• ow my foookin knee

    From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to All on Sun Feb 18 15:25:52 2024
    Anybody have meniscus problems?

    About 2 years ago i was STANDING STILL DOING NOTHING talking to my boss.
    All of a sudden my knee POPPED! I felt it and we both heard it. Then i had a sense of panic because my knee hurt, and also it felt like it was separarated.

    so i soldiered on and didn't see a doctor. i just got an elastic knee brace and it works well. sometimes i hurt it worse and it gets better.

    for me, standing is no problem. I'm like a horse now. I'm surprised i dont sleep standing up now. now sleeping in bed is painful. i walke up several times a night. things have got better as i have rehab'd it a bit myself and build up my knee's strength.

    still , when i extend my knee when it's closed, there's a pop and it's somewhat painful.

    Anybody have these issues and doing something other than surgery?
    I don't want to get surgery unless it becomes serious. I hate doctors and can't afford the downtime.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANTIR to MRO on Sun Feb 18 16:49:11 2024
    Re: ow my foookin knee
    By: MRO to All on Sun Feb 18 2024 03:25 pm

    I don't want to get surgery unless it becomes serious. I hate doctors and ca > ---
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::

    There is probably a bunch of people skipping proper diagnosis and moving on with a broken_something too. That does not mean it is a great idea.

    Braces and supports are ok in some situations, but many orthopedists will wanr you that long term use may decrease the muscle mass of the place you apply themon. They usually recommend you to build muscle around the place that needs
    bracing rather than using orthopedia items.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Arelor on Sun Feb 18 18:22:01 2024
    Re: ow my foookin knee
    By: Arelor to MRO on Sun Feb 18 2024 04:49 pm

    There is probably a bunch of people skipping proper diagnosis and moving on with a broken_something too. That does not mean it is a great idea.

    I know plenty of people that went to a doctor to get fixed and ended up worse off. Plus i can't afford to take off. nor do i want to be cut open.

    Braces and supports are ok in some situations, but many orthopedists will wanr you that long term use may decrease the muscle mass of the place you apply themon. They usually recommend you to build muscle around the place that needs bracing rather than using orthopedia items.

    oh i certainly do not have an issue with muscle mass in my legs. they are all muscle and hard as a rock. no ass though.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From paulie420@VERT/BEERS20 to MRO on Sun Feb 18 21:01:00 2024
    About 2 years ago i was STANDING STILL DOING NOTHING talking to my boss. All of a sudden my knee POPPED! I felt it and we both heard it. Then i had a sense of panic because my knee hurt, and also it felt like it was separarated.

    I hope the fleas of 1,000 camels infest your armpits... and then yer meniscus pops again.

  • From Nopants@VERT/CITBBS to MRO on Mon Feb 19 18:28:00 2024
    Re: ow my foookin knee
    By: MRO to All on Sun Feb 18 2024 03:25 pm

    still , when i extend my knee when it's closed, there's a pop and it's somew

    Try taking some glucosamine & chondroitin for awhile and maybe it will go away.

    � Synchronet � The Crack in Time BBS - crackintimebbs.ddns.net:2323
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to MRO on Fri Feb 23 13:23:20 2024
    Re: ow my foookin knee
    By: MRO to All on Sun Feb 18 2024 03:25 pm

    Anybody have meniscus problems?

    Yep! The meniscus in my knees is only slightly stronger than wet toilet paper.

    About 2 years ago i was STANDING STILL DOING NOTHING talking to my boss. All of a sudden my knee POPPED! I felt it and we both heard it. Then i had a sense of panic because my knee hurt, and also it felt like it was separarated.

    Something similar happened to me about 20 years ago, except I was dirving a motorized pallet jack, and I hit a big crack in a warehouse floor.

    At the time I was in the best shape of my life. I was on my feet 12+ hours a day, and walked at least 5-10 miles a day. I was also in my mid 20's.

    That was the 3rd time I had to have knee surgery, and the second time on that knee. They did an MRI, claimed they couldn't see much, and decided to scope it. They found that my meniscus was torn, so they stiched it up. I was only off my knee for a few days, but it took 8 weeks before I was cleared to go back to work with no restrictions.

    That same knee was scoped when I was in 5th grade, as I was unable to straighten it out completely for some reason. Not due to any specific injury. That time, they just had me stay off of it for 6 weeks. It was in late February. In Wisconsin, in the 1980s. Crutches + ice don't mix, so I was basically holed up in school during recess.

    The other knee I blew out in my 3rd football game in 9th grade. That ended my football career. That was also a meniscul tear.

    nowdays, occasionally my knees will kind of sieze up and hurt. If I take it easy, they feel better after a few days and all is well for a couple months until it happens again.


    ...Hello, he lied.

    � Synchronet � War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to DaiTengu on Fri Feb 23 22:40:33 2024
    Re: ow my foookin knee
    By: DaiTengu to MRO on Fri Feb 23 2024 01:23 pm

    Then i had a sense of panic because my knee hurt, and also it felt like it was separarated.

    Something similar happened to me about 20 years ago, except I was dirving a motorized pallet jack, and I hit a big crack in a warehouse floor.

    i think this all started when i was walking on skids at work looking for something. my leg went through a gap and my knee went off to the side.

    eventually my knee would give out and i'd have to stop myself from falling. i rehabbed myself my riding a bike. this was probably 2008.

    that knee. They did an MRI, claimed they couldn't see much, and decided to scope it. They found that my meniscus was torn, so they stiched it up. I was only off my knee for a few days, but it took 8 weeks before I was cleared to go back to work with no restrictions.

    That same knee was scoped when I was in 5th grade, as I was unable to straighten it out completely for some reason. Not due to any specific injury. That time, they just had me stay off of it for 6 weeks. It was in late February. In Wisconsin, in the 1980s. Crutches + ice don't mix, so I was basically holed up in school during recess.

    The other knee I blew out in my 3rd football game in 9th grade. That ended my football career. That was also a meniscul tear.

    boy you sound like you just have genetically bad knees.
    nowdays, occasionally my knees will kind of sieze up and hurt. If I take it easy, they feel better after a few days and all is well for a couple months until it happens again.

    that's how it was before i had the pop. so be careful. it was the same with my coworker. i suggest getting an elastic knee brace and using it until you are better.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to MRO on Sat Feb 24 09:58:50 2024
    Re: ow my foookin knee
    By: MRO to DaiTengu on Fri Feb 23 2024 10:40 pm

    boy you sound like you just have genetically bad knees.

    Indeed I do. Like I said, they found that my meniscus is basically the consistency of wet toilet paper.

    that's how it was before i had the pop. so be careful. it was the same with my coworker. i suggest getting an elastic knee brace and using it until you are better.

    I had something similar happen in my lower left leg about 10 years ago. I was planting a rosebush, and missed my step, and my left leg went into the hole in the ground. It was then I heard a pop, like a wet rubber band snapping. I'm pretty sure that was my PLT snapping. It hurt like hell for a few days, but eventually got better, although to this day I do have occasional weakness in my left ankle once in awhile.

    I do have a couple elastic knee braces Multiple orthipedic doctors have told me to wear them any time I'm doing anything more than standing or walking.


    ...All's well that ends.

    � Synchronet � War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to DaiTengu on Sat Feb 24 13:55:30 2024
    Re: ow my foookin knee
    By: DaiTengu to MRO on Sat Feb 24 2024 09:58 am

    I do have a couple elastic knee braces Multiple orthipedic doctors have told me to wear them any time I'm doing anything more than standing or walking.


    here's a good cheap one that has been working for me. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07B9FLTDN
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::