• Amateur Radio

    From Grasshopper@VERT/ONENESS to Daryl Stout on Thu Jun 25 17:33:47 2020
    Re: Amateur Radio
    By: Daryl Stout to Grasshopper on Thu Jun 25 2020 12:14 pm

    then a regular member of PCARS (Ohio), PDRA (Pennsylvania), MDARC, (Tennessee), and BCFMCA (Canada)...plus the VE Team Liaison for the

    Yes, I use to be in 4 land. My original call-sign was KE4DFG. I lived in Memphis, TN at the time. I believe I also got my license in 1991 also! I was initially a no-code Technician. Later changed it to a regular Technician license. When trying to upgrade to general class, it appeared that the code portion for Technician wasn't recorded properly and had to take it again. Well, at that time I was practicing for 13 wpm, so 5 wpm was a piece of cake. :)

    John - AC9RE

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