I wonder what took Speaker Pelosi so long to finally
say the magic words?
I wonder what took Speaker Pelosi so long to finally
say the magic words?
I suspect that she has a touch of self respect, and didn't want to disgrace
herself with another witch-hunt, but she caved in to the pressure from
highly intelligent individuals like those of the squad.
She's an old lady and Alexandria is mentally unstable; it could have been a
dangerous situation for little ol Nancy.
Liberal magic tricks are for kids.
I wonder what took Speaker Pelosi so long to finallyShe is being pushed by the radical left, there is an abundant supply of
say the magic words?
Must have been the orange one's collusion with Ukraine,
rather than Russia, that tipped her off ...
I wonder what took Speaker Pelosi so long to finally
say the magic words?
She is being pushed by the radical left, there is an abundant supply of I
told ya so, to push back in a bidirectional fashion to quiet every liberal voice calling for this insanity.
Must have been the orange one's collusion with Ukraine,
rather than Russia, that tipped her off ...
There was no collusion. I'll prove it 100 %
Declassified by order of the President September 24, 2019
SUBJECT: Telephone Conversation with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine >PARTICIPANTS: President Zelenskyy of Ukraine
Notetakers: The White House Situation
Room DATE, TIME July 25, 2019, 9:03 -9:33 a.m. EDT AND PLACE: Residence
A memo. Doctored transcript, released by the White House, authorized
Impeachment is the step that is outlined in the US Constitution
as the remedy for this type of situation. As such, Speaker Pelosi
is doing the job she is authorized to do, and expected of her, by
the people of this great country.
Must have been the orange one's collusion with Ukraine,
A memo. Doctored transcript, released by the White House, authorized
Let's get into the juicy part of all this..
If Trump was snitching on Joe Biden's son, that makes him a snitch, which I
understand that liberals don't like snitches, because they are a threat to all things liberal. Understandable..
But is Trump's snitchy behavior more of a big deal to you than Biden's >corruption? Asking to have a prosecutor fired for investigating little >Hunter?
If you're gonna wipe down with Trump, you should wipe up with Biden.
Hello Everybody,
I wonder what took Speaker Pelosi so long to finally
say the magic words?
Must have been the orange one's collusion with Ukraine,
rather than Russia, that tipped her off ...
It's a smear. Trump is losing so badly he has no choice but to stoop
Trump is a threat to us all, undermining our democracy. Some would
Hunter Biden has been investigated by Ukraine, twice, and found
innocent. If Donald Trump wants to have another investigation, he
get others to do his dirty work. That is what Democrats are reminding Donald Trump of with their message of impeachment.
Impeachment is the step that is outlined in the US Constitution
as the remedy for this type of situation. As such, Speaker Pelosi
is doing the job she is authorized to do, and expected of her, by
the people of this great country.
Oh please, don't give me line, everybody knows she does give a dam about the
U.S. Constitution, she only cares about enriching herself w/ money, power, and boarding her base by offering things which she has no business offering like freebies illegals and other downtrodden.
Must have been the orange one's collusion with Ukraine,
It's no mystery why the left has a big deal over Trump and his call with the
new Ukrainian PM. It's a means to distract with Hunter Biden, now there is
a story that be proven and is on tape.
Hello Greg,
Impeachment is the step that is outlined in the US Constitution
as the remedy for this type of situation. As such, Speaker Pelosi >LL>is doing the job she is authorized to do, and expected of her, by >LL>the people of this great country.
Oh please, don't give me line, everybody knows she does give a dam about
U.S. Constitution, she only cares about enriching herself w/ money, powe and boarding her base by offering things which she has no business offer like freebies illegals and other downtrodden.
"We have to put country before party." ~Nancy Pelosi, 9/26/2019
Last I heard, Nancy Pelosi was freely elected Speaker by all members
of the House, not selected by members of her own party (or anybody from Russia).
