Moondog wrote to All <=-
@MSGID: <[email protected]>
@TZ: c12c
For those who are considered non-essential or cannot partake in normal communi ty events, what have you been doing to stay occupied?
One project I've been working on is making wall hung paper boxes to
place mail in after the junk mail has been sorted out. My brother
rents from me, so when the mail is brought to the house, it's been
going in two piles on the kitchen table. The two inboxes will work better, since there's no chance something could be set on top of the
mail, or a letter can be accidentally tossed out with other
advertisement paper.
Another has been updating the lighting on my light duty hobby /
workbench. i would like to put a bright LED bar on a swing arm to
adjust where light is needed. There's an old magnifier lamp at my father's house in the basement, a nd it would be a perfect host to have the flourescent ring bulb replaced with LED strips.
For those who are considered non-essential or cannot partake in normal communi ty events, what have you been doing to stay occupied?
Once that's done, I figure a few hundred rounds through the Garand and then similar number through the M1 carbine just to get them sighted in. Then a couple of ARs that need to be sighted in and broken in, and then for fun my Mini14.
THEN I'll have some brass and a good excuse to spend some time reloading...
... What is mind? No matter! What is matter? Never mind! - Homer S.
Moondog wrote to Weatherman <=-
@MSGID: <[email protected]>
@REPLY: <[email protected]>
@TZ: c12c
Re: Re: Quarantine projects
By: Weatherman to Moondog on Tue Mar 24 2020 11:57 pm
Once that's done, I figure a few hundred rounds through the Garand and then similar number through the M1 carbine just to get them sighted in. Then a couple of ARs that need to be sighted in and broken in, and then for fun my Mini14.
THEN I'll have some brass and a good excuse to spend some time reloading...
... What is mind? No matter! What is matter? Never mind! - Homer S.
Throw in some large wood blocks or a tree trunk and that sounds like a good backstop.
Moondog wrote to All <=-
For those who are considered non-essential or cannot partake in normal communi ty events, what have you been doing to stay occupied?
Moondog wrote to Weatherman <=-
@MSGID: <[email protected]>
@REPLY: <[email protected]>
@TZ: c12c
Re: Re: Quarantine projects
By: Weatherman to Moondog on Tue Mar 24 2020 11:57 pm
Once that's done, I figure a few hundred rounds through the Garand and th similar number through the M1 carbine just to get them sighted in. Then couple of ARs that need to be sighted in and broken in, and then for fun Mini14.
THEN I'll have some brass and a good excuse to spend some time reloading.
... What is mind? No matter! What is matter? Never mind! - Homer S.
Throw in some large wood blocks or a tree trunk and that sounds like a good backstop.
Right now using some tractor tires with fill dirt inside of them. Have a st of railroad ties to use as well, figure they'd make good side berms at the business end of the range.
... Direct from the Ministry of Silly Walks
Moondog wrote to All <=-
For those who are considered non-essential or cannot partake in normal communi ty events, what have you been doing to stay occupied?
Not a whole lot since I am working from home.
But that does let me work on low bandwidth projects.
1. The new server. I picked up a Raspberry Pi rack from etsy and I am setti it up with 2.5" hard drives and a couple Raspberry Pis. So far, it seems to working.
I can work on the Pis in between application builds.
2. One of my non-computer hobbies is renovating old Tonka/Buddy L trucks. I have 2 plain ones that have been sitting around for a while and am going to finish them up to give to a co-worker who recently had a kid.
It only takes a few minutes to put on a coat of paint then I have to wait - work.
Unfortunately, my workspace it taken up with my daily work. So playing with new birthday present (a fancy desoldering tool) has to be put on hold.
And I had to put my TRS-80 Model 4P on the shelf to make room on the desk. playing with that's on hold.
I'm getting a Tandy 1400LT today. We'll see about that.
... Computer Hacker wanted. Must have own axe.
Not a whole lot since I am working from home.
On 03-26-20 10:38, Dr. What wrote to Moondog <=-
Moondog wrote to All <=-
For those who are considered non-essential or cannot partake in normal communi ty events, what have you been doing to stay occupied?
Not a whole lot since I am working from home.
But that does let me work on low bandwidth projects.
