• AirPods 4 �, Elon open sources Grok �, knowing when to quit �

    From TLDR@VERT to [email protected] on Mon Mar 18 10:39:44 2024
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    The fourth generation of AirPods is set to begin production in May=C2=A0 =

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    TLDR 2024-03-18

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    Incogni [4] scrubs your personal info from the web. Simple as. It=

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    tect your data, your time, and your sanity. Get Incogni today and
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    E OF GROK-1 (1 MINUTE READ) [5]=20

    xAI has released the weights and arc=
    hitecture for Grok-1. Grok-1 is a
    Mixture-of-Experts model with 314 billi=
    on parameters. The released
    model is a raw base model checkpoint from the=
    Grok-1 pretraining
    phase, which means that it is not fine-tuned for any =
    application. It was trained from scratch by xAI using a custom=

    training stack.=20

    (1 MINUTE READ) [6]=20

    The fourth generation of Ai=
    rPods is set to begin production in May.
    They will likely be released in =
    September or October. The upcoming
    AirPods are expected to feature a new =
    design with better fit, improved
    sound quality, and an updated charging c=
    ase with a USB-C port. The
    higher-end models will also feature active noi=
    se cancellation and a
    speaker in the charging case for Find My location t=
    racking. New
    AirPods Pros are not expected to launch until next year at t=
    earliest, but current models may get a new hearing aid mode with iOS=




    VR HE=
    ) [7]=20

    Extremely high pixel density is key for the next generation of=

    augmented, mixed, and virtual reality headsets. More pixels means more=

    life-like visuals and smaller, more compact displays. Building
    s at this scale leads to unique technical hurdles that the
    industry is st=
    ill learning to leap. This article looks at
    technological developments in=
    the space, the specific challenges the
    industry is trying to overcome, a=
    nd current solutions for these

    READ) [8]=20

    Tarsus Pharm=
    aceuticals is developing a pill that could provide
    protection against Lym=
    e disease for several weeks at a time. An
    early-stage trial has shown tha=
    t it can kill ticks on people for up to
    30 days after 24 hours of ingesti=
    on. The drug only kills the ticks,
    rather than the bacteria that causes L=
    yme disease. It may also protect
    against other tick-borne diseases.=20




    Everyone wants higher test =
    coverage, but most struggle to achieve it.
    That=E2=80=99s where QA Wolf (=
    4.8 on G2) [9] comes in.=20

    =09* Take testing off your plate.
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    et 80% coverage in just 4 months [9].
    =09* Stay there with 24-hour maint=
    enance, on-demand test creation,
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    nd zero flakes guaranteed.

    Discover the QA Wolf magic =E2=9C=A8 [10]=


    This Hacker News thread compares GP=
    T-4-Turbo, the default model in
    ChatGPT Plus, to Claude Opus, Anthropic's=
    competing model. Most
    developers seem to prefer Claude as it is apparent=
    ly better at coding
    and engineering work. Its writing style also seems to=
    be preferred,
    but part of that is due to the recognizability of GPT-4-Tu=
    rbo's style.
    OpenAI's app functionalities, like its code interpreter and =
    ability to
    search the internet, are still big reasons to continue using C=


    pg_hint_plan a=
    llows developers to tweak PostgreSQL execution plans
    using hints in SQL c=
    omments. Planners estimate the costs of each
    possible execution plan for =
    a SQL statement then execute the plan with
    the lowest cost. While Postgre=
    SQL's planner does its best to select
    the best execution plan using its c=
    ost-based optimizer, which uses
    data statistics rather than static rules,=
    it is far from perfect as it
    doesn't count some data properties. pg_hint=
    _plan has hints to control
    scan methods, join methods, join order, behavi=
    or on join, row number
    correction, parallel query configuration, and more=



