• Investigation Needed

    From Aaron Thomas@1:267/150 to All on Wed Apr 22 16:04:26 2020
    Democrat Senators want to investigate Trump's handling of the Coronavirus, claiming that he used it for political points.

    Aren't "political points" something these senators are collecting by investigating him?

    Someone will argue "That's their job!" But is it really? And if it is "their job" to investigate the president for frivolous crap, then it certainly isn't their primary job function.

    My irritation with Republicans - at this point - is that they aren't publicly investigating the investigators.

    With all the investments being made in trashing the president, there has to
    be some underlying reason why the most powerful Democrats don't want a firm Republican president at this moment in time -> What kind of crap did they
    want to pass? Was there something they wanted to sneak past the Senate - but Trump's victory got in the way?

    Whatever it was - and we all know it's about money - get over it Democrats. You're getting a generous serving of integrity & conservative American values and you really should start eating it already.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From Dan Cross@3:770/100 to Aaron Thomas on Thu Apr 23 08:17:20 2020
    On 22 Apr 2020 at 04:04p, Aaron Thomas pondered and said...

    Someone will argue "That's their job!" But is it really? And if it is "their job" to investigate the president for frivolous crap, then it certainly isn't their primary job function.

    Yeah, actually it _is_ their job. And 45,000 dead
    Americans wouldn't call it "frivolous" if they were
    still alive.

    My irritation with Republicans - at this point - is that they aren't publicly investigating the investigators.

    The president is calling for armed insurrection
    against duly elected leaders of states he disagrees
    with. You people live in a fantasy land if you
    think that shouldn't be investigated.

    With all the investments being made in trashing the president, there has to be some underlying reason why the most powerful Democrats don't want
    a firm Republican president at this moment in time -> What kind of crap did they want to pass? Was there something they wanted to sneak past the Senate - but Trump's victory got in the way?

    He's not firm. He's an incompetent weakling and his
    dithering and lack of action has gotten tens of
    thousands of Americans killed.

    Your delusions are pure fantasy. "Get past the Senate"?
    Like what? The Republicans control the Senate. McConnell
    refused to bring Obama's supreme court nominee up for
    a Senate vote for a _year_: precisely _how_ would the
    Democrats "sneak" something by the Senate, again?

    Whatever it was - and we all know it's about money - get over it Democrats. You're getting a generous serving of integrity & conservative American values and you really should start eating it already.

    What a shit sandwich, then. No thank you, I prefer not
    to dine on excrement.

    If this is "integrity & conservative American values",
    then I'd hate to see what passes for immorality and
    corruption on the American right.

    You people are all abjecting immoral, corrupt, and
    part of a deluded death cult.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/20 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (3:770/100)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Aaron Thomas on Wed Apr 22 13:21:18 2020
    Hello Aaron,

    Democrat Senators want to investigate Trump's handling of the
    Coronavirus, claiming that he used it for political points.

    It certainly should be investigated but not for political purposes.

    We should investigate and learn from the experience how to handle these kinds or realities better.

    Donald Trump may have handled the situation badly or not. I am not getting into
    any of that. I don't think I need too.. You all can see what he did or didn't do.

    Ttyl :-),

    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Alan Ianson on Thu Apr 23 02:57:22 2020
    Hello Alan,

    Democrat Senators want to investigate Trump's handling of the >AT>Coronavirus, claiming that he used it for political points.

    It certainly should be investigated but not for political purposes.

    Why not? Grifting by the president, his kids, his son-in-law, should
    all be investigated. Profiting from a global pandemic is the worst of
    the worst.

    We should investigate and learn from the experience how to handle these
    kinds or realities better.

    Put his kids and son-in-law in jail, then impeach and remove from
    office the monster who let them do it. Once that is done, put the
    monster in jail for life with no possibility of parole.

    Donald Trump may have handled the situation badly or not.