Must have been the orange one's collusion with Ukraine,
It's no mystery why the left has a big deal over Trump and his call with
new Ukrainian PM. It's a means to distract with Hunter Biden, now there a story that be proven and is on tape.
It is *President* Volodymyr Zelensky, who was freely elected by his
own people, and not a puppet of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Unlike the current occupant of the White House, President Zelensky
remains highly popular in his own country.
As for another Ukrainian investigation of Hunter Biden, there
will be no investigation at all. After all, Ukraine has already exonerated him of having done any wrongdoing - twice.
Furthermore, Trump's envoy to Ukraine quit.Your assuming that just because he quit it is damming for Trump.
It's a smear. Trump is losing so badly he has no choice but LL>to stoop
Losing what? His fan base is growing stronger every day. He's very likable
and appreciated by most.
Trump is a threat to us all, undermining our democracy. Some would
The dems gave Trump the White House by nominating Hillary. Are they >dissatisfied with their pick now?
Hunter Biden has been investigated by Ukraine, twice, and found >LL>innocent. If Donald Trump wants to have another investigation, he
Trump & Hunter have something in common then. Withhuntees. What about that >Russia investigation? Shouldn't Trump collude with them some more instead of >trying to push Ukranian buttons? How's Adam Schiff doing with that whole >thing?
This is not Sicily, ruled by a godfather who sends out hitmen to
get others to do his dirty work. That is what Democrats are reminding >>Donald Trump of with their message of impeachment.
Wow - The level of paranoia and panic of the liberal left is amusing.
It�s funny how its ok for them to investigate a candidate and throw out
allegations that cant be proven (work with foreign companies on dirt) and continue down the narrative but dont like it when the
finger gets pointed back.
Crooked Joe is finished.
Time for the next contender to come up against Trump.
As for another Ukrainian investigation of Hunter Biden, there
will be no investigation at all. After all, Ukraine has already >LL>exonerated him of having done any wrongdoing - twice.
You might as well come out and say it. "There is nothing to see here"
Truth is... The investigation is already underway into Hunter Biden w/ the
Ukraine and for the matter China too.
Hunter is the "achilles heel" of the Democratic Party.
I would of liked to of pointed out that it will be Hunter that lost the keys
to The White House for his father,
but the real truth is that Joe Biden does not have a chance in hell in
beating Trump.
Furthermore, Trump's envoy to Ukraine quit.
Your assuming that just because he quit it is damming for Trump.
The complaint alleges that Volker went to Kiev in late July and met with >Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and other Ukrainian political figures >and "reportedly provided advice to the Ukrainian leadership about how to >'navigate' the demands that the President had made of Mr. Zelenskyy."
The whistleblower complaint focuses on a call Mr. Trump made to the
of Ukraine in July, during which he asked Zelensky to investigate former
President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, who sat on the board off
Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas company, despite lacking substantive
experience working in Ukraine or the energy sector. He received compensation >that was reportedly as high as $50,000 a month.
This $50,000 a month was not because Hunter intellectually smart in the
natural gas business (that was the carpet that was meant to cover) the real reasoning for this sum being paid each month, it was for Access to the
Obama Administration. This is what the investigation will discover.
As far as the impeachment proceedings it is nothing more then a smoke screen
to add layers of democratic protection to hide the truth from the American people of what really happened.
The Democrats are trying to provide the cover and the assurance through
these impeachment process as it will or so they think that
this will provide an additional level of complexity so that previous >administration will not be dragged through the mud and not to ruin Joe Biden
chances of becoming President. This dog and pony show will be canceled
before it even starts it's tour of lies.
When it is revealed of the what the Democrats were attempting to do, The
American people will put the final nail in the Democratic coffin for the
next next 12 years.
Not from the Ukrainian point of view, as they have no plans
to conduct a third investigation into the Biden affair, having
found nothing in the first two investigations showing he had
done anything wrong.
Hunter Biden is a lawyer.True and money is flowing into several bank accounts from foreign countries. (As the second video - demonstrates.