Moondog wrote to Weatherman <=-
@MSGID: <[email protected]>
@REPLY: <[email protected]>
@TZ: c12c
Re: Re: Quarantine projects
By: Weatherman to Moondog on Wed Mar 25 2020 11:55 pm
Moondog wrote to Weatherman <=-
@MSGID: <[email protected]>
@REPLY: <[email protected]>
@TZ: c12c
Re: Re: Quarantine projects
By: Weatherman to Moondog on Tue Mar 24 2020 11:57 pm
Once that's done, I figure a few hundred rounds through the Garand and th similar number through the M1 carbine just to get them sighted in. Then couple of ARs that need to be sighted in and broken in, and then for fun Mini14.
THEN I'll have some brass and a good excuse to spend some time reloading.
... What is mind? No matter! What is matter? Never mind! - Homer S.
Throw in some large wood blocks or a tree trunk and that sounds like a good backstop.
Right now using some tractor tires with fill dirt inside of them. Have a st of railroad ties to use as well, figure they'd make good side berms at the business end of the range.
... Direct from the Ministry of Silly Walks
Sounds good as well. I miss my grandparent's farm. My grandmother had 160 acres, 60 of it was wooded. Lot's of good deer and squirrel
hunting, plus some great spots for 400-500 yard shots into steep
hillsides or thick fallen tree trunks.
I've been building a BBS, called Mind's Eye, which will be online soon! It's been an awesome project, and I'm fulfilling a lifelong dream (the parents wouldn't fork out for another phone line when I was a teenager!).
Mike Powell wrote to DR. WHAT <=-
Not a whole lot since I am working from home.
Same here. I also had to put an IT project aside so that I could make space on the desk to WFH. But I am not complaining. I much prefer working from home, even if there was no wuhan coronavirus going around.
Moondog wrote to Dr. What <=-
The Tandy sounds like fun. I've been watching Adrian Blacks' Youtube channel and he has shown some cool Tandy videos.
Recently I picked up a Pi 4 and considered moving over several tasks I
use an Athlon X2 5000 for. It's my previous main system and it's
running Ubuntu and acts as a file share, document scanning station, and runs Guitarix well enough with low latency. While I'll probably keep
using the 5000 for heavier tasks, I could get by with using a Pi for document scanning and things I wantto keep off my Win10 box.
Mike Powell wrote to DR. WHAT <=-
Same here. I also had to put an IT project aside so that I could make space on the desk to WFH. But I am not complaining. I much prefer working from home, even if there was no wuhan coronavirus going around.
to be able to show off where you're working. One guy has "Stress Drums". :)
to be able to show off where you're working. One guy has "Stress
Drums". :)
Not a bad idea. Probably better than beating the heck out of the desk or keyboard. :D
Mike Powell wrote to DR. WHAT <=-
Same here. I also had to put an IT project aside so that I could make space on the desk to WFH. But I am not complaining. I much prefer working from home, even if there was no wuhan coronavirus going around.
That's what I thought, but I just finished week 2 of work from home and I'm tired of it. But I have at least another week to go and maybe another week after that (according to our half wit Governor).
I like my Man Cave, but it's a pain to dismantle my work setup to work on my personal projects. So many of them are on hold.
I still haven't played with the great desoldering tool that my got me for my birthday. 8(
... Send me a dollar and I'll send 3 cents to your charity.
On 04-02-20 09:31, JIMMY ANDERSON wrote to VK3JED <=-
I have a handheld in the house with a decent antenna, but mainly use mobile, which is why I've not turned it on lately... Good message - reminds me I should at least turn the handheld on check on the local repeater...
Daryl Stout wrote to DR. WHAT <=-
2. One of my non-computer hobbies is renovating old Tonka/Buddy L trucks. I
Boy, that brings back memories!! Just like the Matchbox and Hot
Wheels cars!!
Awhile back, I ordered some decals to stick on the keys, and need to
make a note to do that again.
On 04-18-20 00:34, Daryl Stout wrote to VK3JED <=-
And, it's like the old "Fertilizer Net" on one of the local repeaters years ago. It didn't get vulgar, but got awfully suggestive at times.