    TE READ) [13]=20

    SpaceX's cameras recorded unprecedented views of atmos=
    pheric heating
    acting on Starship for a couple of minutes during Starship=
    's descent
    on its third test. These views were possible thanks to Starlin=
    terminals on the ship sending signals to satellites in low-Earth
    t, which were then sent back to Earth. The low-Earth orbit
    satellites wer=
    e in space thanks to SpaceX's reusable Falcon 9 rocket,
    which conducted i=
    ts first land-based landing days before Christmas in
    2015. This article l=
    ooks at the achievements that made Starship
    possible and takes a peek at =
    the future of the project. The video of
    Starship reentering the atmospher=
    e is available in the article.=20

    S (6 MINUTE READ) [14]=20

    Both success through perseverance and failure=
    through obstinance are
    convenient rationalizations. It is impossible to =
    know the future for
    anything. Understanding this frees you to make decisi=
    ons more easily,
    with less second-guessing in the moment and less guilt a=
    fterwards. You
    can not know whether you're in a winning or losing scenari=
    o, so the
    best you can do is to find out which one you are in as quickly =
    possible. This article presents some guiding questions to help you
    igure out which path you're on.=20



    (13 MIN=
    UTE READ) [15]=20

    This review of open source AI repositories aims to gi=
    ve readers a
    big-picture view of the seemingly overwhelming AI ecosystem.=


    Apple has c=
    ompletely removed all traces of driver support for its
    oldest WiFi/BT car=
    ds in the latest macOS (Sonoma).=20


    Xishuangbanna, a tropical town =
    in China near the border with Myanmar
    and Laos, has seen a surge in prope=
    rty sales despite a nationwide
    downturn in the real estate market due to =
    livestreamers showing off
    the city's homes and the beauty of the landscap=
    e surrounding it.=20


    ech layoffs are at their highest since the 2001 dot-com crash and
    many jo=
    b hunters are being forced to settle for pay cuts.=20

    ED OF LIGHT (13 MINUTE READ) [19]=20

    Using theoretical speed of light m=
    odeling as grounding is really
    important for problems where the amount of=
    computation and memory
    access is known a priori as it helps validate the=
    quality of
    implementations and predict the impact of architectural chang=


    It's possible that many of the jobs that humans do today will
    ontinue to be done by humans indefinitely, no matter how much better
    AIs =
    are at those jobs, due to comparative advantage.=20

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    If you have any comments or feedbac=
    k, just respond to this email!=20

    Thanks for reading,=20
    Dan Ni [24] & S=
    tephen Flanders [25]=20

    If you don't want to receive future editions of =
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    <p>Protect your data, your time, and your sanity. Get Incogni today and nev=
    er look back.</p>

    <p><a href=3D"https://tracking.tldrnewsletter.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fget.incog= ni.io%2Faff_c%3Foffer_id=3D1151%26aff_id=3D16286/6/0100018e5125542d-0947b1c= 3-f451-451c-bb16-733ed4545d10-000000/OsXXO0pzjUudlqE-pwkp0V7J_lzvA25k2YqKu-= kvq4Y=3D344" rel=3D"noopener noreferrer nofollow" target=3D"_blank"><span>U=
    se code TLDR55 today for a 55% annual plan discount =E2=86=92</span></a>

    <tr bgcolor=3D""><td class=3D"container">

    <table align=3D"center" bgcolor=3D"" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspa= cing=3D"0" width=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td style=3D"padding: 0px;">

    <table align=3D"center" bgcolor=3D"" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspa= cing=3D"0" width=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td class=3D"container" style=3D"paddi= ng-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px;">
    <div class=3D"text-block">
    <div style=3D"text-align: center;"><span style=3D"font-size: 36px;">=F0=9F= =93=B1</span></div></div>

    <table align=3D"center" bgcolor=3D"" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspa= cing=3D"0" width=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td class=3D"container" style=3D"paddi= ng-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px;">
    <div class=3D"text-block">
    <div style=3D"text-align: center;">

