On 06-05-20 18:38, Tim Richardson <=-
spoke to Aaron Thomas about Biden announces he's an e <=-
Reports are that Floyd had just tried to pass a couple of counterfeit
$20 bills.
Which may be why the cops had come in contact with him to begin with.
Secondly, although the treatment of him during the arrest was in-excusable, and the cop who was kneeling on him such that it put him
in dire life threatening danger should be prosecuted, Floyd is hardly
the stuff of martyrs.
According to his past record he was a convicted felon. He had arrests
for drug possession, theft, and was convicted of an armed robbery in
2007 for which he was sentenced to five years in prison. In the course
of that armed robbery he held a gun to a woman's stomach and threatened
to kill her if the money wasn't forthcoming!
Theft, various counts of possession of cocaine, criminal trespass, and
he also used several aliases. According to a toxicology report he had fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system when he died.
He and the cop responsible for his death knew each other and worked together. They were on some sort of security team at a night club.
Questions of `how did Floyd get such a job with his record'....`was
there some sort of grudge between him and the cop who caused his
death?' won't come up anytime soon.
Anyway, none of that matters to the left....they were looking for an excuse to get a free new plasma tv and a bunch of top shelf whiskey,
and Floyd is a bolt out of the blue for them.
His death was unnecessary. Even prosecutable. But not in any way an
excuse for murder, looting and arson.
Consider the possibility -- he works a bar. The bar takes in a lot of
bill. If he were knowingly passing counterfit currency, wouldn't he
have left the area?
Consider the possibility -- he works a bar. The bar takes in a lot o
You're a nice guy for wanting to give a suspect the benefit of the doubt. There's a possibility that he didn't know he was passing a counterfeit bill.
What has happened to George Floyd was tragic and wrong, but why does America
have to put with it's cities in many cases with the burning, rioting and looting.
I hear the chants in the street demanding respect,
but your standing in the middle of the street being a menace to society,
as you in-peed traffic and many cases like what happened in Albany, NY as
you force Exit 6 off of Interstate I-90 to close to all traffic again
because your standing in the middle of the street being a menace.
You're looting department stores walking out with 60" + TV's that you didn't
pay for.
You're destroying Black businesses, your killing other black people.
Yet your scream and chant as you continue to demand respect.
It's does not work like that.
His "crime", if there was one, was not in any way an excuse for murder. There is never any excuse for looting and arson -- but you should not paint all of the thousands of peaceful protesters with that brush.
Why are you against the police?
You can't assert that all lives matter unless you assert
that black lives matter.
Yes -- you should open your eyes and your mind. There was rioting and looting by a small number of opportunists at first. That has been replaced by peaceful people protesting the systemic injustice that has been going on for a long time.
Why is there a national movement, to de-fund the Police.
To take some of the money used for violent interaction with the people
and put it towards more productive community service. It does not mean
to eliminate the police.
These people chant about wanting and demanding respect and equality. As far as equality they are as free as I am or as you are.
You need to open your eyes and mind. The people at the heart of the protests are not as free as you or I.
On 16 Jun 2020, Dan Cross said the following...
Why are you against the police?
I really do think that your in a alternate universe.
I'm not against the Police.
You can't assert that all lives matter unless you assert
that black lives matter.
Does not ALL include everyone?
The people within the BLM movement are reaching for respect and equality. They are proving the superiority of the WHITE race, every-time they
If this mob ever threatens my family, I can promise all who read this
that "these" Black Lives won't matter anymore.
Open your eyes to realize the number is much bigger and much more of a problem.
On 07-01-20 07:59, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Floyd <=-
Yes -- you should open your eyes and your mind. There was rioting and looting by a small number of opportunists at first. That has been replaced by peaceful people protesting the systemic injustice that has been going on for a long time.
Why do people on the left always portray the numbers to be small and suggest that a small number of opportunists when they know dam well
within their heart of hearts that the number is much larger then they
care to admit. This is not a small number hooligans, as your suggesting...
Open your eyes to realize the number is much bigger and much more of a problem.
Why is there a national movement, to de-fund the Police.
To take some of the money used for violent interaction with the people
and put it towards more productive community service. It does not mean to eliminate the police.
The violent interaction comes when these people think they can not
adhere to the Police direction and instruction.
These people chant about wanting and demanding
respect and equality.
