• Re: Mr T

    From Dale Shipp@1:261/1466 to August Abolins on Sun Feb 9 01:21:00 2020
    * Reply to msg originally in Fidogazette

    On 02-08-20 22:25, August Abolins <=-
    spoke to Janis Kracht about Mr T <=-

    ..I could be wrong, but I believe that Mr. Trump
    is a vindictive individual.



    having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge.

    What "revenge" has he commited?

    I would say that he has very good reason to be angry, but to label him vindictive would not be the right word. ;)

    It is precisely the right word. What else would you call him from
    removing two people from their official duties because they responded to
    a lawful supenoa from Congress and testifying the truth. He not only
    removed them, he essentially perp walked one of them out of the
    Whitehouse, along with his brother who had done nothing at all except
    share the same last name.

    Not only that he resorts to making up derogatory names for anyone who
    has the backbone to not agree with him.

    Dale Shipp
    fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

    ... Shipwrecked on Hesperus in Columbia, Maryland. 01:20:44, 09 Feb 2019
    ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30

    --- Maximus/NT 3.01
    * Origin: Owl's Anchor (1:261/1466)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Dale Shipp on Sun Feb 9 20:30:20 2020
    Hello Dale,

    ..I could be wrong, but I believe that Mr. Trump
    is a vindictive individual.



    having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge.

    What "revenge" has he commited?

    I would say that he has very good reason to be angry, but to label him >AA>vindictive would not be the right word. ;)

    It is precisely the right word. What else would you call him from
    removing two people from their official duties because they responded to
    a lawful supenoa from Congress and testifying the truth.

    Vindictive narcissist.


    While this article is not about any specific person, such
    as Donald J. Trump, it does describe vindictive narcissist
    disorder and how to deal with such people.

    He not only removed them, he essentially perp walked one of them out of the
    Whitehouse, along with his brother who had done nothing at all except share the same last name.

    Once a vindictive narcissist has chosen a target, it is bombs away!
    The narcissist cannot help being himself, and keeps doing what he
    has always done best! "You're fired!" being his two favorite words!

    Not only that he resorts to making up derogatory names for anyone who has
    the backbone to not agree with him.

    You have not made yourself a big enough target. Gotta step up
    to the plate, like Madonna, and ...


    Every Bottom Needs A Top

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/360 to Dale Shipp on Sun Feb 9 20:47:40 2020
    On 08/02/2020 6:21 p.m., Dale Shipp : August Abolins wrote:

    I would say that he has very good reason to be angry, but to
    label him vindictive would not be the right word.

    It is precisely the right word. What else would you call him from
    removing two people from their official duties because they
    responded to a lawful supenoa from Congress and testifying the

    Oh, that! ;)

    I'd say that he is just exercising his prerogative.

    Anyone in his position would get rid of people that don't see eye to
    eye. By testifying (whether true or not), those people cut their own
    throats ahead of time. If they had any integrity, they should have
    resigned a long time ago. But the jobs are probably very cushy and the
    money is probably very good.

    He not only removed them, he essentially perp walked one
    of them out of the Whitehouse, along with his brother who had
    done nothing at all except share the same last name.

    We'll never know the "full" story. We only get the version that the
    media wants to feed the public.

    Not only that he resorts to making up derogatory names for anyone
    who has the backbone to not agree with him.

    They are *all* grade school. ;) Off camera, they probably all resort
    to name-calling. Mr T *does* seem to lack suave. But he is not a
    politician. He does *not* have the typical social/diplomatic grooming
    of a politician.

    Quoted with Reformator/Quoter. Info = https://tinyurl.com/sxnhuxc

    --- TB68.4.1/Win7 (the abbr. string!)
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Dale Shipp@1:261/1466 to August Abolins on Mon Feb 10 01:46:00 2020
    On 02-09-20 20:49, August Abolins <=-
    spoke to Dale Shipp about Mr T <=-

    I'd say that he is just exercising his prerogative.

    Anyone in his position would get rid of people that don't see eye to
    eye. By testifying (whether true or not), those people cut their own throats ahead of time.

    By your reasoning, they should have defied the lawful subpoena and
    refused to testify. Sorry, but the law applies to them the same as
    anyone else.

    If they had any integrity, they should have
    resigned a long time ago. But the jobs are probably very cushy and the money is probably very good.

    The job is not cushy, and the pay for LTC Vindman is the same whether he
    is serving his country on the National Security Counsel or in Iraq or at
    the War College.

    He not only removed them, he essentially perp walked one
    of them out of the Whitehouse, along with his brother who had
    done nothing at all except share the same last name.

    We'll never know the "full" story. We only get the version that the
    media wants to feed the public.

    What other story would you want to spin?

    Not only that he resorts to making up derogatory names for anyone
    who has the backbone to not agree with him.

