Details on the current roster of presentations and speakers for the 2019 ARRL-TAPR Digital Communications Conference (DCC), which takes place September 20 - 22 at the Detroit Metro Airport Marriott Hotel, have been announced.
Ten papers are on the schedule, so far, and there's room for more. Contact[1] Steve Bible, N7HPR, to submit your paper.�
o "PSAT2 DTMF Experiment APRStt - Touchtone� Digital Communications Using any Radio for Data Exchange" by Bob Bruninga, WB4APR
o "Extending D-STAR with Codec 2" by Antony Chazapis, SV9OAN
o "IPV6 for Amateur Radio" by Daniel Est�vez, EA4GPZ/M0HXM
o "Synchronization in FT8" by Mike Hasselbeck, WB2FKO
o "WSPR in an Educational Project" by Anthony Le Cren, F4GOH
o "Portable Audio Frequency-Shift Keying Sensors using a Hamshield mini" by Nolan Pearce, KE8JCT; Stephen S. Hamilton, KJ5HY, and Kate J. Duncan, KB2ZOO
o "An FPGA Learning Experience: SPI Interface to Max10 FPGA" by Gregory Raven, KF5N
o "Modulation - Demodulation Software Radio" by Alex Schwarz, VE7DXW
o "How to Kill Packet-Radio & APRS? Come to Serbia! (Part 2)" by Mirislav "Misko" Skoric, YT7MPB
o "GPS Watch Technology" by Darryl Smith, VK2TDS
Bill Brown, WB8ELK, father of Amateur Radio ballooning and noted experimenter and engineer, will be the DCC Saturday evening banquet speaker.
The Sunday Seminar topic will be "Learn to build and operate your own SatNOGS[2] ground station," presented by Dan White, AD0CQ, and Corey Shields, KB9JHU. This seminar will be a hands-on, progressive tutorial, starting with the basics of a SatNOGS (Satellite Networked Open Ground Station) and ending with the development of telemetry decoders.
Familiarity with Linux and the Raspberry Pi platform is beneficial but not required. The presenters also will interact with SatNOGS web services and discuss other technologies in use such as Python, GNURadio, InfluxDB, Kaitai Structs, and Grafana. Participants should gain an understanding of how SatNOGS applications work, how to use them, and a basic familiarity with the technologies behind the scenes, should they wish to contribute to the development of the project. Participants should bring a laptop and sign up[3] for a free account.
A room will be set aside for demonstrations, experiments, and show-and-tell projects. Tables and power strips will be provided.
Thanks to a generous grant from Amateur Radio Digital Communications, TAPR is able to fund attendance at the DCC for a limited number of students. To nominate a deserving student for an all-expense-paid trip to the DCC, submit[4] a nomination.
Reserve[5] a room at the Detroit Metro Airport Marriott Hotel before August 28 to get the special conference room rate of $106 per night, which is good for 3 days before and after the DCC. Register[6] for the DCC before August 30 to get the early-bird registration rate.
[1] mailto:
[email protected]
[4] mailto:
[email protected]
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