As far as equality they are as free as I am or as you are.
You need to open your eyes and mind. The people at the heart of the protests are not as free as you or I.
Please explain how they are not free?
With the same level of freedom as you or myself.
You need to open your eyes and mind. The people at the heart of the >DS>protests are not as free as you or I.
Please explain how they are not free? With the same level of freedom as you
or myself.
On 07-01-20 07:59, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Floyd <=-
Are they free to move into your neighborhood and not be subjected to predujice and scorn? Are they free to have equal schools? Are they
free to walk or jog down your street without someone deciding that they
do not belong and then chase them down with guns? Are they free to get
on an elevator without noticing that the woman who is there tightens her grip on her purse?
Within my lifetime, I can recall going into a restaurant for lunch and observing a black couple who had to go to the back door and get food to eat in their car. I can recall that my schools had no black students.
I can recall observing black analysts being denied promotion for no good reason, even though they were as qualified as others. I can recall when it was against the law for a white and a black to get married. Most of these things are no longer true, but the stain and stigma remains.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dennis Katsonis <=-I think they can't fight their own battles, or don't even know what they are or where to begin, so they pick a pre-made battle that can adopt and go from there.
Socialists, mostly young White people, with a few Palestinians who haven't cottoned onto the fact the cause is not longer theirs.
It's ridiculous. People need to fight their own battles. And I suspect that you are totally right about white people instigating all this.
On 07-22-20 12:44, Ron Lauzon <=-
spoke to Gregory Deyss about Re: Floyd <=-
All lives Matter - which includes everyone.
If you need to define or indicate a color before All Lives Matter the that is racist too.
You have to remember that for Lefties like Dale, facts DON'T matter.
You are 180 out -- for me it is the facts that matter, not snide comments, inuendos and character smears.
On 07-23-20 21:57, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Floyd <=-
How many white parents have felt the need to have "the talk" with their children about how to act if stopped by the police? How many black parents have *NOT* felt that need.
What do you think that conversation is Dale among white families to
their young adults?
Be Respectful perhaps...?
Maybe if the Black Families had the same conversation with their young adults maybe that would break the cycle, what do you think?
Blacks have been equal in schools since the civil
rights act has been passed.
That is simply not true. The budgets of predominately black schools
have been less than those of predominately white schools. Hence, not equal.
Your facts are lefty fictions, you ever hear of opportunity zones, why don't you read up on what the President is doing for Urban kids in schools. You might even learn something.
No one is chasing them out of town with guns aimed - that would
illegal and punishable by law.
Tell that to Treyvon Martin or Ahmaud Arbrey. Oh -- you can't do that because they were chased with guns aimed and were killed.
We all know the Treyvon Martin Story, and that is no one to put on a pedestal. He was a thug, and also a kid who Obama once said could of
been my son.
Some of which are not from a distant past. The fact that they ever happened has contributed to the national predjudice.
This is 2020 not 1950.
I do not think you have the same understanding with the facts in the Michael Brown case or what the events that led to Mr. Browns death.
You apparently were
sleeping when when it once announced the Michael Brown reached into
the Police car and tried to take the gun from the Police Officer and
declaration made from the President with Law and Order and the
Right -- send in the storm troopers to grab people off the street and
wisk them away in unmarked vehicles, all with no probable cause or justification. That is Trump's idea of law and order.
Probable Cause ? Are you serious these cities look like a warzone and getting worse by the hour. Storm Troopers - Yet another Nazi
Reference? You're as bad as Pelosi that's what she said I do believe.
These are Democratic Mayors & Governors who have lost control of their cities. Do you deny that? - or do like chaos?
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dennis Katsonis <=-ang
There are professional agitators who basically give people things to be
and upset about.
I believe it! But how does a person get into that situation?
My wife reads like everything on Craigslist. She told me that there was
an ad saying "activists needed," and this was around the time the
George Floyd garbage started.
Maybe they recruited college students who were out of school due to
covid? Or maybe people who are on drugs? All kinds of bad possibilities exist.
usually satified. For black and brown parents, that expectation is all >DS>to often not true.
Black & brown aren't interchangeable. What do you think happens to black
suspects when they get pulled over in a brown neighborhood?
Where I have lived for the past 50 years has been a neighborhood with black, brown, yellow, and white. They have all gotten along together
just fine.
