• Strong Earthquake Shakes Puerto Rico, ARES Standing By

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Tue Jan 7 15:39:27 2020

    A strong magnitude 6.4 earthquake hit Puerto Rico early on January 7 on the heels of a smaller magnitude 5.8 tremor a day earlier. The Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority reported widespread power outages after generating plants automatically activated protective shutdown systems following the earthquake. Puerto Rico Governor Wanda Vazquez Garced urged citizens to remain calm.

    "The entire government is active and in action," Governor Vazquez said in a tweet. "I ask our people to remain calm and urge you to remain safe." Government offices have been shut down for the day.

    The director of Puerto Rico's Seismic Network, V�ctor Hu�rfano, told The Associated Press that it's been difficult to obtain reports of damage or injuries because communications are out over much of the island. Geologists had warned of additional seismic activity following the January 6 earthquake. Tremors have been occurring in some areas of Puerto Rico since December 28.

    ARRL Puerto Rico Public Information Officer Angel Santana, WP3GW, said the earthquakes have damaged homes in communities including Gu�nica and Guayanilla, with aftershocks felt minutes later from today's event. A tsunami advisory for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands was canceled minutes after being issued. Santana said the PREMA Emergency Operations Center (EOC) has been activated.

    Santana said VHF and UHF repeater systems having emergency power carried reports of power outages and other information. ARRL Puerto Rico Section Manager Oscar Resto, KP4RF, told ARRL that no Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) activations have been necessary, as commercial telecommunication systems remain functional.

    "The situation is scary, with houses, schools, and roads collapsing," Resto said, with many structures - including a school and homes in Gu�nica - damaged.

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