• Radio Club of America Announces 2022 Award Recipients and Fellows

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Thu Sep 1 22:03:02 2022

    The Radio Club of America (RCA) has announced its 2022 award recipients and Fellows, including amateur radio operator Edward M. Gable, K2MP. The 2022 awards and Fellows ceremonies will be held at the RCA Awards Banquet in the Atlanta, Georgia, Hyatt Regency on November 19, 2022.

    ARRL Life Member Edward M. Gable, K2MP, is the Barry Goldwater Amateur Radio Award recipient. This award recognizes significant achievements of excellence in the engineering and manufacturing of radio equipment.

    Professor Akhlesh Lakhtakia is the Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. This award recognizes very significant achievements and a major body of work accomplished over a lifetime, resulting in advancement of the art and science of wireless technology.

    Arlene Harris is the Wireless Innovation Award recipient. This award recognizes innovative concepts or products in use in the wireless industry.

    Patti Ryg is the Excellence in Sales and Marketing Award recipient. This award recognizes an individual who exhibits the "Esprit de Corps" of sales, marketing, and promoting in the wireless industry.

    Donald Root is the RCA Special Recognition Award recipient. This award is for dedicated service to the RCA.

    Evan Rolek is the Special Recognition Award recipient. This award is presented to an individual who has worked tirelessly to support the RCA. For decades, Rolek has supported the RCA Youth Activities Program.

    Ellen O'Hara is the RCA Special Services Award recipient. This award was established to recognize RCA members who have performed significant work to advance the goals and objectives of the RCA.

    Jim and Felicia Kreuzer are the Ralph Batcher Memorial Award recipients. This award is presented to an RCA member for their significant work in preserving the history of radio and electronic communications. Jim and Felicia have made numerous contributions to historical preservation and educational efforts at the Antique Wireless Association and the RCA, including many exhibits, publications, and programs.

    Paul Scutieri is the President's Award recipient. This award recognizes the demonstration of unselfish dedication to the work of the RCA.

    The following individuals have been elevated to Fellow status in 2022:

    o Lynn Bisha
    o Professor James Breakall, PhD
    o Neil Horden
    o Jason Kern
    o Pete Varounis

    Founded in 1909, The Radio Club of America[1] includes professionals from across the wireless communications industry.

    [1] https://www.radioclubofamerica.org/

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