• Re: KICQ as an "Old New I

    From knightbbs@VERT/BEERS20 to MRO on Fri Jun 25 22:41:00 2021
    nobody uses instant msging anymore.

    Shame actually. I got on the net in 1996 and ICQ and IRC were my main means of communication. I loved getting the oh-ow sounds when logging in, having people reach out to me and exchanging messages.
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to knightbbs on Sat Jun 26 08:28:00 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: knightbbs to MRO on Fri Jun 25 2021 10:41 pm

    nobody uses instant msging anymore.

    Shame actually. I got on the net in 1996 and ICQ and IRC were my main means of communication. I loved getting the oh-ow sounds when logging in, having people reach out to me and exchanging messages.

    i used to have so many people bothering me though. it was pretty annoying at times. it's my fault, i had my client open.

    i prefer texting and telegram and irc now.
    i reply when i'm able.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to knightbbs on Wed Jun 30 15:39:25 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: knightbbs to MRO on Fri Jun 25 2021 10:41 pm

    nobody uses instant msging anymore.

    Shame actually. I got on the net in 1996 and ICQ and IRC were my main means of communication. I loved getting the oh-ow sounds when logging in, having people reach out to me and exchanging messages.

    IM clients on your phone are the main form of communication now. Where I am from pretty much everyone is on WhatsApp -- it's a very good way to keep in touch with people. I don't see much of a difference between IM clients such as WhatsApp and the likes of MSN other than it's based on a smart phone rather than a traditional computer. I hear a lot of people are on Discord now... I don't use that so I don't know much about it. Back when I used to play online games as a teen, we used mIRC to chat with one another. That was a LONG time ago though.

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Andeddu on Wed Jun 30 20:54:45 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Andeddu to knightbbs on Wed Jun 30 2021 03:39 pm

    Shame actually. I got on the net in 1996 and ICQ and IRC were my main means of communication. I loved getting the oh-ow sounds when logging in, having people reach out to me and exchanging messages.

    IM clients on your phone are the main form of communication now. Where I am from pretty much everyone is on WhatsApp -- it's a very good way to keep in

    the people i know just use facebook, snapchat, instagram or txting.
    whatsapp isnt that popular with them. i have whatsapp but why would i use it when i can txt a friend instead?
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to MRO on Thu Jul 1 18:09:23 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: MRO to Andeddu on Wed Jun 30 2021 08:54 pm

    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Andeddu to knightbbs on Wed Jun 30 2021 03:39 pm

    Shame actually. I got on the net in 1996 and ICQ and IRC were my main means of communication. I loved getting the oh-ow sounds when logging having people reach out to me and exchanging messages.

    IM clients on your phone are the main form of communication now. Where I from pretty much everyone is on WhatsApp -- it's a very good way to keep

    the people i know just use facebook, snapchat, instagram or txting.
    whatsapp isnt that popular with them. i have whatsapp but why would i use i when i can txt a friend instead?

    Whatsapp is the de-facto communication tool in Spain. It is not phone calls, it is not Facebook. Most Spaniards who need to send a message to somebody will try Whatsapp as their first option. If that option fails then they will desist trying something else at all.

    Which sucks because "silos" (communication platforms ran by a single provider, who requires you to register with an unique identifier) are quite lame out of niche applications.

    Whatsapp and the like have a big edge against old-school texting because phone plans in Spain usually don't include free or cheap SMS. Instead, data plans
    are available in spades.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Arelor on Thu Jul 1 21:57:50 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Arelor to MRO on Thu Jul 01 2021 06:09 pm

    Whatsapp and the like have a big edge against old-school texting because phone plans in Spain usually don't include free or cheap SMS. Instead, data plans
    are available in spades.

    that's sad. you guys are almost 20 years behind the rest of the world.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to MRO on Mon Jul 5 01:40:09 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: MRO to Andeddu on Wed Jun 30 2021 08:54 pm

    Shame actually. I got on the net in 1996 and ICQ and IRC were my main means of communication. I loved getting the oh-ow sounds when logging in, having people reach out to me and exchanging messages.

    IM clients on your phone are the main form of communication now. Where I am from pretty much everyone is on WhatsApp -- it's a very good way to keep in

    the people i know just use facebook, snapchat, instagram or txting.
    whatsapp isnt that popular with them. i have whatsapp but why would i use it when i can txt a friend instead?

    I think most people still use all those social media clients alongside WhatsApp which is more for general chat. In the UK texting is pretty much dead as it's just not as good an experience as WhatsApp... NightFox said before that WhatsApp isn't massive in the USA but I reside in the UK. Texting is also still limited here in the sense that most phone packages include around 500-1000 text messages. Everyone seems to have a large data contract so WhatsApp can be used without having to worry about going over your allowance... perhaps that's the reason it's so popular.

    Either way, I think smart phones are responsible for killing off traditional IM clients such as MSN.

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to Arelor on Mon Jul 5 01:47:07 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Arelor to MRO on Thu Jul 01 2021 06:09 pm

    Whatsapp is the de-facto communication tool in Spain. It is not phone calls, it is not Facebook. Most Spaniards who need to send a message to somebody will try Whatsapp as their first option. If that option fails then they will desist trying something else at all.

    Which sucks because "silos" (communication platforms ran by a single provider, who requires you to register with an unique identifier) are quite lame out of niche applications.

    Whatsapp and the like have a big edge against old-school texting because phone plans in Spain usually don't include free or cheap SMS. Instead, data plans
    are available in spades.

    Same here in the UK. I used to speak people over the phone quite often but now I can barely remember the last time I had a traditional call with a friend. WhatsApp also include a Skype style voice only or camera enabled chat which is pretty decent as I use that quite often. I've also had acquaintances and work colleagues contact me over WhatsApp voice chat rather than phone me which was weird at first but I am used to it now.

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Andeddu on Mon Jul 5 03:07:49 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Andeddu to Arelor on Mon Jul 05 2021 01:47 am

    Same here in the UK. I used to speak people over the phone quite often but n I can barely remember the last time I had a traditional call with a friend. WhatsApp also include a Skype style voice only or camera enabled chat which pretty decent as I use that quite often. I've also had acquaintances and wor colleagues contact me over WhatsApp voice chat rather than phone me which wa weird at first but I am used to it now.

    The problem with video and voice calls is that they require you to have a proper data plan and a provider able to sustain the call. My father tried with Whatsapp videocalls once but they didn't work well at all. Similar thing with voice calls.

    It sucks a lot because many people will try to initiate a videocall to you, and the whole thing will fail because the ISP can't sustain it, and the initiator is often too stupid or mean to switch to regular phone call - which works perfectly fine.

    I have an unlimited phone plan. I can phone as much people I want as often I want and for how long as I want and it won't cost me an extra dime. I have no need for IP calls myself.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Andeddu on Mon Jul 5 09:28:13 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Andeddu to MRO on Mon Jul 05 2021 01:40 am

    I think most people still use all those social media clients alongside WhatsApp which is more for general chat. In the UK texting is pretty much dead as it's just not as good an experience as WhatsApp... NightFox said before that WhatsApp isn't massive in the USA but I reside in the UK. Texting is also still limited here in the sense that most phone packages include around 500-1000 text messages. Everyone seems to have a large data contract so WhatsApp can be used without having to worry about going over your allowance... perhaps that's the reason it's so popular.

    Either way, I think smart phones are responsible for killing off traditional

    that's so fucking backwards. you shouldnt have a limited amount of txt msgs. ---
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to MRO on Mon Jul 5 12:41:42 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: MRO to Andeddu on Mon Jul 05 2021 09:28 am

    that's so fucking backwards. you shouldnt have a limited amount of txt msgs

    If you think a limit of 500 to 100 SMS is bad, then wait until you learn they charge 20 cents each here.

    The bright side is out ISPs don't block common service ports such as port 22 and 25 for home connections very often, which is good because it allows residential customers to do a lot of hobby things with their networks that American users seem to need an enterprise subscription for.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Arelor on Mon Jul 5 18:21:31 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Arelor to MRO on Mon Jul 05 2021 12:41 pm

    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: MRO to Andeddu on Mon Jul 05 2021 09:28 am

    that's so fucking backwards. you shouldnt have a limited amount of txt msgs

    If you think a limit of 500 to 100 SMS is bad, then wait until you learn they charge 20 cents each here.

    that's like 20 years ago prices.

    The bright side is out ISPs don't block common service ports such as port 22 and 25 for home connections very often, which is good because it allows residential customers to do a lot of hobby things with their networks that American users seem to need an enterprise subscription for.

    there's only a few isps that block certain ports and it's not very common.
    i'm on one of the big ones and they let you do what you want. I only got in trouble one time when a guy signed up for a mailing list from me and then reported me to my isp as a spammer. They checked me out and saw i was not commercial and then flagged my account to disregard any further reports.


    UNSOLICITED Commercial or Bulk Mail/Advertising Messages (UBE/UCE) are EXPRESSLY NOT PERMITTED to be DELIVERED TO or SENT FROM The System - PERIOD!
    Electronic conveyance of unrequested or unsolicited mailings en masse or otherwise using credentials bearing The System's domain name or that of any other domain owned or operated by The System or its related domains and entities, regardless of whether or not such mailings are sent via The System's facilities, is expressly prohibited.

    The System does not support, recognize or condone 'Opt-Out' concepts of mailings or conditions by outside or inside entities. Such assumed permission until permission is revoked methods are, quite bluntly in our opinion, - bullshit. If a party does not specifically request, accept, or grant permission via plainly written and boldly posted notices or agreements, any advertising or other communication from any other party, then it is unacceptable to send any such form of information to that original party.

    So-called Opt-In concepts are greatly more acceptable and recognized by The System here on behalf of its users only if PRE-authorized by The User.

    The System reports all abuses to appropriate and pertinent authorities, including but not limited to, internet service providers, registration services, abuse agency entities, advertisers, Real-time Blocking Lists (RBL's), and other such reporting services.

    Persons or entities sending unsolicited commercial or bulk mail/advertising to any account at The System may be charged fees for such services rendered including but not necessarily limited to, storage and administrative fees and any legal or other related costs incurred. Payment for such services is payable on demand. Minimum cost for such services shall be no less than $50.00(US) per occurrence.

    Pursuant to US Code, Title 47, Chapter 5, Subchapter II, p.227, any and all unsolicited commercial e-mail sent to addresses to any domain under this systems control and operation may be subject to download and archival fees in the amount of $500.00(US) per message. Parties sending unsolicited commercial e-mail to this account may be charged $500.00(US) for administrative fees for sending such unwanted mailings to The System. Failure to abide by these rules and conditions, and/or continued abuses can and will result in legal action."

    I didn't get an invoice for 500 bucks from this loon, though.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Vk3jed@VERT/FREEWAY to Arelor on Tue Jul 6 12:21:00 2021
    On 07-05-21 03:07, Arelor wrote to Andeddu <=-

    The problem with video and voice calls is that they require you to have
    a proper data plan and a provider able to sustain the call. My father tried with Whatsapp videocalls once but they didn't work well at all. Similar thing with voice calls.

    I've found they generally work well here, though I prefer to do video over wifi, because I have unlimited data on the home Internet.

    It sucks a lot because many people will try to initiate a videocall to you, and the whole thing will fail because the ISP can't sustain it,
    and the initiator is often too stupid or mean to switch to regular
    phone call - which works perfectly fine.

    Yeah regular phone calls often do work better.

    I have an unlimited phone plan. I can phone as much people I want as
    often I want and for how long as I want and it won't cost me an extra dime. I have no need for IP calls myself.

    Same here, I have unlimited calls and text, so regular phone calls work fine, and no issues with placing a call. Only exception is international calls, which cost money and require an alternative.

    ... "He who laughs last, thinks slowest."
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    � Synchronet � Freeway BBS, Bendigo Australia. freeway.apana.org.au
  • From Vk3jed@VERT/FREEWAY to MRO on Tue Jul 6 12:22:00 2021
    On 07-05-21 09:28, MRO wrote to Andeddu <=-

    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Andeddu to MRO on Mon Jul 05 2021 01:40 am

    I think most people still use all those social media clients alongside WhatsApp which is more for general chat. In the UK texting is pretty much dead as it's just not as good an experience as WhatsApp... NightFox said before that WhatsApp isn't massive in the USA but I reside in the UK. Texting is also still limited here in the sense that most phone packages include around 500-1000 text messages. Everyone seems to have a large data contract so WhatsApp can be used without having to worry about going over your allowance... perhaps that's the reason it's so popular.

    Either way, I think smart phones are responsible for killing off traditional

    that's so fucking backwards. you shouldnt have a limited amount of txt msgs. ---

    Yeah here in Australia, unlimited text is very common. I've had unlimited text messages for years.

    ... The colder the X-ray table, the more of your body is required on it.
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    � Synchronet � Freeway BBS, Bendigo Australia. freeway.apana.org.au
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Andeddu on Wed Jul 7 08:58:10 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Andeddu to MRO on Mon Jul 05 2021 01:40 am

    Either way, I think smart phones are responsible for killing off traditional IM clients such as MSN.

    I don't see why they couldn't coexist. Traditional IM clients had apps for smartphones, so they could be used both on a desktop/laptop and a smartphone. These days, I've seen some instances where smartphone text messages are available on a PC/laptop (I think Apple does that with their iPhone and Mac OS), so it seems it has come full circle. The usefulness of being able to communicate on a PC/laptop is still there. I also think it would be useful to be able to communicate with someone without sharing your phone number.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to Arelor on Wed Jul 7 17:17:00 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Arelor to Andeddu on Mon Jul 05 2021 03:07 am

    The problem with video and voice calls is that they require you to have a proper data plan and a provider able to sustain the call. My father tried with Whatsapp videocalls once but they didn't work well at all. Similar thing with voice calls.

    It sucks a lot because many people will try to initiate a videocall to you, and the whole thing will fail because the ISP can't sustain it, and the initiator is often too stupid or mean to switch to regular phone call - which works perfectly fine.

    I have an unlimited phone plan. I can phone as much people I want as often I want and for how long as I want and it won't cost me an extra dime. I have no need for IP calls myself.

    I don't think that's a problem with 99% of people though because 4G coverage is so good now and if you're at home you should have a decent WiFi connection. For the people who are out in the sticks and are unable to sustain a conference call, a traditional phone call would be far more appropriate.

    I don't know how many minutes I have in my contract for phone calls... possibly only 200-300 minutes, but I have unlimited data so I tend to just use 4G for everything even when I have access to a WiFi connection.

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to MRO on Wed Jul 7 17:19:14 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: MRO to Andeddu on Mon Jul 05 2021 09:28 am

    that's so fucking backwards. you shouldnt have a limited amount of txt msgs.

    Most contacts I see now have huge data or unlimited data plans and very limited text message and call time. The way I see it is that text messaging and phone calls are so 2008 and we've moved on since then.

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Andeddu on Wed Jul 7 16:17:58 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Andeddu to MRO on Wed Jul 07 2021 05:19 pm

    Most contacts I see now have huge data or unlimited data plans and very limited text message and call time. The way I see it is that text messaging and phone calls are so 2008 and we've moved on since then.

    Sometimes a phone call is nice though. You can't replace the nuance you get with hearing someone's voice.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Andeddu on Wed Jul 7 22:06:25 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Andeddu to MRO on Wed Jul 07 2021 05:19 pm

    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: MRO to Andeddu on Mon Jul 05 2021 09:28 am

    that's so fucking backwards. you shouldnt have a limited amount of txt msgs.

    Most contacts I see now have huge data or unlimited data plans and very limited text message and call time. The way I see it is that text messaging and phone calls are so 2008 and we've moved on since then.

    thats very strange for them to limit calls and txting.
    why would they even do that if they provide unlimited data?
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Andeddu on Thu Jul 8 06:22:22 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Andeddu to Arelor on Wed Jul 07 2021 05:17 pm

    I don't think that's a problem with 99% of people though because 4G coverage is so good now and
    you're at home you should have a decent WiFi connection. For the people who are out in the stick
    and are unable to sustain a conference call, a traditional phone call would be far more

    That is a very firstworldler-like declaration to make.

    A lot of people on this ball of mud we call Earth does not even have a data plan at all. They just
    can't afford it. I have heard a lot of people in India has smartphones without dataplans at all and
    they get their Internet fix using public wifis or whatever.

    According to the GSMA State of Mobile Internet Connectivity report, as much as 40% of the planet's
    population will still be digitally isolated by 2025.

    You don't have to be very far off to be out of proper mobile network coverage though. If I drive
    for half an hour away of the main city of my province, the quality of the connectivity drops very

    I am a liiitle bit touchy with this subject because I have noticed a very disturbing pattern when
    rolling down technologies like these:

    * Technology is first deployed, availability is insufficient, and everybody thinks it is not "quite

    * Technology becomes widely available in high density population areas. Inhabitants in high
    population areas think the technology is great.