    They are *all* grade school. ;) Off camera, they probably all resort
    to name-calling. Mr T *does* seem to lack suave. But he is not a politician. He does *not* have the typical social/diplomatic grooming
    of a politician.

    What you should have said is that he does not have the typical human
    decency that most Americans have. In his mind, anyone who dares to
    disagree with him is scum of the earth, and in fact he denies ever
    really knowing them as he trashes them vindictively for their betrayal.
    It is not betrayal to tell the truth, especially under oath.

    Dale Shipp
    fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

    ... Shipwrecked on Hesperus in Columbia, Maryland. 00:53:12, 10 Feb 2019
    ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30

    --- Maximus/NT 3.01
    * Origin: Owl's Anchor (1:261/1466)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:123/525 to Dale Shipp on Mon Feb 10 09:55:06 2020
    Not only that he resorts to making up derogatory names for anyone who
    has the backbone to not agree with him.

    Thanks for helping us to understand the psychology of Democrats; they have to act rebellious when dealing with Trump, at all costs, in order to make themselves appear to have backbone.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Alcoholiday / Est. 1995 / alco.bbs.io (1:123/525)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to August Abolins on Mon Feb 10 23:56:22 2020
    Hello August,

    I would say that he has very good reason to be angry, but to
    label him vindictive would not be the right word.

    It is precisely the right word. What else would you call him from >DS>removing two people from their official duties because they
    responded to a lawful supenoa from Congress and testifying the

    Oh, that! ;)

    I'd say that he is just exercising his prerogative.

    Prerogative? To fire anyone he wants, even without due
    cause or reason? People who have been compelled to testify
    due to having been subpoenaed would be violating the law by
    refusing to testify. Lying to Congress while under oath is
    also violating the law. None of those who were subpoenaed
    and testified violated the law. So why were they fired?

    Anyone in his position would get rid of people that don't see eye to
    eye. By testifying (whether true or not), those people cut their own
    throats ahead of time. If they had any integrity, they should have
    resigned a long time ago. But the jobs are probably very cushy and the
    money is probably very good.

    Vindman's brother was not subpoenaed. He was never compelled
    to testify. And never volunteered to testify. He just did his
    job, never testifying at all. Why was he fired?

    He not only removed them, he essentially perp walked one
    of them out of the Whitehouse, along with his brother who had
    done nothing at all except share the same last name.

    We'll never know the "full" story.

    We know the president is a pathological liar.
    We know he has blocked the testimony of several
    people in his administration who were involved
    in the Ukraine scandal from testifying. We know
    the president and his men are involved in a cover
    up, keeping the facts from being brought to light.
    We know the president is a crook, along with many
    others in his administration.

    How many lies does a president have to tell before
    he/she is removed from office? Apparently this president
    can do whatever he wants, including shooting someone in
    cold blood on 5th Avenue, and get away with it.

    We only get the version that the media wants to feed the public.

    We get the version that Trump wants to feed the public.

    Not only that he resorts to making up derogatory names for anyone
    who has the backbone to not agree with him.

    They are *all* grade school. ;) Off camera, they probably all resort
    to name-calling. Mr T *does* seem to lack suave. But he is not a >politician. He does *not* have the typical social/diplomatic grooming
    of a politician.

    The Orange One *is* a politician, having engaged in one election.
    With help from Russia. Which makes him an illegitimate president.


    Our Nuts, Your Mouth

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Tim Richardson@1:123/140 to August Abolins on Sat Feb 22 18:17:00 2020
    On 02-09-20, DALE SHIPP said to AUGUST ABOLINS:

    * Reply to msg originally in Fidogazette

    On 02-08-20 22:25, August Abolins <=-
    spoke to Janis Kracht about Mr T <=-

    ..I could be wrong, but I believe that Mr. Trump
    is a vindictive individual.

    Firstly.....Janet Kracht is a republican hater from years back, and went off the rails when her idol Hillary was defeated in 2016.

    (BTW....since this was cross-posted from Kracht's echo, it clears the way for `people' to post on this subject in *her* echo! ....can I contain myself!)



    having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge.

    What "revenge" has he commited?

    I would say that he has very good reason to be angry, but to label him vindictive would not be the right word. ;)

    Trump is in the process of digging out and removing the individuals of the `deep state'.

    That is....those `unelected' individuals who think `they' know better than the president.

    It is precisely the right word. What else would you call him from DS>removing two people from their official duties because they responded to DS>a lawful supenoa from Congress and testifying the truth.

    The fact is the one in uniform went into a snit because Trump didn't follow what they considered `the right talking points.

    What the second brother had to do with it I don't know. But he was probably in league with the whole ting.

    They were removed because they revealed themselves to be part of the attempted `coup' against the duly elected president!

    And make no mistake....this was an attempted `coup'! True it wasn't along the lines of a political `coup' in a place like, say...Romania....or Russia...
    but it was an attempted `coup' none the less.

