• White House Polls

    From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to All on Tue Feb 25 15:35:50 2020
    Hello Everybody,

    The latest polls show every Democrat winning against Donald Trump.
    That's right. Every single one of them. Including the fellow who
    claims to be a democratic socialist, and two billionaires, one who
    used to be a Republican. Hard to imagine, but it's true -


    What is The Orange One gonna do? Better for him to stay at the
    Taj Mahal in India - not the casino he owned that went bankrupt -
    than face the humiliation of losing bigly this coming November.


    Erections, That's Our Game

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:3634/24 to Lee Lofaso on Tue Feb 25 20:37:52 2020
    The latest polls show every Democrat winning against Donald Trump.

    I didn't participate in a survey about that. Did you?

    Polls can be deceiving.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 2020/02/16 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Shadowscope BBS | bbs.shadowscope.com | Temple, GA (1:3634/24)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Aaron Thomas on Fri Feb 28 00:28:50 2020
    Hello Aaron,

    The latest polls show every Democrat winning against Donald Trump.

    I didn't participate in a survey about that. Did you?

    Polls can be deceiving.

    Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat, but a self-described
    "democratic socialist" - whatever the heck that is.
    In any event, according to him, he is winning against
    Donald Trump in 47 out of 50 polls. When did he say
    that? During the Democratic debate, last night,
    on 2/25/2020, with not a single Democrat on stage
    objecting to a word he said.

    Of course, the only poll that truly matters is the
    one in November ...

    .... and then again, maybe not.

    Depending on who counts the votes, and tallies the results.


    Sleep With Someone New

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Gregory Deyss@1:267/150 to Lee Lofaso on Fri Feb 28 07:23:22 2020
    On 28 Feb 2020, Lee Lofaso said the following...

    Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat, but a self-described
    "democratic socialist" - whatever the heck that is.

    That is the key and the path to his Achilles' heel, to go after what he represents, the facts must be told about his history, how he did not he has not had a job before 40 years of age, he has been leeching off of others for a very long time.

    In any event, according to him, he is winning against
    Donald Trump in 47 out of 50 polls.

    Better be in that line at the local Wal*Mart when it opens up, the day after the election, to get your hot chocolate and crayons.

    . ______ ���������Ŀ ��������Ŀ �������Ŀ �����������������Ŀ
    _[]_���ij� � Fidonet � �FSX Net� � Trump � � Another Message �
    { NET 267 � �1:267/150� �21:1/127� � Train � � by Gregory �
    / 00����00'-����00���00�٨���00��00�٨���00�00�٨����00��������00����

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From Gerhard Strangar@2:240/2188.575 to Lee Lofaso on Fri Feb 28 19:33:26 2020
    Am 25 Feb 20 15:37:51 schrob Lee Lofaso an All zum Thema
    <White House Polls>

    What is The Orange One gonna do?

    Party at a Dutch Hardcore festival: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noYJRbuUvoo&t=436s

    (Wall of Bass by D-Fence and Deadly Guns played at MoH 2018)

    Met vriendelijke groeten
    * Origin: (2:240/2188.575)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Gregory Deyss on Sat Feb 29 00:35:12 2020
    Hello Greg,

    Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat, but a self-described
    "democratic socialist" - whatever the heck that is.

    That is the key and the path to his Achilles' heel, to go after what he >represents, the facts must be told about his history, how he did not he has
    not had a job before 40 years of age, he has been leeching off of others
    for a very long time.

    Why work when you don't have to? When he was a young man, he got
    married, had a kid, and then divorced. But things got better. Found
    another woman, got married, and encouraged her to keep working so he
    could go into politics and be a success one day. And look at where
    he is now, and the public housing he will soon be residing in.

    In any event, according to him, he is winning against
    Donald Trump in 47 out of 50 polls.

    Better be in that line at the local Wal*Mart when it opens up, the day after
    the election, to get your hot chocolate and crayons.

    The stock market came crashing down, having lost over 3,000 points
    over the past six days. What was the cause? The glaring incompetence
    of the Trump administration in light its handling of the coronavirus


    Often Licked, Never Beaten

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Gregory Deyss@1:267/150 to Lee Lofaso on Sat Feb 29 08:29:40 2020
    On 29 Feb 2020, Lee Lofaso said the following...

    The stock market came crashing down, having lost over 3,000 points
    over the past six days. What was the cause? The glaring incompetence
    of the Trump administration in light its handling of the coronavirus outbreak.