Hunter Biden is not running for president of anything.
Elizabeth Warren could upset the apple cart and win the Democratic
Mayor Pete could get a job promotion, becoming the first openly gay POTUS.
The seeds of corruption exist still within the country of Ukraine, so
The seeds of corruption exist still within the country of Ukraine, so
The Biden Scandal is proof of it.
What Biden scandal? Ukraine closed its two investigations into
the matter, having found no wrongdoing by either of the Bidens.
On 09-26-19 07:25, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Lee Lofaso about Re: Impeachment Inquiry <=-
There was no collusion. I'll prove it 100 %
Ukraine. Much more than the European Union, especially when we are
talking about sanctions against the Russian Federation. I would also
like to thank you for your great support in the area of defense. We
are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we
are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for
defense purposes.
The President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I
would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of
things that went on, the whole situation. I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the
Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with
a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever
you can do, it's very important that you do it, if that's possible.
President Zelenskyy: Yes it is very important for me and everything<<SNIP>>
you so we can cooperate even more. I will personally tell you that one
of my assistants spoke with Mr. Giuliani just recently and we are
hoping very much that Mr. Giuliani will be able to travel to Ukraine
and we will meet once he comes to Ukraine. I just wanted to assure you
want to let you know that. The other thing, there's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people
want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me.
There you have it citizens, word for word.
Like I said there is no collision.
On 09-29-19 09:14, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Lee Lofaso about Re: Impeachment Inquiry <=-
The seeds of corruption exist still within the country of
Ukraine, so course it
makes since there will be no investigation by such people, but I am
sure that there are those within Ukraine that will be more then
willing to cooperate with
a American investigation.
How and Why concerning Hunter Biden
still unsure?
watch this one
If after you watch the above video, you believe Hunter is innocent,
then your part of the problem.
On 09-26-19 07:25, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Lee Lofaso about Re: Impeachment Inquiry <=-
There was no collusion. I'll prove it 100 %
You keep saying that, and you seem to even believe it -- but then you
post something that proves you wrong.
On 09-29-19 09:14, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Lee Lofaso about Re: Impeachment Inquiry <=-
The seeds of corruption exist still within the country of
Ukraine, so course it
makes since there will be no investigation by such people, but I am sure that there are those within Ukraine that will be more then willing to cooperate with
a American investigation.
None of what you say there matters.
There was no collusion. I'll prove it 100 %
You keep saying that, and you seem to even believe it -- but then you
post something that proves you wrong.
This impeachment is unraveling & rotting faster then a high speed time lapse video of a banana left out on the counter for several days.
On 2019 Oct 04 18:41:24, you wrote to Dale Shipp:
There was no collusion. I'll prove it 100 %
You keep saying that, and you seem to even believe it -- but then yo
post something that proves you wrong.
This impeachment is unraveling & rotting faster then a high speed tim lapse video of a banana left out on the counter for several days.
you do realize that black bananas are at their ripest point, don't you? even when they start shriveling they are still viable for use... especially in bread or pancakes ;)
IT does not matter whether or not Hunter is innocent.
On 10-04-19 18:41, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Impeachment Inquiry <=-
This impeachment is unraveling & rotting faster then a high speed time lapse video of a banana left out on the counter for several days.
On 10-04-19 18:44, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Impeachment Inquiry <=-
None of what you say there matters.
Nope, you got it twisted yet again, time is an ally of truth, things
are already starting to fall apart and the lies of the democrats are coming into focus hour by hour, day by day. Soon they be completely exposed.
telling lies. And then he goes on live television and commits another felony by asking China to help with his campaign.
> What lies of the democrats? You are twisted. It is Trump who keeps
telling lies. And then he goes on live television and commits another felony by asking China to help with his campaign.
You are drawing conclusions - prove het asked them to �help his campaign�. Another view is that
as the chief law enforcement officer he is going after corruption from the Obama administration.