    <h3><strong>Big Tech &amp; Startups</strong></h3>

    <table style=3D"table-layout: fixed; width: 100%;" width=3D"100%"><tbody><t= r><td style=3D"padding:0;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;margin:0=
    ;" valign=3D"top">

    <table align=3D"center" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" wi= dth=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td class=3D"container" style=3D"padding: 15px 15px=

    <div class=3D"text-block">
    <a href=3D"https://tracking.tldrnewsletter.= com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fx.ai%2Fblog%2Fgrok-os%3Futm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter/1/0= 100018e5125542d-0947b1c3-f451-451c-bb16-733ed4545d10-000000/vrtMmMsfl6bCZ3q= 8w54PYAQuUg4zAK3-x-TVdhNiFb8=3D344">
    <strong>Open Release of Grok-1 (1 m= inute read)</strong>

    <span style=3D"font-family: &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Helvetica, Arial, V= erdana, sans-serif;">
    xAI has released the weights and archit= ecture for Grok-1. Grok-1 is a Mixture-of-Experts model with 314 billion pa= rameters. The released model is a raw base model checkpoint from the Grok-1=
    pretraining phase, which means that it is not fine-tuned for any specific = application. It was trained from scratch by xAI using a custom training sta= ck.

    <table align=3D"center" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" wi= dth=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td class=3D"container" style=3D"padding: 15px 15px=

    <div class=3D"text-block">
    <a href=3D"https://tracking.tldrnewsletter.= com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.macrumors.com%2F2024%2F03%2F17%2Fairpods-4-producti= on-and-launch-timing%2F%3Futm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter/1/0100018e5125542d-09= 47b1c3-f451-451c-bb16-733ed4545d10-000000/T-hi3UccjFCL-_bZv1Cu74T_S-uxLMuNU= OKAPDQPaFo=3D344">
    <strong>Two New AirPods 4 Models Ex= pected to Launch in September or October (1 minute read)</strong>

    <span style=3D"font-family: &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Helvetica, Arial, V= erdana, sans-serif;">
    The fourth generation of AirPods is set=
    to begin production in May. They will likely be released in September or O= ctober. The upcoming AirPods are expected to feature a new design with bett=
    er fit, improved sound quality, and an updated charging case with a USB-C p= ort. The higher-end models will also feature active noise cancellation and =
    a speaker in the charging case for Find My location tracking. New AirPods P= ros are not expected to launch until next year at the earliest, but current=
    models may get a new hearing aid mode with iOS 18.

    <table align=3D"center" bgcolor=3D"" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspa= cing=3D"0" width=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td class=3D"container" style=3D"paddi= ng-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px;">
    <div class=3D"text-block">
    <div style=3D"text-align: center;"><span style=3D"font-size: 36px;">=F0=9F= =9A=80</span></div>

    <table align=3D"center" bgcolor=3D"" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspa= cing=3D"0" width=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td class=3D"container" style=3D"paddi= ng-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px;">
    <div class=3D"text-block">
    <div style=3D"text-align: center;">

    <h3><strong>Science &amp; Futuristic Technology</strong></h3>

    <table style=3D"table-layout: fixed; width: 100%;" width=3D"100%"><tbody><t= r><td style=3D"padding:0;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;margin:0=
    ;" valign=3D"top">

    <table align=3D"center" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" wi= dth=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td class=3D"container" style=3D"padding: 15px 15px=

    <div class=3D"text-block">
    <a href=3D"https://tracking.tldrnewsletter.= com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fspectrum.ieee.org%2Fvirtual-reality-head-set-8k%3Futm_s= ource=3Dtldrnewsletter/1/0100018e5125542d-0947b1c3-f451-451c-bb16-733ed4545= d10-000000/GgHGM8oL9P3Q2lrscQlIaaMrhpOilTyoD4GpFia2fcc=3D344">
    <strong>VR Headsets Are Approaching=
    the Eye=E2=80=99s Resolution Limits (5 minute read)</strong>

    <span style=3D"font-family: &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Helvetica, Arial, V= erdana, sans-serif;">
    Extremely high pixel density is key for=
    the next generation of augmented, mixed, and virtual reality headsets. Mor=
    e pixels means more life-like visuals and smaller, more compact displays. B= uilding displays at this scale leads to unique technical hurdles that the i= ndustry is still learning to leap. This article looks at technological deve= lopments in the space, the specific challenges the industry is trying to ov= ercome, and current solutions for these challenges.

