• Re: Trump is ok with Russ

    From Daniel@1:340/7 to Dan Cross on Wed Jul 1 19:58:00 2020
    Dan Cross wrote to Daniel <=-

    On 29 Jun 2020 at 09:14p, Daniel pondered and said...

    At this point, it's fair to say yall lefties will believe ANYTHING the oldstream press tells you. They're lucky you exist. Without people like you, they'd be in serious trouble.

    And all of you right-wingers --- every last one --- are

    Out with elipses, in with clustered dashes. Heh.

    traitors and boot-lickers who get down on your knees for
    a draft-dodging pig with the blood of American troops on
    his hands. You hypocritical parasites disgust me with
    your faux patriotism and moralizing.

    Give me a minute to savor this.

    The seething vitriol is predictable and not-the-least shocking. I forgot to say that the long-held lie about the left being enlightened and inclusive was laid to rest some time ago. The left is racist and hateful at a level I never imagined possible. Modern times have exposed this. Don't let it consume you brother.

    "Hear hear to Capitalism", but fuck the Troops, amirite?

    You say that with such ferver. Almost a religion.

    I'm delighted the left is tearing itself apart. I have high hopes we get the house back in November. A number of congressman on the D side should be arrested. Unfortunately, it may take too long to peel back the onion skin layers
    of corruption to expose them in any meaningful way.

    Anyway, like the russian collusion hoax (now being exposed as the conspiracy
    to commit fraud that it was), this hit-squad hoax is another one to mark.

    When we get power back in the house, it'll be years of investigations and I predict the deep level of corruption will shock the most ardent supporters of the left.

    Trump 2020

    Daniel Traechin
    ... Visit me at gopher://gcpp.world
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.49
    * Origin: Digital Distortion: digdist.synchro.net (1:340/7)
  • From Dan Cross@3:770/100 to Daniel on Fri Jul 3 01:26:48 2020
    On 01 Jul 2020 at 07:58p, Daniel pondered and said...

    [driven deleted]

    Wow, the projection and denial is STRONG with you, isn't it?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/05/28 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin, New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (3:770/100)
  • From Daniel@1:340/7 to Dan Cross on Fri Jul 3 05:40:00 2020
    Dan Cross wrote to Daniel <=-

    On 01 Jul 2020 at 07:58p, Daniel pondered and said...

    [driven deleted]

    Wow, the projection and denial is STRONG with you, isn't it?

    You're the one throwing vitriol and seething hate and I called you out on
    it. It's all there in black and white. Then you attempted to turn it around on me. Of course, you've provided no debate. It was a quick and easy win.

    Let me level with you. You obviously hate Trump and that's fine. Regardless of how often the legacy press is exposed for lies and rage reporting, they'll always exist as long as their audience (you) believes every story
    explicitly. Your hatred for Trump is all they need and they're laughing all the way to the bank. You get gray hairs, and they get richer. They win, you lose.

    Trump 2020

    Daniel Traechin

    ... Visit me at gopher://gcpp.world
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.49
    * Origin: Digital Distortion: digdist.synchro.net (1:340/7)
  • From Aaron Thomas@1:229/426 to Dan Cross on Mon Jul 13 16:34:56 2020
    It's hard to square the claim that you're "an American"
    with supporting a president who lets a petty thug dictator
    take out bounties on US troops in an active warzone without
    so much as a whimper.

    When you say stuff like that, without any proof, you are acting as a tool for the Democrats. When are you not acting like a tool for the Democrats?

    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:221/360 to Gregory Deyss on Tue Jul 14 18:29:08 2020
    Hello Greg,

    Ok, racist.

    You think calling me names of something I am not bothers me?

    We are all racists and bigots. What we do to overcome our own
    racism and bigotry, as individuals and a society, is up to us.

    I am not the first to say this. Others have also said the same
    thing. In basically the same words, or words to that effect.

    Andrew Young, who grew up in New Orleans, went on to become
    US ambassador to the United Nations, and served as mayor of Atlanta,
    Georgia. As a child, he was told he could no longer play with his
    neighbor, who was white. For no other reason than his neighbor was

    He was right about what he said about racism and bigotry. And so
    is everybody else who are saying the same thing.

    The owner of the Washington Redskins has finally come to his
    senses, deciding to change the name of his football team.

    The owner of the New Orleans Saints and New Orleans Pelicans
    has also come to her senses, deciding to change the name of her
    beloved Dixie Beer.

    We should all kneel and pray that others do the same. The owner
    of the Cleveland Indians needs to make a name change. The owner of
    the Atlanta Braves needs to make a name change. The owner of the
    Kansas City Chiefs needs to make a name change. They all know the

    Singing the Black National Anthem at football games is not enough.
    Liberty and Justice belong to all, not just for a select few.

    Black Lives Really Do Matter.


    Food for the Fun of It

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Gregory Deyss@1:267/150 to Dan Cross on Mon Jul 20 18:37:58 2020
    You literally said that white people are superior.

    I stand by that remark.
    I'm not trying to de-fund the Police.
    I'm not tearing down statures that have stood for over 100 years.
    I'm not painting the streets with the Words of Black Lives Matter.
    I'm not demanding that the labels of food products should be changed.
    I'm not rioting in the streets lighting fireworks towards cops.
    I'm not screaming w/rage as I walk down the street smashing windows out of businesses.
    I'm not knocking down the doors at the local department store to steal.
    I'm not doing any of those things and wont be drinking hot chocolate and coloring with Crayola Crayons the day after the election to help me cope either.

    . ______ ���������Ŀ ��������Ŀ �������Ŀ �����������������Ŀ
    _[]_���ij� � Fidonet � �FSX Net� � Trump � � Another Message �
    { NET 267 � �1:267/150� �21:1/127� � Train � � by Gregory �
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    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)