Black & brown aren't interchangeable. What do you think happens to black suspects when they get pulled over in a brown neighborhood?
I don't know -- tell us.
Trayvon was not gunned down in cold blood as you have suggested, as it
turned out he was up to no good, he died because he tried to take the gu from Zimmerman.
It is their city, and it is their responsibility.
These are American cities, belonging to us all.
They were working with the protestors.
That is what mayors and governors do. Working with people is their
job, what they were elected to do.
One of them was tear gassed in another attack on peaceful protestors.
The mayor of Portland, Oregon was tear gassed, along with peaceful
and nonviolent protesters. That is what happens when a crazy man in
the White House targets the American people as his enemies.
Those milita do not belong there poring gasoline on the embers.
Even within the Constitution the President has the authority to quell civ
The POTUS is dictator???
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Unio
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Libert to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitutio for the United States of America."
The Preamble of the US Constitution. Certainly is part of the
US Constitution. Sets the parameters of what government can do.
On 07-24-20 13:43, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Floyd <=-
If what you say is true about White parents not having "the talk" maybe it is because of they have the expectation that respect will displayed and maintained throughout the traffic stop of their young adult.
You are correct, white parents do not have the need for that sort of
talk because they have every expectation that their white children will
be treated with respect by law enforcement officer. That expectation is usually satified. For black and brown parents, that expectation is all
to often not true.
If people get arrested or shot at a traffic stop, it's their own dam fault.
Bull crap.
Trayvon was not gunned down in cold blood as you have suggested, as i turned out he was up to no good, he died because he tried to take the gun from Zimmerman.
He tried to protect himself after he was accosted and threatened.
I used the appropriate expression. Have you not watched any of the videos showing them rushing up to a man standing quietly and grabbing him and shoveing him into an unmarked car? Or the video showing them using baton sticks to attack a man standing with his hands up? What else would you call such tactics. They are deliberately inflaming th protestors.
He must have grown up in the south somewhere (Alabama, maybe?).
Actually, mostly in Florida.
I started school in the mid 1940's. I went to all public schools. In every school I was ever in there were black students. I was even put a mostly black school in the ghetto for two years as a punishment by the superentendent of the city's school district.
On 07-27-20 07:26, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Floyd <=-
He must have grown up in the south somewhere (Alabama, maybe?).
Actually, mostly in Florida.
I started school in the mid 1940's. I went to all public schools. In
every school I was ever in there were black
students. I was even put
a mostly black school in the ghetto for two years as a punishment by
the superentendent of the city's school district.
I think you meant to respond to Tim Richardson..
The US spends huge amounts for defense, but does not fight wars
very well. Could not even manage to contain ISIS in Syria, having
to cede those efforts to Turkey and Russia.
Don't fight wars very well - my ass?
WWI, WWII both won!
Another reason Obama sucked as Commander and Chief, (as well as POTUS) he
pulled back the rules of engagement, everybody knows that, everyone but lefties, who still want to glorify his failed presidency.
to LL> >LL>the rest of us if confronted by those same thugs?There is nothing peaceful about unmarked federal agents beating up a >LL> >LL>Navy veteran on national television. What do you think will happen
Naval Veteran?
Fact-checked by the news media.
News Media are you kidding me?....
(you mean democratic state run news)
The jury never said he was innocent. And neither did the accused.
But everybody knew the dude killed that boy. In cold blood.
Yeah Trayvon Martin was just like Dennis the Menace in darker skin. NOT!
https://www.thedailybeast.com/naked-athena-protester-says-she-wanted >LL>-cops-to-see-what-theyre-shooting-at
What was that a Urban version of Naked and Afraid?
New Orleans has a Democratic mayor. No fires there.
Baton Rouge has a Democratic mayor. No fires there.
Louisiana has a Democratic governor. No fires there.
Are it's citizens have peaceful protests or full scale riots resulting in
the city looking a war zone. That should answer your own question.
Now if you want to argue that the Preamble is not part of the
US Constitution, you are welcome to do that. But it is a losing >LL>argument.
I am not looking to argue, just trying to separate delusional lefty facts
from truth and reality, there is a stark difference between the two.
The preamble of the U.S. Constitution does not limit or lend it's words and
meanings to only Federal Property.
Our 700 Billion Military budget, is not one of those things taken from
Germany, that's All American..
