• OH2BH to be on the Air from Myanmar

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Wed Nov 20 22:32:15 2019

    The government in Myanmar has given limited amateur operating privileges to Martti Laine, OH2BH. He will use XZ2D. Laine reports that authorities in the Southeast Asian nation have only permitted him to operate on 15 meters and higher, but he is hoping to obtain permission to operate on a spot frequency on 20 meters.

    "Getting 14.065 kHz temporarily for the duration of 48 hours would be magic," Laine said. Members of the worldwide amateur community wrote the Myanmar government to support Laine.

    "As Radio Arcala, OH8X, remains at their Climate Park with more than 110,000 mangroves planted[1]," he continued. "[O]ur dream remains to activate the Union of Myanmar from our own site from the noise-free Ayeyarwady Region of Myanmar." The XZ2D license is valid until next April 17. Laine said he has been setting up his station and should be on the air on November 21. According to Club Log's DXCC Most Wanted list, Myanmar is #48.

    [1] https://wif.foundation/en/

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