• Diane's Gaffe

    From Aaron Thomas@1:123/525 to All on Tue Jan 28 21:21:56 2020
    I learned a new word a few months ago thanks to Joe Biden: Gaffe! And it's hilarious to me.

    Now for some discussion about Diane Feinstein's gaffe: She says she "wants the people to decide" if Trump should be removed from office. Where's the beef? Well, as a US senator, she's the judge - are judges supposed to "let the
    people decide?"

    She doesn't really want the people to decide. She's been against the will of the American people at least since 2016 when she tried to undo Neil Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh. We voted for Trump, and therfore, we voted for Gorsuch & Kavanaugh too - because we stand for the same values as Trump (in most cases!)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Alcoholiday / Est. 1995 / alco.bbs.io (1:123/525)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Aaron Thomas on Thu Jan 30 01:00:02 2020
    Hello Aaron,

    I learned a new word a few months ago thanks to Joe Biden: Gaffe! And it's
    hilarious to me.

    When Joe makes a gaffe, it usually is. But that's Joe.
    Truly nice guy. Always poking fun at himself. Sometimes
    even on purpose.

    Now for some discussion about Diane Feinstein's gaffe: She says she "wants
    the people to decide" if Trump should be removed from office. Where's the beef? Well, as a US senator, she's the judge - are judges supposed to "let the people decide?"

    When Diane makes a gaffe, it never is. But that's Diane. Rather
    than blame herself, she always blames somebody else. In this case,
    the LA Times. You see, the LA Times miunderstood what she had said -

    "Nine months left to go, the people should judge. We are a republic,
    we are based on the will of the people - the people should judge.
    That was my view and it still is my view."
    ~ US Senator Diane Feinstein, 1/28/2020

    How could anybody have misunderstood what she had said?
    Here is more of what she had to say -

    "What changed my opinion as this went on ... impeachment isn't
    about one offense. It's really abbout the character and ability
    and physical and mental fitness of the individual to serve the
    people, not themselves."
    ~ US Senator Diane Feinstein, 1/28/2020

    And even then, just to make sure nobody could have misunderstood,
    she had one final comment to add -

    "We're not finished." ~US Senator Diane Feinstein, 1/28/2020

    A vote to acquit. Certainly a very real possibility.
    Based on what she had told the LA Times, in plain simple English.

    She doesn't really want the people to decide.

    There is nothing in her above comments that suggests otherwise.

    After coming under heavy criticism by members of her own party
    to come to her senses, she immediately took to Twitter -

    "The LA Times misunderstood what I said today. Before the trial,
    I said I'd keep an open mind. Now that both sides made their cases,
    it's clear the president's actions were wrong. He withheld vital
    foreign assistance for personal political gain. That can't be
    allowed to stand." ~US Senator Diane Feinstein, 1/28/2020

    California Proud!


    As Good As It Looks

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Aaron Thomas on Thu Jan 30 01:00:24 2020
    Hello Aaron,

    I learned a new word a few months ago thanks to Joe Biden: Gaffe! And it's >hilarious to me.

    Now for some discussion about Diane Feinstein's gaffe: She says she "wants
    the people to decide" if Trump should be removed from office. Where's the Wbeef? ell, as a US senator, she's the judge - are judges supposed to "let the
    people decide?"

    Trump violated his oath of office. He can no longer be trusted
    to keep the American people from harm, and must be removed from office.

    She doesn't really want the people to decide.

    The president was hired to do a job. He failed miserably. And now
    it is time to remove him from office. Before he does more harm.

    She's been against the will of the American people at least since 2016 when
    she tried to undo Neil Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh.

    She is not the Senate majority leader who prevented a USSC nominee
    from being considered to even have hearings for confirmation.
    She is not the self-admitted sexual predator who put an unconvicted
    rapist on the court.

    We voted for Trump,

    A minority voted for Trump, who got help from Russia.

    and therfore, we voted for Gorsuch & Kavanaugh too -

    American traitors, taking orders from Moscow. Interesting.

    because we stand for the same values as Trump (in most cases!)

    "We the people" voted for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump -
    by almost three million votes.


    Big Or Small We Lay Them All

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:123/525 to Lee Lofaso on Wed Jan 29 20:59:44 2020
    Trump violated his oath of office. He can no longer be trusted
    to keep the American people from harm, and must be removed from office.

