• Democrat Protesters

    From Aaron Thomas@1:267/150 to All on Mon Jun 1 10:32:30 2020
    These insane Democrat protesters are making people feel uncomfortable.

    In my town, they didn't burn down Target yet, but they burned down a
    beautiful, deluxe children's playground.

    Did the toddlers in my rural upstate NY town have ties to Chauvin?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)
  • From Dan Cross@3:770/100 to Lee Lofaso on Thu Jun 4 05:30:44 2020
    On 03 Jun 2020 at 03:14a, Lee Lofaso pondered and said...

    The wordings of the current oath of enlistment and oath for
    commissioned officers are as follows:

    Actually, the oath of office is slightly different:

    "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

    (You can omit the "so help me god" part if you want.)

    Whenever I did someone's reenlistment, I would ask them
    ahead of time whether they wanted to swear or affirm and
    whether they wanted the god part.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/20 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (3:770/100)
  • From Dan Cross@3:770/100 to Lee Lofaso on Fri Jun 5 06:10:40 2020
    On 04 Jun 2020 at 03:34a, Lee Lofaso pondered and said...

    The wordings of the current oath of enlistment and oath for >LL>commissioned officers are as follows:

    Actually, the oath of office is slightly different:

    "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the >Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domest >that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this >obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; >that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on whi
    am about to enter: So help me God."

    (You can omit the "so help me god" part if you want.)

    In both, the Constitution is listed first in their oath.

    Yes. Because that is the most important thing. But if
    you're going to say the oath of office says something, you
    should be accurate.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/20 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (3:770/100)
  • From Dan Cross@3:770/100 to Lee Lofaso on Sun Jun 7 13:19:54 2020
    On 06 Jun 2020 at 03:47p, Lee Lofaso pondered and said...

    Notice I did not mention anything about "oath of office" in my
    original post. In my next post, to you, I quoted the oath of office
    for the president, who never served in the military or swore any
    oath of enlistment/oath for commissioned officers.

    Stop doubling down when you're wrong: it's not a good look.

    Just so we are both on the same page, here it is with url -


    I already posted a URL. Do you just insist on being right?
    Okay. You're right.

    The UCMJ is quite clear on this: not only do all members
    of the military have a right to ignore illegal orders, but
    they have an obligation to actively resist those orders.

    And yet, the joint chiefs of staff went along with their
    president as he ordered active military to open fire on peaceful protesters (mostly women and children) on church grounds. The
    soldiers did as they were told, using rubber bullets, pepper
    spray, and tear gas to mow everybody down.

    No, that was the National Guard and park police, plus
    some kind of secret police formed from the Bureau of
    Prisons. Those were not active duty troops.

    When the president (as C-in-C) gives a soldier a direct order,
    that soldier is expected to comply. The president is not going
    to ask a soldier to go find his/her CO, as the president is at
    that very moment his/her CO.

    No. The "soldier" (note, I'm a Marine, not a soldier) is
    only expected to comply if, and only if, the order is legal.
    Yes, all members of the US military are given training on
    legal and illegal orders. Yes, it is explained from entry
    training onwards that illegal orders are to be actively

    Disobeying a direct order, especially during a time of war, can get
    a soldier shot. Or stripped of rank and privilege. How many would be willing to take that chance?

    Pretty much all. As I've said now, repeatedly, but for
    some unfathomable reason you seem incapable of absorbing,
    servicemembers are under no obligation to follow illegal
    orders, and ignoring such an order is not considered
    "disobeying a direct order."

    I am sure you do know a number of officers you *think* would take exception to what has recently taken place with Trump ordering active military to open fire on peaceful protesters, with the full blessing
    of his joint chiefs of staff. But how many of those you know actually would, when put to the test?

    Given that I've seen them do it in combat, I'm willing to
    bet pretty much all of them wouldn't have a problem telling
    a 5x draft dodger who considered avoiding STDs in Studio 54
    his "personal Vietnam" where to shove it.