None of what you say there matters.
Nope, you got it twisted yet again, time is an ally of truth, things are already starting to fall apart and the lies of the democrats are coming into focus hour by hour, day by day. Soon they be completely exposed.
What lies of the democrats? You are twisted. It is Trump who keeps telling lies. And then he goes on live television and commits another felony by asking China to help with his campaign.
Are you sure that you do not live in Australia, with your head buried in the sand like an ostrich?
On 10-04-19 18:41, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Impeachment Inquiry <=-
This impeachment is unraveling & rotting faster then a high speed tim lapse video of a banana left out on the counter for several days.
I agree -- it is looking worse and worse for Trump each day. It also is begining to look like he might not be the only one implicated.
This impeachment is unraveling & rotting faster then a high speed time >GD>lapse video of a banana left out on the counter for several days.
I agree -- it is looking worse and worse for Trump each day. It also is >begining to look like he might not be the only one implicated.
On 10-05-19 08:55, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Mark Lewis about Re: Impeachment Inquiry <=-
Episode 1
try to prove his shady
makes statements that are
anda iling even with liberal buddies in the media slanting was making
was thatMy point has been made. For it was to show that efforts
of the left to show
the efforts on the left
On 10-06-19 13:15, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Impeachment Inquiry <=-
What lies of the democrats? You are twisted. It is Trump who keeps telling lies. And then he goes on live television and commits another felony by asking China to help with his campaign.
Why in your mind is it considered problematic or as you have suggested
a (felony) to investigate Hunter Biden to discover the crimes that may
be connected to the previous Vice President Biden who now is
running for President
of the United States of America? Hunter Biden traveled
there aboard Air Force 2
many times with his father Joe Biden.
Was Trump lying when...
he promised and delivered on the following...
Achieved massive deregulation at a rapid pace, completing 22
deregulatory actions to every one regulatory action during his first
year in office. Signed legislation to roll back costly and harmful provisions of Dodd-Frank, providing relief to credit unions, and
community and regional banks. Federal agencies achieved more than $8 billion in lifetime net regulatory cost savings. Rolled back Obamas burdensome Waters of the U.S. rule. Used the Congressional Review Act
to repeal regulations more times than in history.
Tax Cuts
Biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history by signing the Tax
Cuts and Jobs act into law Provided more than $5.5 trillion in gross
tax cuts, nearly 60 percent of which will go to families. Increased the
exemption for the death tax to help save Family Farms & Small Business.
family. Lowered Americas corporate tax rate from the highest in the developed world to allow American businesses to compete and win. Small
businesses can now deduct 20 percent of their business income. Cut
Cuts and Jobs Act. Ernst & Young found 89 percent of companies planned
to increase worker compensation thanks to the Trump tax cuts.
Domestic Infrastructure
Proposed infrastructure plan would utilize $200 billion in Federal
funds to spur at least $1.5 trillion in infrastructure investment
across the country. Executive order expediting environmental reviews
and approvals for high priority infrastructure projects. Federal
Health Care<<SNIP>>
insurance to their employees. Cut Obamacares burdensome individual
mandate penalty. Signed legislation repealing Obamacares Independent Payment Advisory Board, also known as the death panels. USDA invested
Law and Order
More U.S. Circuit Court judges confirmed in the first year in office
than ever. Confirmed more than two dozen U. S. Circuit Court judges. Followed through on the promise to nominate judges to the Supreme Court who will adhere to the Constitution Nominated and confirmed Justice
Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Signed an
Border Security and Immigration
Secured $1.6 billion for border wall construction in the March 2018 omnibus bill. Construction of a 14-mile section of border wall began
affiliated with MS-13 in 2017. Fighting to stop the scourge of illegal drugs at our border. ICE HSI seized more than 980,000 pounds of
narcotics in FY 2017, including 2,370 pounds of fentanyl and 6,967
pounds of heroin. ICE HSI dedicated nearly 630,000 investigative hours
Confronting Chinas unfair trade practices after years of Washington looking the other way. 25 percent tariff on $50 billion of goods
imported from China and later imposed an additional 10% tariff on $200 billion of Chinese goods. Conducted an investigation into Chinese
Partnership (TPP). Secured access to new markets for Americas farmers.
to china for the first time in more than a decade OKd up to $12
billion in aid for farmers affected by unfair trade retaliation.
