While thousands were enjoying ARRL Field Day over the June 21 - 23 weekend, some 14,300 visitors from more than 50 countries arrived on the shores of Lake Constance in Friedrichshafen, Germany, for HAM RADIO[1] 2019. Show officials said this 44th event attracted about 400 more visitors this year. The previously reported 2018 attendance of 15,460 included radio amateurs, invited Scouts, and attendees at the concurrent and co-located Maker Faire, which did not take place at this year's show. This year's show boasted 184 exhibitors and associations from 32 countries.
ARRL fielded a contingent of representatives to HAM RADIO 2019, headed by President Rick Roderick, K5UR.
"The ARRL booth was busy," reported ARRL Product Development Manager Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R. "Many international attendees joined ARRL or renewed their memberships. It was nice to meet so many radio amateurs from around the globe."
Inderbitzen said a substantial line formed on Friday and Saturday morning as applicants for DXCC and other popular ARRL Award programs queued up to have their QSL cards verified by volunteer ARRL Card Checkers. Some 40 candidates sat for their US license examinations on Saturday, organized by ARRL Volunteer Examiner team leader Manfred Lauterborn, DK2PZ/K2PZ.
Inderbitzen added that many international attendees joined ARRL or renewed their memberships. "QST is enjoyed the world over," he said. "It was nice to meet so many radio amateurs from around the globe." ARRL has nearly 9,000 international members.
Inderbitzen also said he was struck by the large number of younger attendees. "Many of these young radio amateurs and prospective hams attended Ham Camp," Inderbitzen said. "A large contingent representing Youngsters on the Air (YOTA[2]), an initiative of IARU Region 1, helped promote the 2019 YOTA summer camp, August 11 - 17 in Bulgaria. During HAM RADIO, young hams carried the YOTA flag to each of the stands organized by International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) member-societies, gathering crowds to cheer on the young hams."
ARRL representatives attending the convention in Germany also included International Affairs Vice President Jay Bellows, K0QB, and Regulatory Information Manager Dan Henderson, N1ND.
HAM RADIO 2020 will take place June 26 - 28.
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