• Alexandria's Money

    From Aaron Thomas@1:123/525 to All on Wed Sep 11 22:16:26 2019
    Alexandria went to college, and now she has a big student loan debt! Who's to blame? Republicans! Don't worry for poor Alexandria! She's gonna fight
    gigantic bucktooth and nail until student loan debt is erased for all
    Americans & all illegal immigrants too. How dare the student loan servicer
    make her pay when she's such an important member of our federal government?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Alcoholiday / Est. 1995 / alco.bbs.io (1:123/525)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Aaron Thomas on Thu Sep 12 19:03:48 2019
    Hello Aaron,

    Alexandria went to college, and now she has a big student loan debt! Who's
    blame? Republicans! Don't worry for poor Alexandria! She's gonna fight >gigantic bucktooth and nail until student loan debt is erased for all >Americans & all illegal immigrants too. How dare the student loan servicer >make her pay when she's such an important member of our federal government?

    Tuition should be free. Works for students in Louisiana and Georgia.
    Bernie Sanders wants to go national with this. And so should we all.

    What to do for students are in debt up to their eyeballs?
    Forgive them their debt, thus allowing them to move on to build
    the lives they should have. That's what Elizabeth Warren has
    in mind.

    Government provides, business denies.

    Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!

    Everybody loves Santa Claus.


    Sleep With Someone New

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: - nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland - (2:221/360)
  • From Richard Falken@1:103/705 to Lee Lofaso on Thu Sep 12 11:08:44 2019
    Re: Alexandria's Money
    By: Lee Lofaso to aaron thomas on Thu Sep 12 2019 07:06 pm

    Tuition should be free. Works for students in Louisiana and Georgia.
    Bernie Sanders wants to go national with this. And so should we all.

    That sounds to me like a recipe for having lots of
    people with Engineering degrees serving pizzas and
    flipping burgers, at the expense of the tax payer.

    Tax paid tuition (I refuse to call it "free" because it
    is not) does not mean you will become what you study to
    become even if you are any good. There is this magic
    idea that making access to college easy will ensure
    that people fullfills their dreams. Fat chance. When
    everybody has a degree, degrees are worthless.

    TBH it is time for people to realize that the
    pussification process we call Degree is not the end-all
    be-all of either culture or professional success. If it
    becomes insanely expensive people should give it the
    middle finger and do something else with their lives.

    I have been through a State backed college and even
    been involved with the directive. The way they waste
    money in superfluous crap while at the same time
    providing non-professionalizing education is
    disheartening. I wish nobody to be forced topay for it
    with their taxes.
    --- SBBSecho 3.09-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:123/525 to Lee Lofaso on Fri Sep 13 18:52:18 2019
    Forgive them their debt, thus allowing them to move on to build

    But while they were in school, instructors worked for pay, the campuses had electricity which wasn't generated by wind turbines, security guards worked
    at the campuses, landscapers cut the grass. The dean - he did stuff too.

    Do you think all those people can forgive the work they did instead of
    getting paid? If so, well ok then!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Alcoholiday / Est. 1995 / alco.bbs.io (1:123/525)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Richard Falken on Sat Sep 14 20:17:56 2019
    Hello Richard,

    Tuition should be free. Works for students in Louisiana and Georgia. >>Bernie Sanders wants to go national with this. And so should we all.

    That sounds to me like a recipe for having lots of
    people with Engineering degrees serving pizzas and
    flipping burgers, at the expense of the tax payer.

    That is what we have now. What I want is something better.

    Tax paid tuition (I refuse to call it "free" because it
    is not) does not mean you will become what you study to
    become even if you are any good. There is this magic
    idea that making access to college easy will ensure
    that people fullfills their dreams. Fat chance. When
    everybody has a degree, degrees are worthless.

    Each colleges and university sets its own standards.
    And the good ones are accredited. The professors are paid.
    The students still have to pass the tests in order to graduate.
    So where's the problem?

    TBH it is time for people to realize that the
    pussification process we call Degree is not the end-all
    be-all of either culture or professional success. If it
    becomes insanely expensive people should give it the
    middle finger and do something else with their lives.

    Flipping burgers is no way to make a living. That is
    why people choose to go to college (or trade school).

    What we used to have, long ago, was only rich kids
    being able to go to school. Poor kids could not afford
    to do so, as their parents also had no money to pay
    the exorbitant cost of tuition. Remember, back in
    those days, almost all colleges were private.

    Today, even public colleges and universities are
    becoming unaffordable, as states continue to cut their
    budgets. And with the interest rates of student loans
    making it virtually impossible for people to repay,
    only the wealthy will be able to afford paying the cost
    for higher education.

    Which was fine for those who lived in the 19th century.

    I have been through a State backed college and even
    been involved with the directive. The way they waste
    money in superfluous crap while at the same time
    providing non-professionalizing education is
    disheartening. I wish nobody to be forced topay for it
    with their taxes.

    If you want to make money, you have to spend money.
    Preferably other people's money. That is the way to
    get ahead in life. The best way, for most folks, as
    most folks are not independently wealthy.