    Gen Milley shouted the president down in the Oval Office
    the other day.

    Talk is cheap. Especially when your own head is not on the line.
    Active duty military, when ordered by their president to do his
    bidding, will do as they are told. General Honor� was and is an
    honorable man, who did stand up to power when his time of testing
    came. Told the governor to take a flying hike, rather than have
    his soldiers fire using live ammunation on kids stealing shoes
    in department stores.

    You speak with a confidence that is unwarranted given your
    ignorance of the matter and overall lack of experience with
    the subject.

    You should stop.

    And now, respectfully, you should stay in your lane
    and shut the fuck up about the military.

    Silence is complicity. Which is what made Hitler great.

    I'm pretty sure I've been pretty vocal about what I think
    about Trump. How dare you evoke Hitler when discussing the
    US military.

    You're the douche who posted that you had COVID-19 and then
    tried to scurry behind a lame excuse of quoting someone.

    I will not be silent, and neither should anybody else.

    You have every right to say whatever you want. I have the
    right to judge you as a sanctimonious ass who's ignorance and
    arrogance and propensity for writing walls of unintelligible
    text do more harm to the causes you claim to care about than
    they do good.

    We do not need another Hitler. Especially one with orange
    hair. Even if he doesn't have a funny moustache. Hell,
    his shade of orange skin is bad enough ...

    Indeed. Perhaps you can get with the program and actually try
    and help get rid of the scourge currently occupying the White
    House? Posting uninformed claptrap about the military isn't

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/05/28 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (3:770/100)
  • From Dan Cross@3:770/100 to Lee Lofaso on Wed Jun 10 06:20:22 2020
    On 09 Jun 2020 at 08:03a, Lee Lofaso pondered and said...

    Milley was there, along with his dearly beloved president, supporting those National Guardsmen who followed the illegal orders given them.

    You don't know that he loves your dear president.

    I quoted the text of the oath of office for the president.

    Why? Because you're such a big Trump supporter
    you want everyone to know how you feel about him?

    I also quoted the text of the oath of enlistment for those
    who serve in the military. All the oaths call to defend the
    Constitution of the United States.

    Military officers aren't enlisted. You're so ignorant
    you don't even know when you're wrong to accept correction.

    Where do you get the bizarre idea that the military is there
    to defend the president? Please tell. I'm all ears.

    I'm not sure why you would ask that, since I never said
    it was?

    Who gave the orders for the National Guard to open fire on
    peaceful protesters? Washington DC is not a state. No governors
    there to give the orders. Who gave the orders? You should know,
    being retired military.

    Apparently, the DC police and your hero Trump.

    Oh, and I never said I was retired. I am discharged.
    You are so ignorant that you throw these terms around
    without even knowing the first thing about what they
    mean or how the military works. Typical right-wing

    Hey asshole, point out where I ever said that anyone
    in that crowd deserved what happened to them? Go ahead,
    I'll wait.

    General Milley said it was okay, by being there with Trump.

    No no no. You said that _I_ was thought that what
    happened to those protesters was deserved. Don't
    deflect; tell me where _I_ said that. Be specific.

    Defending Milley's actions is the same as saying the crowd deserved
    what they got.

    Milley wasn't even there when the crowd was attacked.
    You're extrapolating without acknowledging any room
    for possibly being wrong. That's typical Trump
    supporter behavior.

    The first cases of COVID-19 in the USA were in February.

    Nope. They were far earlier.

    Mark my words, nine months from February will come the first
    coronababies of the year ...

    So you're OK with everything the Trump administration
    does, then? You're just peachy about the death of 100,000
    Americans? You're fine with the way that people of color,
    particularly African Americans, are disproportionately
    affected by this pandemic? Meanwhile, you fully support
    your president.

    So are you going to show up at one of those reopening protests
    without a mask and with a gun like the other right-wing nutjobs?
    You clearly don't care about BLM and you clearly don't take
    COVID-19 very seriously, so you'd probably fit right in.

