• ChatGPT v Bard

    From nelgin@VERT/EOTLBBS to All on Mon Jan 22 05:42:03 2024
    I decide to try and get ChatGPT and Bard to create some PERL code for me and it seems both have two distinct ways of working.

    ChatGPT will actually give you some code that almost works and each time you try and refine it, it breaks the code more and more until you're further away from you goal.

    Bard will tell you the steps you need to create the code until you force it to write the code for you, which doesn't work, and then it'll tell you the steps you need to go through to debug your code until you force it to show you the updated code, which also breaks.

    I don't think AI is ready to write code that is going to take over the world...not just yet anyway.

    � Synchronet � End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to nelgin on Mon Jan 22 06:41:22 2024
    Re: ChatGPT v Bard
    By: nelgin to All on Mon Jan 22 2024 05:42 am

    I decide to try and get ChatGPT and Bard to create some PERL code for me and it seems both have two distinct ways of working.

    ChatGPT will actually give you some code that almost works and each time you try and refine it, it breaks the code more and more until you're further away from you goal.

    Bard will tell you the steps you need to create the code until you force it to write the code for you, which doesn't work, and then it'll tell you the steps you need to go through to debug your code until you force it to show you the updated code, which also breaks.

    I don't think AI is ready to write code that is going to take over the world...not just yet anyway.

    boy, totally surprising.
    another great post from nelgin.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Sideburn@VERT/ROTWLAIR to nelgin on Sat Jan 27 20:49:39 2024
    Re: ChatGPT v Bard
    By: nelgin to All on Mon Jan 22 2024 05:42 am

    LOL so true. I use ChatGPT to do grunt work only. I has rabbit holed me into code hell 100 too many times.

    � Synchronet � Realm of the Wizard's Lair - bbs.b-wells.us
  • From fusion@VERT/CFBBS to Sideburn on Sun Jan 28 01:25:00 2024
    On 27 Jan 2024, Sideburn said the following...

    LOL so true. I use ChatGPT to do grunt work only. I has rabbit holed me into code hell 100 too many times.

    not necessarily a response just to you, but if you (all) are interested in trying some of these for "free":


    lets you ask a question of two randomly selected ones, in return for some research data (which one you liked best, what sort of stuff you ask it, etc).. might take a few rounds to get a bard or gpt or whatever model that gives you decent output though.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, mi
  • From Liron@VERT/PALANTIR to fusion on Wed Feb 21 07:40:37 2024
    Re: Re: ChatGPT v Bard
    By: fusion to Sideburn on Sun Jan 28 2024 01:25 am

    On 27 Jan 2024, Sideburn said the following...

    not necessarily a response just to you, but if you (all) are interested in trying some of these for "free":


    lets you ask a question of two randomly selected ones, in return for some research data (which one you liked best, what sort of stuff you ask it, etc).. might take a few rounds to get a bard or gpt or
    whatever model that gives you decent output though.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, mi
    Thank you, that is very interesting indeed.

    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Skylar@VERT/ENSEMBLE to All on Tue Mar 26 21:42:42 2024
    Re: ChatGPT v Bard
    By: nelgin to All on Mon Jan 22 2024 05:42 am

    I asked Copilot to write TradeWars in Pascal, and got this:

    Creating a game like TradeWars in Pascal would be quite an extensive project, as it involves setting up a complex environment with various gameplay mechanics. However, I can certainly help you get started with a basic structure. Here's a simple outline to illustrate how you might begin coding such a game:

    program TradeWars;

    uses crt;

    Planet = record
    name: string;
    economy: integer;
    defense: integer;
    resources: integer;

    playerLocation: Planet;
    planets: array[1..10] of Planet;

    procedure InitializePlanets;
    i: integer;
    // Initialize planets with names and random attributes
    for i := 1 to 10 do
    with planets[i] do
    name := 'Planet' + IntToStr(i);
    economy := Random(100) + 1;
    defense := Random(100) + 1;
    resources := Random(100) + 1;

    procedure DisplayStatus;
    // Display player's current status and location
    with playerLocation do
    writeln('Current Location: ', name);
    writeln('Economy Level: ', economy);
    writeln('Defense Level: ', defense);
    writeln('Resource Level: ', resources);

    procedure Trade;
    // Implement trading mechanics
    writeln('Trading not implemented yet.');

    procedure Travel;
    destination: integer;
    // Implement travel mechanics
    writeln('Where would you like to travel?');
    if (destination >= 1) and (destination <= 10) then
    playerLocation := planets[destination]
    writeln('Invalid destination.');

    // Main game loop
    playerLocation := planets[1]; // Start at Planet 1

    while true do
    writeln('What would you like to do?');
    writeln('1. Trade');
    writeln('2. Travel');
    writeln('3. Quit');
    case readkey of
    '1': Trade;
    '2': Travel;
    '3': break;

    This code provides a starting point for a TradeWars-like game in Pascal. It sets up a universe of planets with random attributes and allows the player to travel between them. The trading mechanics would need to be implemented, along with many other features to create a full game experience. Remember, this is just a basic framework and a lot more work would be needed to develop a complete game. If you're interested in the original source code of TradeWars, it seems there's a Pascal version available.

    � Synchronet � War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com