    * Inhabitants of densely populated areas claim the tech is ready and whidespread (because it is for
    them). The technology starts being deployed in low-density inhabited areas at snail pace.

    * Inhabitants of densely populated areas start pushing for sociological changes that surround the
    new technology assuming it is widespread. For example, they try to make Internet access mandatory
    for certain tasks that used to be doable over a phone line.

    * When inhabitants of places where this technology is not deployed at all complain, city slickers
    counter with some statement which is true if you happen to live in New York. "How come you don't
    have affordable Internet! Stop complaining and get an ADSL subscription! I have one and it is
    cheap! Get on with the times man, it is 2005 already!"

    For a New Yorker it might seem that 99% of people won't have trouble adopting the tech, but believe
    me, this is an skewed assumption.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Nightfox on Thu Jul 8 06:27:32 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Nightfox to Andeddu on Wed Jul 07 2021 04:17 pm

    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Andeddu to MRO on Wed Jul 07 2021 05:19 pm

    Most contacts I see now have huge data or unlimited data plans and very limited text messag
    and call time. The way I see it is that text messaging and phone calls are so 2008 and we'v
    moved on since then.

    Sometimes a phone call is nice though. You can't replace the nuance you get with hearing someon


    From a business and sales person perspective, if you don't _talk_ to people, you are going to have
    a very hard time doing business.

    If you just send messages, you are just going to be another annoying email in somebody's inbox.
    Messages also get stored cold for a lot of time before somebody reads them. If the delivery agency
    your ecommerce uses loses a parcel and the customer is mad at you, what you want to do is talk to
    some representative of the agency instead of sending them a message and waiting for them to read
    it, and then send back an apology form that does not solve anything.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to MRO on Thu Jul 8 06:31:26 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: MRO to Andeddu on Wed Jul 07 2021 10:06 pm

    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Andeddu to MRO on Wed Jul 07 2021 05:19 pm

    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: MRO to Andeddu on Mon Jul 05 2021 09:28 am

    that's so fucking backwards. you shouldnt have a limited amount of txt msgs.

    Most contacts I see now have huge data or unlimited data plans and very limited text message
    call time. The way I see it is that text messaging and phone calls are so 2008 and we've move
    on since then.

    thats very strange for them to limit calls and txting.
    why would they even do that if they provide unlimited data?

    I think it is because they want to sell SMS plans to the enterprise segment.

    Enterprise in Spain consumes SMS plans like crazy. They do for everything from banking to
    marketing. There is an study that SMS are much more likely to be read, and - very important - are
    much more likely to reach the recipient on time, because not everybody has access to a
    low-latency-high-bandwidth mobile network 24/7/365, but much more people has access to a network
    which is at least SMS capable.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to Arelor on Thu Jul 8 10:34:59 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Arelor to Andeddu on Thu Jul 08 2021 06:22 am

    That is a very firstworldler-like declaration to make.

    A lot of people on this ball of mud we call Earth does not even have a data plan at all. They just can't afford it. I have heard a lot of people in India has smartphones without dataplans at all and they get their Internet fix using public wifis or whatever.

    2600 magazine has a regular column called "Telecom Insider" written by a guy who travels the world contracting for telcos. He does a good job of documenting the telco conditions in the countries he visits.

    He described a China a few years back where "regular joes" did most of their commerce with a feature phone bought with a pre-paid plan, and using SMS to pay bills and conduct business. I'd almost prefer that to the State-Of-The-Art people are pushing.
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Arelor on Thu Jul 8 13:59:12 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Arelor to Andeddu on Thu Jul 08 2021 06:22 am

    I don't think that's a problem with 99% of people though because 4G
    coverage is so good now and you're at home you should have a decent

    That is a very firstworldler-like declaration to make.

    A lot of people on this ball of mud we call Earth does not even have a data plan at all. They just can't afford it. I have heard a lot of people

    I agree. And even though I live in a first-world country, cell data coverage can be spotty, as it always has. There are some parts of town where my signal strength is fairly low, and if I'm driving somewhere, there are places where I don't get a signal at all. That happens if I'm driving to the coast - There are areas between my city and the coast that are just mainly forest, where people don't live, and apparently there aren't enough cell towers in some of those areas.

    I think Addieu is in the UK, which is a smaller country, and I could see it being a lot easier to ensure 100% cell coverage in a smaller area. But in a larger country, I think it could be cost-prohibitive for cell companies to maintain enough cell towers to have coverage even outside of the cities.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to poindexter FORTRAN on Fri Jul 9 02:32:03 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: poindexter FORTRAN to Arelor on Thu Jul 08 2021 10:34 am

    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Arelor to Andeddu on Thu Jul 08 2021 06:22 am

    That is a very firstworldler-like declaration to make.

    A lot of people on this ball of mud we call Earth does not even have a data plan at all. The
    just can't afford it. I have heard a lot of people in India has smartphones without dataplan
    at all and they get their Internet fix using public wifis or whatever.

    2600 magazine has a regular column called "Telecom Insider" written by a guy who travels the wor
    contracting for telcos. He does a good job of documenting the telco conditions in the countries

    He described a China a few years back where "regular joes" did most of their commerce with a
    feature phone bought with a pre-paid plan, and using SMS to pay bills and conduct business. I'd
    almost prefer that to the State-Of-The-Art people are pushing.

    That sounds fine.

    How do you pay a bill using SMS?


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Andeddu on Thu Jul 8 06:43:00 2021
    Hello Andeddu!

    ** On Wednesday 07.07.21 - 17:17, Andeddu wrote to Arelor:

    I don't know how many minutes I have in my contract for
    phone calls... possibly only 200-300 minutes, but I have
    unlimited data so I tend to just use 4G for everything even
    when I have access to a WiFi connection.

    That's an interesting reversal. I've never heard of a provider
    offering unlimited 4G while restricting call minutes. Every
    provider/service that I've encountered treats data as a
    premium. What company are you with?

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to Nightfox on Sat Jul 10 20:45:09 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Nightfox to Andeddu on Wed Jul 07 2021 08:58 am

    Either way, I think smart phones are responsible for killing off traditional IM clients such as MSN.

    I don't see why they couldn't coexist. Traditional IM clients had apps for smartphones, so they could be used both on a desktop/laptop and a smartphone. These days, I've seen some instances where smartphone text messages are available on a PC/laptop (I think Apple does that with their iPhone and Mac OS), so it seems it has come full circle. The usefulness of being able to communicate on a PC/laptop is still there. I also think it would be useful to be able to communicate with someone without sharing your phone number.


    I don't disagree at all, I think there is space for something like that. There's no reason that you couldn't have an IM client that allows you to create a unique ID which can be used via the internet on any suitable device such as a smartphone, PC, laptop or tablet. Apple has iMessage which allows users to contact each other using any of their devices. I often start a conversation on my smartphone and, once I get home, I continue the conversation over my iPad... I don't have a MacBook or iMac but either device would also be compatible. Something totally third-party which could be used on a device of any brand would be pretty great though. Someone should make that happen.

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to Nightfox on Sat Jul 10 20:48:27 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Nightfox to Andeddu on Wed Jul 07 2021 04:17 pm

    Most contacts I see now have huge data or unlimited data plans and very limited text message and call time. The way I see it is that text messaging and phone calls are so 2008 and we've moved on since then.

    Sometimes a phone call is nice though. You can't replace the nuance you get with hearing someone's voice.


    Yeah, I do like old fashioned phone calls also but most of them are through applications such as WhatsApp or Skype. That's what I meant by us moving on through technology. I still try to use up my meagre minutes each month just to make the most of my contract.

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to MRO on Sat Jul 10 20:54:08 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: MRO to Andeddu on Wed Jul 07 2021 10:06 pm

    thats very strange for them to limit calls and txting.
    why would they even do that if they provide unlimited data?

    Well most of the highly popular contracts in the UK offer unlimited data but some of them, such as mine, don't offer unlimited minutes or SMS. Some do but you would have to pay extra, probably another 5-10 dollars per month. As SMS isn't really used much over here there is no real need for it. Pretty much everything can be done via apps anyway... WhatsApp do audio and video conference calls along with large group calls and such -- I think people just get comfortable with the app they're on and end up using it for everything.

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to Arelor on Sat Jul 10 21:06:10 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Arelor to Andeddu on Thu Jul 08 2021 06:22 am

    I don't think that's a problem with 99% of people though because 4G coverage is so good now and
    you're at home you should have a decent WiFi connection. For the people who are out in the stick
    and are unable to sustain a conference call, a traditional phone call would be far more

    That is a very firstworldler-like declaration to make.

    A lot of people on this ball of mud we call Earth does not even have a data plan at all. They just
    can't afford it. I have heard a lot of people in India has smartphones without dataplans at all and
    they get their Internet fix using public wifis or whatever.

    According to the GSMA State of Mobile Internet Connectivity report, as much as 40% of the planet's
    population will still be digitally isolated by 2025.

    You don't have to be very far off to be out of proper mobile network coverage though. If I drive
    for half an hour away of the main city of my province, the quality of the connectivity drops very

    I am a liiitle bit touchy with this subject because I have noticed a very disturbing pattern when
    rolling down technologies like these:

    * Technology is first deployed, availability is insufficient, and everybody thinks it is not "quite

    * Technology becomes widely available in high density population areas. Inhabitants in high
    population areas think the technology is great.

    * Inhabitants of densely populated areas claim the tech is ready and whidespread (because it is for
    them). The technology starts being deployed in low-density inhabited areas at snail pace.

    * Inhabitants of densely populated areas start pushing for sociological changes that surround the
    new technology assuming it is widespread. For example, they try to make Internet access mandatory
    for certain tasks that used to be doable over a phone line.

    * When inhabitants of places where this technology is not deployed at all complain, city slickers
    counter with some statement which is true if you happen to live in New York. "How come you don't
    have affordable Internet! Stop complaining and get an ADSL subscription! I have one and it is
    cheap! Get on with the times man, it is 2005 already!"

    For a New Yorker it might seem that 99% of people won't have trouble adopting the tech, but believe
    me, this is an skewed assumption.

    I guess roll outs re tech happen at a different pace depending on which continent, country and region you reside. In most dense cities and towns in the UK, the 4G network is robust and can handle 720p/1080p video streams and confernece calls with no issue. Even rural villages appear to have strong 4G signals and are able to sustain all of the above. I understand that it's not nice leaving people behind or forcing people to move on to newer technologies if they're happy with what they've got... but that's what progress is all about. I think, especially with COVID, we are moving very quickly down the technological path and most people are starting to grasp now that this is the future -- people are going to work from home remotely and sometimes children are going to be taught via virtual class rooms and court trials are going to be handled through a virtual court. We are becoming highly dependent on the internet and I cannot see things changing post-COVID.

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to Arelor on Sat Jul 10 21:11:09 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Arelor to MRO on Thu Jul 08 2021 06:31 am

    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: MRO to Andeddu on Wed Jul 07 2021 10:06 pm

    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Andeddu to MRO on Wed Jul 07 2021 05:19 pm

    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: MRO to Andeddu on Mon Jul 05 2021 09:28 am

    that's so fucking backwards. you shouldnt have a limited amount of txt msgs.

    Most contacts I see now have huge data or unlimited data plans and very limited text message
    call time. The way I see it is that text messaging and phone calls are so 2008 and we've move
    on since then.

    thats very strange for them to limit calls and txting.
    why would they even do that if they provide unlimited data?

    I think it is because they want to sell SMS plans to the enterprise segment.

    Enterprise in Spain consumes SMS plans like crazy. They do for everything from banking to
    marketing. There is an study that SMS are much more likely to be read, and - very important - are
    much more likely to reach the recipient on time, because not everybody has access to a
    low-latency-high-bandwidth mobile network 24/7/365, but much more people has access to a network
    which is at least SMS capable.

    I very much agree with this. Looking at my SMS inbox, 90% of what's in there is from businesses such as banks, postal services, network carriers and government organisations.

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Andeddu on Sat Jul 10 16:07:23 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Andeddu to MRO on Sat Jul 10 2021 08:54 pm

    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: MRO to Andeddu on Wed Jul 07 2021 10:06 pm

    thats very strange for them to limit calls and txting.
    why would they even do that if they provide unlimited data?

    Well most of the highly popular contracts in the UK offer unlimited data but some of them, such as mine, don't offer unlimited minutes or SMS. Some do but you would have to pay extra, probably another 5-10 dollars per month. As SMS isn't really used much over here there is no real need for it. Pretty much everything can be done via apps anyway... WhatsApp do audio and video conference calls along with large group calls and such -- I think people just get comfortable with the app they're on and end up using it for everything.

    it just seems like you guys are doing a work around, but acting like you are ahead of the rest of the world and innovative.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Andeddu on Sat Jul 10 17:22:08 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Andeddu to Arelor on Sat Jul 10 2021 09:06 pm

    I guess roll outs re tech happen at a different pace depending on which continent, country and
    region you reside. In most dense cities and towns in the UK, the 4G network is robust and can
    handle 720p/1080p video streams and confernece calls with no issue. Even rural villages appear t
    have strong 4G signals and are able to sustain all of the above. I understand that it's not nice
    leaving people behind or forcing people to move on to newer technologies if they're happy with w
    they've got... but that's what progress is all about. I think, especially with COVID, we are mov
    very quickly down the technological path and most people are starting to grasp now that this is
    future -- people are going to work from home remotely and sometimes children are going to be tau
    via virtual class rooms and court trials are going to be handled through a virtual court. We are
    becoming highly dependent on the internet and I cannot see things changing post-COVID.

    The problem is when they try to sell you a *something* that happens to be a non-working product,
    you declare it is a non-working product and that you want your old working product back, and what
    you get is "that's what progress is all about."

    "Update yourself man, banking over mobile applications is the future!"

    I am fine with it being the future, but if the mobile platform is failing more often than not I
    want to be able to do my banking over a regular web browser. It sucks when they remove a product
    that used to work and replace it by something that does not.

    Here is this, my old home ISP used to run a Wimax nerwork for rural settlements that was quite ok.
    One day the shut it down and told every customer to switch over to a home 4G plan. The only problem
    was, the reason why people had signed up for the Wimax plans instead of a 4G one was precisely
    because mobile plans in this area dare unstable, suffer from data caps, and place customers behind
    massive CG-NATs. The ISP tried to convince everybody that moving to 4G was a better more modern
    system. "The future" and "getting on with the times."

    What happened is people switched over to ANOTHER ISP that still offered Wimax.

    I suspect it is part of this trend of having end users be the beta testers of your technology. They
    don't sell you working solutions anymore, they sell you half-baked ones and the promise that it
    will work tomorrow.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Arelor on Sat Jul 10 06:48:00 2021
    Hello Arelor!

    ** On Monday 05.07.21 - 03:07, Arelor wrote to Andeddu:

    The problem with video and voice calls is that they require
    you to have a proper data plan and a provider able to
    sustain the call. My father tried with Whatsapp videocalls
    once but they didn't work well at all. Similar thing with
    voice calls.

    It sucks a lot because many people will try to initiate a
    videocall to you, and the whole thing will fail because the
    ISP can't sustain it, and the initiator is often too stupid
    or mean to switch to regular phone call - which works
    perfectly fine.

    I know people who make use of IP calls all the time, but only
    when there is free wifi around. The libraries and several
    chain-stores in the area offer free wifi.

    I accidentally triggered a voice call with Telegram not long
    ago when my Balckberry was connected to my shop's wifi. But
    for the 15secs of "oops, sorry" exchange, the quality was
    actually pretty good.

    I have an unlimited phone plan. I can phone as much people
    I want as often I want and for how long as I want and it
    won't cost me an extra dime. I have no need for IP calls

    Same here.. but I don't even use the phone as a phone at all!
    I'm signed up primarily for the data plan that the monthly fee
    of both voice+data provides.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to MRO on Sat Jul 10 07:01:00 2021
    Hello MRO!

    ** On Wednesday 30.06.21 - 20:54, MRO wrote to Andeddu:

    IM clients on your phone are the main form of communication
    now. Where I am from pretty much everyone is on WhatsApp --
    it's a very good way to keep in

    the people i know just use facebook, snapchat, instagram or
    txting. whatsapp isnt that popular with them. i have
    whatsapp but why would i use it when i can txt a friend

    [1] Although something like whatsapp may require a real phone
    number to register an account, your real phone number can
    remain private. Not so much with the phone supplier's txt
    services. [2] Plus.. txt service is completely in the clear.
    Not so much with some a messaging app.