    Do realize none of those peaceful protesters have COVID-19. It is
    only those from outside their communities who are infected. So why
    wear a mask? Really no need. Unless one wanted to masquerade as a
    member of the press.

    Right-wing groups have stated publicly that they've
    had members infiltrate protests while infected with
    COVID-19 to deliberately spread the virus. I guess
    you're ok with that, since your president told you
    there was nothing to worry about. Do you plan on going
    to a Trump rally without a mask now that they are being

    Download a digital copy. Plenty of free copies available.
    Take as many as you want. Spread them around for others to read.
    That will make you a true patriot. Of course, you might have to
    explain it to them, and teach them what it all means ...

    Maybe you and Ammon Bundy should get together and go
    bowling. Then you can hit up a Trump rally together.

    We joke about everything else. So why not COVID-19?
    Can't leave anything out these days. Otherwise folks
    will call you a bigot. Or a racist. Or both.

    Yeah, not, you can leave some things out in the name
    of decency. But if you're a Trump lover, you don't.
    Seems pretty clear to me that you're a fan of your
    Dear Leader.

    Donald Trump has done the one thing no other president has
    ever been able to do. He brought us all together.

    So you're saying you support Trump.

    That's right. Donald Trump is a uniter, not a divider.
    Remember. You heard it here first.

    At least we now know who you really support.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/05/28 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (3:770/100)
  • From Dan Cross@3:770/100 to Lee Lofaso on Sat Jun 13 00:41:46 2020
    On 12 Jun 2020 at 03:36a, Lee Lofaso pondered and said...

    And I answered that unequivocally: No. I am not, nor
    was I ever, under any obligation to follow any illegal
    order, no matter who issued it; I would not do so. You
    evidently know me better than I do, though, and disagree
    with me on what I would do and what I have seen other
    military officers do.

    Notice the president and his entourage waited until the protesters
    had been cleared for them to make their appearance at the church.

    Fact of the matter is you have no idea what you would do
    in certain situations.

    Actually, haven been in situations like that, I do.

    If during a time of war your commanding officer gives you a
    sidearm and tells you to take a prisoner to headquarters and
    return in fifteen minutes, you would do it - even though it
    would take you a full hour driving through heavy fighting in
    enemy territory. You would do it just to save your own sorry
    skin, knowing what your commanding officer would do to you
    if you failed to follow that order.

    Are you describing yourself? Because you sure as shit
    aren't describing _me_. I've been in situations like
    that and know full-well what I'd do.

    Soldiers exist to follow orders. That's it. They are not there
    to think. Only to do what they are told. Nothing more, nothing
    less. The commander in chief is head honcho, and all his toy
    soldiers and sailors and airmen are compelled to comply. Even
    his spacemen, although not really sure what branch the space
    force is supposed to be part of. In Robert Heinlein's world the
    spacemen were Marines. But this is Trumpland ...

    That's one of the most laughable things I've ever read.
    That's empirically not true. Maybe for bootlickers like
    you who want to follow Trump off an authoritarian cliff.

    But you've also admitted to being a Trump supporter, so
    this is unsurprising.

    I said I wear a red hat and have a huge banner on my wall.
    How does that make me a Trump supporter?

    Your statements and actions do, symbols aside.

    I am not retired, as I told you. That's a very specific
    status; I served and left the service prior to retirement.
    I am honorably discharged.

    So is US Senator Tammy Duckworth. But at least you still have legs
    to stand on. Unlike so many others, some who have lost far more.

    What does that have to do with anything?

    But since you brought here up.... Why don't you go tell
    Sen Duckworth that she was there to only follow orders,
    not to think, and that she'd commit war crimes if told
    to do so by Donald Trump? She may have lost her legs to
    the RPG round that hit her Blackhawk, but I'll bet she'd
    tear you apart so fast you'd have no idea what hit you.


    The rest of your post was an incoherent wall of text.
    Very well.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/05/28 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (3:770/100)