    And as a result, now house members are violating their oath of office by ignoring the requests of their constituents in an effort to advance *their* policy interests.

    The president was hired to do a job. He failed miserably. And now
    it is time to remove him from office. Before he does more harm.

    Some US presidents help foreign countries more than they help their own;
    that's not the case with Trump. People are angry about what he allegedly did
    to Ukraine, but nobody (in America) is angry about what he's done stateside
    or in Syria.

    She is not the Senate majority leader who prevented a USSC nominee

    That's her (Diane's) own fault. If she wants Democrats calling the shots in
    the Senate, then she needs to push her candidates to campaign harder.

    She is not the self-admitted sexual predator who put an unconvicted
    rapist on the court.

    If Brett Kavanaugh is an "unconvicted rapist," then women who do late-term abortions (and doctors who perform them) are "unconvicted murderers."

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Alcoholiday / Est. 1995 / alco.bbs.io (1:123/525)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Aaron Thomas on Thu Jan 30 19:05:24 2020
    Hello Aaron,

    Trump violated his oath of office. He can no longer be trusted
    to keep the American people from harm, and must be removed from

    And as a result, now house members are violating their oath of office by
    ignoring the requests of their constituents in an effort to advance *their* policy interests.

    Serving the interests of a president is not what any politician
    should do. It is the interests of the constituents that is of utmost importance. To serve "we the people" rather than one specific person.

    Alan Dershowitz: "If a president does something which he believes
    will help him get elected in the public interest, that cannot be the
    kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment."

    Translated into everyday language -

    "If a president cheats to get elected, that's okay."

    IOW, everything is about getting re-elected instead of serving
    constituents and the nation.

    The first three words of the US Constitution are "We the people" -
    without mention of any others. That is what the Framers of the
    Constitution wrote, in their own words. They did not write "I the
    President" or "We the Members of Congress". Their reference was
    very clear and to the point. "We the people" rule. Those whom
    we elect are to serve us. Not the other way around.

    The president was hired to do a job. He failed miserably. And now
    it is time to remove him from office. Before he does more harm.

    Some US presidents help foreign countries more than they help their own;

    All US presidents have helped other countries. But an isolationist
    approach has been shown to have been detrimental to US interests.

    that's not the case with Trump.

    How did that trade war he started with China go? How did those
    tariffs he enacted on other countries go in helping the US economy?
    This "America first" policy of Trump has many flaws, as Democrats
    will be pointing out this election year.

    People are angry about what he allegedly did to Ukraine, but nobody (in
    America) is angry about what he's done stateside or in Syria.

    Ukrainians are plenty angry at Trump, and for good reason.
    Their very survival is at stake, both as a country as well
    as staying alive as individuals. Kurds are also plenty
    angry at Trump, both in Syria as well as everyplace else.
    Those who are still alive, that is.

    She is not the Senate majority leader who prevented a USSC nominee

    That's her (Diane's) own fault.

    Not at all. The LA Times misunderstood what she said.

    If she wants Democrats calling the shots in the Senate, then she needs to
    push her candidates to campaign harder.

    Oh, Joe Biden will carry California by at least a two-to-one
    margin over Donald Trump. Maybe even three-to-one. And with
    almost 40 million [legal] people in California alone, that is
    a lot of votes.

    She is not the self-admitted sexual predator who put an unconvicted >LL>rapist on the court.

    If Brett Kavanaugh is an "unconvicted rapist," then women who do late-term
    abortions (and doctors who perform them) are "unconvicted murderers."

    Speaker Pelosi is a practicing Catholic, and a mother. Very
    much pro-life, in every respect. She has publicly stated her
    own views about religion, and why she is Catholic.

    Not sure what religion Trump is, as he keeps changing from
    one version to another. Kind of like a chameleon who never
    knows what color he will be from one day to the next.


    Our Nuts, Your Mouth

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Ron Lauzon@1:275/89 to Lee Lofaso on Thu Jan 30 19:45:00 2020
    Lee Lofaso wrote to aaron thomas <=-

    "We the people" voted for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump -
    by almost three million votes.