    Up until recently, I didn't know that some txt services offered
    file attachments. So, that's a bonus for just using txt. But
    txt is still quite not-private.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to Nightfox on Sun Jul 11 13:11:49 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Nightfox to Arelor on Thu Jul 08 2021 01:59 pm

    I think Addieu is in the UK, which is a smaller country, and I could see it being a lot easier to ensure 100% cell coverage in a smaller area. But in a larger country, I think it could be cost-prohibitive for cell companies to maintain enough cell towers to have coverage even outside of the cities.


    I've been all over the country from the highlands of Scotland to the London, Brighton, etc... in the south of England. 4G coverage is generally very good... obviously there are blackspots in certain extremely rural areas. I am aware that there are still people opting to use analogue modems because their addresses are so remote. I began using 4G back in 2013 and I've seen massive improvements in the infrastructure since then -- by 2018 4G coverage was about is good as it realistically could be. I have noticed that certain carriers such as O2 seem to have a poor reception in rural areas though. I am with Three and the signals are great.

    I believe that cheap 5G coverage via Starlink may be the solution for large geographic regions such as the USA.

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to Ogg on Sun Jul 11 13:20:22 2021
    Re: unlimited data so..
    By: Ogg to Andeddu on Thu Jul 08 2021 06:43 am

    I don't know how many minutes I have in my contract for
    phone calls... possibly only 200-300 minutes, but I have
    unlimited data so I tend to just use 4G for everything even
    when I have access to a WiFi connection.

    That's an interesting reversal. I've never heard of a provider
    offering unlimited 4G while restricting call minutes. Every
    provider/service that I've encountered treats data as a
    premium. What company are you with?

    I am with Three. I subscribed to their "all you can eat" data plan back in 2016 for around 20-25 dollars which had an SMS and call limit but no data limit. I went with them becuase they promised not to choke my bandwidth if I went above a certain artifical limit. I can often exceed 25gb of data usage per month and I have never noticed a decline in quality.

    Something like an SMS limit wouldn't really affect people in the UK anyway becase we don't really use that method of communication -- there are unlimited SMS data plans but they are known as "bolt-ons" which can be added to an exisiting contract for a small fee. I presume it's the same in the USA where carriers can allow you to customise your own contracts... my one is the most basic because it's just unlimited data and I haven't asked for anything else.

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to MRO on Sun Jul 11 13:29:47 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: MRO to Andeddu on Sat Jul 10 2021 04:07 pm

    it just seems like you guys are doing a work around, but acting like you are ahead of the rest of the world and innovative.

    But you were talking about it being better and more efficient if the user could use fewer applications and methods of contacting people rather than more. WhatsApp is close to perfect because it allows you to do everything -- standard IMing with an individual or a group, image, video and file distribution, audio and video chat with one more people, etc... one app to rule them all.

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to Arelor on Sun Jul 11 13:42:03 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Arelor to Andeddu on Sat Jul 10 2021 05:22 pm

    The problem is when they try to sell you a *something* that happens to be a non-working product,
    you declare it is a non-working product and that you want your old working product back, and what
    you get is "that's what progress is all about."

    "Update yourself man, banking over mobile applications is the future!"

    I am fine with it being the future, but if the mobile platform is failing more often than not I
    want to be able to do my banking over a regular web browser. It sucks when they remove a product
    that used to work and replace it by something that does not.

    Here is this, my old home ISP used to run a Wimax nerwork for rural settlements that was quite ok.
    One day the shut it down and told every customer to switch over to a home 4G plan. The only problem
    was, the reason why people had signed up for the Wimax plans instead of a 4G one was precisely
    because mobile plans in this area dare unstable, suffer from data caps, and place customers behind
    massive CG-NATs. The ISP tried to convince everybody that moving to 4G was a better more modern
    system. "The future" and "getting on with the times."

    What happened is people switched over to ANOTHER ISP that still offered Wimax.

    I suspect it is part of this trend of having end users be the beta testers of your technology. They
    don't sell you working solutions anymore, they sell you half-baked ones and the promise that it
    will work tomorrow.

    I understand your gripe and I disagree with ISPs and businesses meddling with applications and websites people still use because certain technologies are unavailable to them. The mobile banking app I use is a godsend... I've never had any issues with it, I can do whatever I want in seconds and don't even have to type in a password to gain access due to facial recognition -- I remember when I had to type in codes and use third-party authentication devices.

    The problem is that big corporations seem to forget that there are people who live remotely with no real access to superfast mobile dataplans or even the internet on some occasions. They'll close down bank branches and all that becuase they have call centres and mobile banking forgetting that there are people who depend on face-to-face business. It's all about money in the end and it probably wouldn't be much of an issue once rural internet coverage is improved... for instance, if you could receive a strong 4G connection, you wouldn't have much of a problem moving onto their chosen management/payment platforms.

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Andeddu on Mon Jul 12 09:36:50 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Andeddu to MRO on Sun Jul 11 2021 01:29 pm

    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: MRO to Andeddu on Sat Jul 10 2021 04:07 pm

    it just seems like you guys are doing a work around, but acting like you are ahead of the rest of the world and innovative.

    But you were talking about it being better and more efficient if the user could use fewer applications and methods of contacting people rather than more. WhatsApp is close to perfect because it allows you to do everything -- standard IMing with an individual or a group, image, video and file

    that's good. you are allowing facebook to collect your information and your contact's information on all fronts with whatsapp.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Andeddu on Mon Jul 12 07:11:00 2021
    Hello Andeddu!

    ** On Saturday 10.07.21 - 20:45, Andeddu wrote to Nightfox:

    ..Apple has iMessage
    which allows users to contact each other using any of their
    devices. I often start a conversation on my smartphone and,
    once I get home, I continue the conversation over my
    iPad... I don't have a MacBook or iMac but either device
    would also be compatible. Something totally third-party
    which could be used on a device of any brand would be
    pretty great though. Someone should make that happen.

    Telegram is exactly that. Fully synchronized across devices.
    Use it on Android, iPhone, iPad, PC, Linux, MacOS.


    Works on 32bit and 64bit devices too.

    Some Fidonet echos are linked up with it.
    For more info on the Fidonet part, start here:


    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Ogg on Tue Jul 13 04:08:49 2021
    Re: Someone should make that happen..
    By: Ogg to Andeddu on Mon Jul 12 2021 07:11 am

    Hello Andeddu!

    ** On Saturday 10.07.21 - 20:45, Andeddu wrote to Nightfox:

    ..Apple has iMessage
    which allows users to contact each other using any of their
    devices. I often start a conversation on my smartphone and,
    once I get home, I continue the conversation over my
    iPad... I don't have a MacBook or iMac but either device
    would also be compatible. Something totally third-party
    which could be used on a device of any brand would be
    pretty great though. Someone should make that happen.

    Telegram is exactly that. Fully synchronized across devices.
    Use it on Android, iPhone, iPad, PC, Linux, MacOS.


    Works on 32bit and 64bit devices too.

    Some Fidonet echos are linked up with it.
    For more info on the Fidonet part, start here:


    Pretty much that. I find Telegram to be a superior product to Whatsapp if just because it is true multiplatform and you can use it both from your portable devices and your workstations without any convoluted process.

    And I don't like Telegram that much.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Arelor on Tue Jul 13 09:34:21 2021
    Re: Someone should make that happen..
    By: Arelor to Ogg on Tue Jul 13 2021 04:08 am

    Pretty much that. I find Telegram to be a superior product to Whatsapp if just because it is true multiplatform and you can use it both from your portable devices and your workstations without any convoluted process.

    And I don't like Telegram that much.

    i prefer telegram over most things. i dont like how google censors the channels, so i have to get the direct version or another one that isnt on the store.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Andeddu on Tue Jul 13 08:47:00 2021
    Hello Andeddu!

    ** On Sunday 11.07.21 - 13:20, Andeddu wrote to Ogg:

    I am with Three. I subscribed to their "all you can eat"
    data plan back in 2016 for around 20-25 dollars which had
    an SMS and call limit but no data limit. I went with them
    becuase they promised not to choke my bandwidth if I went
    above a certain artifical limit. I can often exceed 25gb of
    data usage per month and I have never noticed a decline in

    I like the sound of their "SIM only, Unlimited data" plans.
    Compared to here, their product is very cheap.

    .. my one is the most basic because it's just unlimited
    data and I haven't asked for anything else.

    It's a sweet deal in the UK.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Andeddu on Tue Jul 13 08:58:00 2021
    Hello Andeddu!

    ** On Sunday 11.07.21 - 13:11, Andeddu wrote to Nightfox:

    I believe that cheap 5G coverage via Starlink may be the
    solution for large geographic regions such as the USA.

    Cheap is not a realistic adjective to describe Starlink. :D

    I qualified for an initial rollout of the Starlink gear at my
    home. But the upfront cost for the equipment was over $600,
    and the ongoing monthly was well over $100 too.

    There was no assurance that the equipment could be replaced
    economically should it sustain weather/electrical damage.
    Another $600 would be a big blow.

    I dunno.. but maybe being in the rural setting as I am now,
    doesn't need all the wizbang of high-speed internet when the
    the peace and beauty of the rural life-style is why I prefer
    this setting. A simple 4G phone (3G speeds) activated as a
    moble hotspot seems to be quite enough and far less expensive
    than a Starlink solution.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to MRO on Wed Jul 14 18:06:38 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: MRO to Andeddu on Mon Jul 12 2021 09:36 am

    that's good. you are allowing facebook to collect your information and your contact's information on all fronts with whatsapp.

    Well you can't have your cake and eat it too. Either you allow big corporations to consolodate your information in return for convenience, or you're stuck using seperate programmes for individual needs and requirements.

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to Ogg on Wed Jul 14 18:11:26 2021
    Re: Someone should make that happen..
    By: Ogg to Andeddu on Mon Jul 12 2021 07:11 am

    Telegram is exactly that. Fully synchronized across devices.
    Use it on Android, iPhone, iPad, PC, Linux, MacOS.


    Works on 32bit and 64bit devices too.

    Some Fidonet echos are linked up with it.
    For more info on the Fidonet part, start here:


    I've never really heard much about Telegram before. Checked out the website there and it looks really decent. Is it popular enough in your country? Some of the YouTubers I follow have mentioned it before... I hope it picks up traction!

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to Ogg on Wed Jul 14 18:16:13 2021
    Re: unlimited data so..
    By: Ogg to Andeddu on Tue Jul 13 2021 08:47 am

    I like the sound of their "SIM only, Unlimited data" plans.
    Compared to here, their product is very cheap.

    I've been SIM only for over 6 years now... I purchase a new phone outright every 2-3 years and have stuck with the same SIM since the beginning. My iPhone 12 Mini was purchased on Apple Finance though through Barclays due to the 0% interest offer.

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to Ogg on Wed Jul 14 18:21:30 2021
    Re: cheap 5G coverage via Starlink
    By: Ogg to Andeddu on Tue Jul 13 2021 08:58 am

    Cheap is not a realistic adjective to describe Starlink. :D

    I qualified for an initial rollout of the Starlink gear at my
    home. But the upfront cost for the equipment was over $600,
    and the ongoing monthly was well over $100 too.

    There was no assurance that the equipment could be replaced
    economically should it sustain weather/electrical damage.
    Another $600 would be a big blow.

    I dunno.. but maybe being in the rural setting as I am now,
    doesn't need all the wizbang of high-speed internet when the
    the peace and beauty of the rural life-style is why I prefer
    this setting. A simple 4G phone (3G speeds) activated as a
    moble hotspot seems to be quite enough and far less expensive
    than a Starlink solution.

    Perhaps I was mislead when Musk stated that Starlink would provide cheap internet access to hundreds of millions of people in rural Africa.

    I agree, 3G is fine for 720p/540p video and basic web browsing as long as it's stable.

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to MRO on Wed Jul 14 18:02:00 2021
    Hello MRO!

    ** On Tuesday 13.07.21 - 09:34, MRO wrote to Arelor:

    i prefer telegram over most things. i dont like how google
    censors the channels, so i have to get the direct version
    or another one that isnt on the store. -+-

    Once it's installed your devices, updates are built-in from the
    app and you don't need to look for any other versions. The
    telegram.org site has everything you need.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Andeddu on Wed Jul 14 21:52:17 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Andeddu to MRO on Wed Jul 14 2021 06:06 pm

    that's good. you are allowing facebook to collect your information and your contact's information on all fronts with whatsapp.

    Well you can't have your cake and eat it too. Either you allow big corporations to consolodate your information in return for convenience, or you're stuck using seperate programmes for individual needs and requirements.

    yeah, i'll do that instead of handing my life over to a company that's already been convicted in court multiple times for collecting and misusing user information.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Ogg on Wed Jul 14 21:53:13 2021
    Re: Someone should make that happen..
    By: Ogg to MRO on Wed Jul 14 2021 06:02 pm

    Once it's installed your devices, updates are built-in from the
    app and you don't need to look for any other versions. The
    telegram.org site has everything you need.

    you can optionally use other versions of telegram. i dont mean old versions. i mean other clients.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Arelor on Thu Jul 15 07:05:00 2021
    Hello Arelor!

    ** On Tuesday 13.07.21 - 04:08, Arelor wrote to Ogg:


    Pretty much that. I find Telegram to be a superior product
    to Whatsapp if just because it is true multiplatform and
    you can use it both from your portable devices and your
    workstations without any convoluted process.

    The sync'ing across devices is rather interesting. I can start
    tapping out a reply on my phone, and continue the message part-
    way on the desktop app.

    It has very efficient use of mobile data too. When there is no
    activity, there is little to no data transfer (unlike Matrix or
    Discord which seem to constantly poll for data).

    At one point I had accidentally triggered a phone call with
    someone in chat. I was connected via wifi at my shop, and the
    quality was pretty darn good for the few seconds that it took
    to hear the other person and apologize for the accidental call.

    And I don't like Telegram that much.

    Why not?

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Andeddu on Thu Jul 15 08:30:29 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Andeddu to MRO on Wed Jul 14 2021 06:06 pm

    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: MRO to Andeddu on Mon Jul 12 2021 09:36 am

    that's good. you are allowing facebook to collect your information and yo contact's information on all fronts with whatsapp.

    Well you can't have your cake and eat it too. Either you allow big corporati to consolodate your information in return for convenience, or you're stuck using seperate programmes for individual needs and requirements.

    Or you use a program that incorporates all the functionality you need but works in a federated manned. Something like Retroshare, which provides chats and forums, videos and filesharing and what else, but each user runs their own instances.

    Think of email, in which you have your own email server but may send messages to people who uses a different email server.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Andeddu on Thu Jul 15 08:33:11 2021
    Re: cheap 5G coverage via Starlink
    By: Andeddu to Ogg on Wed Jul 14 2021 06:21 pm

    Re: cheap 5G coverage via Starlink
    By: Ogg to Andeddu on Tue Jul 13 2021 08:58 am

    Cheap is not a realistic adjective to describe Starlink. :D

    I qualified for an initial rollout of the Starlink gear at my
    home. But the upfront cost for the equipment was over $600,
    and the ongoing monthly was well over $100 too.

    There was no assurance that the equipment could be replaced
    economically should it sustain weather/electrical damage.
    Another $600 would be a big blow.

    I dunno.. but maybe being in the rural setting as I am now,
    doesn't need all the wizbang of high-speed internet when the
    the peace and beauty of the rural life-style is why I prefer
    this setting. A simple 4G phone (3G speeds) activated as a
    moble hotspot seems to be quite enough and far less expensive
    than a Starlink solution.

    Perhaps I was mislead when Musk stated that Starlink would provide cheap internet access to hundreds of millions of people in rural Africa.

    I agree, 3G is fine for 720p/540p video and basic web browsing as long as it stable.

    It is the sort of thing that will be cheap when time comes.

    Also, if you can set an access point in a settlement in the middle of nowhere and grant 1 meg per user, it is a massive upgrade for people who had nothing before.

    Or, actually, a massive downgrade, because the Facebooks and Googles of this world will now start playing with their minds for their own goals...


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Arelor on Thu Jul 15 20:13:00 2021
    Hello Arelor!

    ** On Thursday 15.07.21 - 08:33, Arelor wrote to Andeddu:

    By: Ogg to Andeddu on Tue Jul 13 2021 08:58 am

    Cheap is not a realistic adjective to describe Starlink.


    There was no assurance that the equipment could be
    replaced economically should it sustain weather/electrical
    damage. Another $600 would be a big blow.

    I dunno.. but maybe being in the rural setting as I am
    now, doesn't need all the wizbang of high-speed internet
    when the the peace and beauty of the rural life-style is
    why I prefer this setting. A simple 4G phone (3G speeds)
    activated as a moble hotspot seems to be quite enough and
    far less expensive than a Starlink solution.

    It is the sort of thing that will be cheap when time comes.

