he and his wife would show up and not come
Arelor wrote to HusTler <=-
be a lasting thing. If you crush a friendship for the sake of a romantic relationship you are destroying something that took a lot of effort to bu and had a lot of potential for something that will likely break in the me
Are you saying don't marry a friend? Don't have sex with your friend? Don't make friends with someone your not attracted to? WHat?
I am saying it you get into a romantic relationship, you musn't
overinvest in it to the point you lose friends you already had.
I say this because I see this often and it rarely ends well. The
romantic relationship ends and then you are left without romance
and without friends.
Re: Re: Young People
By: esc to Phigan on Thu May 25 2023 06:19 pm
This right here. I've known a BUNCH of people like this. Like, what, people won't think you're manly if you'd do thinks for your woman? I bet people like that end up with shittier women because of it :).
Agreed! I always thought "bros before hoes" is what dudes that can't get girlfriends say to justify their loneliness.
As a man who was raised by all women I've seen what it is really like on the
Women live in a whole 'nother world than men. Women cheat more than men, and
Women do not see us as partners or equals.
Women truly understand 'bros before hoes' but it's reversed.
You will never know a woman more than her best friend or mother will.
Quite possibly you will get a smile from the woman while they conspire again
I've been raised by a family of women and I've been in long relationships wi
It's important to not be blind, and not be subservient to a woman. You will
Re: Re: Young People
By: Moondog to Phigan on Thu May 25 2023 11:11 pm
Re: Re: Young People
By: Phigan to Moondog on Thu May 25 2023 07:48 am
Re: Re: Young People
By: Moondog to Hustler on Wed May 24 2023 06:24 pm
Funny thing is I've seen several guys change their behavior drastically f some trim. They will shit on their best lifelong friends for a woman. T same dudes that say things like, "bros befo hoes" pull a 180 when they no longer single
This right here. I've known a BUNCH of people like this. Like, what, people
I understand relationships consist of compromises, but if you're being coerced to be someone you're not, maybe that's a relationship you shouldn be in.
whats weird is i always see women get with a guy because they like who he is
Hmmmm..... is it possible that the romantic relationship ends *BECAUSE* you didn't "overinvest" in it? Or, perhaps didn't invest *enough* because you were being careful to not overinvest?
Methinks that is not only possible, but likely.
Hmmmm..... is it possible that the romantic relationship ends *BECAUSE*
you didn't "overinvest" in it? Or, perhaps didn't invest *enough*
because you were being careful to not overinvest?
This reminded me of somethn I heard on the radio, I think it was called monkey branching. Men and women both do it, but women do it way more.
Some prize being in a relationship way more than being single, and even though they are in a good relationship they'll shop for a"second best" choic > to fall back on if the relationship fails. It's named for how monkeys move
from branch to branch in the wild, never letting go of the first branch unti > they successfully grasp onto the next.
This is failure of a relationship waiting to happen, since the person is already predicting the relationship will fail by setting up another possible > mate as backup. It is considered cheating at an emotional level.
Hmmmm..... is it possible that the romantic relationship ends *BECAUSE* > Ga> you didn't "overinvest" in it? Or, perhaps didn't invest *enough*
because you were being careful to not overinvest?
Methinks that is not only possible, but likely.
I think we have a winner!
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/02/26 (Linux/64)
* Origin: m O N T E R E Y b B S . c O M
Re: Re: Young People
By: Moondog to esc on Fri May 26 2023 07:53 am
I had one friend I became distant with because after he got married, he w only "allowed" to socialize with other married men, or couples. It
Hm, You got me thinking. At least they are being "up front" about it. Is tha
Arelor wrote to HusTler <=-
be a lasting thing. If you crush a friendship for the sake of a romant relationship you are destroying something that took a lot of effort to and had a lot of potential for something that will likely break in the
Are you saying don't marry a friend? Don't have sex with your friend? Do make friends with someone your not attracted to? WHat?
I am saying it you get into a romantic relationship, you musn't overinvest in it to the point you lose friends you already had.
I say this because I see this often and it rarely ends well. The romantic relationship ends and then you are left without romance
and without friends.
Hmmmm..... is it possible that the romantic relationship ends *BECAUSE*
you didn't "overinvest" in it? Or, perhaps didn't invest *enough*
because you were being careful to not overinvest?
Methinks that is not only possible, but likely.
... All hope abandon, ye who enter messages here.