    Donald Trump does not have a national plan to handle the situation.
    He is simply winging it, hoping to make it through to election day.

    I am not getting into any of that. I don't think I need too.. You all can
    see what he did or didn't do.

    The man with no plan hasn't got a clue ...


    Sleep With Someone New

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:267/150 to Dan Cross on Thu Apr 23 09:39:08 2020
    think that shouldn't be investigated.

    I think your fantasy might be coming to an end. Non-stop impeachment of the president since day one needs to be investigated - I'm sure that the proper party is going to get that moving.

    Would you be angry with Democrats if they started getting serious legislation passed instead of constantly attacking the duly-elected president and his supporters? I wouldn't mind at all - I think that's what their primary job function is.

    He's not firm. He's an incompetent weakling and his

    Hillary Clinton is more competent? That's the type of trash your DNC tried to feed you. And now with this election, they are giving you the worst case scenario again with Joe Biden.

    Did you see the look on Obama's face when Joe Biden said "This is the big ******* deal?" It was a look of horror & disgust over Biden's unprofessional demeanor.

    You needed a candidate who could attract conservatives, and your best bet was Tulsi, but now you're left with the charred remains of a lousy senator who
    even Obama is ashamed of.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From Dan Cross@3:770/100 to Aaron Thomas on Fri Apr 24 05:01:32 2020
    On 23 Apr 2020 at 09:39a, Aaron Thomas pondered and said...

    think that shouldn't be investigated.

    I think your fantasy might be coming to an end. Non-stop impeachment of the president since day one needs to be investigated - I'm sure that the proper party is going to get that moving.

    yeah. Sure. I bet they'll get right on that. *yawn*

    Would you be angry with Democrats if they started getting serious legislation passed instead of constantly attacking the duly-elected president and his supporters? I wouldn't mind at all - I think that's
    what their primary job function is.

    You mean like the, what, 500 bills the House has passed
    that Mitch McConnell refuses to bring to the Senate floor
    for a vote? You mean like that?

    Maybe if the duly elected president of the United States
    would act like he was the duly elected president, and less
    like a wannabe mob boss, the other side would be less
    interested in snuffing out his obvious corruption.

    He's not firm. He's an incompetent weakling and his

    Hillary Clinton is more competent? That's the type of trash your DNC
    tried to feed you. And now with this election, they are giving you the worst case scenario again with Joe Biden.

    "But...but...but...HILLARY!" The talking point of the
    intellectually weak on the right.

    But you yourself made the case that Trump is weak: if
    he's such a big boy, such a strong leader, why is he
    so bothered by the pesky House and democratic opposition?

    Oh, and I'm not a Democrat. So it's not _my_ DNC. Nice
    try, though.

    Did you see the look on Obama's face when Joe Biden said "This is the big ******* deal?" It was a look of horror & disgust over Biden's unprofessional demeanor.

    Goodness. Shall we start on Trump's unprofessionalism now?

    Your cognitive dissonance and TDS is blinding.

    You needed a candidate who could attract conservatives, and your best
    bet was Tulsi, but now you're left with the charred remains of a lousy senator who even Obama is ashamed of.

    And you're left with the shit sandwich that is Donald Trump.
    Bon apetite!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/20 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (3:770/100)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Aaron Thomas on Fri Apr 24 02:07:58 2020
    Hello Aaron,

    think that shouldn't be investigated.

    I think your fantasy might be coming to an end. Non-stop impeachment of the
    president since day one needs to be investigated - I'm sure that the proper party is going to get that moving.

    Impeachment is a Constitutional right.

    Article I Section 2

    The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other
    Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

    Have a great day,

    Sleep With Someone New

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:267/150 to Dan Cross on Thu Apr 23 20:16:30 2020
    proper party is going to get that moving.

    yeah. Sure. I bet they'll get right on that. *yawn*

    Republicans typically have better things to do than to investigate democrats, but that could change now that the democrats are not willing to do anything except for impeach and investigate.

    like a wannabe mob boss, the other side would be less

    I suspect that the downstate accent is what triggers the TDS; people from
    other states automatically associate that accent with mobster movies. There really is a region in NY where people talk like Trump - and they're normal decent people just like him.

