• credits

    From Sys64738@VERT/TXNET1 to All on Tue Nov 30 23:57:19 2021
    A friend is asking me to help him set up a BBS for his business. Particularly, he's wanting to utilize Syncronet to keep up with his customer's tabs. He runs a small bar with a membership fee for some upper-crust types.

    Anyway, I told him about the "Credit Transfer Bank" door (https://web.synchro.net/api/files.ssjs?call=download-file&dir=sbbs_3rd&file=CTB.ZIP) because he wanted to allow his members to be able to help each other out with their tabs if they were in a pinch.

    Also, I told him about
    "DTELLER" (https://web.synchro.net/api/files.ssjs?call=download-file&dir=sbbs_3rd&file=DTELLER.ZIP)

    and "DSHOPPER" (https://web.synchro.net/api/files.ssjs?call=download-file&dir=sbbs_3rd&file=DSHOPPER.ZIP)

    because he'd like to be able to allow his customers to buy credits using ABA routing and account numbers, or credit/debit cards.

    I'm not new to programming. I've been doing it since the mid-80's. However, my skills are rather dated, and I'm definitely green to Javascript and Baja.

    Eventually, he'd like to add a web interface, but that's further down the road and not an immediate desire. He'll make do with making BBS accounts for his members and showing them how to use it on their phones using a term app.

    So, I'm reaching out for help. Anyone interested?

    Digital Man: You can probably guess this is why I kept asking about CTB and whatnot a while back...lol


    � Synchronet � TEXNet
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Sys64738 on Tue Nov 30 22:32:57 2021
    Re: credits
    By: Sys64738 to All on Tue Nov 30 2021 11:57 pm

    A friend is asking me to help him set up a BBS for his business. Particularly, he's wanting to utilize Syncronet to keep up with his customer's tabs. He runs a small bar with a membership fee for some upper-crust types.

    Anyway, I told him about the "Credit Transfer Bank" door (https://web.synchro.n et/api/files.ssjs?call=download-file&dir=sbbs_3rd&file=CTB.ZIP) because he wanted to allow his members to be able to help each other out with their tabs if they were in a pinch.

    Also, I told him about
    "DTELLER" (https://web.synchro.net/api/files.ssjs?call=download-file&dir=sbbs_3 rd&file=DTELLER.ZIP)

    and "DSHOPPER" (https://web.synchro.net/api/files.ssjs?call=download-file&dir=s bbs_3rd&file=DSHOPPER.ZIP)

    because he'd like to be able to allow his customers to buy credits using ABA routing and account numbers, or credit/debit cards.

    I'm not new to programming. I've been doing it since the mid-80's.
    However, my skills are rather dated, and I'm definitely green to Javascript and Baja.

    Eventually, he'd like to add a web interface, but that's further down the road and not an immediate desire. He'll make do with making BBS accounts for his members and showing them how to use it on their phones using a term app.

    So, I'm reaching out for help. Anyone interested?

    Digital Man: You can probably guess this is why I kept asking about CTB and whatnot a while back...lol

    This all just screams at me: wrong tool for the job.

    Domain teller and shopper used dial-up modems for credit card authorizations, I don't even know if they would work any more (haven't the credit card auth standards/methods changed since the 90's?) and certainly those programs can't be registered/purchased any longer.

    And terminal apps on phones are terrible. Unless his upper-crust customers are all all old computer/BBS nerds (like us), no one is going to want to use this idea.
    digital man

    Rush quote #30:
    You can do a lot in a lifetime if you don't burn out too fast
    Norco, CA WX: 70.8�F, 22.0% humidity, 0 mph S wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Sys64738 on Wed Dec 1 02:40:17 2021
    Re: credits
    By: Sys64738 to All on Tue Nov 30 2021 11:57 pm

    A friend is asking me to help him set up a BBS for his business. Particularly, he's wanting to utilize Syncronet to keep up with his customer's tabs. He runs a small bar with a membership fee for some upper-crust types.

    Anyway, I told him about the "Credit Transfer Bank" door (https://web.synchro.n et/api/files.ssjs?call=download-file&dir=sbbs_3rd&file=CTB.ZIP) because he wanted to allow his members to be able to help each other out with their tabs if they were in a pinch.

    Also, I told him about
    "DTELLER" (https://web.synchro.net/api/files.ssjs?call=download-file&dir=sbbs_3 rd&file=DTELLER.ZIP)

    you are really barking up the wrong tree here. this isnt really a good idea.
    he should just learn to use excel.

    he doesnt want to run a bbs, he wants a custom program for his own use and he's cheap.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to all on Wed Dec 1 02:42:01 2021
    Re: credits
    By: Digital Man to Sys64738 on Tue Nov 30 2021 10:32 pm

    Re: credits
    By: Sys64738 to All on Tue Nov 30 2021 11:57 pm

    A friend is asking me to help him set up a BBS for his business. Particularly, he's wanting to utilize Syncronet to keep up with his customer's tabs. He runs a small bar with a membership fee for some upper-crust types.

