Dr. Ed Snyder, W1YSM, of Wallingford, Connecticut, who provided funding for an endowment to support the ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio Initiative in 2017[1], has generously donated additional funding to expand the endowment to include ARRL Affiliated Clubs. The endowment, formerly known as the W1YSM Snyder Family Collegiate Amateur Radio Endowment Fund, has been renamed and will now be known as the W1YSM Snyder Family Collegiate & ARRL Affiliated Club Endowment Fund.
Dr. Snyder credits ARRL's dedication to supporting amateur radio clubs across the nation with giving him a renewed passion for reinvigorating clubs. The additional contribution to the endowment allows ARRL to expand and continue club programs. Dr. Snyder, President of the Meriden Amateur Radio Association, views this program as essential to the legacy of amateur radio.
ARRL Field Services Manager Mike Walters, W8ZY, stated that the W1YSM Snyder Family Collegiate & ARRL Affiliated Club Endowment Fund will benefit programs for large and small clubs across America. "Amateur radio clubs are the backbone of local amateur activities," said Walters. "Clubs mentor new amateur radio operators, serve their communities through emergency communications, and engage youth in STEM disciplines." ARRL has a network of almost 2,800 affiliated clubs in the US. To locate a local club, visit www.arrl.org/find-a-club[2].
The Collegiate Amateur Radio Initiative has led to the development of a national network of college amateur radio clubs under the aegis of ARRL and set up ways for these clubs to stay in contact and communicate on the air, in meetings, and through other activities. "Five years ago, ARRL began the Collegiate Amateur Radio Initiative to support the grassroots fellowship between collegiate clubs, while highlighting their diverse technical and operating interests," said Andy Milluzzi, KK4LWR, who has co-advised the initiative with his brother Tony Milluzzi, KD8RTT. Together, they have organized collegiate meetups at hamfests, online groups via Discord and Facebook, and monthly Zoom forums. "Collegiate Amateur Radio is an important pillar of both the hobby and STEM education," Milluzzi said. "Thanks in part to the generous support from the W1YSM Snyder Family Collegiate & ARRL Affiliated Club Endowment, we are excited to announce that ARRL's collegiate support has graduated. The name change to ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio Program (CARP) reflects the ongoing support and growth of the thriving community of collegiate hams. Please join us celebrating this ARRL member-driven program's current and future success." To learn more about the ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio Program, visit www.arrl.org/WeWantU[3].
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