    Stop Workin', Start Jerkin'

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: - nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland - (2:221/360)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Aaron Thomas on Sat Sep 14 20:18:02 2019
    Hello Aaron,

    Forgive them their debt, thus allowing them to move on to build

    But while they were in school, instructors worked for pay, the campuses had
    electricity which wasn't generated by wind turbines, security guards worked at the campuses, landscapers cut the grass. The dean - he did stuff too.

    Those who work should be compensated for their labor.
    Those who work at public colleges and universities are
    compensated by the state. Those who work at private
    colleges and universities are compensated by those who
    pay tuition, and/or make donations to those schools.

    Why should those who provide loans so as to make exorbitant
    profits they do not deserve from those who are trying to
    learn the skills they need in order to become gainfully employed?

    Young people have a hard enough time finding a job, much less
    paying for a new car, a starter home, and other necessities.
    Why saddle them with debt that would take them thirty years to
    pay (assuming they can repay it at all)?

    Certainly that makes no sense.

    States such as Louisiana and Georgia have had free college
    tuition programs for decades. Neither state is going to give
    up what the people want. Any legislator who threatens to
    pull the plug is met with massive protests. It is just not
    going to happen. These programs will stay.

    Once government gives something away, it cannot take it back.

    Do you honesstly think the elderly will give up social security?
    Or medicare? Or SSI/medicaid, for those who never were able to qualify
    for social security/medicare?

    Face it. Everything ought to be free.

    It is only a matter of time until it is.

    Do you think all those people can forgive the work they did instead of >getting paid? If so, well ok then!

    Oh, I have never said or suggested that nobody get paid ... or laid.


    We Make Your Wet Dreams Come True

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: - nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland - (2:221/360)
  • From Al Miller@1:261/1036 to Lee Lofaso on Sun Sep 15 03:33:34 2019

    Once government gives something away, it cannot take it back.

    Do you honesstly think the elderly will give up social security?
    Or medicare? Or SSI/medicaid, for those who never were able to qualify
    for social security/medicare?

    No one gave Social Security to the average person - we pay into it our whole life. It�s only the sick
    and lazy that get it free, Id rather not have to pay into it and save the money myself. So if the
    government took that away I think there would be many unhappy people.

    Face it. Everything ought to be free.

    Even if everything could be free it should not be. If you take away the need for work people will not
    have something to strive and then they will get bored and their bodies and minds will dwindle.

    It is only a matter of time until it is.

    You mean until society collapses and in the remaining chaos its take what you want for free.
    --- SBBSecho 3.06-Win32
    * Origin: The Dragons Den - Forest Hill, Md (1:261/1036)
  • From Richard Falken@1:103/705 to Lee Lofaso on Mon Sep 16 07:46:42 2019
    Re: Alexandria's Money
    By: Lee Lofaso to aaron thomas on Sat Sep 14 2019 08:21 pm

    Why should those who provide loans so as to make exorbitant
    profits they do not deserve from those who are trying to
    learn the skills they need in order to become gainfully employed?

    Loan provider are actually working. They put people who
    needs money in touch with people who is willing to lend
    money. It is just that the whole process is not easily
    apparent. You put your money in a savings plan. The bank
    gives that money to somebody who asks for a loan. Do you
    see how it works?

    Young people have a hard enough time finding a job, much less
    paying for a new car, a starter home, and other necessities.
    Why saddle them with debt that would take them thirty years to
    pay (assuming they can repay it at all)?

    People does not saddle other people with debt. People
    get indebted on their own will. If you put the saddle on
    it is not the fault of the loan provider.

    If you don't feel like coping with the debt don't take
    it. There are lots of things other than college you can
    do with your life.

    Face it. Everything ought to be free.

    No such a thing can ever exist. I dare you to prove me
    wrong. Start by getting my second novel translated to
    English for free at proffessional quality (if you don't
    speak� Spanis hyou may learn from a free source or
    outsource the task to somebody who will do it for free)

    Everything ought to be free, so translations of books
    ought to be free. It is gonna take three months of work
    but you will do it for free because hakuna matata.

    Now you may say that you meant that everything ought to
    be provided by the government, which is entirely
    different than "everything ought to be free". Two
    reasons why such a thing will fail:

    1) If the government becomes the sole provider, it
    becomes a monopoly. A Monopoly on education is as bad
    as a Monopoly on electric power and Internet Services
    for the same reasons. You may counter by telling me
    that "the people" controls the government and thus is
    not likely to abuse its power over consumers. I will
    argue there is no sustainable evidence of that.

    2) For the government to be able to provide things
    for free, somebody must provide for the government.
    Since the government is giving stuff away asking
    nothing in return, then I have no reason to work for
    the government. Or worse yet, for anybody. The only
    thing the government can do is to take your stuff
    away and give it to you once again. You have an
    apple. The government takes your apple away, now it
    gives it back to you. You eat the apple. You ask
    for another apple. The government takes an apple from
    Jack and you eat it. You ask for another apple.
    There are no more apples because nobody has made them
    (why would they make apples if the government would take
    them away with no compensation?) You end up pimping
    your daughter in order to be able to buy apples
    at the black market.
    --- SBBSecho 3.09-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Richard Falken on Tue Sep 17 02:42:30 2019
    Hello Richard,

    Why should those who provide loans so as to make exorbitant
    profits they do not deserve from those who are trying to
    learn the skills they need in order to become gainfully employed?