    That's not how the President is elected - for good reasons. You might want to read up on that.
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Win32
    * Origin: Diamond Mine Online BBS bbs.dmine.net:24 (1:275/89)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Ron Lauzon on Fri Jan 31 14:10:06 2020
    Hello Ron,

    "We the people" voted for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump -
    by almost three million votes.

    That's not how the President is elected - for good reasons. You might want
    to read up on that.

    I did. The Mueller Report says it all. The Russians meddled
    in our elections, and installed Donald J. Trump as Putin's puppet.


    We Make Your Wet Dreams Come True

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Gregory Deyss@1:267/150 to Lee Lofaso on Sat Feb 1 10:05:26 2020
    On 31 Jan 2020, Lee Lofaso said the following...

    The Mueller Report says it all. The Russians meddled
    in our elections, and installed Donald J. Trump as Putin's puppet.

    The Mueller Report also showed no crimes committed by ANY American.

    . ______ ���������Ŀ ��������Ŀ �������Ŀ �����������������Ŀ
    _[]_���ij� � Fidonet � �FSX Net� � Trump � � Another Message �
    { NET 267 � �1:267/150� �21:1/127� � Train � � by Gregory �
    / 00����00'-����00���00�٨���00��00�٨���00�00�٨����00��������00����

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From Ron Lauzon@1:275/89 to Lee Lofaso on Sat Feb 1 13:36:00 2020
    Lee Lofaso wrote to Ron Lauzon <=-

    I did. The Mueller Report says it all. The Russians meddled
    in our elections, and installed Donald J. Trump as Putin's puppet.

    *Laugh* The Mueller report said NOTHING of the sort.

    What did come out of the Mueller Report was that:
    1. The Russians did meddle in our elections.
    2. That they worked AGAINST Trump.
    3. That they worked WITH the Dems.

    I guess that is a great example of Scott Adams' "Two people watch the same movie, but see something completely different."

    But some people just see things.

    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    * Origin: Diamond Mine Online BBS bbs.dmine.net:24 (1:275/89)
  • From Dale Shipp@1:261/1466 to Gregory Deyss on Sun Feb 2 00:20:02 2020
    On 02-01-20 10:00, Gregory Deyss <=-
    spoke to Lee Lofaso about Re: Diane's Gaffe <=-

    The Mueller Report says it all. The Russians meddled
    in our elections, and installed Donald J. Trump as Putin's puppet.

    The Mueller Report also showed no crimes committed by ANY American.

    Not at all true. It showed a number of crimes of obstruction of justice
    by Trump, but policy forbade Mueller from prosecuting a sitting
    President. The Mueller investigation also uncovered a number of other
    crimes of members of Trumps campaign and those have resulted in

    Dale Shipp
    fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

    ... Shipwrecked on Hesperus in Columbia, Maryland. 00:23:31, 02 Feb 2019
    ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30

    --- Maximus/NT 3.01
    * Origin: Owl's Anchor (1:261/1466)
  • From Dale Shipp@1:261/1466 to Ron Lauzon on Sun Feb 2 00:25:06 2020
    On 02-01-20 13:31, Ron Lauzon <=-
    spoke to Lee Lofaso about Re: Diane's Gaffe <=-

    I did. The Mueller Report says it all. The Russians meddled
    in our elections, and installed Donald J. Trump as Putin's puppet.

    *Laugh* The Mueller report said NOTHING of the sort.

    Actually, that is what it said. The Russians interferred in our
    elections with the aim of helping Trump.

    What did come out of the Mueller Report was that:
    1. The Russians did meddle in our elections.
    2. That they worked AGAINST Trump.
    3. That they worked WITH the Dems.

    Who fed you that bit of fake news?

    Dale Shipp
    fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

    ... Shipwrecked on Hesperus in Columbia, Maryland. 00:27:13, 02 Feb 2019
    ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30

    --- Maximus/NT 3.01
    * Origin: Owl's Anchor (1:261/1466)
  • From Gregory Deyss@1:267/150 to Dale Shipp on Sun Feb 2 08:16:46 2020
    On 02 Feb 2020, Dale Shipp said the following...

