• Hamvention 2019 - Saturday Roundup

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Sun May 19 00:56:06 2019

    Saturday at Dayton Hamvention was very sunny with a comfortable breeze, and visitors settled into what shade they could find at covered picnic tables or stretched out in grassy areas under a tree throughout the day. Many attendees took advantage of the beautiful weather to continue their hobby as they wove through vendors and food trucks. Chad Greene, KC3CQZ, carried solar panels connected on his backpack to keep his portable equipment powered and operating. Meanwhile, Chris Bravo, W44ALF, rigged antenna masts onto his bicycle to make CW and voice contacts, reaching Arizona, Florida, and what he described as "the shortest QSO ever at Hamvention" -- another Hamvention attendee standing directly in front of him with a handheld transceiver.

    In attendance for Saturday's events was Jet Jergensmeyer, KE0UWZ, who stars as Boyd Baxter in Fox's television comedy Last Man Standing. ARRL Communications Content Producer Michelle Patnode, W3MVP, caught Jergensmeyer for an interview for ARRL's new podcast, So Now What? She also interviewed Sarah Byrne of FEMA External Affairs, who was featured on the panel of Friday's ARRL Public Service forum. The "Highlights at Hamvention" episode will be out soon following convention weekend, featuring additional guests.

    Following in the Hamvention theme of "Mentoring the Next Generation," the 2019 Youth Forum moderated by Carole Perry, WB2MGP, was popularly attended by a crowd of all ages. The various young presenters included 17-year-old Marty Sullaway, NN1C, who discussed Team Exuberance, an all-youth contesting team that recently competed in their first contest in April. The August 2019 issue of QST will feature more on the team and how they would like to promote youth activity in Amateur Radio.

    Many members of Team Exuberance first came together during last year's Dave Kalter Memorial Youth DX Adventure trip. Team leaders Don DuBon, N6JRL; Jim Storms, AB8YK, and Ron Doyle, N8VAR, used their booth at Hamvention to raise money for this year's trip to Curacao by selling pins and raffling an Icom IC-7300 transceiver. Doyle said the group receives about 75% of the trip's funding at Hamvention each year, and are on track to reach their total goal by the end of the weekend.

    The ARRL Member Forum later in the afternoon was very well attended, with people standing and lining the walls. It featured a panel of the ARRL Board and was moderated by ARRL Great Lakes Division Director Dale Williams, WA8EFK. During the forum, President Rick Roderick, K5UR, presented the Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN)�with the 2018 Microwavelength Development Award for their implementations of Amateur Radio's microwave bands.

    Engaging Today's Radio Amateur, by ARRL CEO Howard Michel, WB2ITX, also attracted a crowd. Members of the audience expressed positive support for the new directions Michel is making in ARRL's organization and approach to content creation.

    Many exciting items were included at the weekend's second New Product Showcase, with MFJ Enterprises introducing a long list of devices -- some of which already sold out. More details on new products at Hamvention will be provided in the August 2019 issue of QST.

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