    The cause of the stock market losing 3k points is due to the Democratic Party politicizing the coronavirus. Hoping to stoke fears, and to create as much chaos & wide spread panic among the population as possible that it will effect Trump negativity. They so badly want to prove him as unworthy and unfit,
    they will continue to attempt this but will always fall short of that goal.

    I am confident that a solution will be found and I have no doubt also that light of truth will be cast upon the Democratic Party and it will be
    discovered and seen; as clear as day is long, that the Democratic Party was attempting to politicize this virus for their own gain and thirst for power.

    . ______ ���������Ŀ ��������Ŀ �������Ŀ �����������������Ŀ
    _[]_���ij� � Fidonet � �FSX Net� � Trump � � Another Message �
    { NET 267 � �1:267/150� �21:1/127� � Train � � by Gregory �
    / 00����00'-����00���00�٨���00��00�٨���00�00�٨����00��������00����

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From Dale Shipp@1:261/1466 to Gregory Deyss on Sun Mar 1 02:09:06 2020
    On 02-29-20 08:24, Gregory Deyss <=-
    spoke to Lee Lofaso about Re: White House Polls <=-

    The stock market came crashing down, having lost over 3,000 points
    over the past six days. What was the cause? The glaring incompetence
    of the Trump administration in light its handling of the coronavirus outbreak.

    The cause of the stock market losing 3k points is due to the
    Democratic Party politicizing the coronavirus. Hoping to stoke fears,
    and to create as much chaos & wide spread panic among the population as possible that it will effect Trump negativity. They so badly want to

    You are parroting the Trump conspiracy line -- the stock market does its
    own thing independent of any political party. It is savy enough to see
    the probable disruption in trade, especially as China shuts down.

    Your statement is almost exactly the crazy line that Don Trump Jr. was
    putting forth -- trying to protect his father.

    Dale Shipp
    fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

    ... Shipwrecked on Hesperus in Columbia, Maryland. 01:51:52, 01 Mar 2020
    ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30

    --- Maximus/NT 3.01
    * Origin: Owl's Anchor (1:261/1466)
  • From Gregory Deyss@1:267/150 to Dale Shipp on Sun Mar 1 10:59:04 2020
    On 01 Mar 2020, Dale Shipp said the following...

    On 02-29-20 08:24, Gregory Deyss <=-
    spoke to Lee Lofaso about Re: White House Polls <=-

    The stock market came crashing down, having lost over 3,000 points over the past six days. What was the cause? The glaring incompetenc of the Trump administration in light its handling of the coronavirus outbreak.

    The cause of the stock market losing 3k points is due to the Democratic Party politicizing the coronavirus. Hoping to stoke fears, and to create as much chaos & wide spread panic among the population possible that it will effect Trump negativity. They so badly want to

    You are parroting the Trump conspiracy line -- the stock market does its own thing independent of any political party. It is savy enough to see
    the probable disruption in trade, especially as China shuts down.

    Your statement is almost exactly the crazy line that Don Trump Jr. was putting forth -- trying to protect his father.

    It's great to hear that my thoughts and ideas of in with the Trump Family.
    but I wanted to ask a question did the Republican Party blame the swine flu
    or about ebola on President Obama?

    I stand by the previous statement.

    Democratic Party politicizing the coronavirus. Hoping to stoke fears, and to create as much chaos & wide spread panic among the population possible that it will effect Trump negativity.

    . ______ ���������Ŀ ��������Ŀ �������Ŀ �����������������Ŀ
    _[]_���ij� � Fidonet � �FSX Net� � Trump � � Another Message �
    { NET 267 � �1:267/150� �21:1/127� � Train � � by Gregory �
    / 00����00'-����00���00�٨���00��00�٨���00�00�٨����00��������00����

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Gregory Deyss on Mon Mar 2 01:36:42 2020
    Hello Greg,

    The stock market came crashing down, having lost over 3,000 points
    over the past six days. What was the cause? The glaring incompetence >LL>of the Trump administration in light its handling of the coronavirus >LL>outbreak.

    The cause of the stock market losing 3k points is due to the Democratic
    politicizing the coronavirus. Hoping to stoke fears, and to create as much >chaos & wide spread panic among the population as possible that it will
    effect Trump negativity. They so badly want to prove him as unworthy and tunfit, hey will continue to attempt this but will always fall short of
    that goal.

    Seven days. Stock market down 3,500+ points. The cause? Incompetence
    of the White House, in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic.

    I am confident that a solution will be found and I have no doubt also that >light of truth will be cast upon the Democratic Party and it will be >discovered and seen; as clear as day is long, that the Democratic Party was >attempting to politicize this virus for their own gain and thirst for power.

    The solution will be the election of a competent president, who will
    take the oath office come January 20. 2021.


