• Dayton Hamvention Announces Cancelation of 2020 Show

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Mon Mar 16 00:46:35 2020

    For the first time in its 68-year history, Dayton Hamvention� will not take place this year, due to concerns about the coronavirus outbreak. The glum news was not entirely unexpected, given�widespread cancelations of public gatherings and a national state of emergency.�

    "The Hamvention Executive Committee has been monitoring the COVID19 pandemic. We have worked very closely with our local and state health departments. It is with a very heavy heart the Hamvention Executive Committee has decided to cancel Hamvention for this year," Hamvention General Chair Jack Gerbs, WB8SCT, said in announcing the cancelation on March 15. "This decision is extremely difficult for us, but with around 2 months until the Great Gathering we felt this action necessary. More specific details regarding the closure will soon be posted. Thank you for your understanding in this time of international crisis."

    The Dayton Hamvention cancelation comes less than a week after the International DX Convention in Visalia, California, called off this year's show. The Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA) sponsors Hamvention.

    Since 2017, Hamvention has been held each May at the Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Center in Xenia, Ohio. The international gathering attracted more than 32,000 visitors in 2019.�

    Hamvention's announcement has caused the cancelation of other associated events. These include Contest University, the Contest Dinner, and the Top Band Dinner.

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