    <table align=3D"center" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" wi= dth=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td class=3D"container" style=3D"padding: 15px 15px=

    <div class=3D"text-block">
    <a href=3D"https://tracking.tldrnewsletter.= com/CL0/https:%2F%2Farstechnica.com%2Fscience%2F2024%2F03%2Ftick-killing-pi= ll-shows-promising-results-in-human-trial%2F%3Futm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter/= 1/0100018e5125542d-0947b1c3-f451-451c-bb16-733ed4545d10-000000/tseQGMD9py83= rmv8GTiyYmyr9e2gZXHNwhlfo0FqYOU=3D344">
    <strong>Tick-killing pill shows pro= mising results in human trial (5 minute read)</strong>

    <span style=3D"font-family: &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Helvetica, Arial, V= erdana, sans-serif;">
    Tarsus Pharmaceuticals is developing a = pill that could provide protection against Lyme disease for several weeks a=
    t a time. An early-stage trial has shown that it can kill ticks on people f=
    or up to 30 days after 24 hours of ingestion. The drug only kills the ticks=
    , rather than the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. It may also protect ag= ainst other tick-borne diseases.

    <table align=3D"center" bgcolor=3D"" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspa= cing=3D"0" width=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td class=3D"container" style=3D"paddi= ng-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px;">
    <div class=3D"text-block">
    <div style=3D"text-align: center;"><span style=3D"font-size: 36px;">=F0=9F= =92=BB</span></div></div>

    <table align=3D"center" bgcolor=3D"" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspa= cing=3D"0" width=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td class=3D"container" style=3D"paddi= ng-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px;">
    <div class=3D"text-block">
    <div style=3D"text-align: center;">

    <h3><strong>Programming, Design &amp; Data Science</strong></h3>

    <table style=3D"table-layout: fixed; width: 100%;" width=3D"100%"><tbody><t= r><td style=3D"padding:0;border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;margin:0=
    ;" valign=3D"top">

    <table align=3D"center" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" wi= dth=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td class=3D"container" style=3D"padding: 15px 15px=

    <div class=3D"text-block">
    <a href=3D"https://tracking.tldrnewsletter.= com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.qawolf.com%3Futm_source=3Dtldr-tech%26utm_campaign= =3D20240318/1/0100018e5125542d-0947b1c3-f451-451c-bb16-733ed4545d10-000000/= ZObP-64QHcCUOAF7BbrEC4FjavBcjCf79hXOC6angJw=3D344">
    <strong>=F0=9F=98=98&nbsp;Kiss bugs=
    goodbye (Sponsor)</strong>

    <span style=3D"font-family: &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Helvetica, Arial, V= erdana, sans-serif;">
    Everyone wants higher test coverage, bu=
    t most struggle to achieve it. That=E2=80=99s where <a href=3D"https://trac= king.tldrnewsletter.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.qawolf.com%3Futm_source=3Dtldr-= tech%26utm_campaign=3D20240318/2/0100018e5125542d-0947b1c3-f451-451c-bb16-7= 33ed4545d10-000000/yKm8O1so1KDozRyzObtTSARrHK4cxOxvf_BWm7D4FyU=3D344" rel= =3D"noopener noreferrer nofollow" target=3D"_blank"><span>QA Wolf (4.8 on G= 2)</span></a> comes in.