    Erections, That's Our Game

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Dale Shipp@1:261/1466 to Gregory Deyss on Mon Mar 2 00:33:00 2020
    On 03-01-20 10:54, Gregory Deyss <=-
    spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: White House Polls <=-

    The cause of the stock market losing 3k points is due to the
    Democratic Party politicizing the coronavirus.

    You are parroting the Trump conspiracy line -- the stock market does its own thing independent of any political party. It is savvy enough to see the probable disruption in trade, especially as China shuts down.

    Your statement is almost exactly the crazy line that Don Trump Jr. was putting forth -- trying to protect his father.

    It's great to hear that my thoughts and ideas of in with the Trump

    The trouble with many Trump supporters is that they seem incapable of
    thinking for themselves and just echo whatever ultra-right wing
    propaganda they see. The Democratic party is *NOT* politicizing the coronavirus, and did not cause the stock market to drop 11% in one week.
    If you look at the financial news and absorb it, you will see that the
    reason the stock market dropped has to do with the expectation of global interruption to world (NOT USA) trade because of the impact of the virus.
    The Democratic party did not make the market become aware of that
    concern -- the financial experts figured it out all on their own.

    but I wanted to ask a question did the Republican Party blame
    the swine flu or about ebola on President Obama?

    Yes. Some did. OTOH, President Obama instituted effective measures to
    cope with and contain the ebola outbreaks. His efforts helped minimize
    the impact on the USA health system. OTOH, President Trump simply tried
    to minimize the coronavirus, saying it would go away by April and drop
    to zero soon. Since then, there have been at least several confirmed
    deaths in multiple states.

    I stand by the previous statement.

    Then keep drinking the kool-aid.

    Dale Shipp
    fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

    ... Shipwrecked on Hesperus in Columbia, Maryland. 00:44:12, 02 Mar 2020
    ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30

    --- Maximus/NT 3.01
    * Origin: Owl's Anchor (1:261/1466)
  • From Dale Shipp@1:261/1466 to Lee Lofaso on Mon Mar 2 00:50:02 2020
    On 03-02-20 01:38, Lee Lofaso <=-
    spoke to Gregory Deyss about White House Polls <=-

    Seven days. Stock market down 3,500+ points. The cause?
    Incompetence of the White House, in dealing with the coronavirus

    I believe that the stock market drop was caused by more than just the incompetence of the White House with respect to the means to combat such
    an outbreak (going back over several years when Trump disolved the
    section of experts who might have dealt with it). The cause is much
    wider than that -- it is the expectation of a global disruption in trade because of the outbreak.

    The USA could and certainly should be doing more than they are. Testing
    is almost non existant. Denial is in the air, even as the death toll in
    the USA is rising in many states. Communication of scientific
    information is being suppressed and people are being fed platitudes and mis-information by the government.

    Dale Shipp
    fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

    ... Shipwrecked on Hesperus in Columbia, Maryland. 00:56:58, 02 Mar 2020
    ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30

    --- Maximus/NT 3.01
    * Origin: Owl's Anchor (1:261/1466)
  • From Gregory Deyss@1:267/150 to Dale Shipp on Thu Mar 5 19:32:06 2020
    On 02 Mar 2020, Dale Shipp said the following...

    On 03-01-20 10:54, Gregory Deyss <=-
    spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: White House Polls <=-

    The cause of the stock market losing 3k points is due to the Democratic Party politicizing the coronavirus.

    You are parroting the Trump conspiracy line -- the stock market does own thing independent of any political party. It is savvy enough to s the probable disruption in trade, especially as China shuts down.

    Your statement is almost exactly the crazy line that Don Trump Jr. wa putting forth -- trying to protect his father.

    It's great to hear that my thoughts and ideas of in with the Trump Family.

    The trouble with many Trump supporters is that they seem incapable of thinking for themselves and just echo whatever ultra-right wing
    propaganda they see. The Democratic party is *NOT* politicizing the coronavirus, and did not cause the stock market to drop 11% in one week. If you look at the financial news and absorb it, you will see that the reason the stock market dropped has to do with the expectation of global interruption to world (NOT USA) trade because of the impact of the virus. The Democratic party did not make the market become aware of that
    concern -- the financial experts figured it out all on their own.

    but I wanted to ask a question did the Republican Party blame
    the swine flu or about ebola on President Obama?

    Yes. Some did. OTOH, President Obama instituted effective measures to cope with and contain the ebola outbreaks. His efforts helped minimize the impact on the USA health system.

