• IARU Argues for Protection from Wireless Power Transfer Spurious Emissions

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Wed Apr 24 19:11:00 2019

    The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) was represented April 8 - 10, when CEPT Committee SE24 - Short Range Devices[1] met in Ankara, Turkey, to undertake further work concerning wireless power transfer/transmission (WPT). SE24 is considering WPT for electric vehicles (WPT-EV) and also for generic applications.

    IARU already provided extensive input on the potential impact on radio communications resulting from spurious emissions from WPT devices, as detailed in CEPT ECC Report 289[2], published in January. According to that report, given the planned density of WPT systems for electric vehicles operating in the 79 - 90 kHz range, it is calculated that there will be a widespread and serious impact for the Amateur Service in the vicinity of WPT systems, should spurious emissions, measured at 10 meters, be at the current limits of ERC Recommendation 74-01[3].

    At the Ankara meeting, IARU and other interested parties provided further input. SE24 will meet again in early July to focus on WPT issues.

    Also at Ankara, IARU attended the Short-Range Devices Maintenance Group meeting (SRD/MG), where it was noted that further work was needed in SE24 before spurious emission limits for WPT devices could be addressed in a regulatory sense. IARU was represented in Ankara by IARU Region 1 President Don Beattie, G3BJ, who is spearheading the IARU's work in this area.

    The issue of WPT-EV is World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19) Agenda Item 9.1.6, for which studies are still under way. Broadcasters, land mobile services, and others have also expressed concern about spurious WPT-EV emissions. Further work remains regarding generic WPT systems for such applications as cell phone charging, power tools, and household appliances.� �

    [1] https://www.cept.org/ecc/groups/ecc/wg-se/se-24/client/introduction/
    [2] https://www.ecodocdb.dk/document/8214
    [3] https://www.ecodocdb.dk/document/1001

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