• "long distance" is irrelevant

    From Ogg@VERT/EOTLBBS to Vk3jed on Mon Aug 10 11:31:01 2020
    On 10/08/2020 2:51 a.m., Vk3jed wrote:

    Long distance calls incur charges per minute.
    Local calls are free.

    My plan includes all national calls (for me that's within Australia), so I can
    call any standard landline or mobile in the country and not pay any extra. The
    plan itself costs $20/month. So for me, "long distance" is irrelevant, unless
    it's international.

    $20/mo seems to be the average for most LD plans. But my use does not justify even that much.

    I use the pay-as-you go option with www.yak.ca At 3.5� /min I rarely go over even $3/mo from the shop, and rarely over $5/mo from home.

    How does it compare with your AUS version?

    BUT.. I pay over $80/mo for the basic POTS line service at my shop and (waste) over $35/mo for each POTS line at home. :(

    I should probably retire the landlines at home (or at least downgrade them to dry-loops), but when I *do* use them, I like the better voice quality, no lag compared to digital/VoIP, and 24/7 uptime even during a power-outtage.


    � Synchronet � End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
  • From Vk3jed@VERT/FREEWAY to Ogg on Wed Aug 12 17:36:00 2020
    On 08-10-20 11:31, Ogg wrote to Vk3jed <=-

    $20/mo seems to be the average for most LD plans. But my use does not justify even that much.

    I use the pay-as-you go option with www.yak.ca At 3.5� /min I rarely
    go over even $3/mo from the shop, and rarely over $5/mo from home.

    The $1/month pay as you go plan is a bit more for calls, and 25c/SMS, but the killer with the pay as you go is data. You only get a small amount per month (I think 50MB), and anything more is 10c/MB, whereas I currently get 4GB included, which I normally don't use.

    How does it compare with your AUS version?

    Depends on included data, which is the big killer, and I don't have to be tightarse on text, because they're included as well on my plan.

    BUT.. I pay over $80/mo for the basic POTS line service at my shop and (waste) over $35/mo for each POTS line at home. :(

    I should probably retire the landlines at home (or at least downgrade
    them to dry-loops), but when I *do* use them, I like the better voice quality, no lag compared to digital/VoIP, and 24/7 uptime even during a power-outtage.

    No choice here, it's all VoIP.

    ... I'm working on my 2nd $million... Gave up on the 1st.
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.51
    � Synchronet � Freeway BBS, Bendigo Australia. freeway.apana.org.au