Foreign Policy
Moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Withdrew from Iran deal
and immediately began the process of re-imposing sanctions that had
sides have met resulting in tremendous progress. North Korea has
halted nuclear and missile tests. Negotiated the return of the remains
entities tied to Syrias chemical weapons program. Directed strikes in April 2017 against a Syrian airfield used in a chemical weapons attack
Sanctioned 100 targets in response to Russias occupation of Crimea and aggression in Eastern Ukraine. Enhanced support for Ukraines Armed
Forces to help Ukraine better defend itself.
On 10-05-19 08:55, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Mark Lewis about Re: Impeachment Inquiry <=-
Episode 1
Do you have a point you want to make with respect to that video? Schiff listened, and asked for the FBI to follow up. What else would you
expect he might have done? If you listen to the voice, you might
realize that Chairman Schiff was being fairly hesitant and non
committal. You did listen to it didn't you?
expect he might have done? If you listen to the voice, you might realize that Chairman Schiff was being fairly hesitant and non committal. You did listen to it didn't you?
Yes. I did listen unfortunately to the entire Schiff parody.
Then I also listened to the video which the url represents..
The purpose and scope of video and the commentary that ran before and after the snip-it or sample of Adam Schiff clearly indicates that he was making it up at least to some extent, because there was never any quid pro quo at any point ever.
And, for the record -- I do not agree that all of the things you listed are good for the country, nor do I accept some of the "poll" results you might have pulled from a web site supporting Trump.
Perhaps 60% to families -- but only those making millions of dollars per year. That tax cut added greatly to the federal deficit and did not
help the middle and lower class income people very much.
Trump has done anything he can to eliminate any thing that might be associated with Obama -- no matter how much it hurts the people. He
tried to get passed legislation to eliminate much of the ACA. That
would have tossed millions of Americans off of their health coverage and eliminated the ability to obtain coverage in spite of pre existing conditions.
The only reason he got to nominate Neil Gorsuch was because McConnell
No new border wall construction has been started, despite his claims
that it would all be done and that Mexico would pay for it.
Where were those drug seizures made? I would bet that it was not done against anyone crossing the border at Rio Grande or other inbetween
places. I.e. building a wall would have been irrelevant to those
Confronting Chinas unfair trade practices after years of Washington looking the other way. 25 percent tariff on $50 billion of goods imported from China and later imposed an additional 10% tariff on $200 billion of Chinese goods. Conducted an investigation into Chinese
Who do you think pays for those tariffs? It is the American public.
(TPP). Secured access to new markets for Americas farmerYou mean after they were devestated as a result of the Chinese tariffs?
to china for the first time in more than a decade OKd up to $12billion in aid for farmers affected by unfair trade retaliation.
Plus, he withheld funds for
military support until Ukraine gave him a statement that they would investigate Hunter Biden.
On 10-08-19 00:08, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Impeachment Inquiry <=-
kept. Where you see have disagreement, and things that you have
described as not good
for the country is proof that liberalism is a mental disease.
The only reason he got to nominate Neil Gorsuch was because McConnell
The President gets to make this decision, who they want to appoint.
They still have to go through the confirmation process.
No new border wall construction has been started, despite his claims
that it would all be done and that Mexico would pay for it.
In a since they are paying for it, as they are in debt to the United States for a lot of money, when I say a lot I mean tens of millions of dollars.
Where were those drug seizures made? I would bet that it was not done against anyone crossing the border at Rio Grande or other inbetween places. I.e. building a wall would have been irrelevant to those seizures.