    <li>Take testing off your plate.</li>
    <li>Get <a href=3D"https://tracking.tldrnewsletter.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.= qawolf.com%3Futm_source=3Dtldr-tech%26utm_campaign=3D20240318/3/0100018e512= 5542d-0947b1c3-f451-451c-bb16-733ed4545d10-000000/JSzJ6nAU13qq6YFCtBi0QVfXv= KUaxTSmfhUAatMOb4M=3D344" rel=3D"noopener noreferrer nofollow" target=3D"_b= lank"><span>80% coverage in just 4 months</span></a>.</li>
    <li>Stay there with 24-hour maintenance, on-demand test creation, unlimited=
    parallel runs (their infra), and zero flakes guaranteed.</li>

    <p><a href=3D"https://tracking.tldrnewsletter.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.qawol= f.com%2F%3Futm_source=3Dtldr-tech%26utm_campaign=3D20240318/1/0100018e51255= 42d-0947b1c3-f451-451c-bb16-733ed4545d10-000000/gZ1DcygSlwTLLTkVMgQQGnS_ghu= U0FN--Em22JS4Mdw=3D344" rel=3D"noopener noreferrer nofollow" target=3D"_bla= nk"><span>Discover the QA Wolf magic =E2=9C=A8</span></a>


    <table align=3D"center" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" wi= dth=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td class=3D"container" style=3D"padding: 15px 15px=

    <div class=3D"text-block">
    <a href=3D"https://tracking.tldrnewsletter.= com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fnews.ycombinator.com%2Fitem%3Fid=3D39735108%26utm_sourc= e=3Dtldrnewsletter/1/0100018e5125542d-0947b1c3-f451-451c-bb16-733ed4545d10-= 000000/c10lgiQxRtl8KXCDYJwwbWwgu3BGHypz3xqxym-Zu9I=3D344">
    <strong>Ask HN: If you've used GPT-= 4-Turbo and Claude Opus, which do you prefer? (Hacker News Thread)</strong>

    <span style=3D"font-family: &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Helvetica, Arial, V= erdana, sans-serif;">
    This Hacker News thread compares GPT-4-= Turbo, the default model in ChatGPT Plus, to Claude Opus, Anthropic's compe= ting model. Most developers seem to prefer Claude as it is apparently bette=
    r at coding and engineering work. Its writing style also seems to be prefer= red, but part of that is due to the recognizability of GPT-4-Turbo's style.=
    OpenAI's app functionalities, like its code interpreter and ability to sea= rch the internet, are still big reasons to continue using ChatGPT Plus.

    <table align=3D"center" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" wi= dth=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td class=3D"container" style=3D"padding: 15px 15px=

    <div class=3D"text-block">
    <a href=3D"https://tracking.tldrnewsletter.= com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fossc-db%2Fpg_hint_plan%3Futm_source=3Dtldr= newsletter/1/0100018e5125542d-0947b1c3-f451-451c-bb16-733ed4545d10-000000/0= TAvBvoXO0jJdf8L4jJgIWjZTN9XUoofNOjHRGQcIC4=3D344">
    <strong>pg_hint_plan (GitHub Repo)<= /strong>

    <span style=3D"font-family: &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Helvetica, Arial, V= erdana, sans-serif;">
    pg_hint_plan allows developers to tweak=
    PostgreSQL execution plans using hints in SQL comments. Planners estimate = the costs of each possible execution plan for a SQL statement then execute = the plan with the lowest cost. While PostgreSQL's planner does its best to = select the best execution plan using its cost-based optimizer, which uses d= ata statistics rather than static rules, it is far from perfect as it doesn=
    't count some data properties. pg_hint_plan has hints to control scan metho= ds, join methods, join order, behavior on join, row number correction, para= llel query configuration, and more.