Re: Re: Young People
By: Moondog to MRO on Sat May 27 2023 11:25 am
This reminded me of somethn I heard on the radio, I think it was called monkey branching. Men and women both do it, but women do it way more.
Some prize being in a relationship way more than being single, and even though they are in a good relationship they'll shop for a"second best" ch from branch to branch in the wild, never letting go of the first branch u
This is failure of a relationship waiting to happen, since the person is already predicting the relationship will fail by setting up another possi
I suspect that people doing that value the idea of being in a relationship b don't care that much about the relationship they are in. Id est: they want t be in a relationship but who they are involved with is secondary.
Some relatives and friends of mine come to mind.
My hipothesis is current social presure drives a lot of this behavior. There validate they are "somebody", but implicit in that position is the idea that
"The new tech knows the trade. We had just 30 seconds of downtime after the crash"
"Yeah, he might be an ace, but I bet he's never kissed a girl".
If peer preasure comes strong enough, then you may feel you need a relations circumpstances, being in a relationship is a goal in itself and having a via important that having a healthy A relationship.
MRO wrote to Moondog <=-
whats weird is i always see women get with a guy because they like who
he is and then try to change most things about it. that just shows how crazy most women are.
share common ground or ideas with, and the only thing they have in common is they are in a relationship. It sounds like some pretentious bullshit he is asked to go through the motions.
I was reading an article just today that implies that younger people > > DW> not as likely to be working, or looking for work, at all, so there is > > DW> that.
How do they expect to pay their bills & things without an income?
Live with their parents I guess.
It also talked about how a lower percentage of young people know how to drive.
* SLMR 2.1a * My grubby halo, a vapour trail in the empty air...Hey. Was trying to find the original message, but couldn't find it. So, I'll reply to this one.
� Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTT
Damn, that better be some SUPER good tang.. and bjs. In fact that second one is probably more important. Maybe she just gives really good bjs.
You guys are aware there are some females that BBS, right? How would you feel if your mother or sister was hanging around in a group and they started talking like this?
Damn, that better be some SUPER good tang.. and bjs. In fact that second one is probably more important. Maybe she just gives really good bjs.
You guys are aware there are some females that BBS, right? How would you feel if your mother or sister was hanging around in a group and they started talking like this?
Re: Re: Young People
By: Moondog to Phigan on Sat May 27 2023 08:34 pm
share common ground or ideas with, and the only thing they have in common they are in a relationship. It sounds like some pretentious bullshit he asked to go through the motions.
Damn, that better be some SUPER good tang.. and bjs. In fact that second one
Anyway, as a college student, I still live with family as it's too damn expensive to get a house here in SF. As with jobs, I've been working at a cand
hop during holidays most of the time. Decent wage, so trying to save up money.
so have been practicing driving periodically for about a year (only have a permit).Enjoying the experience so far.
Of course, I'm only one young person. The average life of a young adult could look different than mine. But for my life, it's been alright.
I see "dates" on their phones at restaurants and wonder why the hell
people bother?
Re: Re: Young People
By: poindexter FORTRAN to All on Mon May 29 2023 10:50 am
Speaking of dating in this reality, I was reading an article about the Golde Penis Syndrome.
The idea is that colleges in which the woman-to-man ratio is skyrocketing ar seeing a phenomenon in which it is hard for women to get a date, because men are scarce and can be picky.
Complaints are that men in those situation start being selective, thinking t (such as ghosting and dumping gals as they see fit).
I was lautghing my ass off while reading it because ruthless dating behavior
Also, I was reading a Spanish newspaper talking about a study which treated on the causes why people in general is
having less sex. Finantial insecurity and feminist empowerment were listed as causes.
Re: Re: Young People
By: Arelor to Moondog on Fri May 26 2023 01:44 am
be a lasting thing. If you crush a friendship for the sake of a romantic relationship you are destroying something that took a lot of effort to built and had a lot of potential for something that will likely break in the mediu run.
Are you saying don't marry a friend? Don't have sex with your friend? Don't make friends with someone your not attracted to? WHat?
... 1024x768x256... Sounds like one MEAN woman!
AND that was 35 seconds --- not like you wan to live in a garage or a musesum
AND that was 35 seconds --- not like you wan to live in a garage or a musesum
AND that was 35 seconds --- not like you wan to live in a garage or a musesum
I am guessing AI and/or spambot.
Re: Re: Young People
By: MRO to Porosz on Sun Aug 27 2023 10:17 pm
Just saying is takes her about 35 seconds to find out that you are/arn't married, and buy the time to run the table, all that balls just sink.
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