• SOTA - 3rd and 4th activations

    From Andyzot@VERT/ABBBS to All on Sun Aug 14 16:39:02 2022
    August 13th 2022, in the midst of a heatwave, I decided to attempt the activation of 2 summits in the Brecon Beacons, South Wales. Mynydd Llangorse and Mynydd Troed were my chosen peaks and an early start to avode the heat was on the cards, so at 0530 we left Cardiff and arrived at our set off point approx. 1hr15mins later.
    16 degrees meant it was a comfortable start as we headed up GW/SW-015, a steep start meant I was quickly out of breath but the summit didn't look to far away, unfortunately it was false, we had another 500 yards to go but we made it in good time.
    I managed to activate within about 30 mins and we headed to the summit of GW/SW-009 which is a lot higher and further, temperatures were rising and we arrived at the summit around 10am, again activated within about 30 minutes.
    There's more of a write up on my BBS - AuntieBodies if you care to check it out and I'd appreciate comments.
    Onward & Upward
    Andy the SysOp of Auntie Bodies BBS

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