Sounds like a load of.... :D
Well, if you used your imagination. :P
Jeff Foxworthy would be proud. :)
On 04-18-20 00:37, Daryl Stout wrote to VK3JED <=-
Yeah I'm a daytime operator. :)
I'm the opposite...daytime is for doing errands. Arkansas' Governor,
Asa Hutchinson, announced plans for a "slow reopening" of the state, starting May 4. We never had a "shelter in place" for COVID-19, as Arkansans took the threat seriously...doing what the governor had requested.
Hmm, not sure where that is connected to DRE, but I certainly know
the latter reference. :D
It stands for Digital Radio Enthusiasts...and the first word is in
both acronyms. :P
Yeah a lot has been shut down, but ham radio is not one of them. :)
Well, severe weather and lightning keep me off the air.
On 04-18-20 00:55, Daryl Stout wrote to VK3JED <=-
One ham in west Texas (he apparently has a lot of issues) has
violated net protocol on several nets...and several net controls do not want him on there. He thinks the world, ham radio, and nets, revolve around him.
Hmm, we don't do pre checkins here. One could debate the pros and cons
of that
I've known that for both RF and VoIP Nets. I no longer checkin to the Skywarn Hurricane Prep Net...I got burned out on weather after 28 years
in ham radio.
To use the 4 modes of ham radio formal written traffic, he thinks
it's an EMERGENCY if is ROUTINE traffic isn't given PRIORITY, because
his HEALTH AND WELFARE (his ego) will be shattered.
Hmm, OK. Still, the US seems to be taking it more casually for the number of >cases compared to here.
On 04-20-20 15:27, Mike Powell wrote to VK3JED <=-
Hmm, OK. Still, the US seems to be taking it more casually for the number of
cases compared to here.
That is because, in the US, those decisions are mostly being made at
the state and local levels. Some states closed in-person dining a lot sooner than others (some may not have closed it at all), as an example.
Some states have closed schools and most business but have not asked their citizens to shelter in place/lockdown... since most business are closed, there are not many places to go. Our state has done that, and
has also asked that we not gather in groups. Enforcement on that last
bit depends on where you are... the big cities are policing this more
than the smaller ones.
We are allowed to be out in public just as long as we are distancing
and are not gathering in groups. They have had to crack down on a
church or two for holding in-person services and other large-group gatherings.
Last I heard, the US as a whole is a little more casual than Canada,
but a quite a bit *less* casual than Mexico, Brazil, or Sweden, where
they have apparently closed nothing.
On 04-20-20 05:29, Daryl Stout wrote to VK3JED <=-
You seem to have a lot of those types over there. :/
Unfortunately, yes.
Fair enough. I haven't checked in for ages. Life's kinda got in the way.
often training around net time. :)
After all, ham radio is a hobby...although when that was noted at a local hamfest several years ago, you should've heard the chorus of
"NO!!" (hi hi).
To use the 4 modes of ham radio formal written traffic, he thinks it's an EMERGENCY if is ROUTINE traffic isn't given PRIORITY, because his HEALTH AND WELFARE (his ego) will be shattered.
Another narcissist. :/
To me, once is an accident...twice is questionable...more than that, they should know better.
On 04-21-20 08:21, Rampage wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Re: Re: Quarantine projects
By: Vk3jed to Daryl Stout on Mon Apr 20 2020 09:11:00
Jeff Foxworthy would be proud. :)
Vk3jed> That reference is lost on me.
look up the Blue Collar Comedy Tour... a comedy troupe which is/was
made of Jeff, Larry the Cable Guy, Bill Engvall, and Ron White... all pretty decent commedians...
Ineresting. Here, the states and federal government have regular meetings, to >plan the response to COVID. The Federal government usually issue guidelines, >which the states have the power to enforce. Some states have gone over and >above the guidelines and tighten things a bit more. Obviously, issues like >immigration are handled at national level, though most states have also >implemented their own internal border closures and quarantine.
Here, we're not allowed to gether in groups more than 2 and nonessential travel
is banned, though what's determined as nonessential (i.e. whether it falls into
one of the 4 permitted categories) is sometimes up to the police. The 4 >categories are:
The authorities have closed venues where people haven't been following the >rules. Local councils have made their own decisions. Luckily, the athletics >track isn't totally closed, though only those of us with entry cards can use it
now, provided we stick to the rules. But because the track is across town, I >do the bulk of my sessions around here in the streets. In some ways that's had
some bonuses, like being able to do some really good hill sessions that aren't >possible at the track.