The US spends huge amounts for defense, but does not fight wars
very well. Could not even manage to contain ISIS in Syria, having
to cede those efforts to Turkey and Russia.
Don't fight wars very well - my ass?
WWI, WWII both won!
Why do you insist that all black people, including black children,
are dangerous? There are many white folks who are bad people. Very
bad. Some of them should be locked up in prison, never to be let
out again. What you had was a wannabe cop who acted like the thug
he was, murdering a kid in cold blood. Just because a jury aquitted
him due to lack of evidence does not mean he was innocent.
New Orleans has a Democratic mayor. No fires there.
Baton Rouge has a Democratic mayor. No fires there.
Louisiana has a Democratic governor. No fires there.
Are it's citizens have peaceful protests or full scale riots resulting in
the city looking a war zone. That should answer your own question.
There were no riots anywhere in Louisiana because your sorry excuse
of a president never sent any unmarked federal agents to cause trouble.
Please show me the difference between the "leftie" version of the
Preamble and the "rightie" version of the Preamble. I seem to have
missed both versions.
Don't fight wars very well - my ass?
WWI, WWII both won!
As noted in last message, the US did very little to "win" those wars.
I disagree completely if the U.S. did not get involved in WWI and WWII.
France would of been wiped off the map.
Germany would still be fascist and still run by the Nazi Party.
Hitler might of never attacked the U.S.S.R.
This would mean the following changes in our U.S. history. The United States
would of never of gone to the moon.
There would be no Hotdogs or Hamburgers are American Barbeque's.
The American Car might of never existed. or would be something vastly >different.
Budweiser wouldn't exist at least here in America.
as of a result Beck's Beer would still be made in Germany- That is the only
really good thing that would come out that alternative time line.
In my opinion the American Companies have no business making German Beer in
Much of it is like; drinking gak piss. (Samuel Adams is pretty good though)
POTUS) he LL> > pulled back the rules of engagement, everybody knows that, everyone but LL> > lefties, who still want to glorify his failedAnother reason Obama sucked as Commander and Chief, (as well as
War with Russia would have been preferable to imposing sanctionsafter Trump's hero invaded Ukraine (a sovereign state) and illegally annexed part of its territory (Crimea)? Reward him by allowing Russia
to remain in the G8, and continue to let him host summits? War with Egypt after the Muslim Brotherhood's candidate won the presidency fair and square? War with North Korea (and China) in order to keep it from manufacturing nukes?
War with the Russia would be very very bad. it would not be fought with
on the ground, the boots by the way, would be the only thing left as they
would be smoldering and melting on the surface of the earth, so yeah like
said very very bad.
Donald Trump said he and his buddy Vladimir Putin had a little
chat on the telephone today. Not once did Donald Trump ask his pal >LL>about the bounties Russia had placed on the heads of US soldiers >LL>serving in Afghanistan. Not once. That is how the C-in-C treats
our troops. Disgusting piece of sh*t should be lined up in front
of a nerfball firing squad. They'll know what to do.
If he (Valdimir) were his (Donald's) pal as you have suggested then why
would there be sanctions upon the country of Russia?
Fact-checked by the news media.
News Media are you kidding me?....
The real News Media.
(you mean democratic state run news)
Journalism has been dead, but please don't take my word for it.
Watch MSNBC or CNN.
I would not watch for to long of a period as it will cause further brain
Why do you insist that all black people, including black children,
are dangerous? There are many white folks who are bad people. Very
bad. Some of them should be locked up in prison, never to be let
out again. What you had was a wannabe cop who acted like the thug
he was, murdering a kid in cold blood. Just because a jury aquitted
him due to lack of evidence does not mean he was innocent.
I never said ALL black people. EVER. I fully acknowledge that there are
thugs of all varieties Red, Yellow, Tan, Black as well as White, but never Orange.
New Orleans has a Democratic mayor. No fires there.
Baton Rouge has a Democratic mayor. No fires there.
Louisiana has a Democratic governor. No fires there.
No Riots either. Yet anyway....
resulting in LL> > the city looking a war zone. That should answer yourAre it's citizens have peaceful protests or full scale riots
own question.
excuseThere were no riots anywhere in Louisiana because your sorry
of a president never sent any unmarked federal agents to causetrouble.
