The 2020 International DX Convention (IDXC[1]) which was to be held April 24 - 26 in Visalia, California, has been cancelled. The IDXC 2020 co-chairs posted this message on March 10:
"We send out our apologies to all our perspective patrons of the 2020 International DX Convention. Due to concerns, health and well-being of our amateur radio family, our age group and possible compromised health issues, we are taking the side of safety and canceling the convention.
"Even though the percentage of COVID-19 is low, there are person(s) who have the illness, but mild form and have not seen a physician. It only takes one person to pass the virus to a person with a compromised illness.
"We will be in close proximity of each other, [and] yes the timing is bad, but all of your lives and families are more important.
"We will be refunding everyone's reservation funds/shirt request funds. We appreciate your support and patience while we proceed with sending refunds back to each person."
Cathy Gardenias, K6VC, and Kris Jacob, KC6TOD, and the IDXC Committee 2020
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