    I doubt that Starlink will be marketed that way. I think its
    service will be treated as a premium service and therefore
    justify the high entry cost and ongoing monthly cost.

    Also, if you can set an access point in a settlement in the
    middle of nowhere and grant 1 meg per user, it is a massive
    upgrade for people who had nothing before.

    Or, actually, a massive downgrade, because the Facebooks
    and Googles of this world will now start playing with their
    minds for their own goals...

    Probably the latter. :/

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Ogg on Fri Jul 16 03:28:31 2021
    Re: Someone should make that happen..
    By: Ogg to Arelor on Thu Jul 15 2021 07:05 am

    And I don't like Telegram that much.

    Why not?

    For starters, they sell themselves as a FOSS product when the server systems are closed source. This I don't mind much but I don't like hypocrites.

    Their reference desktop implementation is built on Electron, which is a framework known for raping your RAM continuously, because it knows application frameworks cannot be thrown into jail for their evil deeds.

    Also it is liked to a phone number which I dislike as an authentication system. It means the ability to sign up to the service is liked to your ability to connect to a regular phone network or fake it, plus I don't need to have my identity liked to a phone subscription for a service that should not be using a phone network. I understand the reasons - for the service administrators it is so much easier to use phones as authenticators than user/password combos - but as a power end user it is insulting.

    So well, it gets the job done but it is not *that* good. It certainly beats the crap out of Whatsapp because Whatsapp non-mobile implementation is a JOKE (Telegram's suck but it DOES work), and they have the same problems Telegram does without its advantages (like propper bot support and not being related to Facebook).


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Ogg on Fri Jul 16 03:37:24 2021
    Re: cheap 5G coverage via Starlink
    By: Ogg to Arelor on Thu Jul 15 2021 08:13 pm

    It is the sort of thing that will be cheap when time comes.

    I doubt that Starlink will be marketed that way. I think its
    service will be treated as a premium service and therefore
    justify the high entry cost and ongoing monthly cost.

    Oh, sure, it will be marketed as a premium bleeding edge thing in the begining. That is how surfacing technologies get funded in their early stages. They leech money from early adopters in order to fund the development and first deployments, which are the hardest.

    But in 15 years, if the technology is proven stable enough to stay, you can bet you will see prices drop as there is no need to regain the initial investment in the network and as it needs to compete to more modern technologies.

    This is the reason why I am staying away from marihuana products for my store. A 15 ml. flask of OCB oil at a pitiful concentration is worth 60 eur to the public, because it is early technology in Spain. The problem is that 6 months from now this thing would be worth half of that so if I get a big shipment (which is the only way of turning a profit nowadays) I will have to eat every unsold unit after 6 months, or sell them at a loss.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Arelor on Fri Jul 16 09:02:09 2021
    Re: Someone should make that happen..
    By: Arelor to Ogg on Fri Jul 16 2021 03:28 am

    Their reference desktop implementation is built on Electron, which is a framework known for raping your RAM continuously, because it knows application frameworks cannot be thrown into jail for their evil deeds.

    dunno, doesnt rape my memory on my desktop.

    Also it is liked to a phone number which I dislike as an authentication system. It means the ability to sign up to the service is liked to your ability to connect to a regular phone network or fake it, plus I don't need to have my identity liked to a phone subscription for a service that should not be using a phone network. I understand the reasons - for the service administrators it is so much easier to use phones as authenticators than

    yeah and if you make yourself visible you still get bots msging you. or people scamming you for steam cards. i find it fun sometimes.

    So well, it gets the job done but it is not *that* good. It certainly beats the crap out of Whatsapp because Whatsapp non-mobile implementation is a JOKE (Telegram's suck but it DOES work), and they have the same problems

    it seems to work fine for what it's designed for.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to Ogg on Fri Jul 16 13:45:42 2021
    Re: Someone should make that happen..
    By: Ogg to MRO on Wed Jul 14 2021 06:02 pm

    Once it's installed your devices, updates are built-in from the
    app and you don't need to look for any other versions. The
    telegram.org site has everything you need.

    Does the person I'm texting also need to have telegram installed? Seems to me there's a shit load of messaging software out there.

    ... When you haven't got enough iodine in your blood you get a glacier.

    � Synchronet � Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to HusTler on Fri Jul 16 19:14:22 2021
    Re: Someone should make that happen..
    By: HusTler to Ogg on Fri Jul 16 2021 01:45 pm

    Re: Someone should make that happen..
    By: Ogg to MRO on Wed Jul 14 2021 06:02 pm

    Once it's installed your devices, updates are built-in from the
    app and you don't need to look for any other versions. The
    telegram.org site has everything you need.

    Does the person I'm texting also need to have telegram installed? Seems to m there's a shit load of messaging software out there.

    ... When you haven't got enough iodine in your blood you get a glacier.

    Yes, I am afraid Telegram is a silo. In order to talk to people in the silo you have to enter the silo yourself.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Arelor on Fri Jul 16 18:41:00 2021
    Hello Arelor!

    ** On Friday 16.07.21 - 03:28, Arelor wrote to Ogg:

    Their reference desktop implementation is built on
    Electron, which is a framework known for raping your RAM
    continuously, because it knows application frameworks
    cannot be thrown into jail for their evil deeds.

    Ok.. I dunno what Electron is. I might look it up. But wrt
    RAM, the DT version on my XP laptop only uses up an extra 200KB
    of RAM after it loads.

    Also it is liked to a phone number which I dislike as an
    authentication system. ... [...] I understand the reasons -
    for the service administrators it is so much easier to use
    phones as authenticators than user/password combos - but as
    a power end user it is insulting.

    Perhaps they use the phone for authentication because the app
    was originally a phone app? ...and DT version came later?

    So well, it gets the job done but it is not *that* good.
    It certainly beats the crap out of Whatsapp because
    Whatsapp non-mobile implementation is a JOKE (Telegram's
    suck but it DOES work), and they have the same problems
    Telegram does without its advantages (like propper bot
    support and not being related to Facebook).

    Telegram just seems very efficient in how it operates. I like

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Arelor on Fri Jul 16 19:02:00 2021
    Hello Arelor!

    ** On Friday 16.07.21 - 03:37, Arelor wrote to Ogg:

    This is the reason why I am staying away from marihuana
    products for my store. A 15 ml. flask of OCB oil at a
    pitiful concentration is worth 60 eur to the public,
    because it is early technology in Spain. The problem is
    that 6 months from now this thing would be worth half of
    that so if I get a big shipment (which is the only way of
    turning a profit nowadays) I will have to eat every unsold
    unit after 6 months, or sell them at a loss.

    WHERE's the nearest next place where people can go to get some?
    Why not build a clinetelle at the cost of breaking even? I do
    that with some books that people want. Sometimes a book order
    is at a loss, but other books make up for it.

    Just from looking at one national gov't controlled outlet

    A 30ml bottle of CBD is only $14CDN here.

    Brand Solei

    5.70 - 30.00 mg | 0.20 - 1.05 mg/g

    255.00 - 345.00 mg | 8.95 - 12.00 mg/g

    Net Weight
    28.5 g

    Plant Type
    Sativa Dominant

    Strain Name
    Treasure Island

    Extraction process

    Terpenes removed

    And, the most expensive 15ml of CBD is:

    Emprise Canada
    Legacy - Advanced Nano CBD Oil
    $39.95 / bottle (that's 27 eur)
    Taxes Included

    Emprise Canada

    0.00 - 17.20 mg | 0.00 - 1.15 mg/g

    285.00 - 315.00 mg | 19.00 - 21.00 mg/g

    Net Weight
    15.0 g

    Plant Type

    Extraction process

    Beta-Caryophyllene, Beta-Myrcene, Delta-Limonene

    Grow method


    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Arelor on Fri Jul 16 19:19:00 2021
    Their reference desktop implementation is built on
    Electron, which is a framework known for raping your RAM
    continuously, because it knows application frameworks
    cannot be thrown into jail for their evil deeds.

    Ok.. I dunno what Electron is. I might look it up. But wrt
    RAM, the DT version on my XP laptop only uses up an extra 200KB
    of RAM after it loads.

    Ooops. Make that 200MB, not 200KB.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to MRO on Sat Jul 17 02:58:42 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: MRO to Andeddu on Wed Jul 14 2021 09:52 pm

    Well you can't have your cake and eat it too. Either you allow big corporations to consolodate your information in return for convenience, or you're stuck using seperate programmes for individual needs and requirements.

    yeah, i'll do that instead of handing my life over to a company that's already been convicted in court multiple times for collecting and misusing user information.

    Well that's probably a wise choice. Eventually the Silicon Valley giants such as FaceBook, Google and Twitter are going to own it all though as they're contantly acquiring other companies and running them as subsiduries or amalgamating them into their own brands. I don't really care for social media though and I haven't plastered my entire life and GPS tracking data on their websites.

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to Arelor on Sat Jul 17 03:06:51 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Arelor to Andeddu on Thu Jul 15 2021 08:30 am

    Or you use a program that incorporates all the functionality you need but works in a federated manned. Something like Retroshare, which provides chats and forums, videos and filesharing and what else, but each user runs their own instances.

    Think of email, in which you have your own email server but may send messages to people who uses a different email server.

    I am sure is great and all but for something to be viable it has to be used by much of the population. I could probably have a small cluster of friends on a niche application such as Retroshare but then I would still have to use WhatsApp to speak with the rest of the normies in my chat group. I am not saying that WhatsApp, FaceBook and Twitter, etc... are all amazing but the superior versions run by companies that respect privacy are not known by the wider population.

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to Arelor on Sat Jul 17 03:09:55 2021
    Re: cheap 5G coverage via Starlink
    By: Arelor to Andeddu on Thu Jul 15 2021 08:33 am

    Also, if you can set an access point in a settlement in the middle of nowhere and grant 1 meg per user, it is a massive upgrade for people who had nothing before.

    Or, actually, a massive downgrade, because the Facebooks and Googles of this world will now start playing with their minds for their own goals...

    He probably meant that companies such as Google and Facebook would subsidize the cost of the equipment just to get these new people online to create a larger consumer base and also to harvest their information.

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to HusTler on Fri Jul 16 21:49:00 2021
    Hello HusTler!

    ** On Friday 16.07.21 - 13:45, HusTler wrote to Ogg:

    Does the person I'm texting also need to have telegram
    installed? Seems to me there's a shit load of messaging
    software out there.

    There are a load of others, and most of them are shit, indeed.

    But Telegram is pretty sweet. ;)

    And yes, the other party needs Telegram installed and
    activated. But note, you are not forced to use it just on a
    phone. The desktop version provides the convenience of using
    your computer's keyboard. And, a recent update to the desktop
    version introduced modest photo-editing *BEFORE* sending a
    photo attachment. THAT is extremely handy when I want send a
    screenshot and highlight a particular part of the screen by
    drawing a circle or an arrow or adding a text lable or

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Ogg on Sat Jul 17 08:16:40 2021
    Re: Someone should make that happen..
    By: Ogg to Arelor on Fri Jul 16 2021 06:41 pm

    Also it is liked to a phone number which I dislike as an
    authentication system. ... [...] I understand the reasons -
    for the service administrators it is so much easier to use
    phones as authenticators than user/password combos - but as
    a power end user it is insulting.

    Perhaps they use the phone for authentication because the app
    was originally a phone app? ...and DT version came later?

    Maybe, but something I have noticed is that common users are no longer capable of using user/password combinations at all. I am sure developers are aware of this.

    What I mean is that is is extremely common for end users to set an user/password for some service, such as email. Then they load their access credentials in some program or application that manages them automatically so they never have to type them ever again. Then a catastrophe happens to device that stored the credentials, and when they want to access the service from a new device they discover it is user/password protected _AND THEY DIDN'T REMEMBER IT WAS USER/PASSWORD PROTECTED AT ALL_.

    So in the end of the day you get lots of phone calls from grandmas and Stoneage Joes demanding to know "Why the service is password protected now" or just asking for the credentials to be reset. If the service is any big the overhead is just BRUTAL.

    The simple solution is to skip the password system and use SMS verification.
    It sucks for power users because power users understand there is no reason why the provider should have your phone number at all and it is just a maneuver for their gain and nothing else.But it helps them deal with the sheeple with less work.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Ogg on Sat Jul 17 08:32:30 2021
    Re: why I am staying away from marihuana
    By: Ogg to Arelor on Fri Jul 16 2021 07:02 pm

    This is the reason why I am staying away from marihuana
    products for my store. A 15 ml. flask of OCB oil at a
    pitiful concentration is worth 60 eur to the public,
    because it is early technology in Spain. The problem is
    that 6 months from now this thing would be worth half of
    that so if I get a big shipment (which is the only way of
    turning a profit nowadays) I will have to eat every unsold
    unit after 6 months, or sell them at a loss.

    WHERE's the nearest next place where people can go to get some?
    Why not build a clinetelle at the cost of breaking even? I do
    that with some books that people want. Sometimes a book order
    is at a loss, but other books make up for it.

    Most of my customers are not generated organically. They are forwarded to me by doctors. Doctors are unlikely to recomend OCBs because if the patient is not in a very bad shape there are cheap useful alternatives for their problems; if the patient is really bad then OCB is going to do nothing and the patient is going to need something stronger.

    Loyalty is dead here. There is not such a thing as working at a loss or break even point in the hopes of generating regular customers. Everybody is going to backstab you because somebody else sells soap 3 cents cheaper regardless of any added value you provide - improved delivery times, for example. It cuts both ways too and you can often undercut somebody else for 10 cents and steal his customers for the month. However, there is no making a huge sacrifice in order to provide a service for somebody, because that somebody will backstab you next week for a 1% discount somewhere else.

    It pisses me off big time because I used to be the stupid guy who kept loyal to his regular stores. However, life is like the Brass board game: if you buy shipping contracts from other player (so to speak) and the other player does nothing for you in the game, you are going to end up broke. So nowadays I am only a customer to my customers within reasonable limits. Everything else I
    buy the cheapest, often from classified ads or non-woke affiliated -ecommerce.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Ogg on Sat Jul 17 08:39:59 2021
    Re: Someone should make that happen..
    By: Ogg to Arelor on Fri Jul 16 2021 07:19 pm

    Their reference desktop implementation is built on
    Electron, which is a framework known for raping your RAM
    continuously, because it knows application frameworks
    cannot be thrown into jail for their evil deeds.

    Ok.. I dunno what Electron is. I might look it up. But wrt
    RAM, the DT version on my XP laptop only uses up an extra 200KB
    of RAM after it loads.

    Ooops. Make that 200MB, not 200KB.

    Electron is an abomination so alien to the laws of logic than even Yog-Sothoth The Lurker of the Gate regards it as a monstruosity.

    Essentially it is a framework for making programs, which works by loading into memory what can only be described as most of the Chromium web browser to run whatever program you intend to execute.

    Basically it is used for distributing pseudo-web applications within a capsule so you can run them as if they were desktop applications.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Andeddu on Sat Jul 17 08:53:30 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Andeddu to Arelor on Sat Jul 17 2021 03:06 am

    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Arelor to Andeddu on Thu Jul 15 2021 08:30 am

    Or you use a program that incorporates all the functionality you need but works in a federated manned. Something like Retroshare, which provides ch and forums, videos and filesharing and what else, but each user runs thei own instances.

    Think of email, in which you have your own email server but may send messages to people who uses a different email server.

    I am sure is great and all but for something to be viable it has to be used much of the population. I could probably have a small cluster of friends on niche application such as Retroshare but then I would still have to use WhatsApp to speak with the rest of the normies in my chat group. I am not saying that WhatsApp, FaceBook and Twitter, etc... are all amazing but the superior versions run by companies that respect privacy are not known by the wider population.

    I think if some niche software you can use with your small group of friends, it *is* a viable program.

    I have 2000+ contacts in my address book and I only talk to 4 of them regularly. Most often by phone. You don't need a program that lets you talk to three million people, you need a program that lets you talk to the five people who matters to you.

    This is specially true because mainstream messengers are so abused that a message you send is unlikely to be read on time if it is urgent. I have a professional phone with some mainstream messenger installed and it is close to useless. People are just sick of messengers and just does not check them out very often anymore. Or they just check the chats of the three people who matters to them.

    But well, I suppose BBS are not viable since they are unknown to the wider population XD


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to Ogg on Sat Jul 17 09:39:17 2021
    Re: Someone should make that happen..
    By: Ogg to HusTler on Fri Jul 16 2021 09:49 pm

    There are a load of others, and most of them are shit, indeed.

    But Telegram is pretty sweet. ;)

    I installed it on both my phone and PC. Now I need to find someone else that uses it.

    � Synchronet � Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Arelor on Sat Jul 17 16:37:18 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Arelor to Andeddu on Sat Jul 17 2021 08:53 am

    to useless. People are just sick of messengers and just does not check them out very often anymore. Or they just check the chats of the three people who matters to them.