    Anyway, I told him about the "Credit Transfer Bank" door (https://web.synchro.n et/api/files.ssjs?call=download-file&dir=sbbs_3rd&file=CTB.ZIP) because he wanted to allow his members to be able to help each other out with their tabs if they were in a pinch.

    Also, I told him about
    "DTELLER" (https://web.synchro.net/api/files.ssjs?call=download-file&dir=sbbs_3 rd&file=DTELLER.ZIP)

    and "DSHOPPER" (https://web.synchro.net/api/files.ssjs?call=download-file&dir=s bbs_3rd&file=DSHOPPER.ZIP)

    because he'd like to be able to allow his customers to buy credits using ABA routing and account numbers, or credit/debit cards.

    I'm not new to programming. I've been doing it since the mid-80's. However, my skills are rather dated, and I'm definitely green to Javascript and Baja.

    Eventually, he'd like to add a web interface, but that's further down the road and not an immediate desire. He'll make do with making BBS accounts for his members and showing them how to use it on their phones using a term app.

    So, I'm reaching out for help. Anyone interested?

    Digital Man: You can probably guess this is why I kept asking about CTB and whatnot a while back...lol

    This all just screams at me: wrong tool for the job.

    Domain teller and shopper used dial-up modems for credit card authorizations, I don't even know if they would work any more (haven't the credit card auth standards/methods changed since the 90's?) and certainly those programs can't be registered/purchased any longer.

    And terminal apps on phones are terrible. Unless his upper-crust customers are all all old computer/BBS nerds (like us), no one is going to want to use this idea.

    there's POS systems used at vending machines that take custom cards and allow you to load them up and use them, and transfer to other members. he should probably look into this. but like i said, he's cheap and wants something custom for free probably.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Sys64738@VERT/TXNET1 to Digital Man on Wed Dec 1 08:18:43 2021
    Re: credits
    By: Digital Man to Sys64738 on Tue Nov 30 2021 22:32:57

    This all just screams at me: wrong tool for the job.

    Domain teller and shopper used dial-up modems for credit card authorizations, I don't even know if they would work any more (haven't the credit card auth standards/methods changed since the 90's?) and certainly those programs can't be registered/purchased any longer.

    Yes, so a modern solution for credit/debit/aba transactions would need to be utilized. I'm guessing something something akin to the way cash apps are designed.

    Also, he's interested in providing them with a "club" exclusive email address and messaging/chat which Synchronet provides. Ultimately, he wants something (Synchronet or not) that would serve as the backbone nuts and bolts but with a web/app interface.

    And terminal apps on phones are terrible. Unless his upper-crust customers are all all old computer/BBS nerds (like us), no one is going to want to use this idea.

    That's where he'll rely on me to provide a layman user friendly web/app interface.

    I have to admit that I'm a little taken aback. I guess I assumed you would be encouraged that someone wanted to use the system you built in a new way. :(


    � Synchronet � TEXNet
  • From Sys64738@VERT/TXNET1 to MRO on Wed Dec 1 08:23:57 2021
    Re: credits
    By: MRO to Sys64738 on Wed Dec 01 2021 02:40:17

    you are really barking up the wrong tree here. this isnt really a good idea. he should just learn to use excel.

    I offered to do that very thing for him, but he's also interested in the email, messaging, and chat features that Synchronet provides which excel doesn't.

    He's certainly not very tech-savvy, but he sees something useful in Synchronet that he feels could be utilized in a new relevant way.

    Eccentric...oh yes. He's definitely that.

    he doesnt want to run a bbs, he wants a custom program for his own use and he's cheap.

    Well, yes and no. He does want to run it like a bbs but for a specific clientelle. Cheap? You got that right! lol


    � Synchronet � TEXNet
  • From Sys64738@VERT/TXNET1 to MRO on Wed Dec 1 08:42:51 2021
    Re: credits
    By: MRO to all on Wed Dec 01 2021 02:42:01

    there's POS systems used at vending machines that take custom cards and allow you to load them up and use them, and transfer to other members. he should probably look into this. but like i said, he's cheap and wants something custom for free probably.

    I failed to mention it in my original post, but he'd also interested in using the messaging, chat, and email features as well. He didn't see much use in the file areas.

    He is willing to pay, but yes he is cheap.


