Access to 60 Meters Continues to Expand
QST on Mon Nov 11 18:06:10 2019
According to the latest edition of The 5 MHz Newsletter, regulatory agencies in an expanding list of countries have granted amateur radio access to a 60-meter band.
A secondary allocation of 5.351.5 - 5.366.5 MHz was released to radio amateurs in Kuwait, where they will adhere to the World Radiocommunication Conference 2015 (WRC-15) allocation, permitting a maximum power of 15 W EIRP. Indonesian and Greek hams recently gained access to the same allocation.
Meanwhile, Israel has extended authorization of 5 MHz amateur permits to the end of December and added a Channel 0 to the existing eight channels, where hams may run 100 W PEP on several modes, depending upon the channel.
Still under discussion is ham radio access to a 5 MHz secondary band in Australia, where the band is used by some emergency services and law enforcement. Nearly 80 countries offer some level of amateur access to the 5 MHz band.
In the US, ARRL petitioned the FCC shortly after WRC-15 to allocate a secondary 60-meter band and to permit 100 W PEP, as already authorized on the existing channels there.
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