What is your basis for making such a statement. I know where you are
going w/ this; the wall did not have any effect here because your
calling it irrelevant which means that you don't believe that the wall aided w/ the drug seizures.
The wall stops people from freely crossing and it forces
them to choose another
point of entry.
(try this real life experiment) next time you put oil in your
car/truck don't use a funnel and then tell me again how walls don't
Who do you think pays for those tariffs? It is the American public.
It might cost more if you continue to buy these cheap Chinese cheesy merchandise, so buy American and support your countrymen in the
Plus, he withheld funds for
military support until Ukraine gave him a statement that they would investigate Hunter Biden.
No, Trump never did hold anything back as there never was any quid pro quo! I know that is what the left wing media is trying to sell, but
that only works with the weak minded.
On 10-08-19 00:08, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Impeachment Inquiry <=-
kept. Where you see have disagreement, and things that you have described as not good
for the country is proof that liberalism is a mental disease.
What is it that is said about debates? If you have no facts to respond, attack your adversary, even resorting to made up comments if necessary.
The only reason he got to nominate Neil Gorsuch was because McConnell
The President gets to make this decision, who they want to appoint.They still have to go through the confirmation process.
So, you are arguing that the President gets to fill a Supreme court vacancy. I agree. But McConnell did not and blocked Obama's nominee
from being considered. I do not find that at all fair.
No new border wall construction has been started, despite his claims that it would all be done and that Mexico would pay for it.
In a since they are paying for it, as they are in debt to the United States for a lot of money, when I say a lot I mean tens of millions o dollars.
Ten Million might cover the interest for one week on the 26 billion that Trump wanted to build his shiny new wall. He didn't get any of that,
and so he had to steal it from military appropiations.
Where were those drug seizures made? I would bet that it was not don against anyone crossing the border at Rio Grande or other inbetween places. I.e. building a wall would have been irrelevant to those seizures.
What is your basis for making such a statement. I know where you are
It has been covered quite well. The drugs coming into the USA from
Mexico are mostly coming in via various transportation means at ports of entry, i.e. semi-trailers, cars, airplanes. A smaller portion is coming into other areas via tunnels, boats and even a submarine or two. No significant amount is coming in across the unsecured borders such as the Rio Grande.
DS> GD> going w/ this; the wall did not have any effect here because your
calling it irrelevant which means that you don't believe that the wall aided w/ the drug seizures.
By George, I think you got it.
from coming into the USA.
The wall stops people from freely crossing and it forces
them to choose another
point of entry.
It would stop the people who are seeking asylum. It will not stop the drug dealers.
(try this real life experiment) next time you put oil in your car/truck don't use a funnel and then tell me again how walls don't work.
Who do you think pays for those tariffs? It is the American public.
It might cost more if you continue to buy these cheap Chinese cheesy merchandise, so buy American and support your countrymen in the process.
Who has makes the televisions that people buy? The computers and the components that go into them? The solar panels that will help make USA energy independent?
kept. Where you see have disagreement, and things that you have
described as not good for the country is proof that liberalism is a
mental disease.
What is it that is said about debates? If you have no facts to
respond, attack your adversary, even resorting to made up comments if
You want to know the angle where this comes from, I think you may
already know. but I will tell you anyway,
The hate on the left and within the Democratic party / media drives
this hate, my comments have been and will continue to be the countermeasure to that hated.
The President gets to make this decision, who they want to appoint.
They still have to go through the confirmation process.
So, you are arguing that the President gets to fill a Supreme court
vacancy. I agree. But McConnell did not and blocked Obama's nominee
from being considered. I do not find that at all fair.
Life is not fair, but for an explanation to what happened for Obama's nominee, you would need to look at who had the majority at that time.
No new border wall construction has been started, despite his
claims that it would all be done and that Mexico would pay for it.
