Hi Charles!
16 Nov 20 15:45, you wrote to me:
The bad part it we have well water, not city water, so power outages
also knock out the well pumps.
Lack of access to the usual water source can be a major problem for many, even in my area where many homes feature their own wells.
But, I have a stash of the small bottled kind and keep a few large jugs of water around. It's a relief to have some spare water even just for flushing. Yesterday I could get my water in town at the shop where the town water is gravity-fed from a nearby lake to a water tower.
In 2008, Hurricane Ike knocked out the power around Houston for a
while. My parents were lucky, only a few hours. Where I live now was
a few days. I lived about 1.5 miles from where I do now, and was
without power or water for 2 weeks.
The winds yesterday could have practically been called a hurricane. But guess anything under 100mph is just a "Storm With No Name".
--- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20180707
* Origin: ----> Point Of VeleNo BBs (
http://www.velenobbs.net) (2:333/808.7)