    <table align=3D"center" bgcolor=3D"" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspa= cing=3D"0" width=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td class=3D"container" style=3D"paddi= ng-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px;">
    <div class=3D"text-block">
    <div style=3D"text-align: center;"><span style=3D"font-size: 36px;">=F0=9F= =8E=81</span></div></div>

    <table align=3D"center" bgcolor=3D"" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspa= cing=3D"0" width=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td class=3D"container" style=3D"paddi= ng-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px;">
    <div class=3D"text-block">
    <div style=3D"text-align: center;"><strong><h3>Miscellaneous</h3></strong><= /div>

    <table bgcolor=3D"" style=3D"table-layout: fixed; width: 100%;" width=3D"10= 0%"><tbody><tr><td style=3D"padding:0;border-collapse:collapse;border-spaci= ng:0;margin:0;" valign=3D"top">

    <table align=3D"center" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" wi= dth=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td class=3D"container" style=3D"padding: 15px 15px=

    <div class=3D"text-block">
    <a href=3D"https://tracking.tldrnewsletter.= com/CL0/https:%2F%2Farstechnica.com%2Fspace%2F2024%2F03%2Fthursdays-starshi= p-flight-provided-a-glimpse-into-a-future-of-abundant-access-to-space%2F%3F= utm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter/1/0100018e5125542d-0947b1c3-f451-451c-bb16-733e= d4545d10-000000/31FInbl9oTXAKYI9hWpSkzJfAdb6sTTyx9K1Ql6_DjA=3D344">
    <strong>After Thursday=E2=80=99s fl= ight, Starship is already the most revolutionary rocket ever built (6 minut=
    e read)</strong>

    <span style=3D"font-family: &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Helvetica, Arial, V= erdana, sans-serif;">
    SpaceX's cameras recorded unprecedented=
    views of atmospheric heating acting on Starship for a couple of minutes du= ring Starship's descent on its third test. These views were possible thanks=
    to Starlink terminals on the ship sending signals to satellites in low-Ear=
    th orbit, which were then sent back to Earth. The low-Earth orbit satellite=
    s were in space thanks to SpaceX's reusable Falcon 9 rocket, which conducte=
    d its first land-based landing days before Christmas in 2015. This article = looks at the achievements that made Starship possible and takes a peek at t=
    he future of the project. The video of Starship reentering the atmosphere i=
    s available in the article.

    <table align=3D"center" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" wi= dth=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td class=3D"container" style=3D"padding: 15px 15px=

    <div class=3D"text-block">
    <a href=3D"https://tracking.tldrnewsletter.= com/CL0/https:%2F%2Flongform.asmartbear.com%2Fperseverance%2F%3Futm_source= =3Dtldrnewsletter/1/0100018e5125542d-0947b1c3-f451-451c-bb16-733ed4545d10-0= 00000/46mszKzqUnLJI1zSjZJ2PSDw4OzpeHGh8cGm2ur9Fas=3D344">
    <strong>Stubborn Visionaries &amp; = Pigheaded Fools (6 minute read)</strong>

    <span style=3D"font-family: &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Helvetica, Arial, V= erdana, sans-serif;">
    Both success through perseverance and f= ailure through obstinance are convenient rationalizations. It is impossible=
    to know the future for anything. Understanding this frees you to make deci= sions more easily, with less second-guessing in the moment and less guilt a= fterwards. You can not know whether you're in a winning or losing scenario,=
    so the best you can do is to find out which one you are in as quickly as p= ossible. This article presents some guiding questions to help you figure ou=
    t which path you're on.

    <table align=3D"center" bgcolor=3D"" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspa= cing=3D"0" width=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td class=3D"container" style=3D"paddi= ng-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px;">
    <div class=3D"text-block">
    <div style=3D"text-align: center;"><span style=3D"font-size: 36px;">=E2=9A= =A1</span></div></div>

    <table align=3D"center" bgcolor=3D"" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspa= cing=3D"0" width=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td class=3D"container" style=3D"paddi= ng-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px;">
    <div class=3D"text-block">
    <div style=3D"text-align: center;">