In a since they are paying for it,
as they are in debt to the United States for a lot of money, when I
say a lot I mean tens of millions of dollars.
atTen Million might cover the interest for one week on the 26 billion
that Trump wanted to build his shiny new wall. He didn't get any of
that, and so he had to steal it from military appropiations.
POTUS is commander and chief, therefore he was not stealing from anyone,
least he does not print money to support his initiatives, like Obama did.
Where were those drug seizures made? I would bet that it was not
don't against anyone crossing the border at Rio Grande or other
inbetween places. I.e. building a wall would have been irrelevant
to those seizures.
What is your basis for making such a statement. I know where you are
It has been covered quite well. The drugs coming into the USA from
Mexico are mostly coming in via various transportation means at ports
of entry, i.e. semi-trailers, cars, airplanes. A smaller portion is
coming into other areas via tunnels, boats and even a submarine or
two. No significant amount is coming in across the unsecured borders
such as the Rio Grande.
Do you see what your doing here and what your suggesting, you are
blaming someone one else, the coast guard the immigration officials
who work at the border along the border and those who work at points
of entry.
Is the pope safer behind his wall? Is Nancy Pelosi saver behind hers,
not to mention the assassins who protect her with guns.
Walls work.
Who has makes the televisions that people buy? The computers and the
components that go into them? The solar panels that will help make
USA energy independent?
You seem to think we need these nations, who do you think developed
these things in the first place.
When you stop hating on America and change your attitude that it
sucks, then you might understand why I feel the way I do.
On 10-09-19 07:31, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Impeachment Inquiry <=-
Ten Million might cover the interest for one week on the 26 billion that Trump wanted to build his shiny new wall. He didn't get any of that,
and so he had to steal it from military appropiations.
POTUS is commander and chief, therefore he was not stealing from
anyone, at least he does not print money to support his initiatives,
like Obama did.
What is your basis for making such a statement. I know where you are
It has been covered quite well. The drugs coming into the USA from
Mexico are mostly coming in via various transportation means at ports of entry, i.e. semi-trailers, cars, airplanes. A smaller portion is coming into other areas via tunnels, boats and even a submarine or two. No significant amount is coming in across the unsecured borders such as the Rio Grande.
Do you see what your doing here and what your suggesting, you are
blaming someone one else, the coast guard the immigration officials who work at the border along the border and those who work at points of
WHOOSH! it went right over your head... dale was talking about you attacking the adversary instead of the idea and that you also use made
up comments if necessary...
if you do...The hate on the left and within the Democratic party / media drivesthis hate, my comments have been and will continue to be the countermeasure to that hated.
you think there's no hate on the right/conservative side? you're wrong
You seem to think we need these nations, who do you think developed these things in the first place.
On 10-09-19 07:31, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Impeachment Inquiry <=-
Ten Million might cover the interest for one week on the 26 billion t Trump wanted to build his shiny new wall. He didn't get any of that, and so he had to steal it from military appropiations.
POTUS is commander and chief, therefore he was not stealing from anyone, at least he does not print money to support his initiatives, like Obama did.
The money was appropriated by Congress for specific projects. He took that money to apply to help fund his wall.
What is your basis for making such a statement. I know where you are
It has been covered quite well. The drugs coming into the USA from Mexico are mostly coming in via various transportation means at ports entry, i.e. semi-trailers, cars, airplanes. A smaller portion is com into other areas via tunnels, boats and even a submarine or two. No significant amount is coming in across the unsecured borders such as Rio Grande.
Do you see what your doing here and what your suggesting, you are blaming someone one else, the coast guard the immigration officials w work at the border along the border and those who work at points of entry.
I blamed no one. I stated facts. You should try that sometime.
Mexico are mostly coming in via various transportation means at ports entry, i.e. semi-trailers, cars, airplanes. A smaller portion is com
into other areas via tunnels, boats and even a submarine or two. No significant amount is coming in across the unsecured borders such as
Rio Grande."