The US is a lot more casual than Australia too, but while the restrictions are >causing economic chaos, people are largely in support of them, as we are seeing
dramatic effects on the infection rate. We still have a while to go, as the >government is keen to avoid the "rebound" that has been seen in other >countries.
On 04-22-20 12:38, Mike Powell wrote to VK3JED <=-
The Federal government issues guidelines here also. It is up to the states whether or not they enforce them locally, and some states have
gone over and above. Actually, sounds pretty much like what you described. :)
Here, we're not allowed to gether in groups more than 2 and nonessential travel
is banned, though what's determined as nonessential (i.e. whether it falls into
one of the 4 permitted categories) is sometimes up to the police. The 4
categories are:
Here, that depends on what state you are in and, in some cases, what
city. Louisville is apparently being pretty strict on the gathering in groups, where I believe the state level directive is that we are discouraged to do so. We are also requested not to travel unless it is for one of the essential reasons but, again, in this state we are not
on as strict of a lockdown as others so I don't think that is being enforced. What is being enforced is the closure of several types of business and other locations (like parks) in an effort to discourage travel and gatherings.
Within the past week or two, our city did pass an ordanace banning more than one householdmember being in the grocery at one time (with
exceptions for those who require assistance), and the state followed
suit a few days later. That is being enforced by the stores.
They have closed parks and playgrounds in some of the larger cities
here in Kentucky for the same reason. I have also found a benefit of
walking during my 15 minute workbreaks here at home vs. at the
office... it is not all flat here. :)
The US is a lot more casual than Australia too, but while the restrictionsre
causing economic chaos, people are largely in support of them, as we are seeing
dramatic effects on the infection rate. We still have a while to go, as the
government is keen to avoid the "rebound" that has been seen in other
I am concerned that we are going to get a rebound no matter what and we are just putting off the inevitable.
* SLMR 2.1a * clap on (CLAP!CLAP!) clap off (CLAP!) NO CARRIER
On 04-23-20 16:32, Moondog wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Sad part is people don't see the responsible side of freedom in the
form of self control.
On 04-23-20 11:05, Daryl Stout wrote to VK3JED <=-
Yeah narcissist, needs to be slapped down. :D
With the Wouff Hong, Rettysnitch, and Ugerumph...and Vaseline is optional. <EG>
Moondog wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Sad part is people don't see the responsible side of freedom in the
form of self control.
On 04-18-20 02:10, JIMMY ANDERSON wrote to VK3JED <=-
Yeah, if you can hit the repeater on it, why not use it to keep an ear out.
So, I turned it on, and I can hear it fine, and I can 'trigger' the repeater, but they can't hear me. :(
My latest news is I'm now playing with FreeDV and JS8Call, I've setup a digital modes station. :)
So many projects, so little time! :D
Very cool! Haven't done anything with either...
I asked because I have always wondered how difficult it would be. I'm a C# developer by profession so I feel like that's a nice head start. I'm sure there are lots communication standards to learn, protocol wise, but once you have the basic routines written, the rest of it would fall into place.
Sorry you lost the code. :( Been there...
Jamestyree wrote to Dr. What <=-
My soldering iron (and feeder) are Hakky brand. I found the Hakko
373-11 feeder on ebay and it works perfectly with the FX-888D. I'll
take a hard look at the FR-301, thanks.
Would love to hear about your experience with it if you remember this
post once you get around to using it!
Yeah, if you can hit the repeater on it, why not use it to keep an ear out.
So, I turned it on, and I can hear it fine, and I can 'trigger' the repeater, but they can't hear me. :(
Bummer. :(
I guess it is cause I'm getting older, but I have trouble doing things without enough light! So having to move it higher is not that bad of
a problem to me. ;-)
My eyesight began to go in early to mid 40's. I can't read really
small print
without reading glasses, and the more light, the better. The old lamp
at the bench was an equivalent to a 65W incadenscant(13W CFL, 6W LED)
and I would
have to move it around to get get adequate lighting. The LED light
bar is like a flood light!
On 05-16-20 04:02, JIMMY ANDERSON wrote to VK3JED <=-
Yeah - I have a home made antenna a neighbor gave me, but never have
set up. I ordered some Coax from Amazon and it came in, but I ordered
the wrong end on one end, so I've ordered a 'fitting' adapter to adapt
it over to the right thing... Gonna give that a try when it comes in.
