• cw learning

    From Bbsing.Bbs@VERT/EWBBS to All on Thu Aug 8 09:49:00 2019
    Hello all,

    Does anyone have a decent strategy and technique for learning CW.

    Right now I'm using an android application called "morse trainer". Its a neat application but it seems a bit more visual, so making the connection with the audio is odd to me.

    I really want to get on 40 M, but ... I can't until I pass the bar for CW.

    Also .. I'm a bad speller, and I don't know if anyone else here has the same condition but, someone can spell something to me, and it takes me a long time to figure out words that are not really really simple. I can read and talk fine but ... spelling isn't my thing, .. Computer commands are though.


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    � Synchronet � Electronic Warfare BBS | telnet://bbs.ewbbs.net
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Bbsing.Bbs on Mon Aug 12 20:20:42 2019
    Re: cw learning
    By: Bbsing.Bbs to All on Thu Aug 08 2019 09:49 am

    I really want to get on 40 M, but ... I can't until I pass the bar for CW.

    You sure about that? What country is your QTH?

    digital man

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  • From echicken@VERT/ECBBS to Bbsing.Bbs on Mon Aug 12 23:20:36 2019
    Re: cw learning
    By: Bbsing.Bbs to All on Thu Aug 08 2019 09:49:00

    Does anyone have a decent strategy and technique for learning CW.

    Right now I'm using an android application called "morse trainer". Its a neat application but it seems a bit more visual, so making the connection with the audio is odd to me.

    I used "Morse Toad" for a while and it seemed decent. There's also the lcwo.net website. Plenty of
    audio beeps in both. Though really, you're training your brain to recognize patterns, and I wonder how
    much it matters if they're visual vs. auditory.

    I never became proficient in morse, so whatever I learned is mostly gone now. I may try again some day,
    but I'm just not that committed to it, and there are plenty of alternatives.

    I really want to get on 40 M, but ... I can't until I pass the bar for CW.

    What country are you in?

    Also .. I'm a bad speller, and I don't know if anyone else here has the same condition but, someone can spell something to me, and it takes me a long time to figure out words that are not really really simple. I can read and talk fine but ... spelling isn't my thing, .. Computer commands are though.

    As pertains to morse, a lot of stuff is sent in short form - q-codes, abbreviations and so on. People
    actually get annoyed if you spell things out in full, since it takes longer to send (and maybe more
    effort to copy). I think there's a certain amount of shorthand you'd need to learn in order to use it

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
    � Synchronet � electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
  • From Vk3jed@VERT/FREEWAY to echicken on Tue Aug 13 19:56:00 2019
    On 08-12-19 23:20, echicken wrote to Bbsing.Bbs <=-

    I used "Morse Toad" for a while and it seemed decent. There's also the lcwo.net website. Plenty of audio beeps in both. Though really,
    you're training your brain to recognize patterns, and I wonder how much
    it matters if they're visual vs. auditory.

    I'd say quite a bit. Some people have compared learning Morse by ear to listening to music, with the rhythmic patterns.

    I never became proficient in morse, so whatever I learned is mostly
    gone now. I may try again some day, but I'm just not that committed to it, and there are plenty of alternatives.

    I never became really proficient either, but still seem to keep around the same level in receiving.

    I really want to get on 40 M, but ... I can't until I pass the bar for CW.

    What country are you in?

    Yeah, many countries have dropped the Morse requirement altogether. If anything, that has increased the popularity of CW, because now it's a skill to master, not just something you have to pass an exam for.

    Also .. I'm a bad speller, and I don't know if anyone else here has the same condition but, someone can spell something to me, and it takes me a long time to figure out words that are not really really simple. I can read and talk fine but ... spelling isn't my thing, .. Computer commands are though.

    As pertains to morse, a lot of stuff is sent in short form - q-codes, abbreviations and so on. People actually get annoyed if you spell
    things out in full, since it takes longer to send (and maybe more
    effort to copy). I think there's a certain amount of shorthand you'd
    need to learn in order to use it effectively.

    Yeah, bit like texting on your phone. :D

    ... Elvis has left the echo.
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    � Synchronet � Freeway BBS, Bendigo Australia. freeway.apana.org.au
  • From Bbsing.Bbs@VERT/EWBBS to Digital Man on Tue Aug 13 13:52:00 2019
    Digital Man wrote to Bbsing.Bbs <=-

    Re: cw learning
    By: Bbsing.Bbs to All on Thu Aug 08 2019 09:49 am

    I really want to get on 40 M, but ... I can't until I pass the bar for CW.

