Hello Everybody,
Have you ever watched liberals have a total meltdown
on national television? It happened. In real time.
On MSNBC. And it was not a pretty sight.
James Carville ranted about the Nevada contest having
been part of a mad plan by Vladimir Putin to fix the
upcoming US presidential election between his two top
choices, with one already firmly in place.
As if that wasn't bad enough, more was yet to come.
Chris Matthews compared the campaign of a Jewish
presidential candidate in Nevada to the Third Reich.
Maybe I'll have to start watching CNN, where I can
find New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's twin brother give
us his own take. And try to keep Fredo safely tucked
away, and out of view.
We Put Big Loads In Tight Places
--- MesNews/
* Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)