• Tickit

    From Zazz@VERT/PBSYNC to All on Fri Aug 2 09:30:56 2019
    I just setup tickit. Not to difficult but did run in to a problem. The first one was telling me no password but tic file had password. I checked with the feed and passwords given is what I have. Still same password issue, so I found in Global Options to set IgnorePassword=True. I manually ran tickit and it process the file.

    This morning I see a file in inbound folder and it was not processed so I manually ran it and it processed. I thought tickit was supposed to run automatically when there was a file in the inbound folder.

    So what am I missing?

    I am doing this to help out a downlink using Synchronet and wants me to feed him files. So I do need to get a better handle on this before he gets frustrated.

    Ruben Figueroa
    aka Zazz
    PBSync Prison BBS

    � Synchronet � PBSync Prison BBS - wcalt.rdfig.net
  • From echicken@VERT/ECBBS to Zazz on Fri Aug 2 16:01:51 2019
    Re: Tickit
    By: Zazz to All on Fri Aug 02 2019 09:30:56

    This morning I see a file in inbound folder and it was not processed so I manually ran it and it processed. I thought tickit was supposed to run automatically when there was a file in the inbound folder.

    If you're also using BinkIT, TickIT must be set up as a Timed Event with an internal code of 'TICKIT'.
    This is true even if you don't intend to run TickIT on a schedule. BinkIT creates/updates the semaphore
    file for that event as needed.

    If you aren't using BinkIT, have your mailer touch the necessary semaphore file (data/tickit.now) when
    files come in. Or wait until TickIT runs at its scheduled time.

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
    � Synchronet � electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
  • From Zazz@VERT/PBSYNC to echicken on Fri Aug 2 21:55:15 2019
    Re: Tickit
    By: echicken to Zazz on Fri Aug 02 2019 16:01:51

    This morning I see a file in inbound folder and it was not processed so I manually ran it and it processed. I thought tickit was supposed to run automatically when there was a file in the inbound folder.

    If you're also using BinkIT, TickIT must be set up as a Timed Event with an internal code of 'TICKIT'.
    This is true even if you don't intend to run TickIT on a schedule. BinkIT creates/updates the semaphore
    file for that event as needed.

    I am using BinkIT and so I went to scfg timed events and creaed one for TickIT. So assuming I didn't botch it, it should run.

    Thanks for info

    Ruben Figueroa
    aka Zazz
    PBSync Prison BBS

    � Synchronet � PBSync Prison BBS - wcalt.rdfig.net
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANT to Zazz on Sat Aug 3 16:04:00 2019
    Zazz wrote to echicken <=-

    This morning I see a file in inbound folder and it was not processed so I manually ran it and it processed. I thought tickit was supposed to run automatically when there was a file in the inbound folder.

    If you're also using BinkIT, TickIT must be set up as a Timed Event with an internal code of 'TICKIT'.
    This is true even if you don't intend to run TickIT on a schedule. BinkIT creates/updates the semaphore
    file for that event as needed.

    I am using BinkIT and so I went to scfg timed events and creaed
    one for TickIT. So assuming I didn't botch it, it should run.

    When in doubt, use the Wiki. When not in doubt, use the Wiki.

    Right here it shows exactly how to set that event up:


    ... All hope abandon, ye who enter messages here.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Zazz@VERT/PBSYNC to Gamgee on Sun Aug 4 14:48:30 2019
    Re: Re: Tickit
    By: Gamgee to Zazz on Sat Aug 03 2019 16:04:00

    This morning I see a file in inbound folder and it was not processed so I manually ran it and it processed. I thought tickit was supposed to run automatically when there was a file in the inbound folder.

    If you're also using BinkIT, TickIT must be set up as a Timed Event with an internal code of 'TICKIT'.
    This is true even if you don't intend to run TickIT on a schedule.
    BinkIT creates/updates the semaphore
    file for that event as needed.

    I am using BinkIT and so I went to scfg timed events and creaed
    one for TickIT. So assuming I didn't botch it, it should run.

    When in doubt, use the Wiki. When not in doubt, use the Wiki.
    Right here it shows exactly how to set that event up:


    Yes, thank you, I had that to use as a guide to setting up Tickit. However, there was no timed event setup for Tickit and I had to go to scfg to set that up. I entered info Timed event for Tickit.

    Is there a log where I can see what was processed or rejected? I have not encountered one yet.

    Ruben Figueroa
    aka Zazz
    PBSync Prison BBS

    � Synchronet � PBSync Prison BBS - wcalt.rdfig.net
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANT to Zazz on Sun Aug 4 20:58:00 2019
    Zazz wrote to Gamgee <=-

    I am using BinkIT and so I went to scfg timed events and creaed
    one for TickIT. So assuming I didn't botch it, it should run.

    When in doubt, use the Wiki. When not in doubt, use the Wiki.
    Right here it shows exactly how to set that event up:


    Yes, thank you, I had that to use as a guide to setting up
    Tickit. However, there was no timed event setup for Tickit and I
    had to go to scfg to set that up. I entered info Timed event for


    Is there a log where I can see what was processed or rejected? I
    have not encountered one yet.

    Well, I don't know if you are running on Linux or Windows... If
    Windows I don't know. If Linux, we have to know if you're running
    SBBS as a daemon/service or just starting it from a command line.
    Tickit stuff will be in the same log as other stuff related to
    Synchronet, perhaps /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog. Can't
    really say without more information...

    ... Internal Error: The system has been taken over by sheep at line 19960
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Zazz@VERT/PBSYNC to Gamgee on Mon Aug 5 08:45:04 2019
    Re: Re: Tickit
    By: Gamgee to Zazz on Sun Aug 04 2019 20:58:00

    Well, I don't know if you are running on Linux or Windows... If
    Windows I don't know. If Linux, we have to know if you're running
    SBBS as a daemon/service or just starting it from a command line.
    Tickit stuff will be in the same log as other stuff related to
    Synchronet, perhaps /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog. Can't
    really say without more information...

    Running Windows.

    Ruben Figueroa
    aka Zazz
    PBSync Prison BBS

    � Synchronet � PBSync Prison BBS - wcalt.rdfig.net