    Not to the same extent as the Democratic Party and the Media is.
    I have heard that some on the left within the media have been
    quoted "This is our chance" what do you think they meant with that statement. I have a feeling that most they want to make this Trump's Katrina. They want
    to sell the narrative that he does not know what he is doing so that people will buy in to this and not vote for him come November 2020.
    This is a flawed strategy, if the Democratic wants to have any chance they
    need to start talking about they will want to do as President and stop
    talking how bad Trump is, this is what Hillary did and we all know how that turned out.

    . ______ ���������Ŀ ��������Ŀ �������Ŀ �����������������Ŀ
    _[]_���ij� � Fidonet � �FSX Net� � Trump � � Another Message �
    { NET 267 � �1:267/150� �21:1/127� � Train � � by Gregory �
    / 00����00'-����00���00�٨���00��00�٨���00�00�٨����00��������00����

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Dale Shipp on Sat Mar 7 23:25:14 2020
    Hello Dale,

    Seven days. Stock market down 3,500+ points. The cause?
    Incompetence of the White House, in dealing with the coronavirus >LL>pandemic.

    I believe that the stock market drop was caused by more than just the >incompetence of the White House with respect to the means to combat such
    an outbreak (going back over several years when Trump disolved the
    section of experts who might have dealt with it). The cause is much
    wider than that -- it is the expectation of a global disruption in trade >because of the outbreak.

    The economies of the world are inter-connected. Pharmaceutical
    companies are dependent on stuff that is made elsewhere in order
    to market a product. If production is down in one area (such as
    China) some products cannot be produced, thus not marketed.
    That is just one factor. Another issue is the incompetence of
    the Trump administration in dealing with any kind of crisis.
    Put the two together and what do you have? A major disaster
    with no solution!

    The USA could and certainly should be doing more than they are. Testing
    is almost non existant. Denial is in the air, even as the death toll in
    the USA is rising in many states. Communication of scientific
    information is being suppressed and people are being fed platitudes and >mis-information by the government.

    Incompetence of the White House, not just in dealing with the
    coronavirus pandemic, but with any kind of crisis.

    You remember the sitcom "Benson"? Only with Trump as governor.
    He really is that bad. Hasn't got a clue. About anything. Only
    this administration has no Benson to help him.


    Laying Pipe Since '88

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Gregory Deyss on Sat Mar 7 23:25:22 2020
    Hello Greg,

    The stock market came crashing down, having lost over 3,000 points
    over the past six days. What was the cause? The glaring incompetence >LL>of the Trump administration in light its handling of the coronavirus >LL>outbreak.

    The cause of the stock market losing 3k points is due to the Democratic
    Party politicizing the coronavirus. Hoping to stoke fears, and to create as much chaos & wide spread panic among the population as possible that it
    will effect Trump negativity. They so badly want to prove him as unworthy and unfit, they will continue to attempt this but will always fall short of that goal.

    Investors do not give a whit about party politics.
    They want a return on their investment.
    The economy tanked in 2008 under GWB.
    As did the stock market.
    The economy boomed in 2009 onward under Obama.
    As did the stock market.
    Now the economy is about to tank in 2020 under Trump.
    As is the stock market.

    I am confident that a solution will be found

    Not to worry. President Biden will make sure the stock market
    - and the economy - rises again.

    and I have no doubt also that light of truth will be cast upon the
    Democratic Party and it will be discovered and seen; as clear as day is
    long, that the Democratic Party was attempting to politicize this virus for their own gain and thirst for power.

    Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat. His cure may be worse than
    the disease, but at least his road to hell is paved with the best


    It Ain't Payday If It Ain't Nuts In Your Mouth

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Gregory Deyss@1:267/150 to Lee Lofaso on Sat Mar 7 17:46:48 2020
    On 07 Mar 2020, Lee Lofaso said the following...

    The economy boomed in 2009 onward under Obama.
    As did the stock market.

    Your stating pure delusion and fantasy.
    It was under the Obozo that the United States Government
    lowered it's credit rating because it could not pay its bills.

    Obama printed a lot of paper money making it more worthless than the previous sheet which compounded the problem.

    . ______ ���������Ŀ ��������Ŀ �������Ŀ �����������������Ŀ
    _[]_���ij� � Fidonet � �FSX Net� � Trump � � Another Message �
    { NET 267 � �1:267/150� �21:1/127� � Train � � by Gregory �
    / 00����00'-����00���00�٨���00��00�٨���00�00�٨����00��������00����

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:267/150 to Dale Shipp on Tue Mar 31 18:45:42 2020
    The trouble with many Trump supporters is that they seem incapable of thinking for themselves and just echo whatever ultra-right wing

    Who's the ultra-right wing? I don't see that anywhere.