    DS<He not only
    removed them, he essentially perp walked one of them out of the DS>Whitehouse, along with his brother who had done nothing at all except DS>share the same last name.

    A little insight here.....

    I remember an attack one night in Vietnam where our Battalion Commander came out to the parimeter gun tower (his command post in such times).

    After things died down we spent a couple of hours pre-dawn just conversing
    with him.

    And I can tell you the asshole Trump had perp-walked out of the White House couldn't be a pimple on a Lt. Colonel's ass!

    Not only that he resorts to making up derogatory names for anyone who
    has the backbone to not agree with him.

    He doesn't have any more use for dog-dirt back-stabbers than any other republican has. And he treats them just like the back-stabbing pieces of pig shit they are!

    Did you see Pelosi react to Trump's choice for acting intelligence head? Gotta love it!

    *Durango b301 #PE*
    * Origin: Fido Since 1991 | QWK by Web | BBS.FIDOSYSOP.ORG (1:123/140)
  • From Dale Shipp@1:261/1466 to Tim Richardson on Sun Feb 23 00:58:06 2020
    On 02-22-20 18:12, Tim Richardson <=-
    spoke to August Abolins about Re: Mr T <=-

    Firstly.....Janet Kracht is a republican hater from years back, and
    went off the rails when her idol Hillary was defeated in 2016.

    What made you think that Hillary was her idol? Do you even know who she
    voted for in the Presidental election?

    They were removed because they revealed themselves to be part of the attempted `coup' against the duly elected president!

    They were removed because they spoke the truth and Trump cannot stand
    the truth.

    Dale Shipp
    fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

    ... Shipwrecked on Hesperus in Columbia, Maryland. 01:01:39, 23 Feb 2020
    ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30

    --- Maximus/NT 3.01
    * Origin: Owl's Anchor (1:261/1466)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Tim Richardson on Sun Feb 23 14:31:20 2020
    Hello Tim,

    * Reply to msg originally in Fidogazette

    On 02-08-20 22:25, August Abolins <=-
    spoke to Janis Kracht about Mr T <=-

    ..I could be wrong, but I believe that Mr. Trump
    is a vindictive individual.

    Firstly.....Janet Kracht is a republican hater from years back, and went off
    the rails when her idol Hillary was defeated in 2016.

    She was a Bernie gal in 2016.

    (BTW....since this was cross-posted from Kracht's echo, it clears the way
    for `people' to post on this subject in *her* echo! ....
    can I contain myself!)

    I don't see why not. It's a public echo, available to all
    to post on whatever subject they wish.


    Big Or Small We Lay Them All

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Ron Lauzon@1:275/89 to Dale Shipp on Sun Feb 23 07:56:00 2020
    They were removed because they spoke the truth and Trump cannot stand
    the truth.

    So says the group who still think that Hilary lost because of Russian interference.

    ... "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" - Freud
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    * Origin: Diamond Mine Online BBS bbs.dmine.net:24 (1:275/89)
  • From Ron Lauzon@1:275/89 to Tim Richardson on Sun Feb 23 08:09:00 2020

    That is....those `unelected' individuals who think `they' know better
    than the president.

    I recently read a good book that made a strong case that we effectively have 4 branches of gov't:
    1. Executive
    2. Legislative
    3. Judicial
    4. Bureaucracy

    Remember Nervious Nancy with the "You have to pass the bill to find out what's in it."?
    What they are doing is passing a bill that says "Gov't agency X has the power to fix <this problem>". So the bill doesn't actually do anything bug confer power on a gov't agency so that they can fix <this problem> and have the force of law behind them.

    The people in gov't agencies are unelected and, for the most part, fire proof. The most likely reason for them leaving their job: dieing (from mostly natural causes).

    The Bureaucracy needs to be fixed. Make them easier to fire. Do not permit Congress to cede power to them. If Congress doen't know how to fix a problem, they can ask the gov't agency to draft something up - but Congress needs to pass the solution and not pass the buck to an unelected, unaccoutable group of people.

    ... Would it help if I got out and pushed?
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    * Origin: Diamond Mine Online BBS bbs.dmine.net:24 (1:275/89)
  • From Tim Richardson@1:123/140 to Dale Shipp on Fri Feb 28 18:16:00 2020
    On 02-23-20, DALE SHIPP said to TIM RICHARDSON:

    They were removed because they revealed themselves to be part of the attempted `coup' against the duly elected president!

    They were removed because they spoke the truth and Trump cannot stand
    the truth.

    They were removed because they were traitorous little back-stabbing pieces of dog-dirt.

    "Only libtard discussions are allowed here." .....Janis Kracht

    *Durango b301 #PE*
    * Origin: Fido Since 1991 | QWK by Web | BBS.FIDOSYSOP.ORG (1:123/140)