The reason why those Federal forces are in Portland is to protect Federal >Property, if the police force within these democratic cess pools would be >allowed to do their job, there would be no need for these Federal forces.
Please show me the difference between the "leftie" version of the >LL>Preamble and the "rightie" version of the Preamble. I seem to have >LL>missed both versions.
Easy. Democrats (LEFT) Ignoring it vs Republicans (RIGHT) Follow it.
Still in doubt.. OK
Has ANY Democrat politician condemned the Riots and the destruction or the
loss of life or the injured cops that was a direct result of this chaos?
Has the Media who is sleeping in the same bed with the democratic party
condemn or even spoken against the violence?
Has ANY Black Lives Representative or spokesperson ever have taken
responsibility or condemned the gun fire that has killed multiple children within the own houses.
"Since when is it ok to attack a Federal Courthouse?"
~ William Barr - U.S. Attorney General
Hello Greg,
Why do you insist that all black people, including black children, >LL>are dangerous? There are many white folks who are bad people. Very >LL>bad. Some of them should be locked up in prison, never to be let >LL>out again. What you had was a wannabe cop who acted like the thug >LL>he was, murdering a kid in cold blood. Just because a jury aquitted >LL>him due to lack of evidence does not mean he was innocent.
I never said ALL black people. EVER. I fully acknowledge that there are
thugs of all varieties Red, Yellow, Tan, Black as well as White, but nev
The numbers are disproportionate, with more non-whites being the
victim rather than whites given total percentages in the US.
New Orleans has a Democratic mayor. No fires there.
Baton Rouge has a Democratic mayor. No fires there.
Louisiana has a Democratic governor. No fires there.
No Riots either. Yet anyway....
Of course not. Cajuns are very friendly, and love to have a good time. Same as everybody else. Only we do it in French rather than in English.
resulting in LL> > the city looking a war zone. That should answer your own question.Are it's citizens have peaceful protests or full scale riots
excuseThere were no riots anywhere in Louisiana because your sorry
of a president never sent any unmarked federal agents to causetrouble.
The reason why those Federal forces are in Portland is to protect Federal >Property, if the police force within these democratic cess pools would be >allowed to do their job, there would be no need for these Federal forces.
Yeah. I saw the pictures. Both before and after. Nothing stops graffiti from growing on the walls. Nothing. It just keeps growing. And growing. And growing ...
Please show me the difference between the "leftie" version of the >LL>Preamble and the "rightie" version of the Preamble. I seem to have >LL>missed both versions.
Easy. Democrats (LEFT) Ignoring it vs Republicans (RIGHT) Follow it.
What rights do the states have (according to the US Constitution)?
I'll give you a hint - Read Amendment X.
Still in doubt.. OK
There is no doubt.
Has ANY Democrat politician condemned the Riots and the destruction or th
loss of life or the injured cops that was a direct result of this chaos?
Violence begets violence. The late John Lewis condemned *all* acts
of violence, promoting others to cause "good trouble" in its place.
Three presidents attended his funeral today. Except for the one who
is always causing "bad trouble" for everybody.
There you go. Two Democrats, and one Republican, condemning all
acts of violence, with one illegitimate occupant of the White House promoting violence everywhere.
Has the Media who is sleeping in the same bed with the democratic party
condemn or even spoken against the violence?
The legitimate news media does not take sides, as it is not in the entertainment business (such as FoxNews).
Has ANY Black Lives Representative or spokesperson ever have taken
responsibility or condemned the gun fire that has killed multiple childr
within the own houses.
What for? Ban the guns, no more problem. See how easy that is?
When white guy murders black kid in cold blood, everyone should
be outraged.
On 08-03-20 08:27, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Lee Lofaso about Re: Floyd <=-
Here are the facts for you and the rest of your lefty friends.
https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to- death-by-us-police-by
Rayshard Brooks would still be alive today if he did resist arrest.
Don't take my word for it watch the video how this started and how it ended
the struggle with the Police. Then within some distance from the cops
as he was running away, Rayshard pointed the tazer at the cops (as he triggered the tazer.
it made it a flash) it was at this point the one of the cops fired his
gun killing Rayshard Brooks.
On 08-03-20 08:27, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Lee Lofaso about Re: Floyd <=-
Here are the facts for you and the rest of your lefty friends.
https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to- death-by-us-police-by
Did you actually look at that article with understanding? Possibly not since you seemed to miss the point that a higher proportion of blacks
are shot by police than whites.