    I'm about 98% on board with Trump. The Republican party doesn't do my
    thinking for me.

    Democrats have good points with certain issues, just not economic ones, and
    not moral ones.

    There's no "ultra-right" Republican in office pushing for abolition of abortion. I'm willing to bet that most of us are accepting of it, but with stipulation. If we say "3 months is ok, but murder in the delivery room is
    not" then does that make us the "ultra-right?"

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From Ryan Fantus@1:218/820 to Aaron Thomas on Tue Mar 31 16:44:24 2020
    Who's the ultra-right wing? I don't see that anywhere.

    I'm about 98% on board with Trump. The Republican party doesn't do my thinking for me.

    Was that on purpose?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/03/18 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: monterey bbs (1:218/820)
  • From Dale Shipp@1:261/1466 to Aaron Thomas on Wed Apr 1 03:01:00 2020
    On 03-31-20 18:41, Aaron Thomas <=-
    spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: White House Polls <=-

    The trouble with many Trump supporters is that they seem incapable of thinking for themselves and just echo whatever ultra-right wing

    Who's the ultra-right wing? I don't see that anywhere.

    Fox News and the conservative base that is his core support.

    I'm about 98% on board with Trump. The Republican party doesn't do my thinking for me.

    Lately, the Republican party doesn't do much of its own thinking other
    than to please Trump.

    Democrats have good points with certain issues, just not economic
    ones, and not moral ones.

    Clinton was one of the few Presidents who was able to balance the budget
    and reduce the deficit. He was a Democrat.

    The Democrats did not make a 1.5 trillion tax bill going to mostly the
    very rich and big corporations -- driving up the deficit. It used to be
    the Republicans that said that they worried so much about the deficit,
    but not in the past years.

    The Democrats did not imprison children by the thousands in concrete
    floor wire cages. The Trump administration did that. That is a moral

    There's no "ultra-right" Republican in office pushing for abolition of abortion. I'm willing to bet that most of us are accepting of it, but
    with stipulation. If we say "3 months is ok, but murder in the delivery room is not" then does that make us the "ultra-right?"

    If that is truly your opinion, then good for you. It is not the
    opinion of many Republican state administrations who are doing
    everything they can to limit all abortions and send us back to the coat
    hanger in the alley stage where women die without proper medical

    Dale Shipp
    fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

    ... Shipwrecked on Hesperus in Columbia, Maryland. 02:01:23, 01 Apr 2020
    ___ Blue Wave/DOS v2.30

    --- Maximus/NT 3.01
    * Origin: Owl's Anchor (1:261/1466)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:267/150 to Dale Shipp on Wed Apr 1 13:32:52 2020
    Who's the ultra-right wing? I don't see that anywhere.

    Fox News and the conservative base that is his core support.

    If it hurts when you hit yourself in the head with a rock, stop hitting yourself in the head with a rock. This logic is how I learned to stop
    watching CNN and SNL.

    The Democrats did not imprison children by the thousands in concrete
    floor wire cages. The Trump administration did that. That is a moral issue.

    Are you sure about that? We didn't have an exodus of an entire continent flooding the border when democrat presidents were in office; maybe the
    illegals were smart enough not to come at such a bad economic time. But I can promise you that illegal immigrants, children included, were apprehended at
    the border long before Trump's presidency.

    Did Trump tell border patrol how to run their facilities? Was he in there
    doing audits - measuring cages to make sure they'd be the right size for tens of thousands of children? Stop trying to exploit illegal immigrant children
    to push hair sniffin' Joe's campaign, please. Cryin Chuck wasn't cryin' for those children when "Obama" locked them in cages. (Again- not really the president's fault unless you've seen Obama calling the shots at the detention facilities.)

    Learn to think critically - even of yourself. It's not a bad thing to do.
    When I think critically about Republicans, including Trump, I see some mistakes. If you can't look at the big names the democratic party
    -critically- then you're sugarcoating a lot of despicable actions that are
    far worse than putting illegal immigrant children in holding facilities.

    Do you think the USA was prepared to put tens of thousands of immigrant children in foster care while their parents stayed in jail for illegal border-crossing? Would you have liked to see those children get put on ships like these mobile hospitals docking in NYC?

    "Cages." That's a liberal imagination at it's best when border patrol is
    trying to babysit tens of thousands of children while their criminal parents await trial. They need to keep the kids from escaping because the children
    are vulnerable. Want those kids to run around freely in the streets of NYC?
    No english, no money, no nothing, just liberals trying to pin everything on a republican because it's profitable to do so.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)