    "But...but...but...HILLARY!" The talking point of the

    It's totally clear that you and all the other democrats needed Hillary to win for some reason; what lousy handout were you hoping to redeem from her?

    he's such a big boy, such a strong leader, why is he
    so bothered by the pesky House and democratic opposition?

    It's something that democrats will never understand: Pride in helping others.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From Dan Cross@3:770/100 to Aaron Thomas on Fri Apr 24 12:35:22 2020
    On 23 Apr 2020 at 08:16p, Aaron Thomas pondered and said...

    proper party is going to get that moving.

    yeah. Sure. I bet they'll get right on that. *yawn*

    Republicans typically have better things to do than to investigate democrats, but that could change now that the democrats are not willing
    to do anything except for impeach and investigate.

    You mean like "Benghaaaazzzzi!!!!", Hillary's email
    ("the server, they say you have it") and Bill's hummer?

    like a wannabe mob boss, the other side would be less

    I suspect that the downstate accent is what triggers the TDS; people from other states automatically associate that accent with mobster movies. There really is a region in NY where people talk like Trump - and
    they're normal decent people just like him.

    Yup. I have a similar accent. But I'm not a wannabe
    mob boss like Mr. Disinfectant.

    "But...but...but...HILLARY!" The talking point of the

    It's totally clear that you and all the other democrats needed Hillary
    to win for some reason; what lousy handout were you hoping to redeem
    from her?

    I'm not a democrat.

    he's such a big boy, such a strong leader, why is he
    so bothered by the pesky House and democratic opposition?

    It's something that democrats will never understand: Pride in helping others.

    LOL. Ok. More like himself.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/20 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (3:770/100)
  • From Gregory Deyss@1:267/150 to Dan Cross on Fri Apr 24 08:14:20 2020

    On 24 Apr 2020, Dan Cross said the following...

    On 23 Apr 2020 at 09:39a, Aaron Thomas pondered and said...

    think that shouldn't be investigated.

    I think your fantasy might be coming to an end. Non-stop impeachment

    the president since day one needs to be investigated - I'm sure that

    proper party is going to get that moving.

    yeah. Sure. I bet they'll get right on that. *yawn*

    This is why they are irrelevant and becoming more so with each and every day. For evidence of this soon to become true, perhaps it will become obvious to you when the republicans take back the house.

    You mean like the, what, 500 bills the House has passed
    that Mitch McConnell refuses to bring to the Senate floor
    for a vote? You mean like that?

    What these bills, are they even worthy or beneficial for the American people, or they bills for the sick and downtrodden immigrants that the American tax payer has to continually pay for?

    "But...but...but...HILLARY!" The talking point of the
    intellectually weak on the right.

    All I heard in numerous areas within in Fidonet was that Donald Trump is not going to be the President, I was laughed at, snickered at. Well they these people are not laughing no more.

    They still can not get over it, they want to twist and take of context as
    they continue to look at what's happening from a liberal point of view. Perhaps this way of thinking makes these people feel better, it matters not because the reality is that Donald Trump is the President and will continue to be for the next 4.9 years.

    . ______ ���������Ŀ ��������Ŀ �������Ŀ �����������������Ŀ
    _[]_���ij� � Fidonet � �FSX Net� � HUB � � Another Message �
    { NET 267 � �1:267/150� �21:1/127� �NY-=-HQ� � by Gregory �
    / 00����00'-����00���00�٨���00��00�٨���00�00�٨����00��������00����

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From Dan Cross@3:770/100 to Gregory Deyss on Sat Apr 25 02:51:32 2020
    On 24 Apr 2020 at 08:14a, Gregory Deyss pondered and said...

