• InterBBSing in C++

    From cr1mson@VERT/TRMB to Xucaen on Mon Feb 19 20:53:43 2018
    Re: InterBBSing in C++
    By: Xucaen to Jon Justvig on Fri Apr 21 2017 12:17 pm


    Jon, I'm just curious, I'm not familiar with interBBS, what would be involved with such a thing? Is it a way to send data to another BBS that runs the same game or is it something else? I might be interested in working on such a project.

    Hadn't checked on this sub-board in awhile and caught this message. InterBBSing is a feature that involves two or more BBSes, such as a League game. Exchanging data between systems. My main issue is the creation of game packets with proper filenames. I am thinking of a system where it takes the first couple characters of the filename for the game, then the other 6 for a time/date system and then an extention of the league number. So it would be something like LG??????.316, the ? being the data/time characters.


    Jon Justvig
    Raiders Inc BBS
    WHQ Whisper-Echo-Net
    Legion RPG
    � Synchronet � The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada - trmb.synchro.net
  • From cr1mson@VERT/TRMB to Kirkman on Mon Feb 19 20:54:56 2018
    Re: InterBBSing in C++
    By: Kirkman to Jon Justvig on Sun Apr 23 2017 05:47 pm


    There's also Synchronet's built-in JSON service. Does a good job.

    That might be a valid option, thanks for the info.


    Jon Justvig
    Raiders Inc BBS
    WHQ Whisper-Echo-Net
    Legion RPG

    ... My computer never locks u
    � Synchronet � The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada - trmb.synchro.net
  • From John Guillory@VERT/MAINLINE to cr1mson on Tue Feb 20 12:27:22 2018
    Re: InterBBSing in C++
    By: cr1mson to Xucaen on Mon Feb 19 2018 08:53 pm

    Jon, I'm just curious, I'm not familiar with interBBS, what would be
    involved with such a thing? Is it a way to send data to another BBS
    that runs the same game or is it something else? I might be
    interested in working on such a project.
    Why not use the DoveNet Data message area for that?

    Hadn't checked on this sub-board in awhile and caught this message. InterBBSing is a feature that involves two or more BBSes, such as a League game. Exchanging data between systems. My main issue is the creation of game packets with proper filenames. I am thinking of a system where it takes the first couple characters of the filename for the game, then the other 6 for a time/date system and then an extention of the league number. So it would be something like LG??????.316, the ? being the data/time characters.
    Why store the date and time in the filename, when the file has the date/time stored in the creation date/time field? That'd give you 6 additional letters for the name of the game packet. I still think that the data message area would be the most ideal method for a multi-game packet.

    � Synchronet � KF5QEO's Shack - kingcoder.net
  • From Jon Justvig@VERT to Xucaen on Thu Jun 7 23:54:56 2018
    Re: InterBBSing in C++
    By: Xucaen to Jon Justvig on Fri Apr 21 2017 12:17 pm

    Re: InterBBSing in C++
    By: Jon Justvig to Digital Man on Fri Mar 10 2017 12:49 pm

    Jon, I'm just curious, I'm not familiar with interBBS, what would be involved with such a thing? Is it a way to send data to another BBS that runs the same game or is it something else? I might be interested in working on such a project.

    Sending/Receiving game packets to/from a HUB (main BBS) throughout the rest of the "league". Game packets with filenames that include something like LG and 6 characters with the time/date (anywhere from 000000 to ffffff). I haven't got much into it since I've been so busy lately. I apologize for the late reply, it's been a minute since I've been/read any Dove-Net messages. Life... gets in the way.


    Jon Justvig (1:298/25)
    HQ of Whisper-Echo-Net
    HQ of Legion RPG for Windows/Linux
    LC for League 316
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net