    You sure about that? What country is your QTH?

    Sorry Digital Man, and to everyone else.

    When I say pass the bar for CW I mean able to use my brain and ears to decode the dits and dahs.

    My QTH is USA.


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    � Synchronet � Electronic Warfare BBS | telnet://bbs.ewbbs.net
  • From Bbsing.Bbs@VERT/EWBBS to echicken on Tue Aug 13 16:35:00 2019
    echicken wrote to Bbsing.Bbs <=-

    Re: cw learning
    By: Bbsing.Bbs to All on Thu Aug 08 2019 09:49:00

    Does anyone have a decent strategy and technique for learning CW.

    Right now I'm using an android application called "morse trainer". Its a neat application but it seems a bit more visual, so making the connection with the audio is odd to me.

    I used "Morse Toad" for a while and it seemed decent. There's also the lcwo.net website. Plenty of audio beeps in both. Though really,
    you're training your brain to recognize patterns, and I wonder how much
    it matters if they're visual vs. auditory.

    I never became proficient in morse, so whatever I learned is mostly
    gone now. I may try again some day, but I'm just not that committed to it, and there are plenty of alternatives.
    I think the lure is due to my heavy computing and desire to pick up stations with lower cost systems. I'm not ready to put down +$1k for a setup yet. I would like to see what I can do with lower power systems that cost much less.

    I really want to get on 40 M, but ... I can't until I pass the bar for CW.

    What country are you in?

    Also .. I'm a bad speller, and I don't know if anyone else here has the same condition but, someone can spell something to me, and it takes me a long time to figure out words that are not really really simple. I can read and talk fine but ... spelling isn't my thing, .. Computer commands are though.

    As pertains to morse, a lot of stuff is sent in short form - q-codes, abbreviations and so on. People actually get annoyed if you spell
    things out in full, since it takes longer to send (and maybe more
    effort to copy). I think there's a certain amount of shorthand you'd
    need to learn in order to use it effectively.
    Thank you echicken.


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    � Synchronet � Electronic Warfare BBS | telnet://bbs.ewbbs.net
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Bbsing.Bbs on Tue Aug 13 20:18:17 2019
    Re: Re: cw learning
    By: Bbsing.Bbs to Digital Man on Tue Aug 13 2019 01:52 pm

    Digital Man wrote to Bbsing.Bbs <=-

    Re: cw learning
    By: Bbsing.Bbs to All on Thu Aug 08 2019 09:49 am

    I really want to get on 40 M, but ... I can't until I pass the bar for CW.

    You sure about that? What country is your QTH?

    Sorry Digital Man, and to everyone else.

    When I say pass the bar for CW I mean able to use my brain and ears to decode the dits and dahs.

    Ah, gotcha.

    digital man

    This Is Spinal Tap quote #4:
    David St. Hubbins: He died in a bizarre gardening accident...
    Norco, CA WX: 77.7�F, 50.0% humidity, 0 mph ESE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs ---
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From echicken@VERT/ECBBS to Bbsing.Bbs on Wed Aug 14 10:40:47 2019
    Re: Re: cw learning
    By: Bbsing.Bbs to Digital Man on Tue Aug 13 2019 13:52:00

    When I say pass the bar for CW I mean able to use my brain and ears to decode the dits and dahs.

    Right - but CW isn't the only mode you can use on 40M. If you really want to use that band,
    you can still operate phone, or digital modes, etc.

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
    � Synchronet � electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
  • From Bbsing.Bbs@VERT/EWBBS to echicken on Thu Aug 15 16:39:00 2019
    echicken wrote to Bbsing.Bbs <=-

    Re: Re: cw learning
    By: Bbsing.Bbs to Digital Man on Tue Aug 13 2019 13:52:00

    When I say pass the bar for CW I mean able to use my brain and ears to decode the dits and dahs.

    Right - but CW isn't the only mode you can use on 40M. If you really
    want to use that band, you can still operate phone, or digital modes,

    I'm only a tech right now, and because I'm really fascinated with low power and lower cost, ... at least for right now, because HAM as a hobby can get .. really expensive really fast specially for new HAMS like myself, I want to by the:
    QRP Labs QCX 5W CW transceiver kit
    and maybe the
    QRP Labs Ultimate3S kit.
    I know the CW is a bit limiting, but when I hear it on 2M, ... I wish I know what it was, probably just the local repeaters sending their station call sign.

    I don't really know what the Ultimate3S kit is all about yet... but still trying to put together the basic setup to get further than 2Meter systems.