    But well, I suppose BBS are not viable since they are unknown to the wider population XD

    it's not really that they are unknown. the problem is they suck and nobody wants to use one. if you show someone a bbs, they dont want to use it. they have no reason to use it.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to HusTler on Sat Jul 17 19:43:00 2021
    Hello HusTler!

    ** On Saturday 17.07.21 - 09:39, HusTler wrote to Ogg:

    There are a load of others, and most of them are shit,

    But Telegram is pretty sweet. ;)

    I installed it on both my phone and PC. Now I need to find
    someone else that uses it.

    I am t.me/aabolins My icon is a pile of books with a hat on
    top. I think just searching for "aabolins" would show my link
    too. I could then get you started in some fidonet groups so
    that you can see how it looks and works on Telegram. Most
    fidonet groups still need "real names", but as long as you sign
    your message with your real name that should be good enough for
    most moderators.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Ogg on Sun Jul 18 06:11:40 2021
    Re: Someone should make that happen..
    By: Ogg to HusTler on Sat Jul 17 2021 07:43 pm

    I am t.me/aabolins My icon is a pile of books with a hat on
    top. I think just searching for "aabolins" would show my link
    too. I could then get you started in some fidonet groups so
    that you can see how it looks and works on Telegram. Most
    fidonet groups still need "real names", but as long as you sign
    your message with your real name that should be good enough for
    most moderators.

    whats the fidonet group names? when i search fidonet i just see a bunch of non english posting and spam
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to Ogg on Sun Jul 18 08:17:05 2021
    Re: Someone should make that happen..
    By: Ogg to HusTler on Sat Jul 17 2021 07:43 pm

    I installed it on both my phone and PC. Now I need to find
    someone else that uses it.

    I am t.me/aabolins My icon is a pile of books with a hat on
    top. I think just searching for "aabolins" would show my link
    too. I could then get you started in some fidonet groups so

    Thanks. Sending a text right now

    � Synchronet � Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to MRO on Sun Jul 18 08:43:58 2021
    Re: Someone should make that happen..
    By: MRO to Ogg on Sun Jul 18 2021 06:11 am

    whats the fidonet group names? when i search fidonet i just see a bunch of non english posting and spam ---

    I'm seeing the same thing. Russian, Polish maybe??

    � Synchronet � Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to MRO on Sun Jul 18 10:13:00 2021
    Hello MRO!

    ** On Sunday 18.07.21 - 06:11, MRO wrote to Ogg:

    whats the fidonet group names? when i search fidonet i just
    see a bunch of non english posting and spam ..

    To avoid the detection and abuse by spam, otherbots, and people
    that duck-n-run, the fidonet ones are private or invite only.
    Originally (about a year ago now) that meant that an existing
    member was needed to "invite" another person OR add that person
    to a group. However (now about a year later), it is self

    If you already have Telegram set up, there are only two steps
    to link up:

    [1] Send a %LIST command in the chat with the @Fido2telebot for
    list of available areas.

    [2] Send a %help command in the chat with the @Fido2telebot for
    more info.

    The %LIST will send you a full list of echos available to join
    by providing the invite links for you. The list may take a few
    minutes to arrive (it's also in two parts).

    The specifically "Fidonet" (English) ones will have "Fidonet"
    in the description. There is one echo/group exception,
    FIDOTEST; that one is English too.

    After you've joined a group/echo, you will be able to read the
    back history of messages. But you will be able to POST only
    after you complete a part of the %userprofile with the
    @Fido2telebot bot.

    The %userprofile allows you to create an optional tagline, a
    signature, a real name, etc. This is akin to a minimum
    registration on a BBS.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Arelor on Sun Jul 18 11:12:00 2021
    Hello Arelor!

    ** On Saturday 17.07.21 - 08:16, Arelor wrote to Ogg:

    ..but something I have noticed is that common users are no
    longer capable of using user/password combinations at all.
    I am sure developers are aware of this.

    What I mean is that is is extremely common for end users to
    set an user/password for some service, such as email. Then
    they load their access credentials in some program or
    application that manages them automatically so they never
    have to type them ever again. Then a catastrophe happens to
    device that stored the credentials, and when they want to
    access the service from a new device they discover it is
    user/password protected _AND THEY DIDN'T REMEMBER IT WAS

    Yes... that seems to be a consequence of people once being
    accustomed to using desktops for most of their login
    requirements and switching to tablets or phones that seem to
    manange logins a bit differently?

    The simple solution is to skip the password system and use
    SMS verification. It sucks for power users because power
    users understand there is no reason why the provider should
    have your phone number at all and it is just a maneuver for
    their gain and nothing else.But it helps them deal with the
    sheeple with less work.

    Like I said.. I bet Telegram was designed with smartphones/
    tablets in mind considering that sales seem to indicated most
    people have migrated to those devices or that they are are 1st
    devices of purchase for those entering the "net" realm for the
    first time?

    Meanwhile, Telegram's desktop solution (via an Electron core)
    might be a kludge, but it is a fine and efficient kludge never
    the less. However, Telegram's open API allows anyone to design
    and build their own Telegram app. It would be cool if there
    was one that handled Fidonet echos with FTN characteristics in
    mind: in-line requoting, random taglines, etc.

    But the current solution provided by a sysop located in Crimea
    is very clever. He's built a bot that basically acts like a
    scanner/tosser and accomodates the various FTN requirements.

    The bot even accomodates modest netmail-to-Telegram messaging
    and visa versa. It's not a vastly advertised feature, but one
    that I am willing to explain how to operate to anyone who pops
    onto the network and asks me! ;)

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to Arelor on Sun Jul 18 20:12:15 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Arelor to Andeddu on Sat Jul 17 2021 08:53 am

    I think if some niche software you can use with your small group of friends, it *is* a viable program.

    I have 2000+ contacts in my address book and I only talk to 4 of them regularly. Most often by phone. You don't need a program that lets you talk to three million people, you need a program that lets you talk to the five people who matters to you.

    This is specially true because mainstream messengers are so abused that a message you send is unlikely to be read on time if it is urgent. I have a professional phone with some mainstream messenger installed and it is close to useless. People are just sick of messengers and just does not check them out very often anymore. Or they just check the chats of the three people who matters to them.

    But well, I suppose BBS are not viable since they are unknown to the wider population XD.

    I know that WhatsApp probably sells my data and spys on me, etc... but it's a very functional app. The reason it works in the UK is that EVERYONE is using it. I think in other countries IMs are splintered between iMessage, WhatsApp along with other messengers and people end up just using SMS text messaging as a happy medium. I mostly chat on WhatsApp with my friends and I am also part of a number of group chats with people I know and casual acquaintances. If I am playing a computer game on the PC with friend, we will usually speak over Skype. That's really the extent of social media and instant messengers for me.

    Lol, BBSes are totally niche to the wider population. I have mentioned it to a few people and have been met back with vacant blank stares. The closest main stream thing I can think of to describe BBSes is Teletext... only BBSes are like an interactive forum version of that. We are at the stage now where a lot of people don't even know what Teletext is though.

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From Andeddu@VERT/AMSTRAD to MRO on Sun Jul 18 20:21:51 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: MRO to Arelor on Sat Jul 17 2021 04:37 pm

    But well, I suppose BBS are not viable since they are unknown to the wider population XD

    it's not really that they are unknown. the problem is they suck and nobody wants to use one. if you show someone a bbs, they dont want to use it. they have no reason to use it.

    There's also an entry barrier as BBSes are much more complicated to use than websites like Reddit, Facebook or other forums. The only reason I learned about the BBS scene is because I have a few oldie 80s computers I like to use online which is a fairly niche reason to be on in the first place.

    A lot of new users pop their heads in to see what the 80s internet was all about before going back onto the regular modern internet.

    � Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Ogg on Mon Jul 19 09:25:03 2021
    Re: Someone should make that happen..
    By: Ogg to MRO on Sun Jul 18 2021 10:13 am

    To avoid the detection and abuse by spam, otherbots, and people
    that duck-n-run, the fidonet ones are private or invite only.

    that must be great for getting people.

    that duck-n-run, the fidonet ones are private or invite only.
    Originally (about a year ago now) that meant that an existing
    member was needed to "invite" another person OR add that person
    to a group. However (now about a year later), it is self

    If you already have Telegram set up, there are only two steps
    to link up:

    [1] Send a %LIST command in the chat with the @Fido2telebot for
    list of available areas.

    [2] Send a %help command in the chat with the @Fido2telebot for
    more info.

    The %LIST will send you a full list of echos available to join
    by providing the invite links for you. The list may take a few
    minutes to arrive (it's also in two parts).

    The specifically "Fidonet" (English) ones will have "Fidonet"
    in the description. There is one echo/group exception,
    FIDOTEST; that one is English too.

    After you've joined a group/echo, you will be able to read the
    back history of messages. But you will be able to POST only
    after you complete a part of the %userprofile with the
    @Fido2telebot bot.

    The %userprofile allows you to create an optional tagline, a
    signature, a real name, etc. This is akin to a minimum
    registration on a BBS.

    fuck that shit.
    i dont have time in my life for that horseshit.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to Ogg on Mon Jul 19 08:06:00 2021
    Ogg wrote to Arelor <=-

    Yes... that seems to be a consequence of people once being
    accustomed to using desktops for most of their login
    requirements and switching to tablets or phones that seem to
    manange logins a bit differently?

    Here's a shout-out to Keepass and Google Drive. I keep my keepass file in Google Drive and have my passwords on my phone *and* on my desktop and

    I use a plugin to add a "Connect via Putty" and "Connect Via WinSCP" right- click entry, so I for the systems I don't use a key with I can automatically connect without having to copy/paste creds.

    ... Where is the edge?
    --- MultiMail/DOS v0.52
    � Synchronet � .: realitycheckbbs.org :: scientia potentia est :.
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to MRO on Mon Jul 19 18:06:00 2021
    Hello MRO!

    ** On Monday 19.07.21 - 09:25, MRO wrote to Ogg:

    Re: Someone should make that happen..
    By: Ogg to MRO on Sun Jul 18 2021 10:13 am

    To avoid the detection and abuse by spam, otherbots, and people
    that duck-n-run, the fidonet ones are private or invite only.

    that must be great for getting people.

    I was just explaining the security behind it so that the
    Fidonet echos don't get spam. But if you're all set with
    Telegram , all you have to do is talk to the @Fido2telebot and
    send it the command %HELP and %LIST (akin to what BBSes do) and
    you wil receive all the info you need to get started.

    One more final registration with sending %userprofile to the
    bot to establish the real-name requirement, and you're done.

    fuck that shit.
    i dont have time in my life for that horseshit.

    That's hard for you? All that would only take less than 30 sec.
    That's too much time? :/ OK.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to Andeddu on Mon Jul 19 20:32:25 2021
    On 6/30/2021 7:39 AM, Andeddu wrote:

    IM clients on your phone are the main form of communication now. Where I am from pretty much everyone is on WhatsApp -- it's a very good way to keep in touch with people. I don't see much of a difference between IM clients such as
    WhatsApp and the likes of MSN other than it's based on a smart phone rather than a traditional computer. I hear a lot of people are on Discord now... I don't use that so I don't know much about it. Back when I used to play online games as a teen, we used mIRC to chat with one another. That was a LONG time ago though.
    Just realized I hadn't installed Discord yet... excuse to try Winget... worked.
    Michael J. Ryan - [email protected]
    � Synchronet � Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.com
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to poindexter FORTRAN on Tue Jul 20 03:43:21 2021
    Re: Re: Someone should make that happen..
    By: poindexter FORTRAN to Ogg on Mon Jul 19 2021 08:06 am

    Ogg wrote to Arelor <=-

    Yes... that seems to be a consequence of people once being
    accustomed to using desktops for most of their login
    requirements and switching to tablets or phones that seem to
    manange logins a bit differently?

    Here's a shout-out to Keepass and Google Drive. I keep my keepass file in Google Drive and have my passwords on my phone *and* on my desktop and laptop.

    I use a plugin to add a "Connect via Putty" and "Connect Via WinSCP" right- click entry, so I for the systems I don't use a key with I can automatically connect without having to copy/paste creds.

    ... Where is the edge?

    I don't trust a phone enough to manage a master password database from it.

    I use password-store instead, hosted in an SSH shell I control. I purposedly only use the password databse from machines trustworthy enough to initiate an SSH connection to the server hosting the database.

    If you like the Google Drive approach, Nextcloud would also work, pluss it has its own integrated password management solution via plugins.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Tracker1 on Tue Jul 20 03:45:05 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Tracker1 to Andeddu on Mon Jul 19 2021 08:32 pm

    On 6/30/2021 7:39 AM, Andeddu wrote:

    IM clients on your phone are the main form of communication now. Where I a from pretty much everyone is on WhatsApp -- it's a very good way to keep i touch with people. I don't see much of a difference between IM clients suc as
    WhatsApp and the likes of MSN other than it's based on a smart phone rathe than a traditional computer. I hear a lot of people are on Discord now... don't use that so I don't know much about it. Back when I used to play onl games as a teen, we used mIRC to chat with one another. That was a LONG ti ago though.
    Just realized I hadn't installed Discord yet... excuse to try Winget... worked.

    My condolences for downloading and installing Discord.

    Don't forget to send your RAM to the hospital so they can use a rape kit on it after Discord is finished with it.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to Nightfox on Mon Jul 19 22:51:06 2021
    On 7/7/2021 8:58 AM, Nightfox wrote:
    These days, I've seen some instances where smartphone text messages
    are available on a PC/laptop

    Windows 11 has that too (works with Android, dunno about iOS). Of
    course, I've been using Google Voice, since it was Grand Central before
    Google bought them, so using my phone and desktop is pretty much been
    it... though I've also experienced every pain of Google's schizophrenic approach to chat applications.
    Michael J. Ryan - [email protected]
    � Synchronet � Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.com
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to Ogg on Mon Jul 19 23:00:35 2021
    On 7/17/2021 4:43 PM, Ogg wrote:
    But Telegram is pretty sweet. ;)

    I installed it on both my phone and PC. Now I need to find
    someone else that uses it.

    I am t.me/aabolins My icon is a pile of books with a hat on




    but the group is really dead...

    If anyone has other groups to share that they like.
    Michael J. Ryan - [email protected]
    � Synchronet � Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.com
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Tracker1 on Tue Jul 20 09:05:38 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Tracker1 to Andeddu on Mon Jul 19 2021 08:32 pm

    On 6/30/2021 7:39 AM, Andeddu wrote:

    IM clients on your phone are the main form of communication now. Where I am from pretty much everyone is on WhatsApp -- it's a very good way to keep in touch with people. I don't see much of a difference between IM clients such as
    WhatsApp and the likes of MSN other than it's based on a smart phone rather than a traditional computer. I hear a lot of people are on Discord now... I don't use that so I don't know much about it. Back when I used to play online games as a teen, we used mIRC to chat with one another. That was a LONG time ago though.
    Just realized I hadn't installed Discord yet... excuse to try Winget... worked.

    i am a choco man
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Arelor on Tue Jul 20 09:09:35 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Arelor to Tracker1 on Tue Jul 20 2021 03:45 am

    My condolences for downloading and installing Discord.

    Don't forget to send your RAM to the hospital so they can use a rape kit on it after Discord is finished with it.

    i installed it and it's using 182mb ram
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to Arelor on Tue Jul 20 06:54:00 2021
    Arelor wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-

    If you like the Google Drive approach, Nextcloud would also work, pluss
    it has its own integrated password management solution via plugins.

    If I ever move back to a "real" ISP, the first thing I'll do is put a box on
    a UPS at my house and go back to self-hosting. I did that way back when on a server-friendly ISP and enjoyed running my own services.

    I could put it on a VPS, but the data would be (I think) unencrypted and in the cloud - unless I'm mistaken. If there was a way to encrypt data at rest, I'd be all over that.

    ... Powered By Celeron (Tualatin). Engineered for the future.
    --- MultiMail/DOS v0.52
    � Synchronet � .: realitycheckbbs.org :: scientia potentia est :.
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to MRO on Tue Jul 20 15:43:39 2021
    Re: Someone should make that happen..
    By: MRO to Ogg on Mon Jul 19 2021 09:25 am

    If you already have Telegram set up, there are only two steps
    to link up:

    [1] Send a %LIST command in the chat with the @Fido2telebot for
    list of available areas.

    [2] Send a %help command in the chat with the @Fido2telebot for
    more info.

    fuck that shit.
    i dont have time in my life for that horseshit.

    I agree. The developer has a lot of work to do. Everyone knows how I feel about fidonet but don't get me started. lol

    � Synchronet � Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Tracker1 on Tue Jul 20 18:03:00 2021
    Hello Tracker1!

