• Scoring music

    From Digital Man@VERT to All on Sat Jul 13 22:26:08 2019
    You guys every transcribe or arrange music scores?

    I've always done it by hand, but I'm finding musescore (https://musescore.org) to be an incredible tool. It's FOSS and quite powerful and I was able to figure it out with out spending *too* much time watching vids and reading docs.

    It has a very cool feature where you can listen back to your arrangement through MIDI-sequenced sound samples. Very cool. Very handy.

    digital man

    This Is Spinal Tap quote #9:
    David St. Hubbins: I mean, it's not your job to be as confused as Nigel.
    Norco, CA WX: 69.0�F, 77.0% humidity, 4 mph ESE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs ---
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Digital Man on Mon Jul 15 09:36:09 2019
    Re: Scoring music
    By: Digital Man to All on Sat Jul 13 2019 10:26 pm

    You guys every transcribe or arrange music scores?

    I've always done it by hand, but I'm finding musescore (https://musescore.org) to be an incredible tool. It's FOSS and quite powerful and I was able to figure it out with out spending *too* much time watching vids and reading docs.

    It has a very cool feature where you can listen back to your arrangement through MIDI-sequenced sound samples. Very cool. Very handy.

    I haven't done that myself, but that looks interesting. I never really learned how to read sheet music though, even though I like to play guitar and keyboards..


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Nightfox on Mon Jul 15 15:45:31 2019
    Re: Scoring music
    By: Nightfox to Digital Man on Mon Jul 15 2019 09:36 am

    I haven't done that myself, but that looks interesting. I never really learned how to read sheet music though, even though I like to play guitar and keyboards..


    didnt they teach you how to do that in music class?
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to MRO on Mon Jul 15 14:33:05 2019
    Re: Scoring music
    By: MRO to Nightfox on Mon Jul 15 2019 03:45 pm

    I haven't done that myself, but that looks interesting. I never
    really learned how to read sheet music though, even though I like to
    play guitar and keyboards..

    didnt they teach you how to do that in music class?

    A little bit. But it's been so long, I don't remember a whole lot about reading sheet music. I know the basic ideas.. The last time I would have learned anything about sheet music in music class would have been 6th grade.. maybe 4th grade.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Porosz@VERT/AMIGAC to MRO on Thu Jul 18 00:45:59 2019
    Re: Scoring music
    By: MRO to Nightfox on Mon Jul 15 2019 15:45:31

    => POROSZ <=

    � Synchronet � Amiga City - The BBS for the Amiga - more than 3,500+ files
  • From Porosz@VERT/AMIGAC to 120 on Thu Jul 18 00:58:18 2019
    Re: Scoring music
    By: Porosz to MRO on Thu Jul 18 2019 00:45:59

    Re: Scoring music
    By: MRO to Nightfox on Mon Jul 15 2019 15:45:31
    I thought I took music class in high-school, because I remenber the setup where all the students had a seat in a line.... but now it does not seem like a reality for an instrument to say it was there. Maybe computer class right next to the band room, on a tandy 1000 knowitall set.
    I guess they call it highs school so incase you wear glasses up on your nose, then they have some one sitting up there to look through the glass. If you don't wear glasses then the upstairs personell are all alone during the set, and you peer straight through their song soul, like they wern't there... but high school, for places not one person has to be everywhere at once.
    Forget the sone, make it a story, wait, check that, I hac=ve no poem - make it a programme.

    => POROSZ <=

    � Synchronet � Amiga City - The BBS for the Amiga - more than 3,500+ files
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Porosz on Thu Jul 18 09:53:16 2019
    Re: music class
    By: Porosz to 120 on Thu Jul 18 2019 12:58 am

    Your message was addressed to '120'.. Was that intentional?


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Porosz on Thu Jul 18 22:36:23 2019
    Re: music class
    By: Porosz to 120 on Thu Jul 18 2019 12:58 am

    Re: Scoring music
    By: Porosz to MRO on Thu Jul 18 2019 00:45:59

    Re: Scoring music
    By: MRO to Nightfox on Mon Jul 15 2019 15:45:31
    I thought I took music class in high-school, because I remenber the setup where all the students had a seat in a line.... but now it does not seem like a reality for an instrument to say it was there. Maybe computer class right next to the band room, on a tandy 1000 knowitall set.
    I guess they call it highs school so incase you wear glasses up on your nose, then they have some one sitting up there to look through the glass.
    If you don't wear glasses then the upstairs personell are all alone during the set, and you peer straight through their song soul, like they wern't there... but high school, for places not one person has to be everywhere at once.
    Forget the sone, make it a story, wait, check that, I hac=ve no poem - make it a programme.

    this reply gave me autism
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From The Millionaire@VERT to Nightfox on Wed Feb 12 15:08:08 2020
    Re: music class
    By: Porosz to 120 on Thu Jul 18 2019 12:58 am

    Your message was addressed to '120'.. Was that intentional?


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com

    Maybe it was the tempo. 120 bpm.

    $ The Millionaire $
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From The Millionaire@VERT to Digital Man on Wed Feb 12 15:09:12 2020
    You guys every transcribe or arrange music scores?

    I've always done it by hand, but I'm finding musescore (https://musescore.org) to be an incredible tool. It's FOSS and quite powerful and I was able to figure it out with out spending *too* much time watching vids and reading docs.

    It has a very cool feature where you can listen back to your arrangement through MIDI-sequenced sound samples. Very cool. Very handy.

    digital man

    This Is Spinal Tap quote #9:
    David St. Hubbins: I mean, it's not your job to be as confused as Nigel. Norco, CA WX: 69.0�F, 77.0% humidity, 4 mph ESE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs

    I tried to write notes but always had a mental block.

    $ The Millionaire $
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net