    Working out 25+ feed line, and proper antenna for my setup.


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    � Synchronet � Electronic Warfare BBS | telnet://bbs.ewbbs.net
  • From echicken@VERT/ECBBS to Bbsing.Bbs on Fri Aug 16 00:33:21 2019
    Re: Re: cw learning
    By: Bbsing.Bbs to echicken on Thu Aug 15 2019 16:39:00

    I know the CW is a bit limiting, but when I hear it on 2M, ... I wish I know
    what it was, probably just the local repeaters sending their station call sign.

    Some actual CW (and SSB phone) does happen at the low end of 2M, but you're correct - if you're hearing morse on 2M FM, it'll be a repeater identifying itself.

    I don't really know what the Ultimate3S kit is all about yet... but still trying to put together the basic setup to get further than 2Meter systems.

    If you're really committed to learning the code, then I guess you might have an incentive when it's the only mode your radio will operate. I wonder if that would've worked for me.

    The price is right, anyway. I like the options that my HF rig gives me, but a kit like that would be fun to build and use for a while at least.

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
    � Synchronet � electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
  • From Bbsing.Bbs@VERT/EWBBS to echicken on Thu Mar 24 16:56:35 2022
    Re: Re: cw learning
    By: echicken to Bbsing.Bbs on Fri Aug 16 2019 12:33 am

    I don't really know what the Ultimate3S kit is all about yet... but still
    trying to put together the basic setup to get further than 2Meter systems.

    If you're really committed to learning the code, then I guess you might have an incentive when it's the only mode your radio wil
    operate. I wonder if that would've worked for me.

    I am in a bad spot. My ft991a even on high power has such a problem getting out.
    I've used ft8 and made contacts on a few bands, and even contacted japan. I'm in the USA west coast.
    CW I practiced using a program called moris mania. Its pretty good for learning.
    I still have a long way to go.

    The price is right, anyway. I like the options that my HF rig gives me, but a kit like that would be fun to build and use for a

    Some cheaper options with smaller package when using CW. So there is an incentive. :)

    � Synchronet � Electronic Warfare BBS | telnet://bbs.ewbbs.net
  • From Flyinpianoman@VERT/HB1NOS to Bbsing.Bbs on Tue Mar 29 00:17:00 2022
    If you haven't done so already, check out the free program called Morse
    Runner. It is primarily for contest training, but a lot of fun for learning what it's like to be on the air...especially when you let the program
    simulate QSB, QRM and multiple stations caling.

    I would also suggest making a few contacts with POTA stations. The format is rather "standardized" and as a hunter, you are very limited to what you have
    to send, once you hear your call come back from the activator...just send
    them a signal report and 2-letter state abbreviation and you're all set!

    If you ever hear me (KB2IOF), I'd be glad to work you!

    Jerry KB2IOF

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 2020/02/18 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: HB1BBS Packet Radio BBS
  • From Bbsing.Bbs@VERT/EWBBS to Flyinpianoman on Mon Mar 28 21:24:00 2022
    Flyinpianoman wrote to Bbsing.Bbs <=-

    @MSGID: <[email protected]>
    If you haven't done so already, check out the free program called Morse Runner. It is primarily for contest training, but a lot of fun for learning what it's like to be on the air...especially when you let the program simulate QSB, QRM and multiple stations caling.
    I'll take a look at that program.

    I would also suggest making a few contacts with POTA stations. The
    format is rather "standardized" and as a hunter, you are very limited
    to what you have to send, once you hear your call come back from the activator...just send them a signal report and 2-letter state
    abbreviation and you're all set!

    If you ever hear me (KB2IOF), I'd be glad to work you!

    Jerry KB2IOF
    Thanks Jerry.

    I'm going to get a keyer. .. Dang a lot of them are expensive, more so than I thought they would be. I'll get a decent $100 keyer. I've been waiting for an MFJ that was about $50, but its a little larger than I wanted for hiking. I found what looks like a nice key on ebay, and it should last for several years.

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    � Synchronet � Electronic Warfare BBS | telnet://bbs.ewbbs.net
  • From Andre Robitaille@VERT/RDOMENTR to Bbsing.Bbs on Tue Mar 29 17:36:12 2022
    Morse runner is a really good program. Highly recommended.

    I've got a few keyers of various types. I picked up the Vibroplex code
    warrior junior for like $100. I think it's $120 now. I think it's fantastic
    for the money, though maybe a little too light of a base.


    - Andre

    � Synchronet � Radio Mentor BBS - bbs.radiomentor.org