    ** On Monday 19.07.21 - 23:00, Tracker1 wrote to Ogg:


    We connected. Good to meet you.

    but the group is really dead...

    I dropped by. It seems to be primarily a ProBoard group, since
    it's being run by the owner of ProBoard?

    If anyone has other groups to share that they like.

    I'm linked up with ProgrammerJokes and one of the RT news
    channels. I don't think I would even want more at this point.


    The vast majority of my other links are the Fido2Telegram
    groups (via @Fido2Telebot) which are linked to the echos with

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Tracker1 on Tue Jul 20 19:52:28 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Tracker1 to Nightfox on Mon Jul 19 2021 10:51 pm

    These days, I've seen some instances where smartphone text messages
    are available on a PC/laptop

    Windows 11 has that too (works with Android, dunno about iOS). Of
    course, I've been using Google Voice, since it was Grand Central before Google bought them, so using my phone and desktop is pretty much been it... though I've also experienced every pain of Google's schizophrenic approach to chat applications.

    That's cool. I heard Windows 11 is supposed to be able to run Android apps.

    I had a Samsung phone not too long ago, and they had some software for Windows PCs that would let you control your phone from your PC. It would show the phone's screen on your PC and you could interact with it using that software. I thought it was interesting.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to MRO on Wed Jul 21 00:13:00 2021
    Hello MRO!

    ** On Monday 19.07.21 - 09:25, MRO wrote to Ogg:

    The %userprofile allows you to create an optional tagline, a
    signature, a real name, etc. This is akin to a minimum
    registration on a BBS.

    fuck that shit.
    i dont have time in my life for that horseshit.

    The minimum requirement for %userprofile is Real Name.

    The other parts, %LIST and %HELP are no different than what any
    sysop is used to.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Nightfox on Wed Jul 21 06:59:00 2021
    Hello Nightfox!

    ** On Tuesday 20.07.21 - 19:52, Nightfox wrote to Tracker1:

    I had a Samsung phone not too long ago, and they had some
    software for Windows PCs that would let you control your
    phone from your PC. It would show the phone's screen on
    your PC and you could interact with it using that software.
    I thought it was interesting.

    I use my Blackberry that way. A desktop app allows me to
    interact with the phone's contents via cell or wifi.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Ogg on Wed Jul 21 09:54:10 2021
    Re: Someone should make that happen..
    By: Ogg to MRO on Wed Jul 21 2021 12:13 am

    Hello MRO!

    ** On Monday 19.07.21 - 09:25, MRO wrote to Ogg:

    The %userprofile allows you to create an optional tagline, a
    signature, a real name, etc. This is akin to a minimum
    registration on a BBS.

    fuck that shit.
    i dont have time in my life for that horseshit.

    The minimum requirement for %userprofile is Real Name.

    The other parts, %LIST and %HELP are no different than what any
    sysop is used to.

    or they could just moderate the channel instead of having people jump through hoops
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to poindexter FORTRAN on Wed Jul 21 10:32:51 2021
    Re: Re: Someone should make that happen..
    By: poindexter FORTRAN to Arelor on Tue Jul 20 2021 06:54 am

    Arelor wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-

    If you like the Google Drive approach, Nextcloud would also work, pluss it has its own integrated password management solution via plugins.

    If I ever move back to a "real" ISP, the first thing I'll do is put a box on a UPS at my house and go back to self-hosting. I did that way back when on a server-friendly ISP and enjoyed running my own services.

    I could put it on a VPS, but the data would be (I think) unencrypted and in the cl
    - unless I'm mistaken. If there was a way to encrypt data at rest, I'd be all over

    ... Powered By Celeron (Tualatin). Engineered for the future.

    There is a way to encrypt data at rest on the fly. You may give Cryptomator a try.
    Tons of mentions in Linux Magazine about it :-)


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to MRO on Wed Jul 21 19:19:00 2021
    Hello MRO!

    ** On Wednesday 21.07.21 - 09:54, MRO wrote to Ogg:

    The minimum requirement for %userprofile is Real Name.

    The other parts, %LIST and %HELP are no different than what
    any sysop is used to.

    or they could just moderate the channel instead of having
    people jump through hoops -+-

    It *is* moderated if it has to be. But to get started, all you
    have to do is start the @Fido2telebot and send it the %LIST
    command, and in a few seconds-to-minutes you will get all the
    groups/echos that are bridged to the FTN.

    The list will provide the links that you can click on to JOIN.
    You can start reading any of those groups (and their
    backhistory of messages) immediately.

    To post, some of the groups need you to establish %realname
    (primarily to conform to FTN requirements) some do not. But if
    all you want to do is read, you don't have to do anything else.

    Two steps: [1] %Fido2telebot, [2] %LIST. That's not much of a
    jump through a loop. ;)

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to poindexter FORTRAN on Sun Jul 25 13:32:00 2021
    Hello pF!

    ** On Monday 19.07.21 - 08:06, you wrote to me:

    Here's a shout-out to Keepass and Google Drive. I keep my
    keepass file in Google Drive and have my passwords on my
    phone *and* on my desktop and laptop.

    I'm still leery of putting my trust into an app like Keepass.

    Instead, I use a "formula" to create a password depending on
    the site/domain that I visit. That way, I can conjur up a pw
    at anytime from any other device.

    I don't even need to remember the PIN for my credit cards.
    Instead, I just remember a pattern/sequence.

    I use a plugin to add a "Connect via Putty" and "Connect
    Via WinSCP" right- click entry, so I for the systems I
    don't use a key with I can automatically connect without
    having to copy/paste creds.

    What plugin is that? I find that SyncTerm seems to "remember"
    the SSH creds and logins are automatic.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Ogg on Sun Jul 25 21:34:34 2021
    Re: Someone should make that happen..
    By: Ogg to poindexter FORTRAN on Sun Jul 25 2021 01:32 pm

    Hello pF!

    ** On Monday 19.07.21 - 08:06, you wrote to me:

    Here's a shout-out to Keepass and Google Drive. I keep my
    keepass file in Google Drive and have my passwords on my
    phone *and* on my desktop and laptop.

    I'm still leery of putting my trust into an app like Keepass.

    keepass keeps all your data with you.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to Ogg on Mon Jul 26 06:58:00 2021
    Ogg wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-

    What plugin is that? I find that SyncTerm seems to "remember"
    the SSH creds and logins are automatic.

    QuickConnect plugin for Keepass. I swear by it at work, I have a ton of systems that I'm converting over to public key that still use unique passwords.

    ... Abandon desire
    --- MultiMail/DOS v0.52
    � Synchronet � .: realitycheckbbs.org :: scientia potentia est :.
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to Arelor on Fri Sep 3 18:39:25 2021
    On 7/20/2021 1:45 AM, Arelor wrote:
    My condolences for downloading and installing Discord.

    Don't forget to send your RAM to the hospital so they can use a
    rape kit on it after Discord is finished with it.

    Every computer in my home has at least 32gb in it.

    Discord sitting at 287mb here, which is pretty high for what it is...
    Though I'm sitting with 40GB available, and about to drop in another
    64gb with a new video card when it gets in tomorrow.
    Michael J. Ryan - [email protected]
    � Synchronet � Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.com
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to poindexter FORTRAN on Fri Sep 3 18:43:50 2021
    On 7/20/2021 6:54 AM, poindexter FORTRAN wrote:
    If you like the Google Drive approach, Nextcloud would also work, pluss
    it has its own integrated password management solution via plugins.

    If I ever move back to a "real" ISP, the first thing I'll do is put a box on a UPS at my house and go back to self-hosting. I did that way back when on a server-friendly ISP and enjoyed running my own services.

    I could put it on a VPS, but the data would be (I think) unencrypted and in the cloud - unless I'm mistaken. If there was a way to encrypt data at rest, I'd be all over that.
    If you self-host in the cloud, you can use an encrypted volume if you
    like, but given that volume can boot without a passphrase, it doesn't
    provide *that* much security. A few people will use FUSE mounts for the
    likes of S3 or similar, then encrypt that data... it'd be at rest across
    a different system than the server itself, which is slightly better.

    Getting my pihole and wireguard setup this weekend, at least that's the
    Michael J. Ryan - [email protected]
    � Synchronet � Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.com
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to Ogg on Fri Sep 3 18:56:02 2021
    On 7/20/2021 3:03 PM, Ogg wrote:

    We connected. Good to meet you.

    You as well.

    but the group is really dead...

    I dropped by. It seems to be primarily a ProBoard group, since
    it's being run by the owner of ProBoard?

    I set it up.. the ProBoard owner is just in there. :-) .. my messages in
    the group show up as bbsiochat, which is kind of annoying.

    If anyone has other groups to share that they like.

    I'm linked up with ProgrammerJokes and one of the RT news
    channels. I don't think I would even want more at this point.


    The vast majority of my other links are the Fido2Telegram
    groups (via @Fido2Telebot) which are linked to the echos with

    I'm going to have to followup, apparently my phone number is banned
    (google voice number), so emailed telegram to see if they can unban or
    convert me to my carrier number... *sigh* I don't like using the
    carrier number as I've never memorized it and switched carriers without porting my number a couple times now.
    Michael J. Ryan - [email protected]
    � Synchronet � Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.com
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to Nightfox on Fri Sep 3 18:58:59 2021
    On 7/20/2021 7:52 PM, Nightfox wrote:
    Windows 11 has that too (works with Android, dunno about iOS). Of
    course, I've been using Google Voice, since it was Grand Central
    before Google bought them, so using my phone and desktop is pretty
    much been it... though I've also experienced every pain of Google's
    schizophrenic approach to chat applications.

    That's cool. I heard Windows 11 is supposed to be able to run Android

    Yeah, apparently the feature will be post-release (October 5th) though.
    I haven't seen/tried it on insiders though.

    I had a Samsung phone not too long ago, and they had some software for Windows PCs that would let you control your phone from your PC. It
    would show the phone's screen on your PC and you could interact with
    it using that software. I thought it was interesting.

    Some Samsung (and other) phones actually have a hub/desktop mode where
    you can use a usb3 dock and get a desktop experience, that seems kind of
    cool too. Hadn't seen the mirroring.

    The win11 integration, I haven't used much and it's a little annoying to me.
    Michael J. Ryan - [email protected]
    � Synchronet � Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.com
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Tracker1 on Sat Sep 4 06:03:54 2021
    Re: Re: Telegram chat(s)
    By: Tracker1 to Ogg on Fri Sep 03 2021 06:56 pm

    I dropped by. It seems to be primarily a ProBoard group, since
    it's being run by the owner of ProBoard?

    I set it up.. the ProBoard owner is just in there. :-) .. my messages in
    the group show up as bbsiochat, which is kind of annoying.

    you mean the guy who claims to be the owner but has the leaked source, right? he's so full of shit his eyes are brown.
    he's been busted multiple times.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to all on Sat Sep 4 07:09:41 2021
    Re: Re: Telegram chat(s)
    By: MRO to Tracker1 on Sat Sep 04 2021 06:03 am

    Re: Re: Telegram chat(s)
    By: Tracker1 to Ogg on Fri Sep 03 2021 06:56 pm

    I dropped by. It seems to be primarily a ProBoard group, since
    it's being run by the owner of ProBoard?

    I set it up.. the ProBoard owner is just in there. :-) .. my messages in the group show up as bbsiochat, which is kind of annoying.

    you mean the guy who claims to be the owner but has the leaked source, right? he's so full of shit his eyes are brown.
    he's been busted multiple times.

    man this dude is mentally ill.

    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Tracker1 on Sat Sep 4 13:37:10 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Tracker1 to Nightfox on Fri Sep 03 2021 06:58 pm

    That's cool. I heard Windows 11 is supposed to be able to run Android

    Yeah, apparently the feature will be post-release (October 5th) though.
    I haven't seen/tried it on insiders though.

    I've seen Android emulators for Windows that let you run Android apps on Windows. So it's something that's out there already. It seems Microsoft wants it included with Windows.. I wonder if it will be more of a seamless feature being integrated into Windows.

    Some Samsung (and other) phones actually have a hub/desktop mode where you can use a usb3 dock and get a desktop experience, that seems kind of cool too. Hadn't seen the mirroring.

    I had a Samsung S20 phone that did that, or at least something like that. I thought it was cool. It didn't need a dock - I could plug my phone into my PC with a USB3 cable, and the Samsung software would let me basically see my phone screen on my PC and interact with it from my PC that way.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Tracker1 on Sat Sep 4 20:39:00 2021
    Hello Tracker1!

    ** On Friday 03.09.21 - 18:56, Tracker1 wrote to Ogg:

    but the group is really dead...

    I dropped by. It seems to be primarily a ProBoard group,
    since it's being run by the owner of ProBoard?

    I set it up.. the ProBoard owner is just in there. :-) ..
    my messages in the group show up as bbsiochat, which is
    kind of annoying.

    I don't see any messages posted by "bbsiochat" in there. There
    is an occassional post from someone using the id "Group"
    though. Is that you?

    The vast majority of my other links are the Fido2Telegram
    groups (via @Fido2Telebot) which are linked to the echos
    with Fidonet.

    I'm going to have to followup, apparently my phone number
    is banned (google voice number), so emailed telegram to see
    if they can unban or convert me to my carrier number...
    *sigh* I don't like using the carrier number as I've never
    memorized it and switched carriers without porting my
    number a couple times now.

    You don't have to change numbers. Why not continue your account
    as @azTracker1 ?

    In any case, the folks at Telegram are very helpful if you run
    into a ban situation and explain the circumstances. My number
    was banned at one point. My number is a standard number with my
    cellphone. By then, I had already installed Telegram on 3
    devices. I just wanted one more device. But as soon as I went
    to register/activate the installation, I got a "number is
    banned" message. :( But an email to Telegram Support sorted
    it all out within 12 hours.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Tracker1 on Sun Sep 5 08:26:18 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Tracker1 to Arelor on Fri Sep 03 2021 06:39 pm

    On 7/20/2021 1:45 AM, Arelor wrote:
    My condolences for downloading and installing Discord.

    Don't forget to send your RAM to the hospital so they can use a
    rape kit on it after Discord is finished with it.

    Every computer in my home has at least 32gb in it.

    Discord sitting at 287mb here, which is pretty high for what it is...
    Though I'm sitting with 40GB available, and about to drop in another
    64gb with a new video card when it gets in tomorrow.

    Heh, you are necroing an old thread.

    Besides, it is awesome that the weakest of your computers has more RAM that every computer in my house combined, including smartphones. However, some of us have a tight budget and make do with scrapyard computers, and 250+mb is somethig you DO notice when the rest of what you are doing in the same computer takes less than 400 mb combined.And you notice it more when you are using computers with 1 or 2 Gb of RAM.

    My most powerful computer is from 2007, and it was obsoleted already.

    There is a lot of talk of being socially inclusive and whatnot in the IT industry, but something I often hear is:

    "We should deprecate this technology because nobody is using it"


    "Let's make this thing a requirenment, everybody already has it, after all"

    The irony is that they end up deprecating technology because they don't use it anymore despite the fact there are lange numbers of people in less wealthy countries depending on the now deprecated technology. They don't care if somebody from Africa's screwed up because their lame software now requires more RAM than the whole village can afford.

    Also, Linux distributions were deprecating CD releases in favor of DVD releases "because nobody uses CDs anymore" despite the fact CD production was ON THE RISE WORLDWIDE because lots of poor countries prefer CDs over DVDs due to price.

    So it seems to me the IT industry is inclusive until the time comes to include people with no money or resources. Those we can screw up.

    So yes, it is awesome that you can afford to have 32 Gb of RAM on your weakest computer. But that is not an argument to make to a guy whose pro-computer fleet has no computer with more than 2.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Tracker1 on Sun Sep 5 08:29:35 2021
    Re: Re: Someone should make that happen..
    By: Tracker1 to poindexter FORTRAN on Fri Sep 03 2021 06:43 pm

    On 7/20/2021 6:54 AM, poindexter FORTRAN wrote:
    If you like the Google Drive approach, Nextcloud would also work, pluss >> it has its own integrated password management solution via plugins.

    If I ever move back to a "real" ISP, the first thing I'll do is put a box a UPS at my house and go back to self-hosting. I did that way back when on server-friendly ISP and enjoyed running my own services.

    I could put it on a VPS, but the data would be (I think) unencrypted and i the cloud - unless I'm mistaken. If there was a way to encrypt data at res I'd be all over that.
    If you self-host in the cloud, you can use an encrypted volume if you
    like, but given that volume can boot without a passphrase, it doesn't provide *that* much security. A few people will use FUSE mounts for the likes of S3 or similar, then encrypt that data... it'd be at rest across
    a different system than the server itself, which is slightly better.

