• World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 Special Event Set

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Fri Oct 25 18:30:01 2019

    The Egyptian Radio Amateur Society (ERASD) and Egypt's National Telecommunications Radio Authority (NTRA) have announced a special event for World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19). SU8X and SU8WRC will be on the air from Sharm el-Sheikh in southern Egypt, the venue of WRC-19. Operation will begin October 26 UTC as SU8X participates in the CQ World Wide DX Contest SSB. Special event station SU8WRC will take to the air on October 28, as the conference opens, and continue until October 31.

    Heading the special event team is ERASD President Said, SU1SK, with associates Tarek Abdallah, SU2TA, and Yasser Mahdy, SU3YM, all of whom will attend WRC-19 as part of the NTRA delegation. Operation on 6 meters and other new privileges have been authorized for the special event. Other conference visitors as well as hams visiting Sharm el-Sheikh will be invited to operate. Contact[1] the special event site via email starting on October 28.

    ERASD has invited Radio Arcala OH8X as honorary guests and as experts in sharing amateur radio with partners from evolving countries that are off amateur radio's beaten path. Martti Laine, OH2BH, and Niko Halminen, OH2GEK, will represent OH8X and also showcase amateur radio during the conference.

    QSL SU8WRC via OH2BH.�

    [1] mailto:[email protected]

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