    <h3><strong>Quick Links</strong></h3>

    <table align=3D"center" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" wi= dth=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td class=3D"container" style=3D"padding: 15px 15px=

    <div class=3D"text-block">
    <a href=3D"https://tracking.tldrnewsletter.= com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fhuyenchip.com%2F2024%2F03%2F14%2Fai-oss.html%3Futm_sour= ce=3Dtldrnewsletter/1/0100018e5125542d-0947b1c3-f451-451c-bb16-733ed4545d10= -000000/p3XEJXMAtHH0HQu4ktpATmC5Wg26uk9seAwC-3pxHpM=3D344">
    <strong>What I learned from looking=
    at 900 most popular open source AI tools (13 minute read)</strong>

    <span style=3D"font-family: &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Helvetica, Arial, V= erdana, sans-serif;">
    This review of open source AI repositor= ies aims to give readers a big-picture view of the seemingly overwhelming A=
    I ecosystem.

    <table align=3D"center" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" wi= dth=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td class=3D"container" style=3D"padding: 15px 15px=

    <div class=3D"text-block">
    <a href=3D"https://tracking.tldrnewsletter.= com/CL0/https:%2F%2Faplus.rs%2F2024%2Fhackintosh-almost-dead%2F%3Futm_sourc= e=3Dtldrnewsletter/1/0100018e5125542d-0947b1c3-f451-451c-bb16-733ed4545d10-= 000000/Ipit33pYOWH9facG1urP3IuBEAGFrEoixKihyqr_qvw=3D344">
    <strong>Hackintosh is (almost) dead=
    (6 minute read)</strong>

    <span style=3D"font-family: &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Helvetica, Arial, V= erdana, sans-serif;">
    Apple has completely removed all traces=
    of driver support for its oldest WiFi/BT cards in the latest macOS (Sonoma=

    <table align=3D"center" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" wi= dth=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td class=3D"container" style=3D"padding: 15px 15px=

    <div class=3D"text-block">
    <a href=3D"https://tracking.tldrnewsletter.= com/CL0/https:%2F%2Frestofworld.org%2F2024%2Fxishuangbanna-livestream-real-= estate-boom%2F%3Futm_source=3Dtldrnewsletter/1/0100018e5125542d-0947b1c3-f4= 51-451c-bb16-733ed4545d10-000000/zD6ifX0SkUcCO0ZtzTmAV_Aqxy5rMwYCwHVqSdqmmE= 0=3D344">
    <strong>The vacation town that live= stream shopping built (6 minute read)</strong>

    <span style=3D"font-family: &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Helvetica, Arial, V= erdana, sans-serif;">
    Xishuangbanna, a tropical town in China=
    near the border with Myanmar and Laos, has seen a surge in property sales = despite a nationwide downturn in the real estate market due to livestreamer=
    s showing off the city's homes and the beauty of the landscape surrounding = it.

    <table align=3D"center" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" wi= dth=3D"100%"><tbody><tr><td class=3D"container" style=3D"padding: 15px 15px=

    <div class=3D"text-block">
    <a href=3D"https://tracking.tldrnewsletter.= com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.cnbc.com%2F2024%2F03%2F15%2Flaid-off-techies-strugg= le-to-find-jobs-with-cuts-at-highest-since-2001.html%3Futm_source=3Dtldrnew= sletter/1/0100018e5125542d-0947b1c3-f451-451c-bb16-733ed4545d10-000000/psCm= A-mJ-ubR6noOvdadoWIFUlpBIu-AiunLO7mC3LM=3D344">
    <strong>Laid-off techies face 'sens=
    e of impending doom' with job cuts at highest since dot-com crash (14 minut=
    e read)</strong>

    <span style=3D"font-family: &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Helvetica, Arial, V= erdana, sans-serif;">
    Tech layoffs are at their highest since=
    the 2001 dot-com crash and many job hunters are being forced to settle for=
    pay cuts.

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    r how much better AIs are at those jobs, due to comparative advantage.

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