• Set_user_string

    From Plt@VERT/MB to DOVE-Net.Synchronet_Baja on Mon Nov 26 23:10:35 2018
    This what is in the Baja docs but it's not telling what the 13 does!

    args: user_string
    This function changes one of the current user's text string fields to the
    value of the current command string. The user_string argument must be one of the following (defined in USERDEFS.INC):
    User_string Description
    ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
    USER_STRING_ALIAS User's alias or real name on real name based BBSs USER_STRING_REALNAME User's real name or company name
    USER_STRING_HANDLE User's chat handle
    USER_STRING_COMPUTER User's computer type description
    USER_STRING_NOTE User's note/Caller-ID
    USER_STRING_ADDRESS User's street address
    USER_STRING_LOCATION User's city, state
    USER_STRING_ZIPCODE User's zip/postal code
    USER_STRING_PASSWORD User's password
    USER_STRING_BIRTHDAY User's birthday (MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY) USER_STRING_PHONE User's phone number
    USER_STRING_MODEM User's modem type description

    yrNews Usenet Reader for iOS

    � Synchronet � sbbs.dynu.net 2025
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Plt on Mon Nov 26 22:50:31 2018
    Re: Set_user_string
    By: Plt to DOVE-Net.Synchronet_Baja on Mon Nov 26 2018 11:10 pm

    This what is in the Baja docs but it’s not telling what the 13 does!

    args: user_string
    This function changes one of the current user's text string fields to the value of the current command string. The user_string argument must be one of the following (defined in USERDEFS.INC):

    what is the mod you are decompiling?
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Plt on Mon Nov 26 22:52:29 2018
    Re: Set_user_string
    By: Plt to DOVE-Net.Synchronet_Baja on Mon Nov 26 2018 11:10 pm

    This what is in the Baja docs but it’s not telling what the 13 does!

    File Edit Search View Options Help
    �������������������������� x:\sbbs\exec\userdefs.inc ����������������������� �!define CHAT_ECHO .0 # Multinode chat echo
    �!define CHAT_ACTION .1 # Chat actions
    �!define CHAT_NOPAGE .2 # Can't be paged
    �!define CHAT_NOACT .3 # No activity alerts
    �!define CHAT_SPLITP .4 # Split screen private chat

    � # For use with SET_USER_STRING function �!define USER_STRING_ALIAS 0
    �!define USER_STRING_HANDLE 2
    �!define USER_STRING_NOTE 4
    �!define USER_STRING_ADDRESS 5
    �!define USER_STRING_ZIPCODE 7
    �!define USER_STRING_PHONE 10
    �!define USER_STRING_MODEM 11
    �!define USER_STRING_COMMENT 12
    �!define USER_STRING_NETMAIL 13 # Requires v3 (03/02/00) or later

    user string 13 is netmail according to the userdefs.inc file
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Plt@VERT/MB to MRO on Tue Nov 27 09:33:25 2018

    On 23:52 26/11 , MRO wrote:

    Re: Set_user_string
    By: Plt to DOVE-Net.Synchronet_Baja on Mon Nov 26 2018 11:10 pm

    This what is in the Baja docs but it’s not telling what the 13 does!

    File Edit Search View Options Help
    �������������������������� x:\sbbs\exec\userdefs.inc ����������������������� >�!define CHAT_ECHO .0 # Multinode chat echo
    �!define CHAT_ACTION .1 # Chat actions
    �!define CHAT_NOPAGE .2 # Can't be paged
    �!define CHAT_NOACT .3 # No activity alerts
    �!define CHAT_SPLITP .4 # Split screen private chat

    � # For use with SET_USER_STRING function >�!define USER_STRING_ALIAS 0
    �!define USER_STRING_HANDLE 2
    �!define USER_STRING_NOTE 4
    �!define USER_STRING_ADDRESS 5
    �!define USER_STRING_ZIPCODE 7
    �!define USER_STRING_PHONE 10
    �!define USER_STRING_MODEM 11
    �!define USER_STRING_COMMENT 12
    �!define USER_STRING_NETMAIL 13 # Requires v3 (03/02/00) or later

    user string 13 is netmail according to the userdefs.inc file
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::

    yrNews Usenet Reader for iOS

    � Synchronet � sbbs.dynu.net 2025
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Plt on Tue Nov 27 09:52:30 2018
    Re: Set_user_string
    By: Plt to DOVE-Net.Synchronet_Baja on Mon Nov 26 2018 11:10 pm

    This what is in the Baja docs but it’s not telling what the 13 does!

    args: user_string

    The 13 is probably the numeric value of one of the following in this list:
    USER_STRING_ALIASUser's alias or real name on real name based BBSs USER_STRING_REALNAMEUser's real name or company name USER_STRING_HANDLEUser's chat handle
    USER_STRING_COMPUTERUser's computer type description USER_STRING_NOTEUser's note/Caller-ID
    USER_STRING_ADDRESSUser's street address
    USER_STRING_LOCATIONUser's city, state
    USER_STRING_ZIPCODEUser's zip/postal code
    USER_STRING_PASSWORDUser's password
    USER_STRING_BIRTHDAYUser's birthday (MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY) USER_STRING_PHONEUser's phone number
    USER_STRING_MODEMUser's modem type description


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Plt on Wed Nov 28 23:11:56 2018
    Re: Set_user_string
    By: Plt to DOVE-Net.Synchronet_Baja on Mon Nov 26 2018 11:10 pm

    This what is in the Baja docs but it’s not telling what the 13 does!

    args: user_string
    This function changes one of the current user's text string fields to the value of the current command string. The user_string argument must be one of the following (defined in USERDEFS.INC):

    From exec/userdefs.inc:

    !define USER_STRING_NETMAIL 13

    digital man

    Synchronet "Real Fact" #51:
    Rob Swindell was introduced to BBSing in 1982 by his older brother, Dr. Seuss. Norco, CA WX: 57.5�F, 81.0% humidity, 0 mph SSW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs ---
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net