    � Synchronet � TEXNet
  • From echicken@VERT/ECBBS to Sys64738 on Wed Dec 1 15:13:31 2021
    Re: credits
    By: Sys64738 to All on Tue Nov 30 2021 23:57:19

    A friend is asking me to help him set up a BBS for his business. Particularly, he's wanting to utilize Syncronet to keep up with his customer's tabs. He runs a small bar with a membership fee for some upper-crust types.

    There's an entire market of point-of-sale software out there, surely with several options that meet your friend's needs.

    Using Synchronet for this is a strange approach. At best, it would serve as a "platform" providing a few network services, user accounts, and a scripting engine. Just about everything else would be a custom job.

    because he'd like to be able to allow his customers to buy credits using ABA routing and account numbers, or credit/debit cards.

    I won't lie to you, it's technically possible, but most likely there'd be a lot of dev work involved. Security of customer data would be a real concern.

    road and not an immediate desire. He'll make do with making BBS accounts for his members and showing them how to use it on their phones using a term app.

    Using a terminal on a modern phone is miserable. I say that as a dedicated textmode user who would dearly love for it to be otherwise. I'm skeptical that your friend's customers would find it tolerable.

    Eventually, he'd like to add a web interface, but that's further down the

    Maybe there's something about your friend's customer base which makes this an attractive option, but that seems unlikely. These days, users of the sort of system you're talking about would want a proper mobile app. Failing that, a good web application would do.

    So, I'm reaching out for help. Anyone interested?

    I *could* do it, but I don't think my conscience would allow it. Or that I have the time. Or that I want the liability. Or that your friend would want to pay the bill. And if I get hit by a bus, you're left with this weird Frankenstein's monster of a BBS integration and nobody to support it.

    It's a wild idea and fun to talk about, but I'd really recommend looking at a proper modern solution.

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
    � Synchronet � electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Sys64738 on Wed Dec 1 10:18:12 2021
    Re: credits
    By: Sys64738 to Digital Man on Wed Dec 01 2021 08:18 am

    I have to admit that I'm a little taken aback. I guess I assumed you would be encouraged that someone wanted to use the system you built in a new way. :(

    I thought you were asking our opinion. <shrug>

    You certainly don't need our approval to implement your idea, go for it!
    digital man

    Sling Blade quote #19:
    Doyle: I can't so much as drink a damn glass of water around a midget
    Norco, CA WX: 82.7�F, 16.0% humidity, 2 mph E wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Sys64738 on Thu Dec 2 00:23:53 2021
    Re: credits
    By: Sys64738 to Digital Man on Wed Dec 01 2021 08:18 am

    Also, he's interested in providing them with a "club" exclusive email address and messaging/chat which Synchronet provides. Ultimately, he wants something (Synchronet or not) that would serve as the backbone nuts and bolts but with a web/app interface.

    people nowadays dont need an extra email address.
    nor do they need another inclusive chat system.

    this guy is like a person who wants something, but doesn't know what he wants. when you put hard work into anything, he will not like it.

    I have to admit that I'm a little taken aback. I guess I assumed you would be encouraged that someone wanted to use the system you built in a new way. :(

    he just gave you really good advice. the right tool for the job, dude.

    if he wants a card that people can load up with cash and give gifts to friends they have that. but there's also cashapp and most people use that.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Sys64738 on Thu Dec 2 00:25:15 2021
    Re: credits
    By: Sys64738 to MRO on Wed Dec 01 2021 08:23 am

    idea. he should just learn to use excel.

    I offered to do that very thing for him, but he's also interested in the email, messaging, and chat features that Synchronet provides which excel doesn't.

    He's certainly not very tech-savvy, but he sees something useful in Synchronet that he feels could be utilized in a new relevant way.

    Eccentric...oh yes. He's definitely that.

    he doesnt want to run a bbs, he wants a custom program for his own use and he's cheap.

    Well, yes and no. He does want to run it like a bbs but for a specific clientelle. Cheap? You got that right! lol

    he'd just going to burn you out and he won't be happy with what you have.
    look into citadel. but will the USERS want to use his system? probably not. ---
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Sys64738 on Thu Dec 2 00:26:29 2021
    Re: credits
    By: Sys64738 to MRO on Wed Dec 01 2021 08:42 am

    I failed to mention it in my original post, but he'd also interested in using the messaging, chat, and email features as well. He didn't see much use in the file areas.

    He is willing to pay, but yes he is cheap.

    why would he want to provide people an email address and a way to chat?

    he could just have a free forum up for the people to talk.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Sys64738@VERT/TXNET1 to echicken on Thu Dec 2 08:28:05 2021
    Re: credits
    By: echicken to Sys64738 on Wed Dec 01 2021 15:13:31

    There's an entire market of point-of-sale software out there, surely with several options that meet your friend's needs.