    This is why they are irrelevant and becoming more so with each and every day. For evidence of this soon to become true, perhaps it will become obvious to you when the republicans take back the house.

    Uh huh. Is that before or after we all use the
    strong inner light to kill the virus?

    You mean like the, what, 500 bills the House has passed
    that Mitch McConnell refuses to bring to the Senate floor
    for a vote? You mean like that?

    What these bills, are they even worthy or beneficial for the American people, or they bills for the sick and downtrodden immigrants that the American tax payer has to continually pay for?

    I dunno; if McConnell would bring them up for a
    vote, that could be debated in the upper chamber.
    What else does he have to do, other than pull his
    head back into his shell and appease der Drumpf?

    "But...but...but...HILLARY!" The talking point of the
    intellectually weak on the right.

    All I heard in numerous areas within in Fidonet was that Donald Trump is not going to be the President, I was laughed at, snickered at. Well they these people are not laughing no more.

    Nigel Farage said something similar to the European
    parliament right after the Brexit vote. He's a monocle
    and a Persian cat away from begin a Bond villain; what
    have you got going for you?

    They still can not get over it, they want to twist and take of context as they continue to look at what's happening from a liberal point of view.

    You mean a view that's consistently aligned with reality?

    Perhaps this way of thinking makes these people feel better, it matters not because the reality is that Donald Trump is the President and will continue to be for the next 4.9 years.

    I dunno. A number of his supporters already took
    hydroxychloroquine on his suggestion. Now I suspect a
    number will inject themselves with bleach at his
    suggestion. It kinda thins the herd and hurts his
    voting base. So I guess we'll see who's still around
    in November to vote for him.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/20 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (3:770/100)
  • From Richard Miles@1:3634/24 to Dan Cross on Fri Apr 24 16:59:00 2020
    On 25 Apr 2020, Dan Cross said the following...

    Uh huh. Is that before or after we all use the
    strong inner light to kill the virus?

    Or Lysol.

    -=>Richard Miles<=-
    -=>Captain Obvious<=-

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/17 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Shadowscope BBS | bbs.shadowscope.com | Temple, GA (1:3634/24)
  • From Ron Lauzon@1:275/89 to Aaron Thomas on Sat Apr 25 10:23:00 2020
    Aaron Thomas wrote to Dan Cross <=-

    Republicans typically have better things to do than to investigate democrats, but that could change now that the democrats are not willing
    to do anything except for impeach and investigate.

    Seeing as how the Democrats aren't even trying to hide their crap anymore, it's probably worthwhile to start some investigations. But that's why the Democrats are working so hard: They can see their political machine coming down. Their paid judges are getting replaced. The power that they once held that kept witnesses quiet (one way or another) is fading or gone.

    Look at how many "mysterious" deaths have occured in recent years with people who proabaly had dirt on the Democrats.

    The Dems are scared that they will be made to pay for all the crimes that they have committed over the years.

    It's totally clear that you and all the other democrats needed Hillary
    to win for some reason; what lousy handout were you hoping to redeem
    from her?

    I've often said that one of the groups that tend to vote for the Democrats are the Elitists.

    The Elitists think that if they were in charge, everything would be so much better. And the Dems offer that power.

    What the Elitists don't understand is that they are seriously naive - both that their plans would actually work (history has shown that they never do) and that the power hungry people would actually let those plans be implemented (they won't).

    And now you have the handout you were asking about: Power. Or more accurately, the false promise of power. Remember: The Left doesn't believe lieing is bad.

    It's something that democrats will never understand: Pride in helping others.

    There is no Democrat Party today. The Socialst Party has replaced it with the word "Democrat" clumsily taped over the word "Socialist". And Socialist cultures have been shown to be the least charitable in the world.

