• God bless Temple OS>>>

    From paulie420@VERT/PAULIE42 to All on Sun Jun 14 21:06:02 2020
    So I invite you to take a trip down the rabbit hole with me.

    Background; my partner is a mental health professional and works with individuals who have schizophrenia. My parents were minsters in The Salvation Army, which most don't even know is a church...
    I think thats why I have gotten wrapped up in this rabbit hole. At any rate, I invite you to checkout:

    You should click on Archive.org underneath the download link.
    You should watch the videos, if so inclined, about this guy Terry A. Davis... he was a man. He was an engineer. He was a software and simpleOS designer, working for TicketMaster in the early 90s when we were wrapped up in BBSes. He was mentally ill. He committed suicide; jumped in front of a train, although his friends will say that he was struck by a train...
    You should learn that he had a woman in his life; well, so he thought... but actually in the end, so did she. :P Everyone else thought he was full of it tho.. at any rate, you should read her current (2019 anyway) blog about installing TempleOS-- https://christine.website/blog/templeos-1-installation-and-basic-use-2019-05-20
    You should load TempleOS in a VM... and you should DIG in. I mean, if so inclined...

    So I'm more prone to be aware of mental health issues; and this guy literally wrote his own OS - and inside of it there is TONS of wild, crazy, wacky and yes - useless- rants. But man...

    It really shows me that these folks have a lot to offer society... if we don't cast them aside long enough for them not to throw themselves in front of a moving train.

    This guys OS sucks; but has a lot in there... theres a decompiler, theres code, theres rants and raves in every last inch of the code. It's about 85,000 lines.. so you get the jest. 640x480 16 colors - but TONS of info inside.

    And, you can code inside of it too.. if you can figure out how to get thru install, and the tour, and coding - you can play like 10 of his games; theres videos buried inside of it - theres so much text that you can get inside of a mentalliy ill mans head. So sure; maybe its a hard pass from you... but man, I'm amazed at the depth of knowledge inside heads of those that we pass on the street...

    It has been a fun Sunday of digging for me.. I hope you are interested in the story of Terry A. Davis too... theres more here than just the flashing lights.



    � Synchronet � >>>American Pi BBS @ AmericanPiBBS.com:23>>>Rockin like its 1993!>>>
  • From Moondog@VERT/CAVEBBS to Arelor on Tue Jun 16 09:00:00 2020
    Re: God bless Temple OS>>>
    By: Arelor to paulie420 on Mon Jun 15 2020 07:25 am

    Re: God bless Temple OS>>>
    By: paulie420 to All on Sun Jun 14 2020 09:06 pm

    you... but man, I'm amazed at the depth of knowledge inside heads of thos that we pass on the street...

    I think there was a culture whose religion claimed that crazy people were cr

    I know lots of people with paranoia, psychosis, depression, schizofrenia, yo se the lab to try and poison you because you are part of a space lizzard con

    I used to explain the egghead and absent mind professor types with an
    analogy that we are given a certain amount of points to be placed within a select amount of attribute categories. Some people may place all their
    points into social categories and none into science and math and imagination, while others level up real high on the nerdy side. When Fallout 3 came out, friends told me that was the basis of the SPECIAL book near the beginning of the game.

    � Synchronet � The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - cavebbs.homeip.net