Additionally, the rate of fatal police shootings among Black Americans
was much higher than that for any other ethnicity, standing at 31 fatal shootings per million of the population as of July 2020.
Rayshard Brooks would still be alive today if he did resist arrest. Don't take my word for it watch the video how this started and how it ended
Except that the end of that 44 minute video does not show how it ended.
It shows a lot of discussion. It shows the officer administering a
field sobriety test (which Brooks passed much better than I could at any time). Then it showed the officer putting cuffs on Brooks without any real explanation. A shuffle ensued and Brooks ran away (not the best choice I admit). From then on, we only hear sounds. Did you watch the video? If you had, you could not have truthfully said it showed the
Other videos show that the officer shot Brooks in the back as he was running away. Brooks was no threat to the officer or anyone -- which is the critera for using deadly force.
Wrong. The cop fired while Brooks was running away -- shot in the back.
On 08-04-20 13:33, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Floyd <=-
Did you actually look at that article with understanding? Possibly not since you seemed to miss the point that a higher proportion of blacks
are shot by police than whites.
Here are the Actual Numbers
1441 more whites died then 778 black in last 4 years
Additionally, the rate of fatal police shootings among Black Americans
was much higher than that for any other ethnicity, standing at 31 fatal shootings per million of the population as of July 2020.
Here is the full quote
Sadly, the trend of fatal police shootings in the United States seems
to only be increasing, with a total 558 civilians having been shot, 111
of whom were Black, as of July 29, 2020. In 2018, there were 996 fatal police shootings, and
in 2019 this figure increased to 1,004. Additionally, the rate of
fatal police shootings among Black Americans was much higher than that
for any other ethnicity, standing at 31 fatal shootings per million of
the population as of July 2020.
Let's take a deeper dive, shall we? with what the above text is
indicating here. 558 civilians having been shot 111 of whom were black this means that 447 of these were of another race. That number of skyrocketed to 1004, the graphic does NOT say it was by by Police officers,
In recent years, particularly since the fatal shooting of Michael
Brown in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014, police brutality has become a hot button issue in the United States. The number of homicides committed by police in the United States is often compared to those in countries
such as England, where the number is significantly lower.
Black Lives Matter
The Black Lives Matter Movement, formed in 2013, has been a vocal part
of the movement against police brutality in the U.S. by organizing "die-ins", marches, and demonstrations in response to the killings of black men and women by police.
Black Lives Matter is a farce.
Rayshard Brooks would still be alive today if he did resist arrest.
Don't take my word for it watch the video how
this started and how it
Except that the end of that 44 minute video does not show how it ended.
It shows a lot of discussion. It shows the officer administering a
field sobriety test (which Brooks passed much better than I could at any time). Then it showed the officer putting cuffs on Brooks without any real explanation. A shuffle ensued and Brooks ran away (not the best choice I admit). From then on, we only hear sounds. Did you watch the video? If you had, you could not have truthfully said it showed the
You are right about the discussion just about 42 minutes worth. You
really believe that you or I would be given 42 minutes of time to try
to explain ourselves?
Other videos show that the officer shot Brooks in the back as he was running away. Brooks was no threat to the officer or anyone -- which is the critera for using deadly force.
This video that I posted was from a Police Body cam, what other video would you be referencing.
Wrong. The cop fired while Brooks was running away -- shot in the back.
No you're wrong. COPS do not shoot at suspects white or black just for fleeing the scene.
At 41:35 you can hear the cop telling Rayshard to let go of the tazer.
1441 more whites died then 778 black in last 4 years
Not the point.
Duh -- the quote is explicit that it about shootings of blacks by police officers -- why are you trying to muddy the water?
In recent years, particularly since the fatal shooting of MichaelBrown in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014, police brutality has become a hot button issue in the United States. The number of homicides committed b police in the United States is often compared to those in countries such as England, where the number is significantly lower.
With good reason, perhaps because England has stricter gun control laws. Also due to the fact that most British police do not even carry guns -- they don't feed the need to do so.
In other words, you did not see what you claimed to see about how he got shot. And no, I think that you or me would have been told after about
five minutes -- OK, walk over to your daughter's birthday and leave your car parked here where it is safe and causing no problem.