    ... 10 days and 18 messages later, "Oh I understand now"
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    * Origin: Diamond Mine Online BBS bbs.dmine.net:24 (1:275/89)
  • From Gregory Deyss@1:267/150 to Dan Cross on Sat Apr 25 10:10:58 2020
    On 25 Apr 2020, Dan Cross said the following...

    They still can not get over it, they want to twist and take of contex they continue to look at what's happening from a liberal point of vie

    You mean a view that's consistently aligned with reality?

    There it is: the cell which is the infection, kill it before it spreads.

    . ______ ���������Ŀ ��������Ŀ �������Ŀ �����������������Ŀ
    _[]_���ij� � Fidonet � �FSX Net� � HUB � � Another Message �
    { NET 267 � �1:267/150� �21:1/127� �NY-=-HQ� � by Gregory �
    / 00����00'-����00���00�٨���00��00�٨���00�00�٨����00��������00����

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:267/150 to Ron Lauzon on Sun Apr 26 11:08:42 2020
    with the word "Democrat" clumsily taped over the word "Socialist". And Socialist cultures have been shown to be the least charitable in the world.

    I've seen evidence of the Democrat Socialism at work in New York State.
    They've defunded and even shut down rehabilitation centers for disabled children. That didn't seem charitable. Then local Democrats don't even do anything productive with the empty buildings.

    In NYS we've been relying on state Democrats to fix our economy for several years, but instead of inviting business, we're inviting illegal immigrants & naturalized criminals to rape & pillage without consequences, because
    these Democrats have made it so going to jail is almost impossible.

    It's not socialism in NY, it's anarchy. At least in comparable socialist nations the criminals can still go to jail and/or face a death penalty.

    We need a reversal of bail reform, we need to bring back the death penalty,
    and we need businesses to be invited back to NY, and we need to pour cold
    water on liberal handout seekers. We also need a republican governor in favor of marijuana legalization -> that way the pigeons stop picking at Cuomo for crumbs.

    I'm angry as hell with the NY GOP for the extremely weak Mark Molinaro campaign; it was a freebie for the Democrats - and look what it's cost us.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From Dan Cross@3:770/100 to Ron Lauzon on Mon Apr 27 11:57:02 2020
    On 25 Apr 2020 at 10:23a, Ron Lauzon pondered and said...

    What the Elitists don't understand is that they are seriously naive -

    At least they understand not to inject people with

    You people are delusional.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/20 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (3:770/100)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Dan Cross on Mon Apr 27 06:46:56 2020
    Hello Dan,

    What the Elitists don't understand is that they are seriously naive -

    At least they understand not to inject people with disinfectants.

    "Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it's
    ultraviolet or just very powerful, light." ~Donald Trump, 4/23/2020

    You people are delusional.

    I did not say it ... I did not say it ... I did not say it ...


    We Put Big Loads In Tight Places

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Ron Lauzon@1:275/89 to Dan Cross on Mon Apr 27 13:03:00 2020
    Dan Cross wrote to Ron Lauzon <=-

    At least they understand not to inject people with

    You people are delusional.

    Says the person still pushing debunked Leftie Propaganda.

    I still say that Trump Derangement Syndrome is worse than COVID-19.
    It seems that more people recover from COVID-19 and life healthy, productive lives.

    ... Cats are smarter than dogs. Eight cats won't pull a sled.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    * Origin: Diamond Mine Online BBS bbs.dmine.net:24 (1:275/89)
  • From Dan Cross@3:770/100 to Ron Lauzon on Tue Apr 28 09:49:32 2020
    On 27 Apr 2020 at 01:03p, Ron Lauzon pondered and said...

    Says the person still pushing debunked Leftie Propaganda.

    More right-wing lies.

    I still say that Trump Derangement Syndrome is worse than COVID-19.

    Cool story, bro. So you don't mind exposing yourself?

    It seems that more people recover from COVID-19 and life healthy, productive lives.

    But Lysol!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/20 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (3:770/100)