In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, some members of the Bolingbrook Amateur Radio Society (BARS[1]) in suburban Chicago established a nightly health-and-welfare net to keep area hams in contact with one another after sheltering in place became the norm.
The Anti-Viral Net will mark its first anniversary on March 16. The net runs every night of the week, except for the third Monday of the month, which is when BARS holds its monthly meeting. Each Anti-Viral Net session has a regular net control operator, and there is usually a question each night that prompts discussion.
The BARS linked repeater system is 147.330 MHz, 107.2 Hz CTCSS, and 443.525 MHz, 114.8 Hz CTCSS. The repeater can also be found on EchoLink at K9BAR-R. The net is held at 1930 CT. - Thanks to Rob Sobkoviak, K9NYO��
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