    Using Synchronet for this is a strange approach. At best, it would serve as a "platform" providing a few network services, user accounts, and a scripting engine. Just about everything else would be a custom job.

    Don't get me wrong. My friend is a good guy and I'd do anything in the world for him, but he gets stuck on an idea, obsesses over it, pesters me about it, and wa-la!...here we are talking about it.

    I won't lie to you, it's technically possible, but most likely there'd be a lot of dev work involved. Security of customer data would be a real concern.


    Using a terminal on a modern phone is miserable. I say that as a dedicated textmode user who would dearly love for it to be otherwise. I'm skeptical that your friend's customers would find it tolerable.

    I rarely use the one I have on my phone for that same reason.

    Maybe there's something about your friend's customer base which makes this an attractive option, but that seems unlikely. These days, users of the sort of system you're talking about would want a proper mobile app. Failing that, a good web application would do.

    What can I say? He's weird. They're weird. Although they'd probably describe themselves as "eccentric" rather than weird.

    I *could* do it, but I don't think my conscience would allow it. Or that I have the time. Or that I want the liability. Or that your friend would want to pay the bill. And if I get hit by a bus, you're left with this weird Frankenstein's monster of a BBS integration and nobody to support it.

    It's a wild idea and fun to talk about, but I'd really recommend looking at a proper modern solution.

    Trust me. He's been coming at me about this for months. I've offered plenty of alternatives. If all else fails, then I'll just tell him that everyone thinks he's a kook for wanting to do it, nobody wants to help, and I won't talk about it any more because people are starting to look at me strangely. Ha!


    � Synchronet � TEXNet
  • From echicken@VERT/ECBBS to Sys64738 on Thu Dec 2 16:31:25 2021
    Re: credits
    By: Sys64738 to echicken on Thu Dec 02 2021 08:28:05

    What can I say? He's weird. They're weird. Although they'd probably describe themselves as "eccentric" rather than weird.

    Basically, you can't "make" somebody like BBSing - they'll either be into it or not. They either have to be predisposed to the medium, or he's going to have to meet them at their level (eg. a mobile app). It's a matter of whether their eccentricity pairs well with some service that Synchronet provides.

    Trust me. He's been coming at me about this for months. I've offered plenty of alternatives. If all else fails, then I'll just tell him that everyone thinks he's a kook for wanting to do it, nobody wants to help, and I won't talk about it any more because people are starting to look at me strangely. Ha!

    Is this club/business a thing that already exists? Is he already collecting membership fees from people? How does he keep track of it at the moment if so?

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
    � Synchronet � electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
  • From Digital Man@VERT to Sys64738 on Thu Dec 2 13:20:51 2021
    Re: credits
    By: Sys64738 to echicken on Thu Dec 02 2021 08:28 am

    Trust me. He's been coming at me about this for months. I've offered plenty of alternatives. If all else fails, then I'll just tell him that everyone thinks he's a kook for wanting to do it, nobody wants to help, and I won't talk about it any more because people are starting to look at me strangely. Ha!

    I'm happy to "help", if that means answering questions about how to do stuff (i.e. in JavaScript, since this is the Sync-JavaScript Programming sub).
    digital man

    Sling Blade quote #24:
    Karl: Kaiser blade. I hit my mother upside the head with it. Mmm... Killed her. Norco, CA WX: 70.7�F, 51.0% humidity, 7 mph NNW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs ---
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Sys64738@VERT/TXNET1 to echicken on Fri Dec 3 08:10:42 2021
    Re: credits
    By: echicken to Sys64738 on Thu Dec 02 2021 16:31:25

    Basically, you can't "make" somebody like BBSing - they'll either be into it or not. They either have to be predisposed to the medium, or he's going to have to meet them at their level (eg. a mobile app). It's a matter of whether their eccentricity pairs well with some service that Synchronet provides.

    True. He's wanting to use the BBS as the backbone and add a web/app interface to it to make it more user friendly. He's well aware that no one wants to fumble around on a BBS with a wonky terminal app.

    Is this club/business a thing that already exists? Is he already collecting membership fees from people? How does he keep track of it at the moment if so?

    Yes, it's a country club of sorts that he's ran for years. He's not very tech savvy so he's been keeping his books on paper ledgers.


    � Synchronet � TEXNet
  • From Sys64738@VERT/TXNET1 to Digital Man on Fri Dec 3 08:11:43 2021
    Re: credits
    By: Digital Man to Sys64738 on Thu Dec 02 2021 13:20:51

    I'm happy to "help", if that means answering questions about how to do stuff (i.e. in JavaScript, since this is the Sync-JavaScript Programming sub).

    I do appreciate it. I may have a few questions once I dig into it.


    � Synchronet � TEXNet