On 10-10-19 22:50, Gregory Deyss <=-" DS> It has been covered quite well. The drugs coming into the USA from
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Impeachment Inquiry <=-
I blamed no one. I stated facts. You should try that sometime.
Sure you are if your first statement is to be taken into account.
You stated
Mexico are mostly coming in via various transportation means at ports entry, i.e. semi-trailers, cars, airplanes. A smaller portion is com
into other areas via tunnels, boats and even a submarine or two. No significant amount is coming in across the unsecured borders such as
Rio Grande."
Nothing taken out of context, or changed, to fit my narrative. Your
own words used against you.
If what you say is to be believed the people who are checking the semi-trailers, cars, airplanes. You make it sound like like these
people are fools where as they do not know of the alleged tunnels and boats, and oh lets not forget the submarine or two, I did not make up
that last part, you did this on your own. Submarines... Indeed..
You're hate runs so deep as to where you fantasize about what could
occur and you sound completely foolish in the process.
The statements are based on the statistics of the
drugs that have been caught, including the submarine.
Drugs are getting through, and it
is reasonable to think that the ones that are getting through are coming in via paths similar to the drugs that have been caught.
On 10-14-19 19:48, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Impeachment Inquiry <=-
The statements are based on the statistics of the
drugs that have been caught, including the submarine.
So then if the drugs in question were caught, this would also seem to indicate that they were intercepted or stopped from entering the USA.
Drugs are getting through, and it
is reasonable to think that the ones that are getting through are coming in via paths similar to the drugs that have been caught.
Is it a reasonable thought or is it a assumption on your
part due to your Trump
hating political bias?
For the record I have nothing against you personally Dale, but you do
seem to stand with the fringe left, just as I am on conservative and a stand with Donald Trump who is the President of the United States.
reading that tell you so. If you think they are accurate as you hear
and or reading, then why do their attempts keep failing.
For the why explanation; The truth is discovered by real journalists
and these people who have peddled a false narrative are discovered
beyond any doubt. So why would you trust them in the future. This is
why I have suggested that liberalism in a mental disorder.
Who says that my sources of information are failing? Their reporting is done by responsible journalists, backed up my multiple verified sources
of information.
The lies of Trump are easily discovered by the real journalists,He is the instigator of false narrative, discovered beyond any doubt.
you trust Trump?
Who says that my sources of information are failing? Their reporting is done by responsible journalists, backed up my multiple verified sources
of information.
In addition to what I have already indicated regarding the ABC story
where as they have tried to twist and control the truth.
Here are a very few gleaned from many taken off of the reference below. Full descriptions of each item can be had by going to that web site,
along with many more examples.
Politifact is not where the truth lives.https://thefederalist.com/2016/12/16/running-data-politifact-shows-bias-conserv atives/
On 10-20-19 22:11, Mark Lewis <=-
spoke to Gregory Deyss about Re: Drugs <=-
Re: Re: Drugs
By: Gregory Deyss to Dale Shipp on Sun Oct 20 2019 13:19:31
https://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald- trump/statements/byruling/
Politifact is not where the truth lives. https://thefederalist.com/2016/12/16/running-data- politifact-shows-bias-conservatives/
it sure as hell doesn't live at the federalist...
On 10-20-19 22:11, Mark Lewis <=-
spoke to Gregory Deyss about Re: Drugs <=-
Re: Re: Drugs
By: Gregory Deyss to Dale Shipp on Sun Oct 20 2019 13:19:31
https://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald- trump/statements/byruling/
Politifact is not where the truth lives. https://thefederalist.com/2016/12/16/running-data- politifact-shows-bias-conservatives/
it sure as hell doesn't live at the federalist...
Or whitehouse.gov.
Who says that my sources of information are failing? Their reporting is >DS>done by responsible journalists, backed up my multiple verified sources >DS>of information.
In addition to what I have already indicated regarding the ABC story where
they have tried to twist and control the truth.
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