• Radio Amateurs Aid Isolated Settler in Chile

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Wed Mar 20 15:34:12 2019

    Radio Club de Chile reports[1] "a short story with a happy ending." Don Martin, a settler living in an isolated location south of Cochrane - a town in Chile's Capit�n Prat Province - has a small government-issued radio that allows him to communicate locally. The set failed, however, and when an acquaintance learned of the problem, he contacted the Radio Club de Chile.

    After some long-distance exchanges, club members were able to determine what was wrong and offered instructions on how to fix it. Their solution proved to be successful, and Martin was able to reestablish communication with Cochrane. He is reported happy and thankful to all who participated. - Thanks to Radio Club de Chile

    [1] http://www.ce3aa.cl/una-pequena-historia-con-un-final-feliz/

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