    Loan provider are actually working. They put people who
    needs money in touch with people who is willing to lend
    money. It is just that the whole process is not easily
    apparent. You put your money in a savings plan. The bank
    gives that money to somebody who asks for a loan. Do you
    see how it works?

    All banking is scam. But that is another issue for another

    Usury should be banned. As well as other forms of lending.
    It is no different than price gouging, taking unfair advantage
    of others - just because they can.

    A hurricane is approaching. People need gas to fill up their
    cars in order to evacuate. Gas stations jack up their prices
    in order to maximize their profits. Convenience stores jack
    up their prices for water and other necessities in order to
    maximize their profits.

    They (the price gougers) should all be thrown in jail - with
    the key being thrown away.

    Young people have a hard enough time finding a job, much less
    paying for a new car, a starter home, and other necessities.
    Why saddle them with debt that would take them thirty years to
    pay (assuming they can repay it at all)?

    People does not saddle other people with debt. People
    get indebted on their own will. If you put the saddle on
    it is not the fault of the loan provider.

    Lenders saddle people with debt. So much debt it cannot be repaid.
    That is not the fault of those who borrowed the funds, but from
    those lenders who charged exorbitant rates of interest making those
    loans impossible to be repaid.

    If you don't feel like coping with the debt don't take
    it. There are lots of things other than college you can
    do with your life.

    Student loans used to have low interest rates. Today that is
    no longer true. People used to be able to afford to repay student
    loans withing a reasonable period of time. Today that is no longer
    true, and in some cases impossible. It is not the fault of those
    who took out student loans in order to get ahead in life, but those
    who sought to take advantage of others by charging exorbitant interest
    rates - just because they could.

    Face it. Everything ought to be free.

    No such a thing can ever exist. I dare you to prove me
    wrong. Start by getting my second novel translated to
    English for free at proffessional quality (if you don't
    speak? Spanis hyou may learn from a free source or
    outsource the task to somebody who will do it for free)

    SweePea always had his hand out for Popeye to get him a hamburger.
    Who gave Popeye the spinach he loved so much? Certainly not Olive
    Oyl, who was Bluto's girlfriend. No, much better for everything
    to be free. That way, nobody would have to beg anymore. Not
    even SweePea or Popeye.

    Everything ought to be free, so translations of books
    ought to be free. It is gonna take three months of work
    but you will do it for free because hakuna matata.

    Popeye was a Navy guy, and let his fists do the talking.
    A language everybody understood. Bluto was the sweet-talking
    guy, who loved to charm women (such as Olive Oyl).

    Now you may say that you meant that everything ought to
    be provided by the government, which is entirely
    different than "everything ought to be free". Two
    reasons why such a thing will fail:

    Believe, and thou shalt receive. Regardless of who thou
    receiveth it from.

    1) If the government becomes the sole provider, it
    becomes a monopoly. A Monopoly on education is as bad
    as a Monopoly on electric power and Internet Services
    for the same reasons. You may counter by telling me
    that "the people" controls the government and thus is
    not likely to abuse its power over consumers. I will
    argue there is no sustainable evidence of that.

    "We the people" passed and ratified a Constitution
    of limited government, not unlimited. That way, "we the
    people" get everything they truly deserve. Which is to
    say, everything they always wanted. At least, that was
    the idea. Back in the day.

    However, "we the people" has become much more people today.
    Not just white people. Not just men. Not just wealthy people.
    Not just rich people. One day, not just adults.

    2) For the government to be able to provide things
    for free, somebody must provide for the government.
    Since the government is giving stuff away asking
    nothing in return, then I have no reason to work for
    the government. Or worse yet, for anybody. The only
    thing the government can do is to take your stuff
    away and give it to you once again. You have an
    apple. The government takes your apple away, now it
    gives it back to you. You eat the apple. You ask
    for another apple. The government takes an apple from
    Jack and you eat it. You ask for another apple.
    There are no more apples because nobody has made them
    (why would they make apples if the government would take
    them away with no compensation?) You end up pimping
    your daughter in order to be able to buy apples
    at the black market.

    When we run out of things to give ourselves, we can
    always get those things from somebody else. Such as
    south of the border. And north of the border. And
    east of the border. And west of the border. It
    will be like Manifest Destiny all over again ...


    Make Sure Your Next Erection Is In Safe Hands

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: - nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland - (2:221/360)
  • From Marty Taylor@1:226/30 to Lee Lofaso on Mon Sep 16 22:41:56 2019
    Wasn't it Wimpy that never had money for a hamburger? =]

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Freeside BBS - freeside.bbs.io (1:226/30)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Marty Taylor on Wed Sep 18 03:23:54 2019
    Hello Marty,

    Wasn't it Wimpy that never had money for a hamburger? =]

    Uh, er, yeah, jeez I'm getting old ...


    We Put Big Loads In Tight Places

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: - nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland - (2:221/360)