    Getting my pihole and wireguard setup this weekend, at least that's the plan.

    A good way to store data safely in a Virtual Private Server is a FUSE encryption layer such as Cryptomator. I am not a big fan of Cryptomator but the concept is neat. Your file synchronization tool only sees encrypted files, and your VPS only sees encrypted files. However, in your own computer you work with unencrypted files in a transparent manner.

    Much better than using a Veracrypt volume or similar solution, for file sync tools at least.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Arelor on Sun Sep 5 23:23:00 2021
    Hello Arelor!

    ** On Sunday 05.09.21 - 08:26, Arelor wrote to Tracker1:

    On 7/20/2021 1:45 AM, Arelor wrote:
    My condolences for downloading and installing Discord.


    Heh, you are necroing an old thread.

    A message from July doesn't seem so bad. It's summertime and
    people get occupied with things.

    At what point in time is replying to a message considered a
    necro event? And why does it seem to have a negative

    Heck, I have marked messages (intended for a reply) that are
    dated much older than the one that you mention. :/

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Ogg on Mon Sep 6 06:23:56 2021
    Re: Heh, you are necroing an old thread
    By: Ogg to Arelor on Sun Sep 05 2021 11:23 pm

    Hello Arelor!

    ** On Sunday 05.09.21 - 08:26, Arelor wrote to Tracker1:

    On 7/20/2021 1:45 AM, Arelor wrote:
    My condolences for downloading and installing Discord.


    Heh, you are necroing an old thread.

    A message from July doesn't seem so bad. It's summertime and
    people get occupied with things.

    At what point in time is replying to a message considered a
    necro event? And why does it seem to have a negative

    Heck, I have marked messages (intended for a reply) that are
    dated much older than the one that you mention. :/

    I have nothing against Necromancers. They give out a lot of XP when you defeat them.

    There is no hard rule for defining what is necro and what is not. I think something is necro when it happens long after interest on the thread has waned.

    I think nobody even remembered the Discord discussion, which for me scores as necro. I bet Tracker1 lives in a dark tower of power and spends his time reading black tomes while listening to The Spell and raising dead threads from the grave.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Arelor on Mon Sep 6 09:12:37 2021
    Re: Heh, you are necroing an old thread
    By: Arelor to Ogg on Mon Sep 06 2021 06:23 am

    Heck, I have marked messages (intended for a reply) that are
    dated much older than the one that you mention. :/

    I have nothing against Necromancers. They give out a lot of XP when you defeat them.

    There is no hard rule for defining what is necro and what is not. I think

    tracker is different in that he is just gone for long stretches. he's not a new guy who just didnt update his msg pointers.

    so i'm not sure how to complain about him.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Digital Man@VERT to MRO on Mon Sep 6 13:25:43 2021
    Re: Re: Telegram chat(s)
    By: MRO to all on Sat Sep 04 2021 07:09 am

    man this dude is mentally ill.


    I want to run *his* software for my BBS!
    digital man

    Synchronet/BBS Terminology Definition #66:
    SBBS = Synchronet Bulletin Board System
    Norco, CA WX: 90.7�F, 42.0% humidity, 4 mph NNW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs ---
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Digital Man on Mon Sep 6 15:36:16 2021
    Re: Re: Telegram chat(s)
    By: Digital Man to MRO on Mon Sep 06 2021 01:25 pm

    Re: Re: Telegram chat(s)
    By: MRO to all on Sat Sep 04 2021 07:09 am

    man this dude is mentally ill.


    I want to run *his* software for my BBS!
    digital man

    i made the mistake of letting this run when i was cleaning my pet's cages and my fishtank.

    he started getting really bad talking about this 18 year old woman he knocked up at 30, then showing his kid's pics and going on these rants about crazy shit. saying it's not his fault he can't keep a job or take care of his kids.

    he said baby momma's last name was sanford. i wonder if that was eli's sister. it's hard to make it out.

    i was like god damn dude. you should be on a government watch list.
    he wasn't that bad before, he must be using crystal meth or huffing.

    atleast he took down the confederate flag off the wall.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to MRO on Mon Sep 6 16:19:49 2021
    Re: Heh, you are necroing an old thread
    By: MRO to Arelor on Mon Sep 06 2021 09:12 am

    Re: Heh, you are necroing an old thread
    By: Arelor to Ogg on Mon Sep 06 2021 06:23 am

    Heck, I have marked messages (intended for a reply) that are
    dated much older than the one that you mention. :/

    I have nothing against Necromancers. They give out a lot of XP when you defeat them.

    There is no hard rule for defining what is necro and what is not. I think

    tracker is different in that he is just gone for long stretches. he's not a new guy who just didnt update his msg pointers.

    so i'm not sure how to complain about him.

    Hire a group of adventures (a fighter, a wizard, a rogue and a cleric are the standard) to sneak into his necromantic tower and steal the Hand of Vecna from his treasure chamber. That should be a good enough complaint for a Necromancer :-)


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to Nightfox on Tue Sep 21 16:30:54 2021
    On 9/4/2021 1:37 PM, Nightfox wrote:
    Yeah, apparently the feature will be post-release (October 5th)
    though. I haven't seen/tried it on insiders though.

    I've seen Android emulators for Windows that let you run Android apps
    on Windows. So it's something that's out there already. It seems
    Microsoft wants it included with Windows.. I wonder if it will be
    more of a seamless feature being integrated into Windows.

    Should be... rumor is it'll use Amazon's store instead of Google Play,
    so very mixed bag, and no wonder it slipped.

    Some Samsung (and other) phones actually have a hub/desktop mode
    where you can use a usb3 dock and get a desktop experience, that
    seems kind of cool too. Hadn't seen the mirroring.

    I had a Samsung S20 phone that did that, or at least something like
    that. I thought it was cool. It didn't need a dock - I could plug
    my phone into my PC with a USB3 cable, and the Samsung software would
    let me basically see my phone screen on my PC and interact with it
    from my PC that way.

    That's kind of cool... what I'm talking about, no computer needed, the
    phone *is* the computer. There's a win10/11 software MS has that can do
    some stuff with my android phone... mostly use it to copy pictures off
    of it.

    Really wanting to switch back to Linux (PopOS), but also wanting to try
    some AI up-scaling for video, that's limited to Windows. May have to
    stick a second drive in again so I can dual-boot cleaner.
    Michael J. Ryan - [email protected]
    � Synchronet � Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.com
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to Ogg on Tue Sep 21 16:34:05 2021
    On 9/4/2021 5:39 PM, Ogg wrote:
    I set it up.. the ProBoard owner is just in there. :-) ..
    my messages in the group show up as bbsiochat, which is
    kind of annoying.

    I don't see any messages posted by "bbsiochat" in there. There
    is an occassional post from someone using the id "Group"
    though. Is that you?

    Probably... Not sure if/how I can change it tbh.

    You don't have to change numbers. Why not continue your account
    as @azTracker1 ?

    Was able to recover it... my "number is banned" is the message I was
    getting. Likely a filter that trapped all the service number blocks
    (twilio, google voice, etc).

    In any case, the folks at Telegram are very helpful if you run
    into a ban situation and explain the circumstances. My number
    was banned at one point. My number is a standard number with my
    cellphone. By then, I had already installed Telegram on 3
    devices. I just wanted one more device. But as soon as I went
    to register/activate the installation, I got a "number is
    banned" message. :( But an email to Telegram Support sorted
    it all out within 12 hours.

    Yeah, it was un-banned the next morning.
    Michael J. Ryan - [email protected]
    � Synchronet � Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.com
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to Arelor on Tue Sep 21 16:39:48 2021
    On 9/5/2021 6:26 AM, Arelor wrote:

    So yes, it is awesome that you can afford to have 32 Gb of RAM on
    your weakest computer. But that is not an argument to make to a
    guy whose pro-computer fleet has no computer with more than 2.

    I wasn't trying to be offensive... only mentioning that 16+ has been
    widely available for a while, at least in the US. I'm often very
    surprised when I see something with less than 8gb.

    There's definitely some hard press to try to get something running that
    low on resources with a modern desktop. There was some options in
    Windows XP that let you use a fast USB or other drive as extension
    memory. Not sure if you can still do that in Windows or Linux.
    Michael J. Ryan - [email protected]
    � Synchronet � Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.com
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to Arelor on Tue Sep 21 16:43:03 2021
    On 9/6/2021 4:23 AM, Arelor wrote:
    I bet Tracker1 lives in a dark tower of power and spends his time
    reading black tomes while listening to The Spell and raising dead
    threads from the grave.

    More that I work too much, and at the end of the day don't really check
    on the BBS as often as I should... so weeks often go by between read
    cycles for me.

    After this week, I have two off, planning on spending at least half of
    it working on the BBS.
    Michael J. Ryan - [email protected]
    � Synchronet � Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.com
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Tracker1 on Wed Sep 22 08:42:37 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Tracker1 to Nightfox on Tue Sep 21 2021 04:30 pm

    Really wanting to switch back to Linux (PopOS), but also wanting to try some AI up-scaling for video, that's limited to Windows. May have to stick a second drive in again so I can dual-boot cleaner.

    Is it Topaz Video Enhance AI by chance? I've been using that on and off since about April last year to do some video upscaling. I've considered switching to Linux for a long time but haven't due to software, and now Topaz Video Enhance AI is one reason why.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to MRO on Wed Sep 22 13:15:25 2021
    Re: Re: Telegram chat(s)
    By: MRO to Digital Man on Mon Sep 06 2021 03:36 pm

    i made the mistake of letting this run when i was cleaning my pet's cages and my fishtank.

    he started getting really bad talking about this 18 year old woman he knocked up at 30, then showing his kid's pics and going on these rants about crazy shit. saying it's not his fault he can't keep a job or take care of his kids.

    he said baby momma's last name was sanford. i wonder if that was eli's sister. it's hard to make it out.

    i was like god damn dude. you should be on a government watch list.
    he wasn't that bad before, he must be using crystal meth or huffing.

    atleast he took down the confederate flag off the wall.

    Jesus fuck, that guy.

    https://www.freelancer.com/projects/c-programming/convert-the-source-code-probo ard/?ngsw-bypass=&w=f

    how the hell did he get the source to ProBoard? A few years ago Philippe mentioned he wanted to give away the source code on Twitter, and a year later he said there were some copyright issues.

    ProBoard was the first BBS software I ever seriously ran, because all the BBSes in this area used it. (Mr. Homie's Neighborhood, which moved down to Milwaukee was one of them).

    I eventually moved to Synchronet in the late 90s and didn't really look back.


    ... He was a man, all and all, I shall not look upon his like again.

    � Synchronet � War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANT to Tracker1 on Wed Sep 22 15:30:55 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Tracker1 to Arelor on Tue Sep 21 2021 04:39 pm

    On 9/5/2021 6:26 AM, Arelor wrote:

    So yes, it is awesome that you can afford to have 32 Gb of RAM on
    your weakest computer. But that is not an argument to make to a
    guy whose pro-computer fleet has no computer with more than 2.

    I wasn't trying to be offensive... only mentioning that 16+ has been
    widely available for a while, at least in the US. I'm often very
    surprised when I see something with less than 8gb.

    There's definitely some hard press to try to get something running that
    low on resources with a modern desktop. There was some options in
    Windows XP that let you use a fast USB or other drive as extension
    memory. Not sure if you can still do that in Windows or Linux.

    You can pull it off with Linux for sure. Just swapon the external drive :-)

    I was testing some setup for deployment yesterday. I used a workstation of 2 GB of RAM and a
    processor so cingeworthy I am not going to ashame myself by giving its specs here.

    The thing can run Firefox, Thunderbird and Libreoffice at the same time. It swaps from time to time
    but you can certainly use it in a pitch. If you can write reports in Writer while notifying
    insurance companies of a case's status via a web portal, while you get mails and live updates
    regarding events and schedules via calendar addons, then I think it is safe to say the computer you
    do it all from is usable :-)

    I also tested OpenBSD. Putting the working environment together was a bit hackish but it also does
    well. I think it is a bit more responsive than Linux in some regards but their Thunderbird
    implementation is slower.

    I also tried Tiny Core Linux. That thing rocks. It is blazing fast and you don't realize you are
    using a stoneage computer. The drawback is the distribution is no suitable for firmwork because the
    repositories lack package signing and the process by which they accept package submissions is too


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to DaiTengu on Thu Sep 23 03:37:56 2021
    Re: Re: Telegram chat(s)
    By: DaiTengu to MRO on Wed Sep 22 2021 01:15 pm

    atleast he took down the confederate flag off the wall.

    Jesus fuck, that guy.

    https://www.freelancer.com/projects/c-programming/convert-the-source-code-pr obo ard/?ngsw-bypass=&w=f

    how the hell did he get the source to ProBoard? A few years ago Philippe mentioned he wanted to give away the source code on Twitter, and a year later he said there were some copyright issues.

    i think someone just posted it on the internet. he has paid people for it in the past, or so he says so he thinks he owns it. he said he paid clawson money for it and he got an asm dump. pcmike looked at the paperwork and the signatures were all computer generated. he would talk about it on irc and i'd go back in the logs and catch him lying so who knows what the truth is.

    he obviously has mental illness and probably drug problems.
    night now he says he needs gofundme money to fight his ex in court because he has fleas.

    philippe did say he wouldnt give it out because of copyright issues.
    clawson's estate could sue over it being distributed. according to his obituary he has heirs. https://obits.mlive.com/us/obituaries/flint/name/patrick-clawson-obituary?pid=176308972
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to MRO on Thu Sep 23 08:42:40 2021
    Re: Re: Telegram chat(s)
    By: MRO to DaiTengu on Thu Sep 23 2021 03:37 am

    philippe did say he wouldnt give it out because of copyright issues. clawson's estate could sue over it being distributed. according to his obituary he has heirs. https://obits.mlive.com/us/obituaries/flint/name/patrick-clawson-obituary? pid=176308972 ---

    I tried to find out what happened to Telegrafix and Clawson yesterday, I came across that Obituary but didn't think it was his, as there was no mention of running a company, or living in CA or VA (Where Telegrafix came from/moved to)


    ... I'm not broke, I'm just badly bent.

    � Synchronet � War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to DaiTengu on Thu Sep 23 11:43:26 2021
    Re: Re: Telegram chat(s)
    By: DaiTengu to MRO on Thu Sep 23 2021 08:42 am

    Re: Re: Telegram chat(s)
    By: MRO to DaiTengu on Thu Sep 23 2021 03:37 am

    philippe did say he wouldnt give it out because of copyright issues. clawson's estate could sue over it being distributed. according to his obituary he has heirs. https://obits.mlive.com/us/obituaries/flint/name /patrick-clawson-obituary? pid=176308972 ---

    I tried to find out what happened to Telegrafix and Clawson yesterday, I came across that Obituary but didn't think it was his, as there was no mention of running a company, or living in CA or VA (Where Telegrafix came from/moved to)

    yeah that's him. or i'm pretty sure it is. that's the obit that was announced back when he died.
    the radio and reporting stuff is stuff clawson was involved in.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Digital Man@VERT to DaiTengu on Thu Sep 23 11:20:40 2021
    Re: Re: Telegram chat(s)
    By: DaiTengu to MRO on Wed Sep 22 2021 01:15 pm

    Re: Re: Telegram chat(s)
    By: MRO to Digital Man on Mon Sep 06 2021 03:36 pm

    i made the mistake of letting this run when i was cleaning my pet's cages and my fishtank.

    he started getting really bad talking about this 18 year old woman he knocked up at 30, then showing his kid's pics and going on these rants about crazy shit. saying it's not his fault he can't keep a job or take care of his kids.

    he said baby momma's last name was sanford. i wonder if that was eli's sister. it's hard to make it out.

    i was like god damn dude. you should be on a government watch list.
    he wasn't that bad before, he must be using crystal meth or huffing.

    atleast he took down the confederate flag off the wall.

    Jesus fuck, that guy.

    https://www.freelancer.com/projects/c-programming/convert-the-source-code-pr obo ard/?ngsw-bypass=&w=f

    how the hell did he get the source to ProBoard? A few years ago Philippe mentioned he wanted to give away the source code on Twitter, and a year later he said there were some copyright issues.

    "The dating system will need need a complete rewrite. Making it 4 year dating only." - he only wants to date for 4 years!

    Hey, that project is marked as "completed" - so its done, right?

    ProBoard was the first BBS software I ever seriously ran, because all the BBSes in this area used it. (Mr. Homie's Neighborhood, which moved down to Milwaukee was one of them).