On 08-05-20 10:55, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Floyd <=-
1441 more whites died then 778 black in last 4 years
Not the point.
It is the point because of BLM they continie to get it very wrong they have been indicating this misinformation about the topic, they often
say that more blacks are killed than whites, that is NOT the truth.
Duh -- the quote is explicit that it about shootings of blacks by police officers -- why are you trying to muddy the water?
Nope just the facts Dale and those facts prove that more whites are
killed by police, not the vise versa. Which shoots (sorry for the pun) holes in this narrative that more blacks are killed then whites.
What about Chicago? They have the strictest gun laws in the U.S. Yet people are still killing each other by the many hundreds every weekend
on the Southside of Chicago.
With good reason, perhaps because England has stricter gun control laws. Also due to the fact that most British police do not even carry guns -- they don't feed the need to do so.
Then someone with a gun means w/ bad intentions will slaughter the
copper in England .
There is another video that I have seen that shows exactly what I previously stated that Brooks fired the tazer as he was running away
from cops.
Here ya go
Says a lot.
Firing a taser "IS" a deadly weapon according the District Attorney of Georgia as was found to be the case when different cops used a taser on
The video also explains why Brooks ran, he had a criminal record and
if arrested would of been jailed.
On 08-07-20 13:24, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Floyd <=-
The point was and is that blacks are killed by police at a higher rate than whites. Stop trying to deflect to other arguments if you cannot address that point.
I am deflecting anything but did provide the actual facts that prove
that 1. I am not deflecting
2. I have proven that your statement is inaccurate.
It depends. If it were always a deadly weapon, then why bother using it instead of a gun? It is only a deadly weapon in some situations -- and this was not one of them.
Because Dale. Brooks ... did ... have ... a ... gun ...
There is no area of confusion or no ability to twist either, when it
fits your narrative. You can't have it both way when it suits you.
The District Attorney ruled that the use of a taser "IS" a deadly
I did not see or hear that in the video -- show me the time spot where
it occurred.
Again the video can be found at
1:34 and then from there it shows in detail what those charges were.
Really? That is not in any of the reporting. Enlighten us all as to
your evidence that he had a gun during the incident that led to his
being shot in the back.
OK since it was not on the video in question, you dug up some other
video by a youtube blogger. I'm sure that if one searches enough they
can come up with some source to say anything they want to say. In any case, looking at time 3:12 the blogger goes on to claim that the DA has declared that a taser is a deadly weapon. He presents a chart from the
GA code that he claims supports his statement. However, it explicitly outlines conditions under which an object might result in a charge of aggravated assault. That article doe not mention a taser, and for the case in question the taser as discharged by Brooks does not fit the definition in the statue. It was not discharged in a manner that did or could result in serious bodily harm.
On 08-07-20 13:24, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Floyd <=-
It depends. If it were always a deadly weapon, then why bother using it instead of a gun? It is only a deadly weapon in some situations -- and this was not one of them.
Because Dale. Brooks ... did ... have ... a ... gun ...
Really? That is not in any of the reporting. Enlighten us all as to DS>your evidence that he had a gun during the incident that led to his
being shot in the back.
There is no area of confusion or no ability to twist either, when it
fits your narrative. You can't have it both way when it suits you.
The District Attorney ruled that the use of a taser "IS" a deadly
Quote the ruling. When is a taser a deadly weapon?
I do not believe
that it can be considered as such when discharged randomly in the air DS>from a considerable distance. Site the ruling that shows I am wrong.
I did not see or hear that in the video -- show me the time spot where
it occurred.
Again the video can be found at
1:34 and then from there it shows in detail what those charges were.
OK since it was not on the video in question, you dug up some other
video by a youtube blogger. I'm sure that if one searches enough they DS>can come up with some source to say anything they want to say. In any DS>case, looking at time 3:12 the blogger goes on to claim that the DA has DS>declared that a taser is a deadly weapon. He presents a chart from the DS>GA code that he claims supports his statement. However, it explicitly DS>outlines conditions under which an object might result in a charge of DS>aggravated assault. That article doe not mention a taser, and for the DS>case in question the taser as discharged by Brooks does not fit the DS>definition in the statue. It was not discharged in a manner that did or DS>could result in serious bodily harm.
Try again if you can come up with a credible source.
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