• ARRL Board Grants Awards and Recognitions

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Mon Feb 10 15:09:20 2020

    Meeting January 17 - 18, the ARRL Board of Directors bestowed several honors, awards, and recognitions. The Board conferred:

    o the ARRL President's Award on David H. Bernstein, AA6YQ, in recognition of "exemplary, outstanding, and continuing service" to ARRL and its members as part of the ARRL Logbook of The World team. Bernstein was a charter member of the ARRL Logbook Committee and a "founding, influential, and devoted member" of the Committee on Communication with ARRL Members.

    o the 2019 Bill Leonard, W2SKE, Professional Media Award for Audio Reporting to Roman Battaglia and the associated producer and staff of Jefferson Public Radio in Oregon. Bataglia produced a feature story on amateur radio emergency services in and around the Jefferson Public Radio listening area.

    o the 2019 Bill Leonard, W2SKE, Professional Media Award for Print Reporting to Zack Plair and the Columbus and Starkville Dispatch in Mississippi. Plair wrote a feature for the paper describing how amateur radio has proven fulfilling to various participants, including new and experienced radio amateurs.

    o the 2019 Bill Leonard, W2SKE, Professional Media Award for Video Reporting to reporter Jim Altman and affiliated producers and staff of Fox 61 News in Hartford, Connecticut. Altman's report, "American Radio Relay League Ready for Hurricane Season," focused on ARRL's participation in a May 2019 emergency drill conducted in association with the American Red Cross.

    The Board recognized and thanked the Delaware Valley Radio Association of New Jersey and the Clark County Amateur Radio Club of Vancouver, Washington, for their 90 years of assistance in fulfilling the ARRL mission of, "advancing the art, science, and enjoyment of amateur radio within their community."

    The Board bestowed the honor of Honorary Vice President on John B. "Jay" Bellows, K0QB, and on Greg Widin, K0GW, in recognition of their outstanding contributions to ARRL and amateur radio.�

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