    I don't think I've ever actually seen a ProBoard system. <shrug>

    I eventually moved to Synchronet in the late 90s and didn't really look back.

    digital man

    Rush quote #13:
    Cast in this unlikely role, ill-equipped to act, with insufficient tact
    Norco, CA WX: 85.6�F, 37.0% humidity, 3 mph NNW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs ---
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Digital Man@VERT to MRO on Thu Sep 23 11:25:30 2021
    Re: Re: Telegram chat(s)
    By: MRO to DaiTengu on Thu Sep 23 2021 03:37 am

    philippe did say he wouldnt give it out because of copyright issues. clawson's estate could sue over it being distributed.

    That does seem extremely unlikely.

    according to his
    obituary he has heirs. https://obits.mlive.com/us/obituaries/flint/name/patrick-clawson -obituary?pid=176308972

    I didn't know he passed away. Thanks.
    digital man

    Sling Blade quote #15:
    Doyle Hargraves: What'cha doin' with that lawn mower blade Karl?
    Norco, CA WX: 85.6�F, 37.0% humidity, 3 mph NNW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs ---
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Digital Man@VERT to DaiTengu on Thu Sep 23 11:26:37 2021
    Re: Re: Telegram chat(s)
    By: DaiTengu to MRO on Thu Sep 23 2021 08:42 am

    Re: Re: Telegram chat(s)
    By: MRO to DaiTengu on Thu Sep 23 2021 03:37 am

    philippe did say he wouldnt give it out because of copyright issues. clawson's estate could sue over it being distributed. according to his obituary he has heirs. https://obits.mlive.com/us/obituaries/flint/name /patrick-clawson-obituary? pid=176308972 ---

    I tried to find out what happened to Telegrafix and Clawson yesterday, I came across that Obituary but didn't think it was his, as there was no mention of running a company, or living in CA or VA (Where Telegrafix came from/moved to)

    I remember when I talked to Pat on the phone once or twice he liked to brag about his experience at CNN and his accumulated awards. It sounds like the right guy to me.
    digital man

    Breaking Bad quote #43:
    Congratulations! You're now officially the cute one of the group.
    Norco, CA WX: 85.6�F, 37.0% humidity, 3 mph NNW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs ---
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to Arelor on Thu Sep 23 07:15:00 2021
    Arelor wrote to Tracker1 <=-

    There's definitely some hard press to try to get something running that
    low on resources with a modern desktop. There was some options in
    Windows XP that let you use a fast USB or other drive as extension
    memory. Not sure if you can still do that in Windows or Linux.

    Yes, it's called ReadyBoost, it acts as a disk cache if memory serves.

    I was testing some setup for deployment yesterday. I used a workstation
    of 2 GB of RAM and a processor so cingeworthy I am not going to ashame myself by giving its specs here.

    I used a Thinkpad T42 for years with Lubuntu. 1.7Ghz single-core CPU, 2 GB
    of DDR RAM, 5400 RPM PATA drive, later updated to a PATA SSD. It did everything I could throw at it except for full-screen video. It was a little choppy.

    Best damn keyboard on a laptop, ever. Best industrial design on a laptop,
    IMO. The T4x series were a high-water mark for 4:3 laptops.

    ... Move towards the unimportant
    --- MultiMail/DOS v0.52
    � Synchronet � .: realitycheckbbs.org :: scientia potentia est :.
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Digital Man on Thu Sep 23 13:59:46 2021
    Re: Re: Telegram chat(s)
    By: Digital Man to DaiTengu on Thu Sep 23 2021 11:20 am

    ProBoard was the first BBS software I ever seriously ran, because
    all the BBSes in this area used it. (Mr. Homie's Neighborhood, which
    moved down to Milwaukee was one of them).

    I don't think I've ever actually seen a ProBoard system. <shrug>

    I seem to remember there being a few ProBoard BBSes in my area in the 90s.

    I'd heard ProBoard started as a clone of QuickBBS. Similarly, RemoteAccess (which I had ran in the 90s) also was a clone of QuickBBS..


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Tracker1@VERT/TRN to Nightfox on Thu Sep 23 15:40:16 2021
    On 9/22/2021 8:42 AM, Nightfox wrote:
    Really wanting to switch back to Linux (PopOS), but also wanting to
    try some AI up-scaling for video, that's limited to Windows. May have
    to stick a second drive in again so I can dual-boot cleaner.

    Is it Topaz Video Enhance AI by chance? I've been using that on and
    off since about April last year to do some video upscaling. I've
    considered switching to Linux for a long time but haven't due to
    software, and now Topaz Video Enhance AI is one reason why.

    That would be the one... been meaning to play with it, I have some DVDs
    that don't have HD versions that I'd been wanting to upscale, though
    dual boot should work for the future... also, not sure how much I'm
    willing to deal with the secure boot in windows, and if it will/won't
    work in Linux for me.

    How has it been working for you... now that I have a 3080, hoping it
    will chew through it relatively quickly.
    Michael J. Ryan - [email protected]
    � Synchronet � Roughneck BBS - roughneckbbs.com
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Tracker1 on Thu Sep 23 17:17:07 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Tracker1 to Nightfox on Thu Sep 23 2021 03:40 pm

    Is it Topaz Video Enhance AI by chance? I've been using that on and

    That would be the one... been meaning to play with it, I have some DVDs that don't have HD versions that I'd been wanting to upscale, though
    dual boot should work for the future... also, not sure how much I'm willing to deal with the secure boot in windows, and if it will/won't work in Linux for me.

    How has it been working for you... now that I have a 3080, hoping it
    will chew through it relatively quickly.

    I have an RTX 3070 Super, and have been wanting to upgrade to a 3080.. I just don't want to pay more than necessary to a scalper for one..

    I've upscaled some DVD movies & TV shows to 4K (and occasionally to 1080). The source video resolution and aspect ratio seems to affect the upscaling time significantly. I was upscaling some TV shows from DVD (in 4:3 format) to 4K, and if I remember, about a 45-minute episode would take my PC about 8-12 hours to upscale to 4K with my 2070. Video with a widescreen resolution seems to take a bit longer.

    One thing I noticed is that no matter what output resolution you're upscaling to, it takes longer if the source image resolution is higher. Upscaling a DVD to 4K takes significantly less time than upscaling 1080p video to 4K.

    Also, the output format you choose and the AI model you use affect the upscaling time as well (the software includes several AI models you can use, and they also have different options you can tweak). For the output format, you can output to a MP4 video or output to PNG images which you'd then have to make into a video afterward (you could use ffmpeg for that). If you use PNG images, it will take longer and use more drive space, but theoretically it would offer better video quality. Also, if you have it output to MP4, I've found its MP4 files can be quite large, and you may want to compress them afterward (I'd sometimes use Handbrake for that).


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Digital Man on Thu Sep 23 22:03:46 2021
    Re: Re: Telegram chat(s)
    By: Digital Man to MRO on Thu Sep 23 2021 11:25 am

    according to his
    obituary he has heirs. https://obits.mlive.com/us/obituaries/flint/name/patrick-clawson -obituary?pid=176308972

    I didn't know he passed away. Thanks.

    he had the same middle name as this obit and his obituary was also posted in winchester,va so think this is the guy.

    someone posted it on facebook years ago.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Digital Man on Thu Sep 23 22:06:15 2021
    Re: Re: Telegram chat(s)
    By: Digital Man to DaiTengu on Thu Sep 23 2021 11:26 am

    mention of running a company, or living in CA or VA (Where Telegrafix came from/moved to)

    I remember when I talked to Pat on the phone once or twice he liked to brag about his experience at CNN and his accumulated awards. It sounds like the right guy to me.

    apparently he was loved by a lot of people which is in contrast to how he was to his customers. he was a real vicious person when dealing with the bbs community. people were very demanding back then, though.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Nelgin@VERT/EOTLBBS to knightbbs on Thu Sep 30 02:14:05 2021
    knightbbs wrote:
    nobody uses instant msging anymore.

    Shame actually. I got on the net in 1996 and ICQ and IRC were my main means of communication. I loved getting the oh-ow sounds when logging in, having people reach out to me and exchanging messages.

    I used ICQ, AIM, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger...I still remember my ICQ number, and it's only 7 digits :)

    I'm pretty bummed YIM shut down, that was a decent messenger. In the end I
    used some multi-messenger program, I forgot which, but then people started moving away and using FB and snapchat and stuff. I don't have a snap, or a tictok...well, I do because I had to post something for a contest, but other than that I never use them.

    � Synchronet � End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Nelgin on Thu Sep 30 08:38:02 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Nelgin to knightbbs on Thu Sep 30 2021 02:14 am

    knightbbs wrote:
    nobody uses instant msging anymore.

    Shame actually. I got on the net in 1996 and ICQ and IRC were my main means of communication. I loved getting the oh-ow sounds when logging in, having people reach out to me and exchanging messages.

    I used ICQ, AIM, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger...I still remember my ICQ

    did you purposely not quote the date so i couldnt call you a necroposter
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to Nelgin on Thu Sep 30 07:20:00 2021
    Nelgin wrote to knightbbs <=-

    I'm pretty bummed YIM shut down, that was a decent messenger. In the
    end I used some multi-messenger program, I forgot which, but then
    people started moving away and using FB and snapchat and stuff.

    There was a golden age where GAIM (and it's later incarnation, Pidgin) were
    a part of work and play. I had a security chat on SILC, some friends on
    Yahoo, work used AIM (with a proxy so we could connect when the net was
    down), I had a Jabber server running, and other friends elsewhere. Skype
    even worked, if only for chat. I'd even had it plugged into Synchro.net's
    IRC network.

    ... Observe the procedures of a general alert.
    --- MultiMail/DOS v0.52
    � Synchronet � .: realitycheckbbs.org :: scientia potentia est :.
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Nelgin on Thu Sep 30 08:54:55 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Nelgin to knightbbs on Thu Sep 30 2021 02:14 am

    I used ICQ, AIM, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger...I still remember my ICQ number, and it's only 7 digits :)

    I used to use ICQ too, and I remember mine as well.

    I'm pretty bummed YIM shut down, that was a decent messenger. In the end I used some multi-messenger program, I forgot which, but then people started moving away and using FB and snapchat and stuff. I don't have a snap, or a tictok...well, I do because I had to post something for a contest, but other than that I never use them.

    I'm bummed that pretty much all the major messenger services have shut down (I think ICQ still works, but it's not the same as it used to be). And I don't think Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, etc. are quite the same.

    Years ago, Microsoft merged MSN Messenger into Skype, and then all my MSN Messenger contacts disappeared (they didn't get migrated to my Skype contact list). I was bummed about that.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to poindexter FORTRAN on Thu Sep 30 11:09:02 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: poindexter FORTRAN to Nelgin on Thu Sep 30 2021 07:20 am

    There was a golden age where GAIM (and it's later incarnation, Pidgin) were a part of work and play. I had a security chat on SILC, some friends on Yahoo, work used AIM (with a proxy so we could connect when the net was down), I had a Jabber server running, and other friends elsewhere. Skype even worked, if only for chat. I'd even had it plugged into Synchro.net's IRC network.

    I liked those multi-chat clients, but I noticed sometimes they didn't seem to work well all the time with all the different chat protocols. I knew a couple people who used Pidgin & similar, and sometimes it seemed their chat app would report me online when I wasn't or vice-versa. Or sometimes I'd try to send them a file from my chat client and they couldn't receive it, etc..


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From DaiTengu@VERT/ENSEMBLE to MRO on Thu Sep 30 14:39:22 2021
    Re: Re: Telegram chat(s)
    By: MRO to DaiTengu on Thu Sep 23 2021 03:37 am

    i think someone just posted it on the internet. he has paid people for it in the past, or so he says so he thinks he owns it. he said he paid clawson money for it and he got an asm dump. pcmike looked at the paperwork and the signatures were all computer generated. he would talk about it on irc and i'd go back in the logs and catch him lying so who knows what the truth is.

    Philippe got back to me.

    "Yes, it's legit, he "bought" the rights from Jeff Reeder, former employee of Telegrafix. Although I have my doubts about who actually had the rights to ProBoard after Pat died."

    So there we go. It's probably not worth persuing, although I do wonder how much that nutjob paid for it.

    I mean, he looks like he lives in a trailer park, so it can't be much...


    ... Don't drink and park; accidents cause people.

    � Synchronet � War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to DaiTengu on Thu Sep 30 22:01:49 2021
    Re: Re: Telegram chat(s)
    By: DaiTengu to MRO on Thu Sep 30 2021 02:39 pm

    "Yes, it's legit, he "bought" the rights from Jeff Reeder, former employee of Telegrafix. Although I have my doubts about who actually had the rights to ProBoard after Pat died."

    oh i remember that twist. who knows if it was really him though.
    i dont believe anything slasher says. he's so full of it it's incredible.

    he cant buy the rights from someone that doesnt own the rights, anyways.

    I mean, he looks like he lives in a trailer park, so it can't be much...

    that's giving trailer parks a bad name.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From MATTHEW MUNSON@VERT/IUTOPIA to DAITENGU on Fri Oct 1 19:31:00 2021
    On 9/30/2021 2:39 PM, DAITENGU wrote to :


    I mean, he looks like he lives in a trailer park, so it can't be much...


    He did invest a good amount of money in proportion to his likely net worth. If it makes him
    happy, its better than buying heroin or oxycontin.
    � wcQWK 8.0 � Inland Utopia * iutopia.duckdns.org:2323
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@VERT/REALITY to Nightfox on Fri Oct 1 06:12:00 2021
    Nightfox wrote to poindexter FORTRAN <=-

    seem to work well all the time with all the different chat protocols.
    I knew a couple people who used Pidgin & similar, and sometimes it
    seemed their chat app would report me online when I wasn't or
    vice-versa. Or sometimes I'd try to send them a file from my chat
    client and they couldn't receive it, etc..

    It was nice to be able to use end-to-end encryption with pidgin-OTR - and
    this was 2007 or so!

    --- MultiMail/DOS v0.52
    � Synchronet � .: realitycheckbbs.org :: scientia potentia est :.
  • From Nelgin@VERT/EOTLBBS to MRO on Sun Oct 3 16:55:40 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: MRO to Nelgin on Thu Sep 30 2021 08:38:02

    did you purposely not quote the date so i couldnt call you a necroposter

    It only just showed up here so either something got something stuck and finally send it out, or someone dumped a lot of dupes that were so old I didn't have them any more so no idea.

    � Synchronet � End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Nelgin on Sun Oct 3 21:36:18 2021
    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: Nelgin to MRO on Sun Oct 03 2021 04:55 pm

    Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
    By: MRO to Nelgin on Thu Sep 30 2021 08:38:02

    did you purposely not quote the date so i couldnt call you a necroposter

    It only just showed up here so either something got something stuck and finally send it out, or someone dumped a lot of dupes that were so old I didn't have them any more so no idea.

    what kind of setup do you have there? synchronet isnt that hard and you shouldn't have that problem.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Ogg@VERT/CAPCITY2 to Arelor on Fri Oct 15 08:45:00 2021
    Hello Arelor!

    ** On Monday 06.09.21 - 06:23, Arelor wrote to Ogg:

    There is no hard rule for defining what is necro and what is not. I think something is necro when it happens long after interest on the thread has waned.

    For me, I mark messages that I consider worthy of a reply, but
    something to do later. Most of that time (ie, recently) that
    "later" turns out to me a few months. By then, the main topic
    could surely have wained or diminished in messaging activity,
    but it doesn't mean that a new resurfaced reply couldn't be of
    interested to watching eyes. Most people are just lurkers it
    seems, anyway.

    [...] I bet Tracker1 lives in a dark tower of power and spends his
    time reading black tomes while listening to The Spell and raising dead threads from the grave.

    LOL <g>

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9)
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Arelor on Fri Oct 15 09:48:41 2021
    Re: Heh, you are necroing an old thread
    By: Arelor to Ogg on Mon Sep 06 2021 06:23 am

    There is no hard rule for defining what is necro and what is not. I think something is necro when it happens long after interest on the thread has waned.

    What I think is funny/odd is, if someone starts a new thread about the same topic, that's fine. But some people seem to get annoyed when someone responds to another thread about the same topic if it's a somewhat old thread. I guess we shouldn't assume the original poster is still interested (but maybe they are). But if people can start new threads, I don't see why it should be such a big deal to respond to other threads regarding the same topic.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Nightfox on Fri Oct 15 12:37:50 2021
    Re: Heh, you are necroing an old thread
    By: Nightfox to Arelor on Fri Oct 15 2021 09:48 am

    What I think is funny/odd is, if someone starts a new thread about the same topic, that's fine. But some people seem to get annoyed when someone responds to another thread about the same topic if it's a somewhat old thread. I guess we shouldn't assume the original poster is still interested (but maybe they are). But if people can start new threads, I don't see why it should be such a big deal to respond to other threads regarding the same topic.

    i'm the guy that decides if reply is necroposting; that's all you need to know. ---
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::