... I! finally! learned! how! to! punctuate! Kirk! sentences!
have to move it around to get get adequate lighting. The LED light
bar is like a flood light!
I love my LED bulbs - even converted one of my 8 foot fluorescent bulbs
in the carport to LED instead of replacing the ballast. :-)
I guess it is cause I'm getting older, but I have trouble doing things without enough light! So having to move it higher is not that bad of
a problem to me. ;-)
My eyesight began to go in early to mid 40's. I can't read really small print
without reading glasses, and the more light, the better. The old lamp at the bench was an equivalent to a 65W incadenscant(13W CFL, 6W LED) and I would
have to move it around to get get adequate lighting. The LED light bar is like a flood light!
I love my LED bulbs - even converted one of my 8 foot fluorescent bulbs
in the carport to LED instead of replacing the ballast. :-)
... Oh, I almost forgot . . . It's absolutley VITAL to insta
On 05-29-20 10:01, JIMMY ANDERSON wrote to VK3JED <=-
It has a short pole - hammered it into the ground. Was able to talk on
the closest repeater - was able to HEAR one that I've only been able
to hear in my truck. I can talk to it from the mobile, but they
couldn't hear me on this HT.
Next step - my mom has an antenna on a tower attached to her house. Now that she doesn't use it anymore, she said I can have it. Gonna get with
my son one weekend soon and take it down, bring it here and put it up
at the end of the house.
Where the bedroom is is on the OPPISITE end of the house from the electrical wires, so I feel safe putting it there. I plan to put this antenna up and see what it does, then down the road if I want to spend
a few bucks I'll get a better one. I'm thinking this one is
directional, so I might be a little limited for now, but that's okay
It has a short pole - hammered it into the ground. Was able to talk on
the closest repeater - was able to HEAR one that I've only been able
to hear in my truck. I can talk to it from the mobile, but they
couldn't hear me on this HT.
Sounds like it's on a par with the antenna on the car, but you need
more power. :)
Next step - my mom has an antenna on a tower attached to her house. Now that she doesn't use it anymore, she said I can have it. Gonna get with
my son one weekend soon and take it down, bring it here and put it up
at the end of the house.
Cool, height will help too. :)
Where the bedroom is is on the OPPISITE end of the house from the electrical wires, so I feel safe putting it there. I plan to put this antenna up and see what it does, then down the road if I want to spend
a few bucks I'll get a better one. I'm thinking this one is
directional, so I might be a little limited for now, but that's okay
See how you go. :)
On 06-01-20 12:42, JIMMY ANDERSON wrote to VK3JED <=-
Sounds like it's on a par with the antenna on the car, but you need
more power. :)
Could be... 50 watts vs. 8 or 10 watts (not sure).
See how you go. :)
Yeah - kinda exciting to get something going in that respect!
Sounds like it's on a par with the antenna on the car, but you need
more power. :)
Could be... 50 watts vs. 8 or 10 watts (not sure).
Most HTs are 5W or less.
See how you go. :)
Yeah - kinda exciting to get something going in that respect!
Yep, keep us posted! :)
Could be... 50 watts vs. 8 or 10 watts (not sure).
Next step - my mom has an antenna on a tower attached to her house. Now that she doesn't use it anymore, she said I can have it. Gonna get with
my son one weekend soon and take it down, bring it here and put it up
at the end of the house.
... 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... (Bo Derek getting older).
Yeah narcissist, needs to be slapped down. :D
With the Wouff Hong, Rettysnitch, and Ugerumph...and Vaseline is optional. <EG>
When I told the attendees that "even though I operated 'internet
radio', at least my ham radio license isn't just 'a sheet of paper'". I got applause for that statement.
LOL - nice :-)
... Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?
On 05-31-20 19:04, Daryl Stout wrote to Vk3jed <=-
You have to be a member of the ARRL to take part in that. There isn't anything vulgar, but participants do get a nice certificate. I've been through it twice.
I bought a TNC at the Memphis Hamfest in 1998, and it sat in the closet
for 2-4 years. I still have it, but no rig to work with it. Otherwise, I could possibly set up a packet radio door on the BBS.
Sysop: | Coz |
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