    On 02-01-20 10:00, Gregory Deyss <=-
    spoke to Lee Lofaso about Re: Diane's Gaffe <=-

    The Mueller Report says it all. The Russians meddled
    in our elections, and installed Donald J. Trump as Putin's puppet.

    No also, Putin wouldn't put sanctions on his own country. Trump did. Not to the level of Iran. Don't misunderstand me, I am not complaining about sanctions on Iran.

    The Mueller Report also showed no crimes committed by ANY American.

    Not at all true. It showed a number of crimes of obstruction of justice by Trump, but policy forbade Mueller from prosecuting a sitting
    President. The Mueller investigation also uncovered a number of other crimes of members of Trumps campaign and those have resulted in conviction.

    I stand with my original statement.
    Taken from New York Post Friday, April 19,2019
    Page 8
    -On Collusion
    "While the investigation identified numerous links between individuals with ties to the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump Campaign, the evidence was not sufficient to support criminal charges."
    - Robert Mueller

    This is and will continue to be a problem with the left.
    When Obstruction and Collusion or even the upcoming acquittal the WILL occur
    on Wednesday, the 5th of February.
    The results are never accepted, the left continues to regurgitate over and
    over again, being sore about how they lost.
    The democratic politicians don't realize, or perhaps they are blinded by hate to where they do not care who is watching them. It is the American people,
    who are watching these democratic politicians acting like children, when they don't get their own way. When a end of outcome is known (RESULT) and has been long in coming, then move on!

    . ______ ���������Ŀ ��������Ŀ �������Ŀ �����������������Ŀ
    _[]_���ij� � Fidonet � �FSX Net� � Trump � � Another Message �
    { NET 267 � �1:267/150� �21:1/127� � Train � � by Gregory �
    / 00����00'-����00���00�٨���00��00�٨���00�00�٨����00��������00����

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From Ron Lauzon@1:275/89 to Dale Shipp on Mon Feb 3 18:22:00 2020
    Dale Shipp wrote to Ron Lauzon <=-

    1. The Russians did meddle in our elections.
    2. That they worked AGAINST Trump.
    3. That they worked WITH the Dems.

    Who fed you that bit of fake news?

    Let's see... Pretty much every news source not controlled by the Left-wing propaganda machine.

    Case in point: The Dossier that started the Mueller probe was created by the Russians, and paid for by the Dems.

    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    * Origin: Diamond Mine Online BBS bbs.dmine.net:24 (1:275/89)
  • From Dale Shipp@1:261/1466 to Ron Lauzon on Tue Feb 4 02:34:00 2020
    On 02-03-20 18:17, Ron Lauzon <=-
    spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Diane's Gaffe <=-

    Dale Shipp wrote to Ron Lauzon <=-

    1. The Russians did meddle in our elections.
    2. That they worked AGAINST Trump.
    3. That they worked WITH the Dems.

    Who fed you that bit of fake news?

    Let's see... Pretty much every news source not controlled by the Left-wing propaganda machine.

    I guess you mean the entertainment channel that provides alternate

    Case in point: The Dossier that started the Mueller probe was created
    by the Russians, and paid for by the Dems.

    You have got that so wrong it is not funny. I presume you mean the
    Steele dossier that Republicans hired Steele to put together, but then
    dropped him once Trump became the nominee. Only then did the Democrats
    take it up. It was in no way created by the Russians, although Steele
    had some sources in Russia. It is not what started the investigation
    that led to the Mueller probe.

    Dale Shipp
    fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

    ... Shipwrecked on Hesperus in Columbia, Maryland. 01:37:23, 04 Feb 2019
    ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30

    --- Maximus/NT 3.01
    * Origin: Owl's Anchor (1:261/1466)
  • From Mark Lewis@1:3634/12 to Ron Lauzon on Tue Feb 4 08:04:38 2020
    Re: Re: Diane's Gaffe
    By: Ron Lauzon to Dale Shipp on Mon Feb 03 2020 18:17:00

    Case in point: The Dossier that started the Mueller probe was
    created by the Russians, and paid for by the Dems.

    the Steele Dossier? it was written for fusion gps by chris steele... not a russian or russians... fusion also paid for it... steele is a former head of the russia desk for MI6... he is british, not russian... get your facts straight, sir...

    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: SouthEast Star Mail HUB - SESTAR (1:3634/12)